path: root/uploader/phenotypes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'uploader/phenotypes')
3 files changed, 602 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uploader/phenotypes/__init__.py b/uploader/phenotypes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c17d32c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/phenotypes/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+"""Package for handling ('classical') phenotype data"""
+from .views import phenotypesbp
diff --git a/uploader/phenotypes/models.py b/uploader/phenotypes/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9324601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/phenotypes/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+"""Database and utility functions for phenotypes."""
+from typing import Optional
+from functools import reduce
+from datetime import datetime
+import MySQLdb as mdb
+from MySQLdb.cursors import Cursor, DictCursor
+from uploader.db_utils import debug_query
+def datasets_by_population(
+ conn: mdb.Connection,
+ species_id: int,
+ population_id: int
+) -> tuple[dict, ...]:
+ """Retrieve all of a population's phenotype studies."""
+ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT s.SpeciesId, pf.* FROM Species AS s "
+ "INNER JOIN InbredSet AS iset ON s.Id=iset.SpeciesId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON iset.Id=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "WHERE s.Id=%s AND iset.Id=%s;",
+ (species_id, population_id))
+ return tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall())
+def dataset_by_id(conn: mdb.Connection,
+ species_id: int,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_id: int) -> dict:
+ """Fetch dataset details by identifier"""
+ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT s.SpeciesId, pf.* FROM Species AS s "
+ "INNER JOIN InbredSet AS iset ON s.Id=iset.SpeciesId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON iset.Id=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "WHERE s.Id=%s AND iset.Id=%s AND pf.Id=%s",
+ (species_id, population_id, dataset_id))
+ return dict(cursor.fetchone())
+def phenotypes_count(conn: mdb.Connection,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_id: int) -> int:
+ """Count the number of phenotypes in the dataset."""
+ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_phenos FROM Phenotype AS pheno "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishXRef AS pxr ON pheno.Id=pxr.PhenotypeId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON pxr.InbredSetId=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "WHERE pxr.InbredSetId=%s AND pf.Id=%s",
+ (population_id, dataset_id))
+ return int(cursor.fetchone()["total_phenos"])
+def dataset_phenotypes(conn: mdb.Connection,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_id: int,
+ offset: int = 0,
+ limit: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple[dict, ...]:
+ """Fetch the actual phenotypes."""
+ _query = (
+ "SELECT pheno.*, pxr.Id, ist.InbredSetCode FROM Phenotype AS pheno "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishXRef AS pxr ON pheno.Id=pxr.PhenotypeId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON pxr.InbredSetId=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "INNER JOIN InbredSet AS ist ON pf.InbredSetId=ist.Id "
+ "WHERE pxr.InbredSetId=%s AND pf.Id=%s") + (
+ f" LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}" if bool(limit) else "")
+ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(_query, (population_id, dataset_id))
+ debug_query(cursor)
+ return tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall())
+def __phenotype_se__(cursor: Cursor,
+ species_id: int,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_id: int,
+ xref_id: str) -> dict:
+ """Fetch standard-error values (if they exist) for a phenotype."""
+ _sequery = (
+ "SELECT pxr.Id AS xref_id, pxr.DataId, str.Id AS StrainId, pse.error, nst.count "
+ "FROM Phenotype AS pheno "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishXRef AS pxr ON pheno.Id=pxr.PhenotypeId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishSE AS pse ON pxr.DataId=pse.DataId "
+ "INNER JOIN NStrain AS nst ON pse.DataId=nst.DataId "
+ "INNER JOIN Strain AS str ON nst.StrainId=str.Id "
+ "INNER JOIN StrainXRef AS sxr ON str.Id=sxr.StrainId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON sxr.InbredSetId=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "INNER JOIN InbredSet AS iset ON pf.InbredSetId=iset.InbredSetId "
+ "WHERE (str.SpeciesId, pxr.InbredSetId, pf.Id, pxr.Id)=(%s, %s, %s, %s)")
+ cursor.execute(_sequery,
+ (species_id, population_id, dataset_id, xref_id))
+ return {(row["DataId"], row["StrainId"]): {
+ "xref_id": row["xref_id"],
+ "DataId": row["DataId"],
+ "error": row["error"],
+ "count": row["count"]
+ } for row in cursor.fetchall()}
+def __organise_by_phenotype__(pheno, row):
+ """Organise disparate data rows into phenotype 'objects'."""
+ _pheno = pheno.get(row["Id"])
+ return {
+ **pheno,
+ row["Id"]: {
+ "Id": row["Id"],
+ "Pre_publication_description": row["Pre_publication_description"],
+ "Post_publication_description": row["Post_publication_description"],
+ "Original_description": row["Original_description"],
+ "Units": row["Units"],
+ "Pre_publication_abbreviation": row["Pre_publication_abbreviation"],
+ "Post_publication_abbreviation": row["Post_publication_abbreviation"],
+ "xref_id": row["pxr.Id"],
+ "data": {
+ **(_pheno["data"] if bool(_pheno) else {}),
+ (row["DataId"], row["StrainId"]): {
+ "DataId": row["DataId"],
+ "mean": row["mean"],
+ "Locus": row["Locus"],
+ "LRS": row["LRS"],
+ "additive": row["additive"],
+ "Sequence": row["Sequence"],
+ "comments": row["comments"],
+ "value": row["value"],
+ "StrainName": row["Name"],
+ "StrainName2": row["Name2"],
+ "StrainSymbol": row["Symbol"],
+ "StrainAlias": row["Alias"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def __merge_pheno_data_and_se__(data, sedata) -> dict:
+ """Merge phenotype data with the standard errors."""
+ return {
+ key: {**value, **sedata.get(key, {})}
+ for key, value in data.items()
+ }
+def phenotype_by_id(
+ conn: mdb.Connection,
+ species_id: int,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_id: int,
+ xref_id
+) -> Optional[dict]:
+ """Fetch a specific phenotype."""
+ _dataquery = ("SELECT pheno.*, pxr.*, pd.*, str.*, iset.InbredSetCode "
+ "FROM Phenotype AS pheno "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishXRef AS pxr ON pheno.Id=pxr.PhenotypeId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishData AS pd ON pxr.DataId=pd.Id "
+ "INNER JOIN Strain AS str ON pd.StrainId=str.Id "
+ "INNER JOIN StrainXRef AS sxr ON str.Id=sxr.StrainId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON sxr.InbredSetId=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "INNER JOIN InbredSet AS iset ON pf.InbredSetId=iset.InbredSetId "
+ "WHERE "
+ "(str.SpeciesId, pxr.InbredSetId, pf.Id, pxr.Id)=(%s, %s, %s, %s)")
+ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(_dataquery,
+ (species_id, population_id, dataset_id, xref_id))
+ _pheno: dict = reduce(__organise_by_phenotype__, cursor.fetchall(), {})
+ if bool(_pheno) and len(_pheno.keys()) == 1:
+ _pheno = tuple(_pheno.values())[0]
+ return {
+ **_pheno,
+ "data": tuple(__merge_pheno_data_and_se__(
+ _pheno["data"],
+ __phenotype_se__(cursor,
+ species_id,
+ population_id,
+ dataset_id,
+ xref_id)).values())
+ }
+ if bool(_pheno) and len(_pheno.keys()) > 1:
+ raise Exception(
+ "We found more than one phenotype with the same identifier!")
+ return None
+def phenotypes_data(conn: mdb.Connection,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_id: int,
+ offset: int = 0,
+ limit: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple[dict, ...]:
+ """Fetch the data for the phenotypes."""
+ # — Phenotype -> PublishXRef -> PublishData -> Strain -> StrainXRef -> PublishFreeze
+ _query = ("SELECT pheno.*, pxr.*, pd.*, str.*, iset.InbredSetCode "
+ "FROM Phenotype AS pheno "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishXRef AS pxr ON pheno.Id=pxr.PhenotypeId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishData AS pd ON pxr.DataId=pd.Id "
+ "INNER JOIN Strain AS str ON pd.StrainId=str.Id "
+ "INNER JOIN StrainXRef AS sxr ON str.Id=sxr.StrainId "
+ "INNER JOIN PublishFreeze AS pf ON sxr.InbredSetId=pf.InbredSetId "
+ "INNER JOIN InbredSet AS iset ON pf.InbredSetId=iset.InbredSetId "
+ "WHERE pxr.InbredSetId=%s AND pf.Id=%s") + (
+ f" LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}" if bool(limit) else "")
+ with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(_query, (population_id, dataset_id))
+ debug_query(cursor)
+ return tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall())
+def save_new_dataset(cursor: Cursor,
+ population_id: int,
+ dataset_name: str,
+ dataset_fullname: str,
+ dataset_shortname: str) -> dict:
+ """Create a new phenotype dataset."""
+ params = {
+ "population_id": population_id,
+ "dataset_name": dataset_name,
+ "dataset_fullname": dataset_fullname,
+ "dataset_shortname": dataset_shortname,
+ "created": datetime.now().date().isoformat(),
+ "public": 2,
+ "confidentiality": 0,
+ "users": None
+ }
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO PublishFreeze(Name, FullName, ShortName, CreateTime, "
+ "public, InbredSetId, confidentiality, AuthorisedUsers) "
+ "VALUES(%(dataset_name)s, %(dataset_fullname)s, %(dataset_shortname)s, "
+ "%(created)s, %(public)s, %(population_id)s, %(confidentiality)s, "
+ "%(users)s)",
+ params)
+ debug_query(cursor)
+ return {**params, "Id": cursor.lastrowid}
diff --git a/uploader/phenotypes/views.py b/uploader/phenotypes/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e8078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/phenotypes/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+"""Views handling ('classical') phenotypes."""
+import sys
+import uuid
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+from functools import wraps
+from redis import Redis
+from requests.models import Response
+from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor
+from flask import (flash,
+ request,
+ url_for,
+ redirect,
+ Blueprint,
+ render_template,
+ current_app as app)
+# from r_qtl import r_qtl2 as rqtl2
+from r_qtl import r_qtl2_qc as rqc
+from r_qtl import exceptions as rqe
+from uploader import jobs
+from uploader.files import save_file#, fullpath
+from uploader.oauth2.client import oauth2_post
+from uploader.authorisation import require_login
+from uploader.db_utils import database_connection
+from uploader.species.models import all_species, species_by_id
+from uploader.monadic_requests import make_either_error_handler
+from uploader.request_checks import with_species, with_population
+from uploader.datautils import safe_int, order_by_family, enumerate_sequence
+from uploader.population.models import (populations_by_species,
+ population_by_species_and_id)
+from uploader.input_validation import (encode_errors,
+ decode_errors,
+ is_valid_representative_name)
+from .models import (dataset_by_id,
+ phenotype_by_id,
+ phenotypes_count,
+ save_new_dataset,
+ dataset_phenotypes,
+ datasets_by_population)
+phenotypesbp = Blueprint("phenotypes", __name__)
+@phenotypesbp.route("/phenotypes", methods=["GET"])
+def index():
+ """Direct entry-point for phenotypes data handling."""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ if not bool(request.args.get("species_id")):
+ return render_template("phenotypes/index.html",
+ species=order_by_family(all_species(conn)),
+ activelink="phenotypes")
+ species = species_by_id(conn, request.args.get("species_id"))
+ if not bool(species):
+ flash("No such species!", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.phenotypes.index"))
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.phenotypes.select_population",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"]))
+ methods=["GET"])
+def select_population(species: dict, **kwargs):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """Select the population for your phenotypes."""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ if not bool(request.args.get("population_id")):
+ return render_template("phenotypes/select-population.html",
+ species=species,
+ populations=order_by_family(
+ populations_by_species(
+ conn, species["SpeciesId"]),
+ order_key="FamilyOrder"),
+ activelink="phenotypes")
+ population = population_by_species_and_id(
+ conn, species["SpeciesId"], int(request.args["population_id"]))
+ if not bool(population):
+ flash("No such population found!", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for(
+ "species.populations.phenotypes.select_population",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"]))
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ population_id=population["Id"]))
+ "<int:species_id>/populations/<int:population_id>/phenotypes/datasets",
+ methods=["GET"])
+ redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.select_population")
+def list_datasets(species: dict, population: dict, **kwargs):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """List available phenotype datasets."""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ return render_template("phenotypes/list-datasets.html",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ datasets=datasets_by_population(
+ conn,
+ species["SpeciesId"],
+ population["Id"]),
+ activelink="list-datasets")
+def with_dataset(
+ species_redirect_uri: str,
+ population_redirect_uri: str,
+ redirect_uri: str
+ """Ensure the dataset actually exists."""
+ def __decorator__(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ @with_population(species_redirect_uri, population_redirect_uri)
+ def __with_dataset__(**kwargs):
+ try:
+ _spcid = int(kwargs["species_id"])
+ _popid = int(kwargs["population_id"])
+ _dsetid = int(kwargs.get("dataset_id"))
+ select_dataset_uri = redirect(url_for(
+ redirect_uri, species_id=_spcid, population_id=_popid))
+ if not bool(_dsetid):
+ flash("You need to select a valid 'dataset_id' value.",
+ "alert-danger")
+ return select_dataset_uri
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ dataset = dataset_by_id(conn, _spcid, _popid, _dsetid)
+ if not bool(dataset):
+ flash("You must select a valid dataset.",
+ "alert-danger")
+ return select_dataset_uri
+ except ValueError as _verr:
+ app.logger.debug(
+ "Exception converting 'dataset_id' to integer: %s",
+ kwargs.get("dataset_id"),
+ exc_info=True)
+ flash("Expected 'dataset_id' value to be an integer."
+ "alert-danger")
+ return select_dataset_uri
+ return func(dataset=dataset, **kwargs)
+ return __with_dataset__
+ return __decorator__
+ "<int:species_id>/populations/<int:population_id>/phenotypes/datasets"
+ "/<int:dataset_id>/view",
+ methods=["GET"])
+ species_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.index",
+ population_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.select_population",
+ redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets")
+def view_dataset(# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ species: dict, population: dict, dataset: dict, **kwargs):
+ """View a specific dataset"""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ dataset = dataset_by_id(
+ conn, species["SpeciesId"], population["Id"], dataset["Id"])
+ if not bool(dataset):
+ flash("Could not find such a phenotype dataset!", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for(
+ "species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ population_id=population["Id"]))
+ start_at = max(safe_int(request.args.get("start_at") or 0), 0)
+ count = int(request.args.get("count") or 20)
+ return render_template("phenotypes/view-dataset.html",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ dataset=dataset,
+ phenotype_count=phenotypes_count(
+ conn, population["Id"], dataset["Id"]),
+ phenotypes=enumerate_sequence(
+ dataset_phenotypes(conn,
+ population["Id"],
+ dataset["Id"],
+ offset=start_at,
+ limit=count),
+ start=start_at+1),
+ start_from=start_at,
+ count=count,
+ activelink="view-dataset")
+ "<int:species_id>/populations/<int:population_id>/phenotypes/datasets"
+ "/<int:dataset_id>/phenotype/<xref_id>",
+ methods=["GET"])
+ species_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.index",
+ population_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.select_population",
+ redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets")
+def view_phenotype(# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ species: dict,
+ population: dict,
+ dataset: dict,
+ xref_id: int,
+ **kwargs
+ """View an individual phenotype from the dataset."""
+ def __render__(privileges):
+ return render_template(
+ "phenotypes/view-phenotype.html",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ dataset=dataset,
+ phenotype=phenotype_by_id(conn,
+ species["SpeciesId"],
+ population["Id"],
+ dataset["Id"],
+ xref_id),
+ privileges=(privileges
+ ### For demo! Do not commit this part
+ + ("group:resource:edit-resource",
+ "group:resource:delete-resource",)
+ ### END: For demo! Do not commit this part
+ ),
+ activelink="view-phenotype")
+ def __fail__(error):
+ if isinstance(error, Response) and error.json() == "No linked resource!":
+ return __render__(tuple())
+ return make_either_error_handler(
+ "There was an error fetching the roles and privileges.")(error)
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ return oauth2_post(
+ "/auth/resource/phenotypes/individual/linked-resource",
+ json={
+ "species_id": species["SpeciesId"],
+ "population_id": population["Id"],
+ "dataset_id": dataset["Id"],
+ "xref_id": xref_id
+ }
+ ).then(
+ lambda resource: tuple(
+ privilege["privilege_id"] for role in resource["roles"]
+ for privilege in role["privileges"])
+ ).then(__render__).either(__fail__, lambda resp: resp)
+ "<int:species_id>/populations/<int:population_id>/phenotypes/datasets/create",
+ methods=["GET", "POST"])
+ species_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.index",
+ redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.select_population")
+def create_dataset(species: dict, population: dict, **kwargs):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """Create a new phenotype dataset."""
+ with (database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn,
+ conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor):
+ if request.method == "GET":
+ return render_template("phenotypes/create-dataset.html",
+ activelink="create-dataset",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ **decode_errors(
+ request.args.get("error_values", "")))
+ form = request.form
+ _errors: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] = tuple()
+ if not is_valid_representative_name(
+ (form.get("dataset-name") or "").strip()):
+ _errors = _errors + (("dataset-name", "Invalid dataset name."),)
+ if not bool((form.get("dataset-fullname") or "").strip()):
+ _errors = _errors + (("dataset-fullname",
+ "You must provide a value for 'Full Name'."),)
+ if bool(_errors) > 0:
+ return redirect(url_for(
+ "species.populations.phenotypes.create_dataset",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ population_id=population["Id"],
+ error_values=encode_errors(_errors, form)))
+ dataset_shortname = (
+ form["dataset-shortname"] or form["dataset-name"]).strip()
+ _pheno_dataset = save_new_dataset(
+ cursor,
+ population["Id"],
+ form["dataset-name"].strip(),
+ form["dataset-fullname"].strip(),
+ dataset_shortname)
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ population_id=population["Id"]))
+ "<int:species_id>/populations/<int:population_id>/phenotypes/datasets"
+ "/<int:dataset_id>/add-phenotypes",
+ methods=["GET", "POST"])
+ species_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.index",
+ population_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.select_population",
+ redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets")
+def add_phenotypes(species: dict, population: dict, dataset: dict, **kwargs):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument, too-many-locals]
+ """Add one or more phenotypes to the dataset."""
+ add_phenos_uri = redirect(url_for(
+ "species.populations.phenotypes.add_phenotypes",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ population_id=population["Id"],
+ dataset_id=dataset["Id"]))
+ _redisuri = app.config["REDIS_URL"]
+ _sqluri = app.config["SQL_URI"]
+ with (Redis.from_url(_redisuri, decode_responses=True) as rconn,
+ # database_connection(_sqluri) as conn,
+ # conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor
+ ):
+ if request.method == "GET":
+ return render_template("phenotypes/add-phenotypes.html",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ dataset=dataset,
+ activelink="add-phenotypes")
+ try:
+ ## Handle huge files here...
+ phenobundle = save_file(request.files["phenotypes-bundle"],
+ Path(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"]))
+ rqc.validate_bundle(phenobundle)
+ except AssertionError as _aerr:
+ app.logger.debug("File upload error!", exc_info=True)
+ flash("Expected a zipped bundle of files with phenotypes' "
+ "information.",
+ "alert-danger")
+ return add_phenos_uri
+ except rqe.RQTLError as rqtlerr:
+ app.logger.debug("Bundle validation error!", exc_info=True)
+ flash("R/qtl2 Error: " + " ".join(rqtlerr.args), "alert-danger")
+ return add_phenos_uri
+ _jobid = uuid.uuid4()
+ _namespace = jobs.jobsnamespace()
+ _ttl_seconds = app.config["JOBS_TTL_SECONDS"]
+ _job = jobs.initialise_job(
+ rconn,
+ _namespace,
+ str(_jobid),
+ [sys.executable, "-m", "scripts.rqtl2.phenotypes_qc", _sqluri,
+ _redisuri, _namespace, str(_jobid), str(species["SpeciesId"]),
+ str(population["Id"]), str(dataset["Id"]), "--redisexpiry",
+ str(_ttl_seconds)], "phenotype_qc", _ttl_seconds,
+ {"job-metadata": json.dumps({
+ "speciesid": species["SpeciesId"],
+ "populationid": population["Id"],
+ "datasetid": dataset["Id"],
+ "bundle": str(phenobundle.absolute())})})
+ # jobs.launch_job(
+ # _job,
+ # redisuri,
+ # f"{app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']}/job_errors")
+ raise NotImplementedError("Please implement this...")