AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-12-070.97-pre5Pjotr Prins
2017-12-07Travis: fixesPjotr Prins
2017-12-07Travix: fix MacOS build, see https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/8826Pjotr Prins
2017-12-07More notes and removed unused LULndetPjotr Prins
2017-12-07Some more overflow checksPjotr Prins
2017-12-06Some cleanup on matrix checkingPjotr Prins
2017-12-06Fix openblas complaintPjotr Prins
2017-12-06Integer overflow checking for matrix dgemm and adding path for OpenBlas inclu...Pjotr Prins
2017-11-30Fixed never-ending run when analyzing only a single SNP, ref••• https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gemma-discussion/a-ommTiucC8 Pjotr Prins
2017-11-22Explicit include of gsl_sys.h for GSLv1Pjotr Prins
2017-11-22Remove compiler warningsPjotr Prins
2017-11-22Remove compiler warnings and add check is_nanPjotr Prins
2017-11-15Nans: introducing checking on mem freePjotr Prins
2017-11-11Fix compiler warningsPjotr Prins
2017-11-11Disable some tests for bslmm which fail with different BLAS versions.Pjotr Prins
2017-11-11Cleaning up buffer use thanks to compiler warningsPjotr Prins
2017-11-11Cleaning up compiler warningsPjotr Prins
2017-11-10Remove compiler warningsPjotr Prins
2017-11-10Docs: add flag for include filesPjotr Prins
2017-11-10Tests: quotesPjotr Prins
2017-11-10Fix testPjotr Prins
2017-11-10Tests: added more bslmm testsPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Adding tests for bslmmPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Tests: add -lm testPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Tests: added bslmm testPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Disabled debug output when not using -debugPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Makefiles: reorder, and use version support for macosPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Pick up version automatically and bump itPjotr Prins
2017-11-09Merge branch 'gemma-0.97-preview' of github.com:genetics-statistics/GEMMA int...Pjotr Prins
2017-10-27Updated version number in Makefile.macosx.Peter Carbonetto
2017-10-27Revised MacOSX Makefile.Peter Carbonetto
2017-10-27Added Google Groups link to README.Peter Carbonetto
2017-10-26README: Windows notePjotr Prins
2017-10-26README: small editsPjotr Prins
2017-10-26README: added mailing list and updated textPjotr Prins
2017-10-26VERSION now contains the GEMMA version number. A script generates a header•••file named ./src/version.h. See Makefile for details. Pjotr Prins
2017-10-26Changed SNPs into SNPs/var in output, ref https://github.com/genetics-statist...Pjotr Prins
2017-10-26Get rid of compiler warningPjotr Prins
2017-10-26Changed SNPs into SNPs/var in output, ref https://github.com/genetics-statist...Pjotr Prins
2017-10-25Merge conflictsPjotr Prins
2017-10-23Travis-ci:•••- Disabled gcc-6 since we develop with later tools anyway - Turned the release test into a simple integration test - Adding MacOSX on Travis-ci Tests: Adding tests for Plink w. LOCO Safety: Introduce strtok_safe to get rid of segfaults Pjotr Prins
2017-10-20README: added section on reporting bugs and code of conductPjotr Prins
2017-10-20NaN check only when -debug is usedPjotr Prins
2017-10-18Tests still pass with safe_alloc (which sets the buffers to NaNs on allocation)Pjotr Prins
2017-10-14TravisPjotr Prins
2017-10-14More travisPjotr Prins
2017-10-14Travis: more fixesPjotr Prins
2017-10-14TravisPjotr Prins
2017-10-14OpenBlas infoPjotr Prins
2017-10-14Travis fixesPjotr Prins