path: root/src
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8 files changed, 2885 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bslmmdap.cpp b/src/bslmmdap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bf0e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bslmmdap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+ Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_linalg.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_blas.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_eigen.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_randist.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_cdf.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_roots.h"
+#include "logistic.h"
+#include "lapack.h"
+#include "param_float.h"
+#include "bslmmdap_float.h"
+#include "lmm_float.h" //for class FUNC_PARAM and MatrixCalcLR
+#include "lm_float.h"
+#include "mathfunc_float.h" //for function CenterVector
+#include "param.h"
+#include "bslmmdap.h"
+#include "lmm.h"
+#include "lm.h"
+#include "mathfunc.h"
+using namespace std;
+void BSLMMDAP::CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar)
+ file_out=cPar.file_out;
+ path_out=cPar.path_out;
+ time_UtZ=0.0;
+ time_Omega=0.0;
+ h_min=cPar.h_min;
+ h_max=cPar.h_max;
+ h_ngrid=cPar.h_ngrid;
+ rho_min=cPar.rho_min;
+ rho_max=cPar.rho_max;
+ rho_ngrid=cPar.rho_ngrid;
+ if (h_min<=0) {h_min=0.01;}
+ if (h_max>=1) {h_max=0.99;}
+ if (rho_min<=0) {rho_min=0.01;}
+ if (rho_max>=1) {rho_max=0.99;}
+ trace_G=cPar.trace_G;
+ ni_total=cPar.ni_total;
+ ns_total=cPar.ns_total;
+ ni_test=cPar.ni_test;
+ ns_test=cPar.ns_test;
+ indicator_idv=cPar.indicator_idv;
+ indicator_snp=cPar.indicator_snp;
+ snpInfo=cPar.snpInfo;
+ return;
+void BSLMMDAP::CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar)
+ cPar.time_UtZ=time_UtZ;
+ cPar.time_Omega=time_Omega;
+ return;
+//read hyp file
+void ReadFile_hyb (const string &file_hyp, vector<double> &vec_sa2, vector<double> &vec_sb2, vector<double> &vec_wab)
+ vec_sa2.clear(); vec_sb2.clear(); vec_wab.clear();
+ igzstream infile (file_hyp.c_str(), igzstream::in);
+ if (!infile) {cout<<"error! fail to open hyp file: "<<file_hyp<<endl; return;}
+ string line;
+ char *ch_ptr;
+ getline(infile, line);
+ while (!safeGetline(infile, line).eof()) {
+ ch_ptr=strtok ((char *)line.c_str(), " , \t");
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ vec_sa2.push_back(atof(ch_ptr));
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ vec_sb2.push_back(atof(ch_ptr));
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ vec_wab.push_back(atof(ch_ptr));
+ }
+ infile.close();
+ infile.clear();
+ return;
+//read bf file
+void ReadFile_bf (const string &file_bf, vector<string> &vec_rs, vector<vector<vector<double> > > &BF)
+ BF.clear(); vec_rs.clear();
+ igzstream infile (file_bf.c_str(), igzstream::in);
+ if (!infile) {cout<<"error! fail to open bf file: "<<file_bf<<endl; return;}
+ string line, rs, block;
+ vector<double> vec_bf;
+ vector<vector<double> > mat_bf;
+ char *ch_ptr;
+ size_t bf_size, flag_block;
+ getline(infile, line);
+ size_t t=0;
+ while (!safeGetline(infile, line).eof()) {
+ flag_block=0;
+ ch_ptr=strtok ((char *)line.c_str(), " , \t");
+ rs=ch_ptr;
+ vec_rs.push_back(rs);
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ if (t==0) {
+ block=ch_ptr;
+ } else {
+ if (strcmp(ch_ptr, block.c_str() )!=0) {
+ flag_block=1;
+ block=ch_ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ while (ch_ptr!=NULL) {
+ vec_bf.push_back(atof(ch_ptr));
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ }
+ if (t==0) {
+ bf_size=vec_bf.size();
+ } else {
+ if (bf_size!=vec_bf.size()) {cout<<"error! unequal row size in bf file."<<endl;}
+ }
+ if (flag_block==0) {
+ mat_bf.push_back(vec_bf);
+ } else {
+ BF.push_back(mat_bf);
+ mat_bf.clear();
+ }
+ vec_bf.clear();
+ t++;
+ }
+ infile.close();
+ infile.clear();
+ return;
+//read category files
+//read both continuous and discrete category file, record mapRS2catc
+void ReadFile_cat (const string &file_cat, const vector<string> &vec_rs, gsl_matrix *Ac, gsl_matrix_int *Ad, gsl_vector_int *dlevel, size_t &kc, size_t &kd)
+ igzstream infile (file_cat.c_str(), igzstream::in);
+ if (!infile) {cout<<"error! fail to open category file: "<<file_cat<<endl; return;}
+ string line;
+ char *ch_ptr;
+ string rs, chr, a1, a0, pos, cm;
+ //read header
+ HEADER header;
+ !safeGetline(infile, line).eof();
+ ReadHeader (line, header);
+ //use the header to determine the number of categories
+ kc=header.catc_col.size(); kd=header.catd_col.size();
+ //set up storage and mapper
+ map<string, vector<double> > mapRS2catc;
+ map<string, vector<int> > mapRS2catd;
+ vector<double> catc;
+ vector<int> catd;
+ //read the following lines to record mapRS2cat
+ while (!safeGetline(infile, line).eof()) {
+ ch_ptr=strtok ((char *)line.c_str(), " , \t");
+ if (header.rs_col==0) {
+ rs=chr+":"+pos;
+ }
+ catc.clear(); catd.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<header.coln; i++) {
+ if (header.rs_col!=0 && header.rs_col==i+1) {
+ rs=ch_ptr;
+ } else if (header.chr_col!=0 && header.chr_col==i+1) {
+ chr=ch_ptr;
+ } else if (header.pos_col!=0 && header.pos_col==i+1) {
+ pos=ch_ptr;
+ } else if (header.cm_col!=0 && header.cm_col==i+1) {
+ cm=ch_ptr;
+ } else if (header.a1_col!=0 && header.a1_col==i+1) {
+ a1=ch_ptr;
+ } else if (header.a0_col!=0 && header.a0_col==i+1) {
+ a0=ch_ptr;
+ } else if (header.catc_col.size()!=0 && header.catc_col.count(i+1)!=0 ) {
+ catc.push_back(atof(ch_ptr));
+ } else if (header.catd_col.size()!=0 && header.catd_col.count(i+1)!=0 ) {
+ catd.push_back(atoi(ch_ptr));
+ } else {}
+ ch_ptr=strtok (NULL, " , \t");
+ }
+ if (mapRS2catc.count(rs)==0 && kc>0) {mapRS2catc[rs]=catc;}
+ if (mapRS2catd.count(rs)==0 && kd>0) {mapRS2catd[rs]=catd;}
+ }
+ //load into Ad and Ac
+ if (kc>0) {
+ Ac=gsl_matrix_alloc(vec_rs.size(), kc);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<vec_rs.size(); i++) {
+ if (mapRS2catc.count(vec_rs[i])!=0) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<kc; j++) {
+ gsl_matrix_set(Ac, i, j, mapRS2catc[vec_rs[i]][j]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<kc; j++) {
+ gsl_matrix_set(Ac, i, j, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (kd>0) {
+ Ad=gsl_matrix_int_alloc(vec_rs.size(), kd);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<vec_rs.size(); i++) {
+ if (mapRS2catd.count(vec_rs[i])!=0) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<kd; j++) {
+ gsl_matrix_int_set(Ad, i, j, mapRS2catd[vec_rs[i]][j]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<kd; j++) {
+ gsl_matrix_int_set(Ad, i, j, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dlevel=gsl_vector_int_alloc(kd);
+ map<int, int> rcd;
+ int val;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<kd; j++) {
+ rcd.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Ad->size1; i++) {
+ val = gsl_matrix_int_get(Ad, i, j);
+ rcd[val] = 1;
+ }
+ gsl_vector_int_set (dlevel, j, rcd.size());
+ }
+ }
+ infile.clear();
+ infile.close();
+ return;
+void BSLMMDAP::WriteResult (const gsl_matrix *Hyper, const gsl_matrix *BF)
+ string file_bf, file_hyp;
+ file_bf=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_bf+=".bf.txt";
+ file_hyp=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_hyp+=".hyp.txt";
+ ofstream outfile_bf, outfile_hyp;
+ outfile_bf.open (file_bf.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ outfile_hyp.open (file_hyp.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile_bf) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_bf<<endl; return;}
+ if (!outfile_hyp) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_hyp<<endl; return;}
+ outfile_hyp<<"h"<<"\t"<<"rho"<<"\t"<<"sa2"<<"\t"<<"sb2"<<"\t"<<"weight"<<endl;
+ outfile_hyp<<scientific;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Hyper->size1; i++) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<Hyper->size2; j++) {
+ outfile_hyp<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_matrix_get (Hyper, i, j)<<"\t";
+ }
+ outfile_hyp<<endl;
+ }
+ outfile_bf<<"chr"<<"\t"<<"rs"<<"\t"<<"ps"<<"\t"<<"n_miss";
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BF->size2; i++) {
+ outfile_bf<<"\t"<<"BF"<<i+1;
+ }
+ outfile_bf<<endl;
+ size_t t=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ns_total; ++i) {
+ if (indicator_snp[i]==0) {continue;}
+ outfile_bf<<snpInfo[i].chr<<"\t"<<snpInfo[i].rs_number<<"\t"
+ <<snpInfo[i].base_position<<"\t"<<snpInfo[i].n_miss;
+ outfile_bf<<scientific;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<BF->size2; j++) {
+ outfile_bf<<"\t"<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_matrix_get (BF, t, j);
+ }
+ outfile_bf<<endl;
+ t++;
+ }
+ outfile_hyp.close();
+ outfile_hyp.clear();
+ outfile_bf.close();
+ outfile_bf.clear();
+ return;
+void BSLMMDAP::WriteResult (const vector<string> &vec_rs, const gsl_matrix *Hyper, const gsl_vector *pip, const gsl_vector *coef)
+ string file_gamma, file_hyp, file_coef;
+ file_gamma=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_gamma+=".gamma.txt";
+ file_hyp=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_hyp+=".hyp.txt";
+ file_coef=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_coef+=".coef.txt";
+ ofstream outfile_gamma, outfile_hyp, outfile_coef;
+ outfile_gamma.open (file_gamma.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ outfile_hyp.open (file_hyp.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ outfile_coef.open (file_coef.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile_gamma) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_gamma<<endl; return;}
+ if (!outfile_hyp) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_hyp<<endl; return;}
+ if (!outfile_coef) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_coef<<endl; return;}
+ outfile_hyp<<"h"<<"\t"<<"rho"<<"\t"<<"sa2"<<"\t"<<"sb2"<<"\t"<<"weight"<<endl;
+ outfile_hyp<<scientific;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Hyper->size1; i++) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<Hyper->size2; j++) {
+ outfile_hyp<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_matrix_get (Hyper, i, j)<<"\t";
+ }
+ outfile_hyp<<endl;
+ }
+ outfile_gamma<<"rs"<<"\t"<<"gamma"<<endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<vec_rs.size(); ++i) {
+ outfile_gamma<<vec_rs[i]<<"\t"<<scientific<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_vector_get(pip, i)<<endl;
+ }
+ outfile_coef<<"coef"<<endl;
+ outfile_coef<<scientific;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<coef->size; i++) {
+ outfile_coef<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_vector_get (coef, i)<<endl;
+ }
+ outfile_coef.close();
+ outfile_coef.clear();
+ outfile_hyp.close();
+ outfile_hyp.clear();
+ outfile_gamma.close();
+ outfile_gamma.clear();
+ return;
+void BSLMMDAP::SetXgamma (gsl_matrix *Xgamma, const gsl_matrix *X, vector<size_t> &rank)
+ size_t pos;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<rank.size(); ++i) {
+ pos=mapRank2pos[rank[i]];
+ gsl_vector_view Xgamma_col=gsl_matrix_column (Xgamma, i);
+ gsl_vector_const_view X_col=gsl_matrix_const_column (X, pos);
+ gsl_vector_memcpy (&Xgamma_col.vector, &X_col.vector);
+ }
+ return;
+double BSLMMDAP::CalcMarginal (const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const double sigma_b2, const double tau)
+ gsl_vector *weight_Hi=gsl_vector_alloc (Uty->size);
+ double logm=0.0;
+ double d, uy, Hi_yy=0, logdet_H=0.0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ni_test; ++i) {
+ d=gsl_vector_get (K_eval, i)*sigma_b2;
+ d=1.0/(d+1.0);
+ gsl_vector_set (weight_Hi, i, d);
+ logdet_H-=log(d);
+ uy=gsl_vector_get (Uty, i);
+ Hi_yy+=d*uy*uy;
+ }
+ //calculate likelihood
+ logm=-0.5*logdet_H-0.5*tau*Hi_yy+0.5*log(tau)*(double)ni_test;
+ gsl_vector_free (weight_Hi);
+ return logm;
+double BSLMMDAP::CalcMarginal (const gsl_matrix *UtXgamma, const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const double sigma_a2, const double sigma_b2, const double tau)
+ clock_t time_start;
+ double logm=0.0;
+ double d, uy, P_yy=0, logdet_O=0.0, logdet_H=0.0;
+ gsl_matrix *UtXgamma_eval=gsl_matrix_alloc (UtXgamma->size1, UtXgamma->size2);
+ gsl_matrix *Omega=gsl_matrix_alloc (UtXgamma->size2, UtXgamma->size2);
+ gsl_vector *XtHiy=gsl_vector_alloc (UtXgamma->size2);
+ gsl_vector *beta_hat=gsl_vector_alloc (UtXgamma->size2);
+ gsl_vector *weight_Hi=gsl_vector_alloc (UtXgamma->size1);
+ gsl_matrix_memcpy (UtXgamma_eval, UtXgamma);
+ logdet_H=0.0; P_yy=0.0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ni_test; ++i) {
+ gsl_vector_view UtXgamma_row=gsl_matrix_row (UtXgamma_eval, i);
+ d=gsl_vector_get (K_eval, i)*sigma_b2;
+ d=1.0/(d+1.0);
+ gsl_vector_set (weight_Hi, i, d);
+ logdet_H-=log(d);
+ uy=gsl_vector_get (Uty, i);
+ P_yy+=d*uy*uy;
+ gsl_vector_scale (&UtXgamma_row.vector, d);
+ }
+ //calculate Omega
+ gsl_matrix_set_identity (Omega);
+ time_start=clock();
+ lapack_dgemm ((char *)"T", (char *)"N", sigma_a2, UtXgamma_eval, UtXgamma, 1.0, Omega);
+ gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, sigma_a2, UtXgamma_eval, UtXgamma, 1.0, Omega);
+ time_Omega+=(clock()-time_start)/(double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*60.0);
+ //calculate beta_hat
+ gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasTrans, 1.0, UtXgamma_eval, Uty, 0.0, XtHiy);
+ logdet_O=CholeskySolve(Omega, XtHiy, beta_hat);
+ gsl_vector_scale (beta_hat, sigma_a2);
+ gsl_blas_ddot (XtHiy, beta_hat, &d);
+ P_yy-=d;
+ gsl_matrix_free (UtXgamma_eval);
+ gsl_matrix_free (Omega);
+ gsl_vector_free (XtHiy);
+ gsl_vector_free (beta_hat);
+ gsl_vector_free (weight_Hi);
+ logm=-0.5*logdet_H-0.5*logdet_O-0.5*tau*P_yy+0.5*log(tau)*(double)ni_test;
+ return logm;
+double BSLMMDAP::CalcPrior (class HYPBSLMM &cHyp) {
+ double logprior=0;
+ logprior=((double)cHyp.n_gamma-1.0)*cHyp.logp+((double)ns_test-(double)cHyp.n_gamma)*log(1.0-exp(cHyp.logp));
+ return logprior;
+//where A is the ni_test by n_cat matrix of annotations
+void BSLMMDAP::DAP_CalcBF (const gsl_matrix *U, const gsl_matrix *UtX, const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const gsl_vector *y) {
+ clock_t time_start;
+ //set up BF
+ double tau, h, rho, sigma_a2, sigma_b2, d;
+ size_t ns_causal=10;
+ size_t n_grid=h_ngrid*rho_ngrid;
+ vector<double> vec_sa2, vec_sb2, logm_null;
+ gsl_matrix *BF=gsl_matrix_alloc(ns_test, n_grid);
+ gsl_matrix *Xgamma=gsl_matrix_alloc(ni_test, 1);
+ gsl_matrix *Hyper=gsl_matrix_alloc(n_grid, 5);
+ //compute tau by using yty
+ gsl_blas_ddot (Uty, Uty, &tau);
+ tau=(double)ni_test/tau;
+ //set up grid values for sigma_a2 and sigma_b2 based on an approximately even grid for h and rho, and a fixed number of causals
+ size_t ij=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<h_ngrid; i++) {
+ h=h_min+(h_max-h_min)*(double)i/((double)h_ngrid-1);
+ for (size_t j=0; j<rho_ngrid; j++) {
+ rho=rho_min+(rho_max-rho_min)*(double)j/((double)rho_ngrid-1);
+ sigma_a2=h*rho/((1-h)*(double)ns_causal);
+ sigma_b2=h*(1.0-rho)/(trace_G*(1-h));
+ vec_sa2.push_back(sigma_a2);
+ vec_sb2.push_back(sigma_b2);
+ logm_null.push_back(CalcMarginal (Uty, K_eval, 0.0, tau));
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 0, h);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 1, rho);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 2, sigma_a2);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 3, sigma_b2);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 4, 1/(double)n_grid);
+ ij++;
+ }
+ }
+ //compute BF factors
+ time_start=clock();
+ cout<<"Calculating BF..."<<endl;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<ns_test; t++) {
+ gsl_vector_view Xgamma_col=gsl_matrix_column (Xgamma, 0);
+ gsl_vector_const_view X_col=gsl_matrix_const_column (UtX, t);
+ gsl_vector_memcpy (&Xgamma_col.vector, &X_col.vector);
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ sigma_a2=vec_sa2[ij];
+ sigma_b2=vec_sb2[ij];
+ d=CalcMarginal (Xgamma, Uty, K_eval, sigma_a2, sigma_b2, tau);
+ d-=logm_null[ij];
+ d=exp(d);
+ gsl_matrix_set(BF, t, ij, d);
+ }
+ }
+ time_Proposal=(clock()-time_start)/(double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*60.0);
+ //save results
+ WriteResult (Hyper, BF);
+ //free matrices and vectors
+ gsl_matrix_free(BF);
+ gsl_matrix_free(Xgamma);
+ gsl_matrix_free(Hyper);
+ return;
+void single_ct_regression(const gsl_matrix_int *Xd, const gsl_vector_int *dlevel, const gsl_vector *pip_vec, gsl_vector *coef, gsl_vector *prior_vec) {
+ map<int,double> sum_pip;
+ map<int,double> sum;
+ int levels = gsl_vector_int_get(dlevel,0);
+ for(int i=0;i<levels;i++){
+ sum_pip[i] = sum[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<Xd->size1;i++){
+ int cat = gsl_matrix_int_get(Xd,i,0);
+ sum_pip[cat] += gsl_vector_get(pip_vec,i);
+ sum[cat] += 1;
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<Xd->size1;i++){
+ int cat = gsl_matrix_int_get(Xd,i,0);
+ gsl_vector_set(prior_vec,i,sum_pip[cat]/sum[cat]);
+ }
+ //double baseline=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<levels;i++){
+ double new_prior = sum_pip[i]/sum[i];
+ //gsl_vector_set(coef, i, log(new_prior/(1-new_prior))-baseline);
+ //if(i==0){
+ //baseline = log(new_prior/(1-new_prior));
+ //}
+ gsl_vector_set(coef, i, log(new_prior/(1-new_prior)) );
+ }
+ return;
+//where A is the ni_test by n_cat matrix of annotations
+void BSLMMDAP::DAP_EstimateHyper (const size_t kc, const size_t kd, const vector<string> &vec_rs, const vector<double> &vec_sa2, const vector<double> &vec_sb2, const vector<double> &wab, const vector<vector<vector<double> > > &BF, gsl_matrix *Ac, gsl_matrix_int *Ad, gsl_vector_int *dlevel) {
+ clock_t time_start;
+ //set up BF
+ double h, rho, sigma_a2, sigma_b2, d, s, logm, logm_save;
+ size_t t1, t2;
+ size_t n_grid=wab.size(), ns_test=vec_rs.size();
+ gsl_vector *prior_vec=gsl_vector_alloc(ns_test);
+ gsl_matrix *Hyper=gsl_matrix_alloc(n_grid, 5);
+ gsl_vector *pip=gsl_vector_alloc(ns_test);
+ gsl_vector *coef=gsl_vector_alloc(kc+kd+1);
+ //perform the EM algorithm
+ vector<double> vec_wab, vec_wab_new;
+ //initial values
+ for (size_t t=0; t<ns_test; t++) {
+ gsl_vector_set (prior_vec, t, (double)BF.size()/(double)ns_test);
+ }
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ vec_wab.push_back(wab[ij]);
+ vec_wab_new.push_back(wab[ij]);
+ }
+ //EM iteration
+ size_t it=0;
+ double dif=1;
+ while (it<100 && dif>1e-3) {
+ //update E_gamma
+ t1=0, t2=0;
+ for (size_t b=0; b<BF.size(); b++) {
+ s=1;
+ for (size_t m=0; m<BF[b].size(); m++) {
+ d=0;
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ d+=vec_wab_new[ij]*BF[b][m][ij];
+ }
+ d*=gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1)/(1-gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1));
+ gsl_vector_set(pip, t1, d);
+ s+=d;
+ t1++;
+ }
+ for (size_t m=0; m<BF[b].size(); m++) {
+ d=gsl_vector_get(pip, t2)/s;
+ gsl_vector_set(pip, t2, d);
+ t2++;
+ }
+ }
+ //update E_wab
+ s=0;
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ vec_wab_new[ij]=0;
+ t1=0;
+ for (size_t b=0; b<BF.size(); b++) {
+ d=1;
+ for (size_t m=0; m<BF[b].size(); m++) {
+ d+=gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1)/(1-gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1))*vec_wab[ij]*BF[b][m][ij];
+ t1++;
+ }
+ vec_wab_new[ij]+=log(d);
+ }
+ s=max(s, vec_wab_new[ij]);
+ }
+ d=0;
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ vec_wab_new[ij]=exp(vec_wab_new[ij]-s);
+ d+=vec_wab_new[ij];
+ }
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ vec_wab_new[ij]/=d;
+ // vec_wab[ij]=vec_wab_new[ij];
+ }
+ //update coef, and pi
+ if(kc==0 && kd==0){//no annotation
+ s=0;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<pip->size; t++) {
+ s+=gsl_vector_get(pip, t);
+ }
+ s=s/(double)pip->size;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<pip->size; t++) {
+ gsl_vector_set(prior_vec, t, s);
+ }
+ gsl_vector_set (coef, 0, log(s/(1-s)));
+ } else if(kc==0 && kd!=0){//only discrete annotations
+ if(kd == 1){
+ single_ct_regression(Ad, dlevel, pip, coef, prior_vec);
+ }else{
+ logistic_cat_fit(coef, Ad, dlevel, pip, 0, 0);
+ logistic_cat_pred(coef, Ad, dlevel, prior_vec);
+ }
+ } else if (kc!=0 && kd==0) {//only continuous annotations
+ logistic_cont_fit(coef, Ac, pip, 0, 0);
+ logistic_cont_pred(coef, Ac, prior_vec);
+ } else if (kc!=0 && kd!=0) {//both continuous and categorical annotations
+ logistic_mixed_fit(coef, Ad, dlevel, Ac, pip, 0, 0);
+ logistic_mixed_pred(coef, Ad, dlevel, Ac, prior_vec);
+ }
+ //compute marginal likelihood
+ logm=0;
+ t1=0;
+ for (size_t b=0; b<BF.size(); b++) {
+ d=1; s=0;
+ for (size_t m=0; m<BF[b].size(); m++) {
+ s+=log(1-gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1));
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ d+=gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1)/(1-gsl_vector_get(prior_vec, t1))*vec_wab[ij]*BF[b][m][ij];
+ }
+ }
+ logm+=log(d)+s;
+ t1++;
+ }
+ if (it>0) {
+ dif=logm-logm_save;
+ }
+ logm_save=logm;
+ it++;
+ cout<<"iteration = "<<it<<"; marginal likelihood = "<<logm<<endl;
+ }
+ //update h and rho that correspond to w_ab
+ for (size_t ij=0; ij<n_grid; ij++) {
+ sigma_a2=vec_sa2[ij];
+ sigma_b2=vec_sb2[ij];
+ d=exp(gsl_vector_get(coef, coef->size-1))/(1+exp(gsl_vector_get(coef, coef->size-1)));
+ h=(d*(double)ns_test*sigma_a2+1*sigma_b2)/(1+d*(double)ns_test*sigma_a2+1*sigma_b2);
+ rho=d*(double)ns_test*sigma_a2/(d*(double)ns_test*sigma_a2+1*sigma_b2);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 0, h);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 1, rho);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 2, sigma_a2);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 3, sigma_b2);
+ gsl_matrix_set (Hyper, ij, 4, vec_wab_new[ij]);
+ }
+ //obtain beta and alpha parameters
+ //save results
+ WriteResult (vec_rs, Hyper, pip, coef);
+ //free matrices and vectors
+ gsl_vector_free(prior_vec);
+ gsl_matrix_free(Hyper);
+ gsl_vector_free(pip);
+ gsl_vector_free(coef);
+ return;
+//readin the estimated hyper-parameters and perform fine mapping for each region
+void BSLMM::DAP_FineMapping (const gsl_matrix *U, const gsl_matrix *UtX, const gsl_matrix *A, const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const gsl_vector *y, gsl_matrix *Hyper, gsl_vector *alpha, gsl_vector *pip) {
+ clock_t time_start;
+ //two priority sets: S_1 contains all candidate causal SNPs; S_2 contains the prioritized combintion of them
+ //two marginal probability sets: P_1 contains marginals for S_1; P_2 contains marginals for S_2;
+ set<size_t> S1set, S2set;
+ vector<size_t> S1vec;
+ vector<set<size_t> > S2vec;
+ vector<double> P1, P2;
+ //calculate P0 (null) and P1 (for every SNP)
+ //loop through the number of combinations
+ for (size_t s=0; s<p; s++) {
+ //if (s==0), set up S_1: compute marginal of the null model, then compute P_1, then compute BF_1 and use them to select S_1; compute C_1
+ //if (s==1), set up S_2: compute pair-wise P_2 and use them to select S_2; compute C_2
+ //otherwise, match each combination of S_2 with each SNP from S_1, select into S_3; and replace S_2 with S_3; compute C_s
+ //stop when the stopping critieria are reached (if S_2 is empty; if t; if kappa); add the residual component R
+ for (size_t t=0; t<total_step; ++t) {
+ if (t%d_pace==0 || t==total_step-1) {ProgressBar ("Running MCMC ", t, total_step-1, (double)n_accept/(double)(t*n_mh+1));}
+// if (t>10) {break;}
+ if (a_mode==13) {
+ SampleZ (y, z_hat, z);
+ mean_z=CenterVector (z);
+ time_start=clock();
+ gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasTrans, 1.0, U, z, 0.0, Utz);
+ time_UtZ+=(clock()-time_start)/(double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*60.0);
+ //First proposal
+ if (cHyp_old.n_gamma==0 || cHyp_old.rho==0) {
+ logPost_old=CalcPosterior(Utz, K_eval, Utu_old, alpha_old, cHyp_old);
+ beta_old.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<cHyp_old.n_gamma; ++i) {
+ beta_old.push_back(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ gsl_matrix *UtXgamma=gsl_matrix_alloc (ni_test, cHyp_old.n_gamma);
+ gsl_vector *beta=gsl_vector_alloc (cHyp_old.n_gamma);
+ SetXgamma (UtXgamma, UtX, rank_old);
+ logPost_old=CalcPosterior(UtXgamma, Utz, K_eval, UtXb_old, Utu_old, alpha_old, beta, cHyp_old);
+ beta_old.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<beta->size; ++i) {
+ beta_old.push_back(gsl_vector_get(beta, i));
+ }
+ gsl_matrix_free (UtXgamma);
+ gsl_vector_free (beta);
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] p_gamma;
+ beta_g.clear();
+ return;
+//below fits MCMC for rho=1
+void BSLMM::CalcXtX (const gsl_matrix *X, const gsl_vector *y, const size_t s_size, gsl_matrix *XtX, gsl_vector *Xty)
+ time_t time_start=clock();
+ gsl_matrix_const_view X_sub=gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(X, 0, 0, X->size1, s_size);
+ gsl_matrix_view XtX_sub=gsl_matrix_submatrix(XtX, 0, 0, s_size, s_size);
+ gsl_vector_view Xty_sub=gsl_vector_subvector(Xty, 0, s_size);
+ lapack_dgemm ((char *)"T", (char *)"N", 1.0, &X_sub.matrix, &X_sub.matrix, 0.0, &XtX_sub.matrix);
+ gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, &X_sub.matrix, &X_sub.matrix, 0.0, &XtX_sub.matrix);
+ gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, &X_sub.matrix, y, 0.0, &Xty_sub.vector);
+ time_Omega+=(clock()-time_start)/(double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)*60.0);
+ return;
+double BSLMM::CalcPosterior (const double yty, class HYPBSLMM &cHyp)
+ double logpost=0.0;
+ //for quantitative traits, calculate pve and pge
+ //pve and pge for case/control data are calculted in CalcCC_PVEnZ
+ if (a_mode==11) {
+ cHyp.pve=0.0;
+ cHyp.pge=1.0;
+ }
+ //calculate likelihood
+ if (a_mode==11) {logpost-=0.5*(double)ni_test*log(yty);}
+ else {logpost-=0.5*yty;}
+ logpost+=((double)cHyp.n_gamma-1.0)*cHyp.logp+((double)ns_test-(double)cHyp.n_gamma)*log(1-exp(cHyp.logp));
+ return logpost;
+double BSLMM::CalcPosterior (const gsl_matrix *Xgamma, const gsl_matrix *XtX, const gsl_vector *Xty, const double yty, const size_t s_size, gsl_vector *Xb, gsl_vector *beta, class HYPBSLMM &cHyp)
+ double sigma_a2=cHyp.h/( (1-cHyp.h)*exp(cHyp.logp)*(double)ns_test);
+ double logpost=0.0;
+ double d, P_yy=yty, logdet_O=0.0;
+ gsl_matrix_const_view Xgamma_sub=gsl_matrix_const_submatrix (Xgamma, 0, 0, Xgamma->size1, s_size);
+ gsl_matrix_const_view XtX_sub=gsl_matrix_const_submatrix (XtX, 0, 0, s_size, s_size);
+ gsl_vector_const_view Xty_sub=gsl_vector_const_subvector (Xty, 0, s_size);
+ gsl_matrix *Omega=gsl_matrix_alloc (s_size, s_size);
+ gsl_matrix *M_temp=gsl_matrix_alloc (s_size, s_size);
+ gsl_vector *beta_hat=gsl_vector_alloc (s_size);
+ gsl_vector *Xty_temp=gsl_vector_alloc (s_size);
+ gsl_vector_memcpy (Xty_temp, &Xty_sub.vector);
+ //calculate Omega
+ gsl_matrix_memcpy (Omega, &XtX_sub.matrix);
+ gsl_matrix_scale (Omega, sigma_a2);
+ gsl_matrix_set_identity (M_temp);
+ gsl_matrix_add (Omega, M_temp);
+ //calculate beta_hat
+ logdet_O=CholeskySolve(Omega, Xty_temp, beta_hat);
+ gsl_vector_scale (beta_hat, sigma_a2);
+ gsl_blas_ddot (Xty_temp, beta_hat, &d);
+ P_yy-=d;
+ //sample tau
+ double tau=1.0;
+ if (a_mode==11) {tau =gsl_ran_gamma (gsl_r, (double)ni_test/2.0, 2.0/P_yy); }
+ //sample beta
+ for (size_t i=0; i<s_size; i++)
+ {
+ d=gsl_ran_gaussian(gsl_r, 1);
+ gsl_vector_set(beta, i, d);
+ }
+ gsl_vector_view beta_sub=gsl_vector_subvector(beta, 0, s_size);
+ gsl_blas_dtrsv(CblasUpper, CblasNoTrans, CblasNonUnit, Omega, &beta_sub.vector);
+ //it compuates inv(L^T(Omega)) %*% beta;
+ gsl_vector_scale(&beta_sub.vector, sqrt(sigma_a2/tau));
+ gsl_vector_add(&beta_sub.vector, beta_hat);
+ gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasNoTrans, 1.0, &Xgamma_sub.matrix, &beta_sub.vector, 0.0, Xb);
+ //for quantitative traits, calculate pve and pge
+ if (a_mode==11) {
+ gsl_blas_ddot (Xb, Xb, &d);
+ cHyp.pve=d/(double)ni_test;
+ cHyp.pve/=cHyp.pve+1.0/tau;
+ cHyp.pge=1.0;
+ }
+ logpost=-0.5*logdet_O;
+ if (a_mode==11) {logpost-=0.5*(double)ni_test*log(P_yy);}
+ else {logpost-=0.5*P_yy;}
+ logpost+=((double)cHyp.n_gamma-1.0)*cHyp.logp+((double)ns_test-(double)cHyp.n_gamma)*log(1.0-exp(cHyp.logp));
+ gsl_matrix_free (Omega);
+ gsl_matrix_free (M_temp);
+ gsl_vector_free (beta_hat);
+ gsl_vector_free (Xty_temp);
+ return logpost;
diff --git a/src/bslmmdap.h b/src/bslmmdap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac78f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bslmmdap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef __BSLMMDAP_H__
+#define __BSLMMDAP_H__
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
+#include "param_float.h"
+#include "param.h"
+using namespace std;
+class BSLMMDAP {
+ // IO related parameters
+ int a_mode;
+ size_t d_pace;
+ string file_bfile;
+ string file_geno;
+ string file_out;
+ string path_out;
+ // LMM related parameters
+ double pve_null;
+ double pheno_mean;
+ // BSLMM MCMC related parameters
+ long int randseed;
+ double trace_G;
+ HYPBSLMM cHyp_initial;
+ // Summary statistics
+ size_t ni_total, ns_total; //number of total individuals and snps
+ size_t ni_test, ns_test; //number of individuals and snps used for analysis
+ double h_min, h_max, rho_min, rho_max;
+ size_t h_ngrid, rho_ngrid;
+ double time_UtZ;
+ double time_Omega; //time spent on optimization iterations
+ double time_Proposal; //time spent on constructing the proposal distribution for gamma (i.e. lmm or lm analysis)
+ vector<int> indicator_idv; //indicator for individuals (phenotypes), 0 missing, 1 available for analysis
+ vector<int> indicator_snp; //sequence indicator for SNPs: 0 ignored because of (a) maf, (b) miss, (c) non-poly; 1 available for analysis
+ vector<SNPINFO> snpInfo; //record SNP information
+ // Main Functions
+ void CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar);
+ void CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar);
+ void WriteResult (const gsl_matrix *Hyper, const gsl_matrix *BF);
+ void WriteResult (const vector<string> &vec_rs, const gsl_matrix *Hyper, const gsl_vector *pip, const gsl_vector *coef);
+ double CalcMarginal (const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const double sigma_b2, const double tau);
+ double CalcMarginal (const gsl_matrix *UtXgamma, const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const double sigma_a2, const double sigma_b2, const double tau);
+ double CalcPrior (class HYPBSLMM &cHyp);
+ void DAP_CalcBF (const gsl_matrix *U, const gsl_matrix *UtX, const gsl_vector *Uty, const gsl_vector *K_eval, const gsl_vector *y);
+ void DAP_EstimateHyper (const size_t kc, const size_t kd, const vector<string> &vec_rs, const vector<double> &vec_sa2, const vector<double> &vec_sb2, const vector<double> &wab, const vector<vector<vector<double> > > &BF, gsl_matrix *Ac, gsl_matrix_int *Ad, gsl_vector_int *dlevel);
+void ReadFile_hyb (const string &file_hyp, vector<double> &vec_sa2, vector<double> &vec_sb2, vector<double> &vec_wab);
+void ReadFile_bf (const string &file_bf, vector<string> &vec_rs, vector<vector<vector<double> > > &BF);
+void ReadFile_cat (const string &file_cat, const vector<string> &vec_rs, gsl_matrix *Ac, gsl_matrix_int *Ad, gsl_vector_int *dlevel, size_t &kc, size_t &kd);
diff --git a/src/ldr.cpp b/src/ldr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e28490a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ldr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_linalg.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_blas.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_eigen.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_randist.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_cdf.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_roots.h"
+#include "Eigen/Dense"
+#include "lapack.h"
+#include "param_float.h"
+#include "ldr_float.h"
+#include "lm_float.h"
+#include "mathfunc_float.h" //for function CenterVector
+#include "param.h"
+#include "ldr.h"
+#include "lm.h"
+#include "mathfunc.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Eigen;
+void LDR::CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar)
+ a_mode=cPar.a_mode;
+ d_pace=cPar.d_pace;
+ file_bfile=cPar.file_bfile;
+ file_geno=cPar.file_geno;
+ file_out=cPar.file_out;
+ path_out=cPar.path_out;
+ ni_total=cPar.ni_total;
+ ns_total=cPar.ns_total;
+ ni_test=cPar.ni_test;
+ ns_test=cPar.ns_test;
+ n_cvt=cPar.n_cvt;
+ indicator_idv=cPar.indicator_idv;
+ indicator_snp=cPar.indicator_snp;
+ snpInfo=cPar.snpInfo;
+ return;
+void LDR::CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar)
+ //cPar.pheno_mean=pheno_mean;
+ //cPar.randseed=randseed;
+ return;
+void BSLMM::WriteBV (const gsl_vector *bv)
+ string file_str;
+ file_str=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_str+=".bv.txt";
+ ofstream outfile (file_str.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_str.c_str()<<endl; return;}
+ size_t t=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ni_total; ++i) {
+ if (indicator_idv[i]==0) {
+ outfile<<"NA"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ outfile<<scientific<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_vector_get(bv, t)<<endl;
+ t++;
+ }
+ }
+ outfile.clear();
+ outfile.close();
+ return;
+void BSLMM::WriteParam (vector<pair<double, double> > &beta_g, const gsl_vector *alpha, const size_t w)
+ string file_str;
+ file_str=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_str+=".param.txt";
+ ofstream outfile (file_str.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_str.c_str()<<endl; return;}
+ outfile<<"chr"<<"\t"<<"rs"<<"\t"
+ <<"ps"<<"\t"<<"n_miss"<<"\t"<<"alpha"<<"\t"
+ <<"beta"<<"\t"<<"gamma"<<endl;
+ size_t t=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ns_total; ++i) {
+ if (indicator_snp[i]==0) {continue;}
+ outfile<<snpInfo[i].chr<<"\t"<<snpInfo[i].rs_number<<"\t"
+ <<snpInfo[i].base_position<<"\t"<<snpInfo[i].n_miss<<"\t";
+ outfile<<scientific<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_vector_get(alpha, t)<<"\t";
+ if (beta_g[t].second!=0) {
+ outfile<<beta_g[t].first/beta_g[t].second<<"\t"<<beta_g[t].second/(double)w<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ outfile<<0.0<<"\t"<<0.0<<endl;
+ }
+ t++;
+ }
+ outfile.clear();
+ outfile.close();
+ return;
+void BSLMM::WriteParam (const gsl_vector *alpha)
+ string file_str;
+ file_str=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_str+=".param.txt";
+ ofstream outfile (file_str.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_str.c_str()<<endl; return;}
+ outfile<<"chr"<<"\t"<<"rs"<<"\t"
+ <<"ps"<<"\t"<<"n_miss"<<"\t"<<"alpha"<<"\t"
+ <<"beta"<<"\t"<<"gamma"<<endl;
+ size_t t=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ns_total; ++i) {
+ if (indicator_snp[i]==0) {continue;}
+ outfile<<snpInfo[i].chr<<"\t"<<snpInfo[i].rs_number<<"\t"
+ <<snpInfo[i].base_position<<"\t"<<snpInfo[i].n_miss<<"\t";
+ outfile<<scientific<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_vector_get(alpha, t)<<"\t";
+ outfile<<0.0<<"\t"<<0.0<<endl;
+ t++;
+ }
+ outfile.clear();
+ outfile.close();
+ return;
+void BSLMM::WriteResult (const int flag, const gsl_matrix *Result_hyp, const gsl_matrix *Result_gamma, const size_t w_col)
+ string file_gamma, file_hyp;
+ file_gamma=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_gamma+=".gamma.txt";
+ file_hyp=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_hyp+=".hyp.txt";
+ ofstream outfile_gamma, outfile_hyp;
+ if (flag==0) {
+ outfile_gamma.open (file_gamma.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ outfile_hyp.open (file_hyp.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile_gamma) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_gamma<<endl; return;}
+ if (!outfile_hyp) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_hyp<<endl; return;}
+ outfile_hyp<<"h \t pve \t rho \t pge \t pi \t n_gamma"<<endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<s_max; ++i) {
+ outfile_gamma<<"s"<<i<<"\t";
+ }
+ outfile_gamma<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ outfile_gamma.open (file_gamma.c_str(), ofstream::app);
+ outfile_hyp.open (file_hyp.c_str(), ofstream::app);
+ if (!outfile_gamma) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_gamma<<endl; return;}
+ if (!outfile_hyp) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_hyp<<endl; return;}
+ size_t w;
+ if (w_col==0) {w=w_pace;}
+ else {w=w_col;}
+ for (size_t i=0; i<w; ++i) {
+ outfile_hyp<<scientific;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<4; ++j) {
+ outfile_hyp<<setprecision(6)<<gsl_matrix_get (Result_hyp, i, j)<<"\t";
+ }
+ outfile_hyp<<setprecision(6)<<exp(gsl_matrix_get (Result_hyp, i, 4))<<"\t";
+ outfile_hyp<<(int)gsl_matrix_get (Result_hyp, i, 5)<<"\t";
+ outfile_hyp<<endl;
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<w; ++i) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<s_max; ++j) {
+ outfile_gamma<<(int)gsl_matrix_get (Result_gamma, i, j)<<"\t";
+ }
+ outfile_gamma<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ outfile_hyp.close();
+ outfile_hyp.clear();
+ outfile_gamma.close();
+ outfile_gamma.clear();
+ return;
+//X is a p by n matrix
+void LDR::VB (const vector<vector<unsigned char> > &Xt, const gsl_matrix *W_gsl, const gsl_vector *y_gsl)
+ //save gsl_vector and gsl_matrix into eigen library formats
+ MatrixXd W(W_gsl->size1, W_gsl->size2);
+ VectorXd y(y_gsl->size);
+ VectorXd x_col(y_gsl->size);
+ double d;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<W_gsl->size1; i++) {
+ d=gsl_vector_get(y_gsl, i);
+ y(i)=d;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<W_gsl->size2; j++) {
+ W(i,j)=gsl_matrix_get(W_gsl, i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ //initial VB values by lm
+ cout<<indicator_snp[0]<<" "<<indicator_snp[1]<<" "<<indicator_snp[2]<<endl;
+ uchar_matrix_get_row (Xt, 0, x_col);
+ for (size_t j=0; j<10; j++) {
+ cout<<x_col(j)<<endl;
+ }
+ //run VB iterations
+ //save results
+ return;
diff --git a/src/ldr.h b/src/ldr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81048c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ldr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef __LDR_H__
+#define __LDR_H__
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
+#include "param_float.h"
+#include "param.h"
+using namespace std;
+class LDR {
+ // IO related parameters
+ int a_mode;
+ size_t d_pace;
+ string file_bfile;
+ string file_geno;
+ string file_out;
+ string path_out;
+ // Summary statistics
+ size_t ni_total, ns_total; //number of total individuals and snps
+ size_t ni_test, ns_test; //number of individuals and snps used for analysis
+ size_t n_cvt; //number of covariates
+ vector<int> indicator_idv; //indicator for individuals (phenotypes), 0 missing, 1 available for analysis
+ vector<int> indicator_snp; //sequence indicator for SNPs: 0 ignored because of (a) maf, (b) miss, (c) non-poly; 1 available for analysis
+ vector<SNPINFO> snpInfo; //record SNP information
+ // Not included in PARAM
+ gsl_rng *gsl_r;
+ // Main Functions
+ void CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar);
+ void CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar);
+ void VB(const vector<vector<unsigned char> > &Xt, const gsl_matrix *W_gsl, const gsl_vector *y_gsl);
diff --git a/src/logistic.cpp b/src/logistic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b47946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logistic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_sf.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
+#include "logistic.h"
+// I need to bundle all the data that goes to the function to optimze together.
+typedef struct{
+ gsl_matrix_int *X;
+ gsl_vector_int *nlev;
+ gsl_vector *y;
+ gsl_matrix *Xc; // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc (NULL if not used)
+ double lambdaL1;
+ double lambdaL2;
+double fLogit_mixed(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2)
+ int n = y->size;
+ // int k = X->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ double total = 0;
+ double aux = 0;
+ /* omp_set_num_threads(ompthr); */
+ /* /\* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta_0*\/ */
+ /* /\*#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:total)*\/ */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ total += beta->data[i]*beta->data[i];
+ total = (-total*lambdaL2/2);
+ /* /\*#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:aux)*\/ */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ aux += (beta->data[i]>0 ? beta->data[i] : -beta->data[i]);
+ total = total-aux*lambdaL1;
+ /* #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) shared(n,beta,X,nlev,y) reduction (+:total) */
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < X->size2; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)-1+iParm];
+ iParm+=nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ for(int k = 0; k < (Xc->size2); ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm++];
+ total += y->data[i]*Xbetai-gsl_sf_log_1plusx(gsl_sf_exp(Xbetai));
+ }
+ return -total;
+void logistic_mixed_pred(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1)
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X //Matrix Nobs x K
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev // Vector with number categories
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc (NULL if not used)
+ ,gsl_vector *yhat //Vector of prob. predicted by the logistic
+ )
+ for(int i = 0; i < X->size1; ++i) {
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < X->size2; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)-1+iParm];
+ iParm+=nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ // Adding the continuous
+ for(int k = 0; k < (Xc->size2); ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm++];
+ yhat->data[i]=1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai));
+ }
+/* The gradient of f, df = (df/dx, df/dy). */
+wgsl_mixed_optim_df (const gsl_vector *beta, void *params,
+ gsl_vector *out)
+ fix_parm_mixed_T *p = (fix_parm_mixed_T *)params;
+ int n = p->y->size;
+ int K = p->X->size2;
+ int Kc = p->Xc->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ // Intitialize gradient out necessary?
+ for(int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]= 0;
+ /* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0 */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]= p->lambdaL2*beta->data[i];
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]+= p->lambdaL1*((beta->data[i]>0)-(beta->data[i]<0));
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double pn=0;
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm];
+ iParm+=p->nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ // Adding the continuous
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm++];
+ pn= -( p->y->data[i] - 1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai)) );
+ out->data[0]+= pn;
+ iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ out->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm]+=pn;
+ iParm+=p->nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ // Adding the continuous
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k) {
+ out->data[iParm++] += gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k)*pn;
+ }
+ }
+/* The Hessian of f */
+wgsl_mixed_optim_hessian (const gsl_vector *beta, void *params,
+ gsl_matrix *out)
+ fix_parm_mixed_T *p = (fix_parm_mixed_T *)params;
+ int n = p->y->size;
+ int K = p->X->size2;
+ int Kc = p->Xc->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ gsl_vector *gn = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* gn */
+ // Intitialize Hessian out necessary ???
+ gsl_matrix_set_zero(out);
+ /* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0*/
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ gsl_matrix_set(out,i,i,(p->lambdaL2)); // Double check this
+ // L1 penalty not working yet, as not differentiable, I may need to do coordinate descent (as in glm_net)
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double pn=0;
+ double aux=0;
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm1=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm1];
+ iParm1+=p->nlev->data[k]-1; //-1?
+ }
+ // Adding the continuous
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm1++];
+ pn= 1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai));
+ // Add a protection for pn very close to 0 or 1?
+ aux=pn*(1-pn);
+ // Calculate sub-gradient vector gn
+ gsl_vector_set_zero(gn);
+ gn->data[0]= 1;
+ iParm1=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ gn->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm1]=1;
+ iParm1+=p->nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ // Adding the continuous
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k) {
+ gn->data[iParm1++] = gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k);
+ }
+ for(int k1=0;k1<npar; ++k1)
+ if(gn->data[k1]!=0)
+ for(int k2=0;k2<npar; ++k2)
+ if(gn->data[k2]!=0)
+ *gsl_matrix_ptr(out,k1,k2) += (aux * gn->data[k1] * gn->data[k2]);
+ }
+ gsl_vector_free(gn);
+double wgsl_mixed_optim_f(gsl_vector *v, void *params)
+ double mLogLik=0;
+ fix_parm_mixed_T *p = (fix_parm_mixed_T *)params;
+ mLogLik = fLogit_mixed(v,p->X,p->nlev,p->Xc,p->y,p->lambdaL1,p->lambdaL2);
+ return mLogLik;
+/* Compute both f and df together. */
+wgsl_mixed_optim_fdf (gsl_vector *x, void *params,
+ double *f, gsl_vector *df)
+ *f = wgsl_mixed_optim_f(x, params);
+ wgsl_mixed_optim_df(x, params, df);
+int logistic_mixed_fit(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc (NULL if not used)
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2)
+ double mLogLik=0;
+ fix_parm_mixed_T p;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ int iter=0;
+ double maxchange=0;
+ //Intializing fix parameters
+ p.X=X;
+ p.Xc=Xc;
+ p.nlev=nlev;
+ p.y=y;
+ p.lambdaL1=lambdaL1;
+ p.lambdaL2=lambdaL2;
+ //Initial fit
+ //#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ mLogLik = wgsl_mixed_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#Initial -log(Lik(0))=%lf\n",mLogLik);
+ //#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ gsl_matrix *myH = gsl_matrix_alloc(npar,npar); /* Hessian matrix*/
+ gsl_vector *stBeta = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* Direction to move */
+ gsl_vector *myG = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* Gradient*/
+ gsl_vector *tau = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* tau for QR*/
+ for(iter=0;iter<100;iter++){
+ wgsl_mixed_optim_hessian(beta,&p,myH); //Calculate Hessian
+ wgsl_mixed_optim_df(beta,&p,myG); //Calculate Gradient
+ gsl_linalg_QR_decomp(myH,tau); //Calculate next beta
+ gsl_linalg_QR_solve(myH,tau,myG,stBeta);
+ gsl_vector_sub(beta,stBeta);
+ //Monitor convergence
+ maxchange=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<npar; i++)
+ if(maxchange<fabs(stBeta->data[i]))
+ maxchange=fabs(stBeta->data[i]);
+#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ //mLogLik = wgsl_mixed_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#iter %d, -log(Lik(0))=%lf,%lf\n",(int)iter,mLogLik,maxchange);
+#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ if(maxchange<1E-4)
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ //for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++)
+ // fprintf(stderr,"#par_%d= %lf\n",i,beta->data[i]);
+#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ //Final fit
+ mLogLik = wgsl_mixed_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#Final %d) -log(Lik(0))=%lf, maxchange %lf\n",iter,mLogLik,maxchange);
+ gsl_vector_free (tau);
+ gsl_vector_free (stBeta);
+ gsl_vector_free (myG);
+ gsl_matrix_free (myH);
+ return 0;
+/* Categorical */
+// I need to bundle all the data that goes to the function to optimze together.
+typedef struct{
+ gsl_matrix_int *X;
+ gsl_vector_int *nlev;
+ gsl_vector *y;
+ double lambdaL1;
+ double lambdaL2;
+double fLogit_cat(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2)
+ int n = y->size;
+ // int k = X->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ double total = 0;
+ double aux = 0;
+ /* omp_set_num_threads(ompthr); */
+ /* /\* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0*\/ */
+ /* /\*#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:total)*\/ */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ total += beta->data[i]*beta->data[i];
+ total = (-total*lambdaL2/2);
+ /* /\*#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:aux)*\/ */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ aux += (beta->data[i]>0 ? beta->data[i] : -beta->data[i]);
+ total = total-aux*lambdaL1;
+ /* #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) shared(n,beta,X,nlev,y) reduction (+:total) */
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < X->size2; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)-1+iParm];
+ iParm+=nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ total += y->data[i]*Xbetai-gsl_sf_log_1plusx(gsl_sf_exp(Xbetai));
+ }
+ return -total;
+void logistic_cat_pred(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1)
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X //Matrix Nobs x K
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev // Vector with number categories
+ ,gsl_vector *yhat //Vector of prob. predicted by the logistic
+ )
+ for(int i = 0; i < X->size1; ++i) {
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < X->size2; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(X,i,k)-1+iParm];
+ iParm+=nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ yhat->data[i]=1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai));
+ }
+/* The gradient of f, df = (df/dx, df/dy). */
+wgsl_cat_optim_df (const gsl_vector *beta, void *params,
+ gsl_vector *out)
+ fix_parm_cat_T *p = (fix_parm_cat_T *)params;
+ int n = p->y->size;
+ int K = p->X->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ // Intitialize gradient out necessary?
+ for(int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]= 0;
+ /* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0 */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]= p->lambdaL2*beta->data[i];
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]+= p->lambdaL1*((beta->data[i]>0)-(beta->data[i]<0));
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double pn=0;
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm];
+ iParm+=p->nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ // total += y->data[i]*Xbetai-log(1+gsl_sf_exp(Xbetai));
+ pn= -( p->y->data[i] - 1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai)) );
+ out->data[0]+= pn;
+ iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ out->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm]+=pn;
+ iParm+=p->nlev->data[k]-1;
+ }
+ }
+/* The Hessian of f */
+wgsl_cat_optim_hessian (const gsl_vector *beta, void *params,
+ gsl_matrix *out)
+ fix_parm_cat_T *p = (fix_parm_cat_T *)params;
+ int n = p->y->size;
+ int K = p->X->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ // Intitialize Hessian out necessary ???
+ gsl_matrix_set_zero(out);
+ /* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0*/
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ gsl_matrix_set(out,i,i,(p->lambdaL2)); // Double check this
+ // L1 penalty not working yet, as not differentiable, I may need to do coordinate descent (as in glm_net)
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double pn=0;
+ double aux=0;
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm2=1;
+ int iParm1=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)>0)
+ Xbetai+=beta->data[gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k)-1+iParm1];
+ iParm1+=p->nlev->data[k]-1; //-1?
+ }
+ // total += y->data[i]*Xbetai-log(1+gsl_sf_exp(Xbetai));
+ pn= 1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai));
+ // Add a protection for pn very close to 0 or 1?
+ aux=pn*(1-pn);
+ *gsl_matrix_ptr(out,0,0)+=aux;
+ iParm2=1;
+ for(int k2 = 0; k2 < K; ++k2) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k2)>0)
+ *gsl_matrix_ptr(out,0,gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k2)-1+iParm2)+=aux;
+ iParm2+=p->nlev->data[k2]-1; //-1?
+ }
+ iParm1=1;
+ for(int k1 = 0; k1 < K; ++k1) {
+ if(gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k1)>0)
+ *gsl_matrix_ptr(out,gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k1)-1+iParm1,0)+=aux;
+ iParm2=1;
+ for(int k2 = 0; k2 < K; ++k2) {
+ if((gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k1)>0) && (gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k2)>0))
+ *gsl_matrix_ptr(out
+ ,gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k1)-1+iParm1
+ ,gsl_matrix_int_get(p->X,i,k2)-1+iParm2
+ )+=aux;
+ iParm2+=p->nlev->data[k2]-1; //-1?
+ }
+ iParm1+=p->nlev->data[k1]-1; //-1?
+ }
+ }
+double wgsl_cat_optim_f(gsl_vector *v, void *params)
+ double mLogLik=0;
+ fix_parm_cat_T *p = (fix_parm_cat_T *)params;
+ mLogLik = fLogit_cat(v,p->X,p->nlev,p->y,p->lambdaL1,p->lambdaL2);
+ return mLogLik;
+/* Compute both f and df together. */
+wgsl_cat_optim_fdf (gsl_vector *x, void *params,
+ double *f, gsl_vector *df)
+ *f = wgsl_cat_optim_f(x, params);
+ wgsl_cat_optim_df(x, params, df);
+int logistic_cat_fit(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2)
+ double mLogLik=0;
+ fix_parm_cat_T p;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ int iter=0;
+ double maxchange=0;
+ //Intializing fix parameters
+ p.X=X;
+ p.nlev=nlev;
+ p.y=y;
+ p.lambdaL1=lambdaL1;
+ p.lambdaL2=lambdaL2;
+ //Initial fit
+ //#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ mLogLik = wgsl_cat_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#Initial -log(Lik(0))=%lf\n",mLogLik);
+ //#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ gsl_matrix *myH = gsl_matrix_alloc(npar,npar); /* Hessian matrix*/
+ gsl_vector *stBeta = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* Direction to move */
+ gsl_vector *myG = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* Gradient*/
+ gsl_vector *tau = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* tau for QR*/
+ for(iter=0;iter<100;iter++){
+ wgsl_cat_optim_hessian(beta,&p,myH); //Calculate Hessian
+ wgsl_cat_optim_df(beta,&p,myG); //Calculate Gradient
+ gsl_linalg_QR_decomp(myH,tau); //Calculate next beta
+ gsl_linalg_QR_solve(myH,tau,myG,stBeta);
+ gsl_vector_sub(beta,stBeta);
+ //Monitor convergence
+ maxchange=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<npar; i++)
+ if(maxchange<fabs(stBeta->data[i]))
+ maxchange=fabs(stBeta->data[i]);
+#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ mLogLik = wgsl_cat_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#iter %d, -log(Lik(0))=%lf,%lf\n",(int)iter,mLogLik,maxchange);
+#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ if(maxchange<1E-4)
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ //for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++)
+ // fprintf(stderr,"#par_%d= %lf\n",i,beta->data[i]);
+#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ //Final fit
+ mLogLik = wgsl_cat_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#Final %d) -log(Lik(0))=%lf, maxchange %lf\n",iter,mLogLik,maxchange);
+ gsl_vector_free (tau);
+ gsl_vector_free (stBeta);
+ gsl_vector_free (myG);
+ gsl_matrix_free (myH);
+ return 0;
+/* Continuous */
+// I need to bundle all the data that goes to the function to optimze together.
+typedef struct{
+ gsl_matrix *Xc; // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ gsl_vector *y;
+ double lambdaL1;
+ double lambdaL2;
+double fLogit_cont(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2)
+ int n = y->size;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ double total = 0;
+ double aux = 0;
+ /* omp_set_num_threads(ompthr); */
+ /* /\* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta_0*\/ */
+ /* /\*#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:total)*\/ */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ total += beta->data[i]*beta->data[i];
+ total = (-total*lambdaL2/2);
+ /* /\*#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:aux)*\/ */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ aux += (beta->data[i]>0 ? beta->data[i] : -beta->data[i]);
+ total = total-aux*lambdaL1;
+ /* #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) shared(n,beta,X,nlev,y) reduction (+:total) */
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < (Xc->size2); ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm++];
+ total += y->data[i]*Xbetai-gsl_sf_log_1plusx(gsl_sf_exp(Xbetai));
+ }
+ return -total;
+void logistic_cont_pred(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1)
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc (NULL if not used)
+ ,gsl_vector *yhat //Vector of prob. predicted by the logistic
+ )
+ for(int i = 0; i < Xc->size1; ++i) {
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < (Xc->size2); ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm++];
+ yhat->data[i]=1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai));
+ }
+/* The gradient of f, df = (df/dx, df/dy). */
+wgsl_cont_optim_df (const gsl_vector *beta, void *params,
+ gsl_vector *out)
+ fix_parm_cont_T *p = (fix_parm_cont_T *)params;
+ int n = p->y->size;
+ int Kc = p->Xc->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ // Intitialize gradient out necessary?
+ for(int i = 0; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]= 0;
+ /* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0 */
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]= p->lambdaL2*beta->data[i];
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ out->data[i]+= p->lambdaL1*((beta->data[i]>0)-(beta->data[i]<0));
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double pn=0;
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm++];
+ pn= -( p->y->data[i] - 1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai)) );
+ out->data[0]+= pn;
+ iParm=1;
+ // Adding the continuous
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k) {
+ out->data[iParm++] += gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k)*pn;
+ }
+ }
+/* The Hessian of f */
+wgsl_cont_optim_hessian (const gsl_vector *beta, void *params,
+ gsl_matrix *out)
+ fix_parm_cont_T *p = (fix_parm_cont_T *)params;
+ int n = p->y->size;
+ int Kc = p->Xc->size2;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ gsl_vector *gn = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* gn */
+ // Intitialize Hessian out necessary ???
+ gsl_matrix_set_zero(out);
+ /* Changed loop start at 1 instead of 0 to avoid regularization of beta 0*/
+ for(int i = 1; i < npar; ++i)
+ gsl_matrix_set(out,i,i,(p->lambdaL2)); // Double check this
+ // L1 penalty not working yet, as not differentiable, I may need to do coordinate descent (as in glm_net)
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ double pn=0;
+ double aux=0;
+ double Xbetai=beta->data[0];
+ int iParm1=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k)
+ Xbetai+= gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k)*beta->data[iParm1++];
+ pn= 1/(1 + gsl_sf_exp(-Xbetai));
+ // Add a protection for pn very close to 0 or 1?
+ aux=pn*(1-pn);
+ // Calculate sub-gradient vector gn
+ gsl_vector_set_zero(gn);
+ gn->data[0]= 1;
+ iParm1=1;
+ for(int k = 0; k < Kc; ++k) {
+ gn->data[iParm1++] = gsl_matrix_get(p->Xc,i,k);
+ }
+ for(int k1=0;k1<npar; ++k1)
+ if(gn->data[k1]!=0)
+ for(int k2=0;k2<npar; ++k2)
+ if(gn->data[k2]!=0)
+ *gsl_matrix_ptr(out,k1,k2) += (aux * gn->data[k1] * gn->data[k2]);
+ }
+ gsl_vector_free(gn);
+double wgsl_cont_optim_f(gsl_vector *v, void *params)
+ double mLogLik=0;
+ fix_parm_cont_T *p = (fix_parm_cont_T *)params;
+ mLogLik = fLogit_cont(v,p->Xc,p->y,p->lambdaL1,p->lambdaL2);
+ return mLogLik;
+/* Compute both f and df together. */
+wgsl_cont_optim_fdf (gsl_vector *x, void *params,
+ double *f, gsl_vector *df)
+ *f = wgsl_cont_optim_f(x, params);
+ wgsl_cont_optim_df(x, params, df);
+int logistic_cont_fit(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc (NULL if not used)
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2)
+ double mLogLik=0;
+ fix_parm_cont_T p;
+ int npar = beta->size;
+ int iter=0;
+ double maxchange=0;
+ //Intializing fix parameters
+ p.Xc=Xc;
+ p.y=y;
+ p.lambdaL1=lambdaL1;
+ p.lambdaL2=lambdaL2;
+ //Initial fit
+ //#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ mLogLik = wgsl_cont_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#Initial -log(Lik(0))=%lf\n",mLogLik);
+ //#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ gsl_matrix *myH = gsl_matrix_alloc(npar,npar); /* Hessian matrix*/
+ gsl_vector *stBeta = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* Direction to move */
+ gsl_vector *myG = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* Gradient*/
+ gsl_vector *tau = gsl_vector_alloc(npar); /* tau for QR*/
+ for(iter=0;iter<100;iter++){
+ wgsl_cont_optim_hessian(beta,&p,myH); //Calculate Hessian
+ wgsl_cont_optim_df(beta,&p,myG); //Calculate Gradient
+ gsl_linalg_QR_decomp(myH,tau); //Calculate next beta
+ gsl_linalg_QR_solve(myH,tau,myG,stBeta);
+ gsl_vector_sub(beta,stBeta);
+ //Monitor convergence
+ maxchange=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<npar; i++)
+ if(maxchange<fabs(stBeta->data[i]))
+ maxchange=fabs(stBeta->data[i]);
+#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ mLogLik = wgsl_cont_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#iter %d, -log(Lik(0))=%lf,%lf\n",(int)iter,mLogLik,maxchange);
+#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ if(maxchange<1E-4)
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef _RPR_DEBUG_
+ //for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++)
+ // fprintf(stderr,"#par_%d= %lf\n",i,beta->data[i]);
+#endif //_RPR_DEBUG
+ //Final fit
+ mLogLik = wgsl_cont_optim_f(beta,&p);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"#Final %d) -log(Lik(0))=%lf, maxchange %lf\n",iter,mLogLik,maxchange);
+ gsl_vector_free (tau);
+ gsl_vector_free (stBeta);
+ gsl_vector_free (myG);
+ gsl_matrix_free (myH);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/logistic.h b/src/logistic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a68ee09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logistic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#ifndef LOGISTIC_H_ /* Include guard */
+#define LOGISTIC_H_
+/* Mixed interface */
+void logistic_mixed_pred(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1) + Kc
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X //Matrix Nobs x K
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev // Vector with number categories
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ ,gsl_vector *yhat //Vector of prob. predicted by the logistic
+ );
+int logistic_mixed_fit(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1) + Kc
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X //Matrix Nobs x K
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev // Vector with number categories
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ ,gsl_vector *y //Vector of prob. to predict
+ ,double lambdaL1 // Regularization L1 0.0 if not used
+ ,double lambdaL2); // Regularization L2 0.0 if not used
+double fLogit_mixed(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2);
+/* Categorical only interface */
+void logistic_cat_pred(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1) + Kc
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X //Matrix Nobs x K
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev // Vector with number categories
+ ,gsl_vector *yhat //Vector of prob. predicted by the logistic
+ );
+int logistic_cat_fit(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1) + Kc
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X //Matrix Nobs x K
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev // Vector with number categories
+ ,gsl_vector *y //Vector of prob. to predict
+ ,double lambdaL1 // Regularization L1 0.0 if not used
+ ,double lambdaL2); // Regularization L2 0.0 if not used
+double fLogit_cat(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix_int *X
+ ,gsl_vector_int *nlev
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2);
+/* Continuous only interface */
+void logistic_cont_pred(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1) + Kc
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ ,gsl_vector *yhat //Vector of prob. predicted by the logistic
+ );
+int logistic_cont_fit(gsl_vector *beta // Vector of parameters length = 1 + Sum_k(C_k - 1) + Kc
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ ,gsl_vector *y //Vector of prob. to predict
+ ,double lambdaL1 // Regularization L1 0.0 if not used
+ ,double lambdaL2); // Regularization L2 0.0 if not used
+double fLogit_cont(gsl_vector *beta
+ ,gsl_matrix *Xc // continuous covariates Matrix Nobs x Kc
+ ,gsl_vector *y
+ ,double lambdaL1
+ ,double lambdaL2);
+#endif // LOGISTIC_H_
diff --git a/src/varcov.cpp b/src/varcov.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdc6f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/varcov.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+ Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_linalg.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_blas.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_cdf.h"
+#include "lapack.h"
+#include "gzstream.h"
+#include "param_float.h"
+#include "varcov_float.h"
+#include "io_float.h"
+#include "mathfunc_float.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "varcov.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "mathfunc.h"
+using namespace std;
+void VARCOV::CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar)
+ d_pace=cPar.d_pace;
+ file_bfile=cPar.file_bfile;
+ file_geno=cPar.file_geno;
+ file_out=cPar.file_out;
+ path_out=cPar.path_out;
+ time_opt=0.0;
+ window_cm=cPar.window_cm;
+ window_bp=cPar.window_bp;
+ window_ns=cPar.window_ns;
+ indicator_idv=cPar.indicator_idv;
+ indicator_snp=cPar.indicator_snp;
+ snpInfo=cPar.snpInfo;
+ return;
+void VARCOV::CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar)
+ cPar.time_opt=time_opt;
+ return;
+//chr rs ps n_idv allele1 allele0 af var window_size r2 (r2_11,n_11,r2_12,n_12...r2_1m,n_1m)
+void VARCOV::WriteCov (const int flag, const vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo_sub, const vector<vector<double> > &Cov_mat)
+ string file_cov;
+ file_cov=path_out+"/"+file_out;
+ file_cov+=".cor.txt";
+ ofstream outfile;
+ if (flag==0) {
+ outfile.open (file_cov.c_str(), ofstream::out);
+ if (!outfile) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_cov<<endl; return;}
+ outfile<<"chr"<<"\t"<<"rs"<<"\t"<<"ps"<<"\t"<<"n_mis"
+ <<"\t"<<"n_obs"<<"\t"<<"allele1"<<"\t"<<"allele0"
+ <<"\t"<<"af"<<"\t"<<"window_size"
+ <<"\t"<<"var"<<"\t"<<"cor"<<endl;
+ } else {
+ outfile.open (file_cov.c_str(), ofstream::app);
+ if (!outfile) {cout<<"error writing file: "<<file_cov<<endl; return;}
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Cov_mat.size(); i++) {
+ outfile<<snpInfo_sub[i].chr<<"\t"<<snpInfo_sub[i].rs_number<<"\t"<<snpInfo_sub[i].base_position<<"\t"<<snpInfo_sub[i].n_miss<<"\t"<<snpInfo_sub[i].n_idv<<"\t"<<snpInfo_sub[i].a_minor<<"\t"<<snpInfo_sub[i].a_major<<"\t"<<fixed<<setprecision(3)<<snpInfo_sub[i].maf<<"\t"<<Cov_mat[i].size()-1<<"\t";
+ outfile<<scientific<<setprecision(6)<<Cov_mat[i][0]<<"\t";
+ if (Cov_mat[i].size()==1) {
+ outfile<<"NA";
+ } else {
+ for (size_t j=1; j<Cov_mat[i].size(); j++) {
+ if (j==(Cov_mat[i].size()-1)) {
+ outfile<<Cov_mat[i][j];
+ } else {
+ outfile<<Cov_mat[i][j]<<",";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outfile<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ outfile.close();
+ outfile.clear();
+ return;
+// sort SNPs first based on chromosomes then based on bp (or cm, if bp is not available)
+//if chr1=chr2 and bp1=bp2, then return with the same order
+bool CompareSNPinfo (const SNPINFO &snpInfo1, const SNPINFO &snpInfo2)
+ int c_chr=snpInfo1.chr.compare(snpInfo2.chr);
+ long int c_bp=snpInfo1.base_position-snpInfo2.base_position;
+ if(c_chr<0) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (c_chr>0) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (c_bp<0) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (c_bp>0) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+// do not sort SNPs (because gzip files do not support random access)
+// then calculate n_nb, the number of neighbours, for each snp
+void VARCOV::CalcNB (vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo_sort)
+ // stable_sort(snpInfo_sort.begin(), snpInfo_sort.end(), CompareSNPinfo);
+ size_t t2=0, n_nb=0;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<indicator_snp.size(); ++t) {
+ if (indicator_snp[t]==0) {continue;}
+ if (snpInfo_sort[t].chr=="-9" || (snpInfo_sort[t].cM==-9 && window_cm!=0) || (snpInfo_sort[t].base_position==-9 && window_bp!=0) ) {
+ snpInfo_sort[t].n_nb=0; continue;
+ }
+ if (t==indicator_snp.size()-1) {snpInfo_sort[t].n_nb=0; continue;}
+ t2=t+1; n_nb=0;
+ while (t2<indicator_snp.size() && snpInfo_sort[t2].chr==snpInfo_sort[t].chr && indicator_snp[t2]==0) {t2++;}
+ while (t2<indicator_snp.size() && snpInfo_sort[t2].chr==snpInfo_sort[t].chr && (snpInfo_sort[t2].cM-snpInfo_sort[t].cM<window_cm || window_cm==0) && (snpInfo_sort[t2].base_position-snpInfo_sort[t].base_position<window_bp || window_bp==0) && (n_nb<window_ns|| window_ns==0) ) {
+ t2++; n_nb++;
+ while (t2<indicator_snp.size() && snpInfo_sort[t2].chr==snpInfo_sort[t].chr && indicator_snp[t2]==0) {t2++;}
+ }
+ snpInfo_sort[t].n_nb=n_nb;
+ }
+ return;
+//vector double is centered to have mean 0
+void Calc_Cor(vector<vector<double> > &X_mat, vector<double> &cov_vec)
+ cov_vec.clear();
+ double v1, v2, r;
+ vector<double> x_vec=X_mat[0];
+ lapack_ddot(x_vec, x_vec, v1);
+ cov_vec.push_back(v1/(double)x_vec.size() );
+ for (size_t i=1; i<X_mat.size(); i++) {
+ lapack_ddot(X_mat[i], x_vec, r);
+ lapack_ddot(X_mat[i], X_mat[i], v2);
+ r/=sqrt(v1*v2);
+ cov_vec.push_back(r);
+ }
+ return;
+//somehow this can produce nan for some snps; perhaps due to missing values?
+//vector int is not centered, and have 0/1/2 values only
+//missing value is -9; to calculate covariance, these values are replaced by
+void Calc_Cor(const vector<vector<int> > &X_mat, vector<double> &cov_vec)
+ cov_vec.clear();
+ int d1, d2, m1, m2, n1, n2, n12;
+ double m1d, m2d, m12d, v1d, v2d, v;
+ vector<int> x_vec=X_mat[0];
+ //calculate m2
+ m2=0; n2=0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<x_vec.size(); j++) {
+ d2=x_vec[j];
+ if (d2==-9) {continue;}
+ m2+=d2; n2++;
+ }
+ m2d=(double)m2/(double)n2;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<X_mat.size(); i++) {
+ //calculate m1
+ m1=0; n1=0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<x_vec.size(); j++) {
+ d1=X_mat[i][j];
+ if (d1==-9) {continue;}
+ m1+=d1; n1++;
+ }
+ m1d=(double)m1/(double)n1;
+ //calculate v1
+ m1=0; m2=0; m12d=0; n12=0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<x_vec.size(); j++) {
+ d1=X_mat[i][j];
+ if (d1==-9) {
+ n12++;
+ } else if (d1!=0) {
+ if (d1==1) {m12d+=1;} else if (d1==2) {m12d+=4;} else {m12d+=(double)(d1*d1);}
+ }
+ }
+ v1d=((double)m12d+m1d*(double)m2+m2d*(double)m1+(double)n12*m1d*m2d)/(double)x_vec.size()-m1d*m2d;
+ //calculate covariance
+ if (i!=0) {
+ m1=0; m2=0; m12d=0; n12=0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<x_vec.size(); j++) {
+ d1=X_mat[i][j]; d2=x_vec[j];
+ if (d1==-9 && d2==-9) {
+ n12++;
+ } else if (d1==-9) {
+ m2+=d2;
+ } else if (d2==-9) {
+ m1+=d1;
+ } else if (d1!=0 && d2!=0) {
+ if (d1==1) {m12d+=d2;} else if (d1==2) {m12d+=d2+d2;} else {m12d+=(double)(d1*d2);}
+ }
+ }
+ v=((double)m12d+m1d*(double)m2+m2d*(double)m1+(double)n12*m1d*m2d)/(double)x_vec.size()-m1d*m2d;
+ v/=sqrt(v1d*v2d);
+ } else {
+ v2d=v1d;
+ v=v1d/(double)x_vec.size();
+ }
+ cov_vec.push_back(v);
+ }
+ return;
+//read the genotype file again, calculate r2 between pairs of SNPs within a window, output the file every 10K SNPs
+//the output results are sorted based on chr and bp
+//output format similar to assoc.txt files (remember n_miss is replaced by n_idv)
+//r2 between the current SNP and every following SNPs within the window_size (which can vary if cM was used)
+//read bimbam mean genotype file and calculate the covariance matrix for neighboring SNPs
+//output values at 10000-SNP-interval
+void VARCOV::AnalyzeBimbam ()
+ igzstream infile (file_geno.c_str(), igzstream::in);
+ if (!infile) {cout<<"error reading genotype file:"<<file_geno<<endl; return;}
+ //calculate the number of right-hand-side neighbours for each SNP
+ vector<SNPINFO> snpInfo_sub;
+ CalcNB(snpInfo);
+ size_t ni_test=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<indicator_idv.size(); i++) {
+ ni_test+=indicator_idv[i];
+ }
+ gsl_vector *geno=gsl_vector_alloc (ni_test);
+ double geno_mean;
+ vector<double> x_vec, cov_vec;
+ vector<vector<double> > X_mat, Cov_mat;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ni_test; i++) {
+ x_vec.push_back(0);
+ }
+ WriteCov (0, snpInfo_sub, Cov_mat);
+ size_t t2=0, inc;
+ int n_nb=0;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<indicator_snp.size(); ++t) {
+ if (t%d_pace==0 || t==(indicator_snp.size()-1)) {ProgressBar ("Reading SNPs ", t, indicator_snp.size()-1);}
+ if (indicator_snp[t]==0) {continue;}
+ // if (t>=2) {break;}
+ if (X_mat.size()==0) {
+ n_nb=snpInfo[t].n_nb+1;
+ } else {
+ n_nb=snpInfo[t].n_nb-n_nb+1;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<n_nb; i++) {
+ if (X_mat.size()==0) {t2=t;}
+ //read a line of the snp is filtered out
+ inc=0;
+ while (t2<indicator_snp.size() && indicator_snp[t2]==0) {
+ t2++; inc++;
+ }
+ Bimbam_ReadOneSNP (inc, indicator_idv, infile, geno, geno_mean);
+ gsl_vector_add_constant (geno, -1.0*geno_mean);
+ for (size_t j=0; j<geno->size; j++) {
+ x_vec[j]=gsl_vector_get(geno, j);
+ }
+ X_mat.push_back(x_vec);
+ t2++;
+ }
+ n_nb=snpInfo[t].n_nb;
+ Calc_Cor(X_mat, cov_vec);
+ Cov_mat.push_back(cov_vec);
+ snpInfo_sub.push_back(snpInfo[t]);
+ X_mat.erase(X_mat.begin());
+ //write out var/cov values
+ if (Cov_mat.size()==10000) {
+ WriteCov (1, snpInfo_sub, Cov_mat);
+ Cov_mat.clear();
+ snpInfo_sub.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (Cov_mat.size()!=0) {
+ WriteCov (1, snpInfo_sub, Cov_mat);
+ Cov_mat.clear();
+ snpInfo_sub.clear();
+ }
+ gsl_vector_free(geno);
+ infile.close();
+ infile.clear();
+ return;
+void VARCOV::AnalyzePlink ()
+ string file_bed=file_bfile+".bed";
+ ifstream infile (file_bed.c_str(), ios::binary);
+ if (!infile) {cout<<"error reading bed file:"<<file_bed<<endl; return;}
+ //calculate the number of right-hand-side neighbours for each SNP
+ vector<SNPINFO> snpInfo_sub;
+ CalcNB(snpInfo);
+ size_t ni_test=0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<indicator_idv.size(); i++) {
+ ni_test+=indicator_idv[i];
+ }
+ gsl_vector *geno=gsl_vector_alloc (ni_test);
+ double geno_mean;
+ vector<double> x_vec, cov_vec;
+ vector<vector<double> > X_mat, Cov_mat;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ni_test; i++) {
+ x_vec.push_back(0);
+ }
+ WriteCov (0, snpInfo_sub, Cov_mat);
+ size_t t2=0, inc;
+ int n_nb=0;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<indicator_snp.size(); ++t) {
+ if (t%d_pace==0 || t==(indicator_snp.size()-1)) {ProgressBar ("Reading SNPs ", t, indicator_snp.size()-1);}
+ if (indicator_snp[t]==0) {continue;}
+ // if (t>=2) {break;}
+ if (X_mat.size()==0) {
+ n_nb=snpInfo[t].n_nb+1;
+ } else {
+ n_nb=snpInfo[t].n_nb-n_nb+1;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<n_nb; i++) {
+ if (X_mat.size()==0) {t2=t;}
+ //read a line of the snp is filtered out
+ inc=0;
+ while (t2<indicator_snp.size() && indicator_snp[t2]==0) {
+ t2++; inc++;
+ }
+ Plink_ReadOneSNP (t2, indicator_idv, infile, geno, geno_mean);
+ gsl_vector_add_constant (geno, -1.0*geno_mean);
+ for (size_t j=0; j<geno->size; j++) {
+ x_vec[j]=gsl_vector_get(geno, j);
+ }
+ X_mat.push_back(x_vec);
+ t2++;
+ }
+ n_nb=snpInfo[t].n_nb;
+ Calc_Cor(X_mat, cov_vec);
+ Cov_mat.push_back(cov_vec);
+ snpInfo_sub.push_back(snpInfo[t]);
+ X_mat.erase(X_mat.begin());
+ //write out var/cov values
+ if (Cov_mat.size()==10000) {
+ WriteCov (1, snpInfo_sub, Cov_mat);
+ Cov_mat.clear();
+ snpInfo_sub.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ if (Cov_mat.size()!=0) {
+ WriteCov (1, snpInfo_sub, Cov_mat);
+ Cov_mat.clear();
+ snpInfo_sub.clear();
+ }
+ gsl_vector_free(geno);
+ infile.close();
+ infile.clear();
+ return;
diff --git a/src/varcov.h b/src/varcov.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b380b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/varcov.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association (GEMMA)
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Xiang Zhou
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef __VARCOV_H__
+#define __VARCOV_H__
+#include "gsl/gsl_vector.h"
+#include "gsl/gsl_matrix.h"
+#include "param_float.h"
+#include "io_float.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "io.h"
+using namespace std;
+class VARCOV {
+ // IO related parameters
+ string file_out;
+ string path_out;
+ string file_geno;
+ string file_bfile;
+ int d_pace;
+ vector<int> indicator_idv;
+ vector<int> indicator_snp;
+ vector<SNPINFO> snpInfo;
+ double time_opt;
+ // Class specific parameters
+ double window_cm;
+ size_t window_bp;
+ size_t window_ns;
+ // Main functions
+ void CopyFromParam (PARAM &cPar);
+ void CopyToParam (PARAM &cPar);
+ void CalcNB (vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo_sort);
+ void WriteCov (const int flag, const vector<SNPINFO> &snpInfo_sub, const vector<vector<double> > &Cov_mat);
+ void AnalyzeBimbam ();
+ void AnalyzePlink ();