BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
discourse-ruby-packagesgn: discourse packaging on holdEfraim Flashner4 years
fredmanglis/production-containerDowngrade guix to b0b988c.Frederick Muriuki Muriithi7 days
gn1GN1: find guix-profilepjotrp23 months
mastergn-libs: New dependenciesFrederick Muriuki Muriithi4 hours
update-gn3-for-production-containergn-uploader: Add node-resumablejs as a dependency.Frederick Muriuki Muriithi4 months
wip-brakerbraker almost readyEfraim Flashner3 years
wip-kaleidogn: Update BNW to 1.3-5.73ba588.Efraim Flashner3 years
wip-mailmanWIP mailman serviceEfraim Flashner5 years
wip-ratspub-containerWIP ratspub serviceEfraim Flashner5 years
wip-tensorflowAdjust to new multi-target bootloader configsEfraim Flashner3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-02-19Preparing GN2 for an new release. Disabling numarray dependencygn-devPjotr Prins
2017-02-18Removed packages that appear in guix masterPjotr Prins
2017-02-02Patching Druntime for sambambapjotrp
2017-01-29Shipped sambambapjotrp
2017-01-28Updated ldcpjotrp
2017-01-24sambamba: remove lz4 and rdmdpjotrp
2017-01-24Sambamba uses lz4.so, so the source download is no longer needed.pjotrp
2017-01-24sambamba: make file builds with symbols by default and O2pjotrp
2017-01-21Debug version of sambambapjotrp
2017-01-20Sambamba: switched to guix makefilepjotrp