path: root/uploader/templates/rqtl2/select-population.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'uploader/templates/rqtl2/select-population.html')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uploader/templates/rqtl2/select-population.html b/uploader/templates/rqtl2/select-population.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37731f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/templates/rqtl2/select-population.html
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+{%extends "base.html"%}
+{%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_messages%}
+{%block title%}Select Grouping/Population{%endblock%}
+{%block contents%}
+<h1 class="heading">Select grouping/population</h1>
+<div class="explainer">
+ <p>The data is organised in a hierarchical form, beginning with
+ <em>species</em> at the very top. Under <em>species</em> the data is
+ organised by <em>population</em>, sometimes referred to as <em>grouping</em>.
+ (In some really old documents/systems, you might see this referred to as
+ <em>InbredSet</em>.)</p>
+ <p>In this section, you get to define what population your data is to be
+ organised by.</p>
+<form method="POST"
+ action="{{url_for('upload.rqtl2.select_population', species_id=species.SpeciesId)}}">
+ <legend class="heading">select grouping/population</legend>
+ {{flash_messages("error-select-population")}}
+ <input type="hidden" name="species_id" value="{{species.SpeciesId}}" />
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="select:inbredset" class="form-label">population</label>
+ <select id="select:inbredset"
+ name="inbredset_id"
+ required="required"
+ class="form-control">
+ <option value="">Select a grouping/population</option>
+ {%for pop in populations%}
+ <option value="{{pop.InbredSetId}}">
+ {{pop.InbredSetName}} ({{pop.FullName}})</option>
+ {%endfor%}
+ </select>
+ <span class="form-text text-muted">If you are adding data to an already existing
+ population, simply pick the population from this drop-down selector. If
+ you cannot find your population from this list, try the form below to
+ create a new one..</span>
+ </div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" />select population</button>
+<p style="color:#FE3535; padding-left:20em; font-weight:bolder;">OR</p>
+<form method="POST"
+ action="{{url_for('upload.rqtl2.create_population', species_id=species.SpeciesId)}}">
+ <legend class="heading">create new grouping/population</legend>
+ {{flash_messages("error-create-population")}}
+ <input type="hidden" name="species_id" value="{{species.SpeciesId}}" />
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <legend class="heading">mandatory</legend>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="txt:inbredset-name" class="form-label">name</label>
+ <input id="txt:inbredset-name"
+ name="inbredset_name"
+ type="text"
+ required="required"
+ maxlength="30"
+ placeholder="Enter grouping/population name"
+ class="form-control" />
+ <span class="form-text text-muted">This is a short name that identifies the
+ population. Useful for menus, and quick scanning.</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="txt:" class="form-label">full name</label>
+ <input id="txt:inbredset-fullname"
+ name="inbredset_fullname"
+ type="text"
+ required="required"
+ maxlength="100"
+ placeholder="Enter the grouping/population's full name"
+ class="form-control" />
+ <span class="form-text text-muted">This can be the same as the name above, or can
+ be longer. Useful for documentation, and human communication.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <legend class="heading">optional</legend>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="num:public" class="form-label">public?</label>
+ <select id="num:public"
+ name="public"
+ class="form-control">
+ <option value="0">0 - Only accessible to authorised users</option>
+ <option value="1">1 - Publicly accessible to all users</option>
+ <option value="2" selected>
+ 2 - Publicly accessible to all users</option>
+ </select>
+ <span class="form-text text-muted">This determines whether the
+ population/grouping will appear on the menus for users.</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="txt:inbredset-family" class="form-label">family</label>
+ <input id="txt:inbredset-family"
+ name="inbredset_family"
+ type="text"
+ placeholder="I am not sure what this is about."
+ class="form-control" />
+ <span class="form-text text-muted">I do not currently know what this is about.
+ This is a failure on my part to figure out what this is and provide a
+ useful description. Please feel free to remind me.</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="txtarea:" class="form-label">Description</label>
+ <textarea id="txtarea:description"
+ name="description"
+ rows="5"
+ placeholder="Enter a description of this grouping/population"
+ class="form-control"></textarea>
+ <span class="form-text text-muted">
+ A long-form description of what the population consists of. Useful for
+ humans.</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" />
+ create grouping/population</button>
+{%block javascript%}