path: root/uploader/population/views.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'uploader/population/views.py')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uploader/population/views.py b/uploader/population/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3638453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/population/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+"""Views dealing with populations/inbredsets"""
+import re
+import json
+import base64
+from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor
+from flask import (flash,
+ request,
+ url_for,
+ redirect,
+ Blueprint,
+ current_app as app)
+from uploader.samples.views import samplesbp
+from uploader.oauth2.client import oauth2_post
+from uploader.ui import make_template_renderer
+from uploader.authorisation import require_login
+from uploader.genotypes.views import genotypesbp
+from uploader.db_utils import database_connection
+from uploader.datautils import enumerate_sequence
+from uploader.phenotypes.views import phenotypesbp
+from uploader.expression_data.views import exprdatabp
+from uploader.monadic_requests import make_either_error_handler
+from uploader.species.models import (all_species,
+ species_by_id,
+ order_species_by_family)
+from .models import (save_population,
+ population_families,
+ populations_by_species,
+ population_genetic_types,
+ population_by_species_and_id)
+__active_link__ = "populations"
+popbp = Blueprint("populations", __name__)
+popbp.register_blueprint(samplesbp, url_prefix="/")
+popbp.register_blueprint(genotypesbp, url_prefix="/")
+popbp.register_blueprint(phenotypesbp, url_prefix="/")
+popbp.register_blueprint(exprdatabp, url_prefix="/")
+render_template = make_template_renderer("populations")
+@popbp.route("/populations", methods=["GET", "POST"])
+def index():
+ """Entry point for populations."""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ if not bool(request.args.get("species_id")):
+ return render_template(
+ "populations/index.html",
+ species=order_species_by_family(all_species(conn)))
+ species = species_by_id(conn, request.args.get("species_id"))
+ if not bool(species):
+ flash("Invalid species identifier provided!", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.index"))
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.list_species_populations",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"]))
+@popbp.route("/<int:species_id>/populations", methods=["GET"])
+def list_species_populations(species_id: int):
+ """List a particular species' populations."""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ species = species_by_id(conn, species_id)
+ if not bool(species):
+ flash("No species was found for given ID.", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.index"))
+ return render_template(
+ "populations/list-populations.html",
+ species=species,
+ populations=enumerate_sequence(populations_by_species(
+ conn, species_id)),
+ activelink="list-populations")
+def valid_population_name(population_name: str) -> bool:
+ """
+ Check whether the given name is a valid population name.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ population_name: a string of characters.
+ Checks For
+ ----------
+ * The name MUST start with an alphabet [a-zA-Z]
+ * The name MUST end with an alphabet [a-zA-Z] or number [0-9]
+ * The name MUST be composed of alphabets [a-zA-Z], numbers [0-9],
+ underscores (_) and/or hyphens (-).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Boolean indicating whether or not the name is valid.
+ """
+ pattern = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]$")
+ return bool(pattern.match(population_name))
+@popbp.route("/<int:species_id>/populations/create", methods=["GET", "POST"])
+def create_population(species_id: int):
+ """Create a new population."""
+ with (database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn,
+ conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor):
+ species = species_by_id(conn, species_id)
+ if request.method == "GET":
+ error_values = request.args.get("error_values")
+ if not bool(error_values):
+ error_values = base64.b64encode(
+ '{"errors":{}, "error_values": {}}'.encode("utf8")
+ ).decode("utf8")
+ error_values = json.loads(base64.b64decode(
+ error_values.encode("utf8")).decode("utf8"))# type: ignore[union-attr]
+ return render_template(
+ "populations/create-population.html",
+ species=species,
+ families = population_families(conn),
+ genetic_types = population_genetic_types(conn),
+ mapping_methods=(
+ {"id": "0", "value": "No mapping support"},
+ {"id": "1", "value": "GEMMA, QTLReaper, R/qtl"},
+ {"id": "2", "value": "GEMMA"},
+ {"id": "3", "value": "R/qtl"},
+ {"id": "4", "value": "GEMMA, PLINK"}),
+ activelink="create-population",
+ **error_values)
+ if not bool(species):
+ flash("You must select a species.", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.index"))
+ errors: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] = tuple()
+ population_name = (request.form.get(
+ "population_name") or "").strip()
+ if not bool(population_name):
+ errors = errors + (("population_name",
+ "You must provide a name for the population!"),)
+ if not valid_population_name(population_name):
+ errors = errors + ((
+ "population_name",
+ "The population name can only contain letters, numbers, "
+ "hyphens and underscores."),)
+ population_fullname = (request.form.get(
+ "population_fullname") or "").strip()
+ if not bool(population_fullname):
+ errors = errors + (
+ ("population_fullname", "Full Name MUST be provided."),)
+ if bool(errors):
+ values = base64.b64encode(
+ json.dumps({
+ "errors": dict(errors),
+ "error_values": dict(request.form)
+ }).encode("utf8"))
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.create_population",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ error_values=values))
+ new_population = save_population(cursor, {
+ "SpeciesId": species["SpeciesId"],
+ "Name": population_name,
+ "InbredSetName": population_fullname,
+ "FullName": population_fullname,
+ "InbredSetCode": request.form.get("population_code") or None,
+ "Description": request.form.get("population_description") or None,
+ "Family": request.form.get("population_family") or None,
+ "MappingMethodId": request.form.get("population_mapping_method_id"),
+ "GeneticType": request.form.get("population_genetic_type") or None
+ })
+ def __flash_success__(_success):
+ flash("Successfully created resource.", "alert-success")
+ return redirect(url_for(
+ "species.populations.view_population",
+ species_id=species["SpeciesId"],
+ population_id=new_population["InbredSetId"]))
+ app.logger.debug("We begin setting up the privileges hereā€¦")
+ return oauth2_post(
+ "auth/resource/populations/create",
+ json={
+ **dict(request.form),
+ "species_id": species_id,
+ "population_id": new_population["Id"],
+ "public": "on"
+ }
+ ).either(
+ make_either_error_handler(
+ "There was an error creating the population"),
+ __flash_success__)
+ methods=["GET"])
+def view_population(species_id: int, population_id: int):
+ """View the details of a population."""
+ with database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as conn:
+ species = species_by_id(conn, species_id)
+ population = population_by_species_and_id(conn, species_id, population_id)
+ error = False
+ if not bool(species):
+ flash("You must select a species.", "alert-danger")
+ error = True
+ if not bool(population):
+ flash("You must select a population.", "alert-danger")
+ error = True
+ if error:
+ return redirect(url_for("species.populations.index"))
+ return render_template("populations/view-population.html",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ activelink="view-population")