path: root/uploader
diff options
authorFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2024-12-20 12:49:56 -0600
committerFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2024-12-20 12:50:33 -0600
commitdaf5036f3e15212a3afbc16a3d1fc8549453f9c2 (patch)
tree83b2e7c39df9290748236ce80b712538082688b1 /uploader
parent40727f25e46cb956fafacbb2a139ce30a1679523 (diff)
Provide initial endpoints for chunked file uploads.
Diffstat (limited to 'uploader')
2 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uploader/__init__.py b/uploader/__init__.py
index 9fdb383..cae531b 100644
--- a/uploader/__init__.py
+++ b/uploader/__init__.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from uploader.oauth2.client import user_logged_in, authserver_authorise_uri
from . import session
from .base_routes import base
+from .files.views import files
from .species import speciesbp
from .oauth2.views import oauth2
from .expression_data import exprdatabp
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ def create_app():
# setup blueprints
app.register_blueprint(base, url_prefix="/")
+ app.register_blueprint(files, url_prefix="/files")
app.register_blueprint(oauth2, url_prefix="/oauth2")
app.register_blueprint(speciesbp, url_prefix="/species")
diff --git a/uploader/files/views.py b/uploader/files/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5f00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/files/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+"""Module for generic files endpoints."""
+import traceback
+from pathlib import Path
+from flask import request, jsonify, Blueprint, current_app as app
+from .chunks import chunk_name, chunks_directory
+files = Blueprint("files", __name__)
+@files.route("/upload/resumable", methods=["GET"])
+def resumable_upload_get():
+ """Used for checking whether **ALL** chunks have been uploaded."""
+ fileid = request.args.get("resumableIdentifier", type=str) or ""
+ filename = request.args.get("resumableFilename", type=str) or ""
+ chunk = request.args.get("resumableChunkNumber", type=int) or 0
+ if not(fileid or filename or chunk):
+ return jsonify({
+ "message": "At least one required query parameter is missing.",
+ "error": "BadRequest",
+ "statuscode": 400
+ }), 400
+ if Path(chunks_directory(fileid),
+ chunk_name(filename, chunk)).exists():
+ return "OK"
+ return jsonify({
+ "message": f"Chunk {chunk} was not found.",
+ "error": "NotFound",
+ "statuscode": 404
+ }), 404
+def __merge_chunks__(targetfile: Path, chunkpaths: tuple[Path, ...]) -> Path:
+ """Merge the chunks into a single file."""
+ with open(targetfile, "ab") as _target:
+ for chunkfile in chunkpaths:
+ with open(chunkfile, "rb") as _chunkdata:
+ _target.write(_chunkdata.read())
+ chunkfile.unlink()
+ return targetfile
+@files.route("/upload/resumable", methods=["POST"])
+def resumable_upload_post():
+ """Do the actual chunks upload here."""
+ _totalchunks = request.form.get("resumableTotalChunks", type=int) or 0
+ _chunk = request.form.get("resumableChunkNumber", default=1, type=int)
+ _uploadfilename = request.form.get(
+ "resumableFilename", default="", type=str) or ""
+ _fileid = request.form.get(
+ "resumableIdentifier", default="", type=str) or ""
+ _targetfile = Path(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], _fileid)
+ if _targetfile.exists():
+ return jsonify({
+ "message": (
+ "A file with a similar unique identifier has previously been "
+ "uploaded and possibly is/has being/been processed."),
+ "error": "BadRequest",
+ "statuscode": 400
+ }), 400
+ try:
+ chunks_directory(_fileid).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ request.files["file"].save(Path(chunks_directory(_fileid),
+ chunk_name(_uploadfilename, _chunk)))
+ # Check whether upload is complete
+ chunkpaths = tuple(
+ Path(chunks_directory(_fileid), chunk_name(_uploadfilename, _achunk))
+ for _achunk in range(1, _totalchunks+1))
+ if all(_file.exists() for _file in chunkpaths):
+ # merge_files and clean up chunks
+ __merge_chunks__(_targetfile, chunkpaths)
+ chunks_directory(_fileid).rmdir()
+ return jsonify({
+ "uploaded-file": _targetfile.name,
+ "message": "File was uploaded successfully!",
+ "statuscode": 200
+ }), 200
+ return jsonify({
+ "message": "Some chunks were not uploaded!",
+ "error": "ChunksUploadError",
+ "error-description": "Some chunks were not uploaded!"
+ })
+ except Exception as exc:# pylint: disable=[broad-except]
+ msg = "Error processing uploaded file chunks."
+ app.logger.error(msg, exc_info=True, stack_info=True)
+ return jsonify({
+ "message": msg,
+ "error": type(exc).__name__,
+ "error-description": " ".join(str(arg) for arg in exc.args),
+ "error-trace": traceback.format_exception(exc)
+ }), 500