path: root/uploader/static/js/datatables.js
diff options
authorFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2025-03-12 12:47:18 -0500
committerFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2025-03-12 12:47:18 -0500
commit43118074beaaebd8e3ed0bc134ef6edf918abd41 (patch)
treec33e50a2d43a1b053392da49cbc2eaff801bb184 /uploader/static/js/datatables.js
parent93890cefb7ee7cf098469fddb2179cdb0b07b124 (diff)
Update default DataTables settings for Select and Scroller extensions.
Diffstat (limited to 'uploader/static/js/datatables.js')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/uploader/static/js/datatables.js b/uploader/static/js/datatables.js
index 9782a60..f93fdee 100644
--- a/uploader/static/js/datatables.js
+++ b/uploader/static/js/datatables.js
@@ -77,19 +77,26 @@ var defaultLengthMenu = (data) => {
var buildDataTable = (tableId, data = [], columns = [], userSettings = {}) => {
var defaultSettings = {
responsive: true,
+ layout: {
+ topStart: null,
+ topEnd: null,
+ bottomStart: null,
+ bottomEnd: null,
+ },
+ select: true,
/* == Scroller settings == */
scroller: true,
paging: true, // MUST be true for scroller to work
- sDom: "iti",
- scrollY: "100vh",
+ scrollY: "750px",
scrollCollapse: true,
+ deferRender: true,
/* == END: Scroller settings == */
lengthMenu: defaultLengthMenu(data),
language: {
processing: "Processing… Please wait.",
- loadingRecords: "Loading population — Please wait.",
- lengthMenu: "Show _MENU_ populations",
- info: "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ populations"
+ loadingRecords: "Loading table data… Please wait.",
+ lengthMenu: "",
+ info: ""
data: data,
columns: columns,
@@ -111,5 +118,15 @@ var buildDataTable = (tableId, data = [], columns = [], userSettings = {}) => {
+ theDataTable.on("select", (event, datatable, type, cell, originalEvent) => {
+ datatable.rows({selected: true}).nodes().each((node, index) => {
+ $(node).find(".chk-row-select").prop("checked", true)
+ });
+ });
+ theDataTable.on("deselect", (event, datatable, type, cell, originalEvent) => {
+ datatable.rows({selected: false}).nodes().each((node, index) => {
+ $(node).find(".chk-row-select").prop("checked", false)
+ });
+ });
return theDataTable;