path: root/tests/uploader
diff options
authorFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2024-10-17 10:26:15 -0500
committerFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2024-10-17 11:32:28 -0500
commit85215361b561d332cab954ea68438a2d442c96d8 (patch)
tree90a3115843770f5e3806762695223a7115a71d99 /tests/uploader
parent9db2d0986619bf801e2308ee55e4340d9f050376 (diff)
Rename test module.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/uploader')
7 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/uploader/__init__.py b/tests/uploader/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/uploader/test_entry.py b/tests/uploader/test_entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c614a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/test_entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+"""Test the entry module in the web-ui"""
+import pytest
+ "dataitem,lower",
+ (
+ # expression data UI elements
+ (b'<h2 class="heading">expression data</h2>', True),
+ (b'<a href="/upload"', False),
+ (b'upload expression data</a>', False),
+ # samples/cases data UI elements
+ (b'<h2 class="heading">samples/cases</h2>', True),
+ (b'<a href="/samples/upload/species"', False),
+ (b'upload samples/cases', True),
+ # R/qtl2 data UI elements
+ (b'<h2 class="heading">r/qtl2 bundles</h2>', True),
+ (b'<a href="/upload/rqtl2/select-species"', False),
+ (b'upload r/qtl2 bundle', True)
+ ))
+def test_landing_page_has_sections(client, dataitem, lower):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: the index page is requested
+ THEN: ensure the page has the expected UI elements
+ """
+ resp = client.get("/")
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ assert dataitem in (resp.data.lower() if lower else resp.data)
+def test_landing_page_fails_with_post(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method
+ THEN: ensure the system fails
+ """
+ resp = client.post("/")
+ assert resp.status_code == 405
+ assert (
+ b'<h1>405: The method is not allowed for the requested URL.</h1>'
+ in resp.data)
diff --git a/tests/uploader/test_expression_data_pages.py b/tests/uploader/test_expression_data_pages.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f7de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/test_expression_data_pages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+"""Test expression data path"""
+import pytest
+from tests.conftest import uploadable_file_object
+def test_basic_elements_present_in_index_page(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: the index page is requested with the "GET" method and no data
+ THEN: verify that the response contains error notifications
+ """
+ response = client.get("/upload")
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ ## form present
+ assert b'<form action="/upload"' in response.data
+ assert b'method="POST"' in response.data
+ assert b'enctype="multipart/form-data"' in response.data
+ assert b'</form>' in response.data
+ ## filetype elements
+ assert b'<input type="radio" name="filetype"' in response.data
+ assert b'id="filetype_standard_error"' in response.data
+ assert b'id="filetype_average"' in response.data
+ ## file upload elements
+ assert b'<label for="file_upload"' in response.data
+ assert b'select file' in response.data
+ assert b'<input type="file" name="qc_text_file"' in response.data
+ assert b'id="file_upload"' in response.data
+ ## submit button
+ assert b'<button type="submit"' in response.data
+def test_post_notifies_errors_if_no_data_is_provided(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method and with no
+ data provided
+ THEN: ensure the system responds woit the appropriate error messages
+ """
+ response = client.post("/upload", data={}, follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(response.history) == 1
+ redirect = response.history[0]
+ assert redirect.status_code == 302
+ assert redirect.location == "/upload"
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ assert b'Invalid file type provided.' in response.data
+ assert b'No file was uploaded.' in response.data
+def test_post_with_correct_data(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method and with the
+ appropriate data provided
+ THEN: ensure the system redirects to the parse endpoint with the filename
+ and filetype
+ """
+ response = client.post(
+ "/upload", data={
+ "speciesid": 1,
+ "filetype": "average",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("no_data_errors.tsv")
+ })
+ assert response.status_code == 302
+ assert b'Redirecting...' in response.data
+ assert (
+ b'/parse/parse?speciesid=1&amp;filename=no_data_errors.tsv&amp;filetype=average'
+ in response.data)
+ "request_data,error_message",
+ (({"filetype": "invalid_choice",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("no_data_errors.tsv")},
+ b'Invalid file type provided.'),
+ ({"filetype": "average"}, b'No file was uploaded.'),
+ ({"filetype": "standard-error"}, b'No file was uploaded.')))
+def test_post_with_missing_or_invalid_data(client, request_data,error_message):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method and with data
+ either being missing or invalid
+ THEN: ensure that the system responds with the appropriate error message
+ """
+ response = client.post("/upload", data=request_data, follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(response.history) == 1
+ redirect = response.history[0]
+ assert redirect.status_code == 302
+ assert redirect.location == "/upload"
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ assert error_message in response.data
diff --git a/tests/uploader/test_parse.py b/tests/uploader/test_parse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..076c47c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/test_parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+"""Test the 'parse' module in the web-ui"""
+import sys
+import redis
+import pytest
+from uploader.jobs import job, jobsnamespace
+from tests.conftest import uploadable_file_object
+def test_parse_with_existing_uploaded_file(#pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments]
+ client,
+ db_url,
+ redis_url,
+ redis_ttl,
+ jobs_prefix,
+ job_id,
+ monkeypatch):
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A valid file, and filetype
+ WHEN: The file is uploaded, and the parsing triggered
+ THEN: Ensure that:
+ 1. the system redirects to the job/parse status page
+ 2. the job is placed on redis for processing
+ """
+ monkeypatch.setattr("uploader.jobs.uuid4", lambda : job_id)
+ # Upload a file
+ speciesid = 1
+ filename = "no_data_errors.tsv"
+ filetype = "average"
+ client.post(
+ "/upload", data={
+ "speciesid": speciesid,
+ "filetype": filetype,
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object(filename)})
+ # Checks
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/parse?speciesid={speciesid}&filename={filename}"
+ f"&filetype={filetype}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 302
+ assert b'Redirecting...' in resp.data
+ assert b'/parse/status/934c55d8-396e-4959-90e1-2698e9205758' in resp.data
+ with redis.Redis.from_url(redis_url, decode_responses=True) as rconn:
+ the_job = job(rconn, jobsnamespace(), job_id)
+ assert the_job["jobid"] == job_id
+ assert the_job["filename"] == filename
+ assert the_job["command"] == " ".join([
+ sys.executable, "-m", "scripts.validate_file", db_url, redis_url,
+ jobs_prefix, job_id, "--redisexpiry", str(redis_ttl), str(speciesid),
+ filetype, f"{client.application.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']}/{filename}"])
+ "filename,uri,error_msgs",
+ (("non_existent.file",
+ "/parse/parse?filename=non_existent.file&filename=average",
+ [b'Selected file does not exist (any longer)']),
+ ("non_existent.file",
+ "/parse/parse?filename=non_existent.file&filename=standard-error",
+ [b'Selected file does not exist (any longer)']),
+ ("non_existent.file",
+ "/parse/parse?filename=non_existent.file&filename=percival",
+ [b'Selected file does not exist (any longer)',
+ b'Invalid filetype provided']),
+ ("no_data_errors.tsv",
+ "/parse/parse?filename=no_data_errors.tsv&filename=percival",
+ [b'Invalid filetype provided']),
+ ("no_data_errors.tsv",
+ "/parse/parse?filename=no_data_errors.tsv",
+ [b'No filetype provided']),
+ (None, "/parse/parse", [b'No file provided', b'No filetype provided'])))
+def test_parse_with_non_uploaded_file(client, filename, uri, error_msgs):
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A valid filetype
+ 3. A filename to a file that has not been uploaded yet
+ WHEN: The parsing triggered
+ THEN: Ensure that the appropriate errors are displayed
+ """
+ ## Conditionally upload files
+ if filename and filename != "non_existent.file":
+ client.post(
+ "/upload", data={
+ "filetype": "average",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object(filename)})
+ # Trigger
+ resp = client.get(uri,follow_redirects=True)
+ ## Check that there was exactly one redirect
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1 and resp.history[0].status_code == 302
+ ## Check that redirect is to home page and is successful
+ assert resp.request.path == "/upload"
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ ## Check that error(s) are displayed
+ for error_msg in error_msgs:
+ assert error_msg in resp.data
diff --git a/tests/uploader/test_progress_indication.py b/tests/uploader/test_progress_indication.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a1050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/test_progress_indication.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+"Test that the progress indication works correctly"
+def test_with_non_existing_job(client, redis_conn_with_fresh_job): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a fresh, unstarted job
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded for a non existing job
+ THEN: Ensure that the page:
+ 1. Has a meta tag to redirect it to the index page after 5 seconds
+ 2. Has text indicating that the job does not exist
+ """
+ job_id = "non-existent-job-id"
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 400
+ assert (
+ b"No job, with the id '<em>non-existent-job-id</em>' was found!"
+ in resp.data)
+ assert b'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=/upload">' in resp.data
+def test_with_unstarted_job(client, job_id, redis_conn_with_fresh_job): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a fresh, unstarted job
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the page:
+ 1. Has a meta tag to refresh it after 5 seconds
+ 2. Has a progress indicator with zero progress
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}")
+ assert b'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">' in resp.data
+ assert (
+ b'<progress id="job_' + (f'{job_id}').encode("utf8") + b'"') in resp.data
+ assert b'value="0.0"' in resp.data
+ assert b'0.0</progress>' in resp.data
+def test_with_in_progress_no_error_job(
+ client, job_id, redis_conn_with_in_progress_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a job in progress, with no errors found in
+ the file so far
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the page:
+ 1. Has a meta tag to refresh it after 5 seconds
+ 2. Has a progress indicator with the percent of the file processed
+ indicated
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}")
+ assert b'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">' in resp.data
+ assert (
+ b'<progress id="job_' + (f'{job_id}').encode("utf8") + b'"') in resp.data
+ assert b'value="0.32242342"' in resp.data
+ assert b'32.242342</progress>' in resp.data
+ assert (
+ b'<span >No errors found so far</span>'
+ in resp.data)
+ assert b"<table" not in resp.data
+def test_with_in_progress_job_with_errors(
+ client, job_id, redis_conn_with_in_progress_job_some_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a job in progress, with some errors found in
+ the file so far
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the page:
+ 1. Has a meta tag to refresh it after 5 seconds
+ 2. Has a progress indicator with the percent of the file processed
+ indicated
+ 3. Has a table showing the errors found so far
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}")
+ assert b'<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">' in resp.data
+ assert (
+ b'<progress id="job_' + (f'{job_id}').encode("utf8") + b'"') in resp.data
+ assert b'value="0.4534245"' in resp.data
+ assert b'45.34245</progress>' in resp.data
+ assert (
+ b'<p class="alert-danger">We have found the following errors so far</p>'
+ in resp.data)
+ assert b'table class="table reports-table">' in resp.data
+ assert b'Duplicate Header' in resp.data
+ assert b'Invalid Value' in resp.data
+def test_with_completed_job_no_errors(
+ client, job_id, redis_conn_with_completed_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a completed job, with no errors found in
+ the file so far
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the response is a redirection to the results page
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 302
+ assert f"/parse/results/{job_id}".encode("utf8") in resp.data
+def test_with_completed_job_some_errors(
+ client, job_id, redis_conn_with_completed_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a completed job, with some errors found in
+ the file so far
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the response is a redirection to the results page
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}")
+ assert resp.status_code == 302
+ assert f"/parse/results/{job_id}".encode("utf8") in resp.data
diff --git a/tests/uploader/test_results_page.py b/tests/uploader/test_results_page.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c8379f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/test_results_page.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+"Test results page"
+def test_results_with_stderr_output(
+ client, job_id, stderr_with_output, # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ redis_conn_with_in_progress_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A file with content to simulate the stderr output
+ 3. A sample job to prevent the "No such job" error message
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded for a non existing job
+ THEN: Ensure that the page:
+ 1. Redirects to a job failure display page
+ 2. The job failure display page:
+ a) indicates that this is a worker failure
+ b) provides some debugging information
+ """
+ # Maybe get rid of the use of a stderr file, and check for actual exceptions
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}", follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1
+ assert b'<h1 class="heading">Worker Failure</h1>' in resp.data
+ assert b'<h4>Debugging Information</h4>' in resp.data
+ assert (
+ f"<li><strong>job id</strong>: {job_id}</li>".encode("utf8")
+ in resp.data)
+def test_results_with_completed_job_no_errors(
+ client, job_id, stderr_with_no_output, # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ redis_conn_with_completed_job_no_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a completed job, with no errors found in
+ the file
+ 3. A file with no contents to simulate no stderr output
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that:
+ 1. the system redirects to the results page
+ 2. the results page indicates that there are no errors in the file
+ being processed
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}", follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1
+ assert (
+ b'<span class="alert-success">No errors found in the file</span>'
+ in resp.data)
+def test_results_with_completed_job_some_errors(
+ client, job_id, stderr_with_no_output, # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ redis_conn_with_completed_job_some_errors): # pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: 1. A flask application testing client
+ 2. A redis instance with a completed job, with some errors found in
+ the file
+ 3. A file with no contents to simulate no stderr output
+ WHEN: The parsing progress page is loaded
+ THEN: Ensure that:
+ 1. the system redirects to the results page
+ 2. the results page displays the errors found
+ """
+ resp = client.get(f"/parse/status/{job_id}", follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1
+ assert (
+ b'<p class="alert-danger">We found the following errors</p>'
+ in resp.data)
+ assert b'<table class="table reports-table">' in resp.data
+ assert b'Duplicate Header' in resp.data
+ assert b'<td>Heading &#39;DupHead&#39; is repeated</td>' in resp.data
+ assert b'Invalid Value' in resp.data
+ assert b'<td>Invalid value &#39;ohMy&#39;</td>' in resp.data
diff --git a/tests/uploader/test_uploads_with_zip_files.py b/tests/uploader/test_uploads_with_zip_files.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1506cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/uploader/test_uploads_with_zip_files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+"""Test the upload of zip files"""
+from tests.conftest import uploadable_file_object
+def test_upload_zipfile_with_zero_files(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: A zip file with no files is uploaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the system responds with the appropriate error message and
+ status code
+ """
+ resp = client.post("/upload",
+ data={
+ "filetype": "average",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("empty.zip")},
+ follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1
+ redirect = resp.history[0]
+ assert redirect.status_code == 302
+ assert redirect.location == "/upload"
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ assert (b"Expected exactly one (1) member file within the uploaded zip "
+ b"file. Got 0 member files.") in resp.data
+def test_upload_zipfile_with_multiple_files(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: A zip file with more than one file is uploaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the system responds with the appropriate error message and
+ status code
+ """
+ resp = client.post(
+ "/upload",
+ data={
+ "filetype": "average",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("multiple_files.zip")},
+ follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1
+ redirect = resp.history[0]
+ assert redirect.status_code == 302
+ assert redirect.location == "/upload"
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ assert (b"Expected exactly one (1) member file within the uploaded zip "
+ b"file. Got 3 member files.") in resp.data
+def test_upload_zipfile_with_one_tsv_file(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: A zip file with exactly one valid TSV file is uploaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the system redirects to the correct next URL
+ """
+ resp = client.post("/upload", data={
+ "speciesid": 1,
+ "filetype": "average",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("average.tsv.zip")})
+ assert resp.status_code == 302
+ assert b"Redirecting..." in resp.data
+ assert (
+ b"/parse/parse?speciesid=1&amp;filename=average.tsv.zip&amp;filetype=average"
+ in resp.data)
+def test_upload_zipfile_with_one_non_tsv_file(client):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A flask application testing client
+ WHEN: A zip file with exactly one file, which is not a valid TSV, is
+ uploaded
+ THEN: Ensure that the system responds with the appropriate error message and
+ status code
+ """
+ resp = client.post(
+ "/upload",
+ data={
+ "filetype": "average",
+ "qc_text_file": uploadable_file_object("non_tsv.zip")},
+ follow_redirects=True)
+ assert len(resp.history) == 1
+ redirect = resp.history[0]
+ assert redirect.status_code == 302
+ assert redirect.location == "/upload"
+ assert resp.status_code == 200
+ assert (b"Expected the member text file in the uploaded zip file to "
+ b"be a tab-separated file.") in resp.data