"""Database functions for species."""
import math
from typing import Optional
from functools import reduce

import MySQLdb as mdb
from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor

def all_species(conn: mdb.Connection) -> tuple:
    "Retrieve the species from the database."
    with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
            "SELECT Id AS SpeciesId, SpeciesName, LOWER(Name) AS Name, "
            "MenuName, FullName, TaxonomyId, Family, FamilyOrderId, OrderId "
            "FROM Species ORDER BY FamilyOrderId ASC, OrderID ASC")
        return tuple(cursor.fetchall())

    return tuple()

def order_species_by_family(species: tuple[dict, ...]) -> list:
    """Order the species by their family"""
    def __family_order_id__(item):
        orderid = item["FamilyOrderId"]
        return math.inf if orderid is None else orderid
    def __order__(ordered, current):
        _key = (__family_order_id__(current), current["Family"])
        return {
            _key: ordered.get(_key, tuple()) + (current,)
    ordered = reduce(__order__, species, {})# type: ignore[var-annotated]
    return sorted(tuple(ordered.items()), key=lambda item: item[0][0])

def species_by_id(conn: mdb.Connection, speciesid) -> dict:
    "Retrieve the species from the database by id."
    with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
            "SELECT Id AS SpeciesId, SpeciesName, LOWER(Name) AS Name, "
            "MenuName, FullName, TaxonomyId, Family, FamilyOrderId, OrderId "
            "FROM Species WHERE SpeciesId=%s",
        return cursor.fetchone()

def save_species(conn: mdb.Connection,
                 common_name: str,
                 scientific_name: str,
                 family: str,
                 taxon_id: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
    Save a new species to the database.

    conn: A connection to the MariaDB database.
    taxon_id: The taxonomy identifier for the new species.
    common_name: The species' common name.
    scientific_name; The species' scientific name.
    genus, *species_parts = scientific_name.split(" ")
    species_name: str = " ".join(species_parts)
    families = species_families(conn)
    with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(OrderId) FROM Species")
        species = {
            "common_name": common_name,
            "common_name_lower": common_name.lower(),
            "menu_name": f"{common_name} ({genus[0]}. {species_name.lower()})",
            "scientific_name": scientific_name,
            "family": family,
            "family_order": families.get(family, 999999),
            "taxon_id": taxon_id,
            "species_order": cursor.fetchone()[0] + 5
            "INSERT INTO Species("
            "SpeciesName, Name, MenuName, FullName, Family, FamilyOrderId, "
            "TaxonomyId, OrderId"
            ") VALUES ("
            "%(common_name)s, %(common_name_lower)s, %(menu_name)s, "
            "%(scientific_name)s, %(family)s, %(family_order)s, %(taxon_id)s, "
        species_id = cursor.lastrowid
        cursor.execute("UPDATE Species SET SpeciesId=%s WHERE Id=%s",
                       (species_id, species_id))
        return {
            "species_id": species_id

def update_species(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments]
        conn: mdb.Connection,
        species_id: int,
        common_name: str,
        scientific_name: str,
        family: str,
        family_order: int,
        species_order: int
    """Update a species' details.

    conn: A connection to the MariaDB database.
    species_id: The species identifier

    Key-Word Arguments
    common_name: A layman's name for the species
    scientific_name: A binomial nomenclature name for the species
    family: The grouping under which the species falls
    family_order: The ordering for the "family" above
    species_order: The ordering of this species in relation to others
    with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
        genus, *species_parts = scientific_name.split(" ")
        species_name = " ".join(species_parts)
        species = {
            "species_id": species_id,
            "common_name": common_name,
            "common_name_lower": common_name.lower(),
            "menu_name": f"{common_name} ({genus[0]}. {species_name.lower()})",
            "scientific_name": scientific_name,
            "family": family,
            "family_order": family_order,
            "species_order": species_order
            "UPDATE Species SET "
            "SpeciesName=%(common_name)s, "
            "Name=%(common_name_lower)s, "
            "MenuName=%(menu_name)s, "
            "FullName=%(scientific_name)s, "
            "Family=%(family)s, "
            "FamilyOrderId=%(family_order)s, "
            "OrderId=%(species_order)s "
            "WHERE Id=%(species_id)s",

def species_families(conn: mdb.Connection) -> dict:
    """Retrieve the families under which species are grouped."""
    with conn.cursor(cursorclass=DictCursor) as cursor:
            "SELECT DISTINCT(Family), FamilyOrderId FROM Species "
            "WHERE Family IS NOT NULL")
        return {
            fam["Family"]: fam["FamilyOrderId"]
            for fam in cursor.fetchall()