"""Test the entry module in the web-ui"""
import pytest

        # expression data UI elements
        (b'<h2 class="heading">expression data</h2>', True),
        (b'<a href="/upload"', False),
        (b'upload expression data</a>', False),

        # samples/cases data UI elements
        (b'<h2 class="heading">samples/cases</h2>', True),
        (b'<a href="/samples/upload/species"', False),
        (b'upload samples/cases', True),

        # R/qtl2 data UI elements
        (b'<h2 class="heading">r/qtl2 bundles</h2>', True),
        (b'<a href="/upload/rqtl2/select-species"', False),
        (b'upload r/qtl2 bundle', True)
def test_landing_page_has_sections(client, dataitem, lower):
    GIVEN: A flask application testing client
    WHEN: the index page is requested
    THEN: ensure the page has the expected UI elements
    resp = client.get("/")
    assert resp.status_code == 200
    assert dataitem in (resp.data.lower() if lower else resp.data)

def test_landing_page_fails_with_post(client):
    GIVEN: A flask application testing client
    WHEN: the index page is requested with the "POST" method
    THEN: ensure the system fails
    resp = client.post("/")
    assert resp.status_code == 405
    assert (
        b'<h1>405: The method is not allowed for the requested URL.</h1>'
        in resp.data)