"""Test that the checks run correct."""
import pytest
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis import strategies as st

from quality_control.checks import decimal_places_pattern

@given(numstr=st.from_regex(r"^[0-9]+$", fullmatch=True))
def test_matches_whole_numbers(numstr):
    GIVEN: 'numstr' is an arbitrary string that represents a whole number,
        e.g. 45342
    WHEN: We test for a match made by 'decimal_places_pattern'
    THEN: The string in 'numstr' always matches.
    assert bool(decimal_places_pattern(3, 6).search(numstr))

@given(numstr=st.from_regex(r"^0+\.?0*$", fullmatch=True))
def test_matches_zeroes(numstr):
    GIVEN: 'numstr' is an arbitrary string that represents zero,
        e.g. 0, 00, 000, 0.0, 00.00, 000.0
    WHEN: We test for a match made by 'decimal_places_pattern'
    THEN: The string in 'numstr' always matches.
    assert bool(decimal_places_pattern(3, 6).search(numstr))

@given(numstr=st.from_regex(r"^[0-9]+\.[1-9]{1,5}$", fullmatch=True))
def test_does_not_match_fewer_decimal_places(numstr):
    GIVEN: 'numstr' is an arbitrary string that represents a non-whole decimal
        number with fewer decimal places than allowed
    WHEN: We test for a match made by 'decimal_places_pattern'
    THEN: The string in 'numstr' always fails to match
    assert decimal_places_pattern(6).match(numstr) is None

@given(numstr=st.from_regex(r"^[0-9]+\.[1-9]{7}$", fullmatch=True))
def test_does_not_match_more_decimal_places(numstr):
    GIVEN: 'numstr' is an arbitrary string that represents a non-whole decimal
        number with more decimal places than allowed
    WHEN: We test for a match made by 'decimal_places_pattern'
    THEN: The string in 'numstr' always fails to match
    assert decimal_places_pattern(3, 6).match(numstr) is None