path: root/scripts
diff options
authorArthur Centeno2021-10-25 21:04:23 +0000
committerArthur Centeno2021-10-25 21:04:23 +0000
commit499a80f138030c4de1629c043c8f9401a99894ea (patch)
tree449dcae965d13f966fb6d52625fbc86661c8c6a0 /scripts
parent6151faa9ea67af4bf4ea95fb681a9dc4319474b6 (diff)
parent700802303e5e8221a9d591ba985d6607aa61e1ce (diff)
Merge github.com:genenetwork/genenetwork2 into acenteno
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
14 files changed, 1078 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/add_missing_columns.sh b/scripts/add_missing_columns.sh
index 70d5fdeb..611e2dd6 100644
--- a/scripts/add_missing_columns.sh
+++ b/scripts/add_missing_columns.sh
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
ADD mean double AFTER DataId;
+ ALTER TABLE CaseAttribute
+ ADD Description varchar(255) AFTER Name;
-- This takes some time
ADD UniProtID varchar(20) AFTER ProteinName;
diff --git a/scripts/authentication/group.py b/scripts/authentication/group.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..08652454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/authentication/group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""A script for adding users to a specific group.
+Assuming there are no groups and 'test@bonfacemunyoki.com' does not
+exist in Redis:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ python group.py -n "editors" \
+ -m "me@bonfacemunyoki.com"
+results in::
+ Successfully created the group: 'editors'
+ `HGET groups 0360449f-5a96-4940-8522-b22d62085da9`: {'name': 'editors', 'admins': [], 'members': ['8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603'], 'changed_timestamp': 'Oct 19 2021 09:34AM', 'created_timestamp': 'Oct 19 2021 09:34AM'}
+Assuming we have a group's unique id:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ python group.py -n "editors" \
+ -m "me@bonfacemunyoki.com" \
+ -g "8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603"
+now results in::
+ Successfully created the group: 'editors'
+ `HGET groups 8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603`: {'name': 'editors', 'admins': [], 'members': ['8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603'], 'changed_timestamp': 'Oct 19 2021 09:38AM', 'created_timestamp': 'Oct 19 2021 09:38AM'}
+If 'me@bonfacemunyoki.com' exists in 'users' in Redis for the above
+command and we run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ python group.py -n "editors" \
+ -m "me@bonfacemunyoki.com" \
+ -g "8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603"
+now results in::
+ No new group was created.
+ `HGET groups 8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603`: {'name': 'editors', 'admins': [], 'members': ['8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603'], 'changed_timestamp': 'Oct 19 2021 09:40AM'}
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import redis
+import json
+import uuid
+from typing import Dict, Optional, Set
+def create_group_data(users: Dict, target_group: str,
+ members: Optional[str] = None,
+ admins: Optional[str] = None,
+ group_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
+ """Create group data which is isomorphic to a redis HSET i.e.: KEY,
+ FIELD and VALUE. If the group_id is not specified, a unique hash
+ will be generated.
+ The "field" return value is a unique-id that is used to
+ distinguish the groups.
+ Args:
+ - users: a list of users for example:
+ {'8ad942fe-490d-453e-bd37-56f252e41603':
+ '{"email_address": "me@test.com",
+ "full_name": "John Doe",
+ "organization": "Genenetwork",
+ "password": {"algorithm": "pbkdf2",
+ "hashfunc": "sha256",
+ "salt": "gJrd1HnPSSCmzB5veMPaVk2ozzDlS1Z7Ggcyl1+pciA=",
+ "iterations": 100000, "keylength": 32,
+ "created_timestamp": "2021-09-22T11:32:44.971912",
+ "password": "edcdaa60e84526c6"},
+ "user_id": "8ad942fe", "confirmed": 1,
+ "registration_info": {
+ "timestamp": "2021-09-22T11:32:45.028833",
+ "ip_address": "",
+ "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}}'}
+ - target_group: the group name that will be stored inside the
+ "groups" hash in Redis.
+ - members: an optional comma-separated list of values that
+ contain members of the `target_group` e.g. "me@test1.com,
+ me@test2.com, me@test3.com"
+ - admins: an optional comma-separated list of values that
+ contain administrators of the `target_group`
+ e.g. "me@test1.com, me@test2.com, me@test3.com"
+ - group_id: an optional unique identifier for a group. If not
+ set, a unique value will be auto-generated.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary that contains the following keys: "key", "field",
+ and "value" that can be used in a redis hash as follows: HSET key
+ field value
+ """
+ # Emails
+ _members: Set = set("".join(members.split()).split(",")
+ if members else [])
+ _admins: Set = set("".join(admins.split()).split(",")
+ if admins else [])
+ # Unique IDs
+ member_ids: Set = set()
+ admin_ids: Set = set()
+ for user_id, user_details in users.items():
+ _details = json.loads(user_details)
+ if _details.get("email_address") in _members:
+ member_ids.add(user_id)
+ if _details.get("email_address") in _admins:
+ admin_ids.add(user_id)
+ timestamp: str = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
+ return {"key": "groups",
+ "field": (group_id or str(uuid.uuid4())),
+ "value": json.dumps({
+ "name": target_group,
+ "admins": list(admin_ids),
+ "members": list(member_ids),
+ "changed_timestamp": timestamp,
+ })}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Initialising the parser CLI arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-n", "--group-name",
+ help="This is the name of the GROUP mask")
+ parser.add_argument("-g", "--group-id",
+ help="[Optional] This is the name of the GROUP mask")
+ parser.add_argument("-m", "--members",
+ help="Members of the GROUP mask")
+ parser.add_argument("-a", "--admins",
+ help="Admins of the GROUP mask")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.group_name:
+ exit("\nExiting. Please specify a group name to use!\n")
+ members = args.members if args.members else None
+ admins = args.admins if args.admins else None
+ REDIS_CONN = redis.Redis(decode_responses=True)
+ USERS = REDIS_CONN.hgetall("users")
+ if not any([members, admins]):
+ exit("\nExiting. Please provide a value for "
+ "MEMBERS(-m) or ADMINS(-a)!\n")
+ data = create_group_data(
+ users=USERS,
+ target_group=args.group_name,
+ members=members,
+ admins=admins,
+ group_id=args.group_id)
+ if not REDIS_CONN.hget("groups", data.get("field")):
+ updated_data = json.loads(data["value"])
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
+ updated_data["created_timestamp"] = timestamp
+ data["value"] = json.dumps(updated_data)
+ created_p = REDIS_CONN.hset(data.get("key", ""),
+ data.get("field", ""),
+ data.get("value", ""))
+ groups = json.loads(REDIS_CONN.hget("groups",
+ data.get("field"))) # type: ignore
+ if created_p:
+ exit(f"\nSuccessfully created the group: '{args.group_name}'\n"
+ f"`HGET groups {data.get('field')}`: {groups}\n")
+ exit("\nNo new group was created.\n"
+ f"`HGET groups {data.get('field')}`: {groups}\n")
diff --git a/scripts/authentication/resource.py b/scripts/authentication/resource.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4b8d801a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/authentication/resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""A script that:
+- Optionally restores data from a json file.
+- By default, without any args provided, adds the group: 'editors' to
+every resource. 'editors' should have the right to edit both metadata
+and data.
+- Optionally creates a back-up every time you edit a resource.
+To restore a back-up:
+.. code-block:: python
+ python resource.py --restore <PATH/TO/RESOURCE/BACK-UP/FILE>
+To add editors to every resource without creating a back-up:
+.. code-block:: python
+ python resource.py
+To add editors to every resource while creating a back-up before any
+destructive edits:
+.. code-block:: python
+ python resource.py --enable-backup
+import argparse
+import json
+import redis
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+def recover_hash(name: str, file_path: str, set_function) -> bool:
+ """Recover back-ups using the `set_function`
+ Args:
+ - name: Redis hash where `file_path` will be restored
+ - file_path: File path where redis hash is sourced from
+ - set_function: Function used to do the Redis backup for
+ example: HSET
+ Returns:
+ A boolean indicating whether the function ran successfully.
+ """
+ try:
+ with open(file_path, "r") as f:
+ resources = json.load(f)
+ for resource_id, resource in resources.items():
+ set_function(name=name,
+ key=resource_id,
+ value=resource)
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Initialising the parser CLI arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--group-id",
+ help="Add the group id to all resources")
+ parser.add_argument("--restore",
+ help="Restore from a given backup")
+ parser.add_argument("--enable-backup", action="store_true",
+ help="Create a back up before edits")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.group_id:
+ exit("Please specify the group-id!\n")
+ if args.restore:
+ if recover_hash(name="resources",
+ file_path=args.back_up,
+ set_function=redis.Redis(decode_responses=True).hset):
+ exit(f"\n Done restoring {args.back_up}!\n")
+ else:
+ exit(f"\n There was an error restoring {args.back_up}!\n")
+ REDIS_CONN = redis.Redis(decode_responses=True)
+ RESOURCES = REDIS_CONN.hgetall("resources")
+ BACKUP_DIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "redis")
+ if args.enable_backup:
+ FILENAME = ("resources-"
+ f"{datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%I:%M:%S-%p')}"
+ ".json")
+ if not os.path.exists(BACKUP_DIR):
+ os.mkdir(BACKUP_DIR)
+ with open(os.path.join(BACKUP_DIR, FILENAME), "w") as f:
+ json.dump(RESOURCES, f, indent=4)
+ print(f"\nDone backing upto {FILENAME}")
+ for resource_id, resource in RESOURCES.items():
+ _resource = json.loads(resource) # str -> dict conversion
+ _resource["group_masks"] = {args.group_id: {"metadata": "edit",
+ "data": "edit",
+ "admin": "not-admin"}}
+ REDIS_CONN.hset("resources",
+ resource_id,
+ json.dumps(_resource))
+ exit("Done updating `resources`\n")
diff --git a/scripts/convert_dol_genotypes.py b/scripts/convert_dol_genotypes.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81b3bd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/convert_dol_genotypes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This is just to convert the Rqtl2 format genotype files for DOL into a .geno file
+# Everything is hard-coded since I doubt this will be re-used and I just wanted to generate the file quickly
+import os
+geno_dir = "/home/zas1024/gn2-zach/DO_genotypes/"
+markers_file = "/home/zas1024/gn2-zach/DO_genotypes/SNP_Map.txt"
+gn_geno_path = "/home/zas1024/gn2-zach/DO_genotypes/DOL.geno"
+# Iterate through the SNP_Map.txt file to get marker positions
+marker_data = {}
+with open(markers_file, "r") as markers_fh:
+ for i, line in enumerate(markers_fh):
+ if i == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ line_items = line.split("\t")
+ this_marker = {}
+ this_marker['chr'] = line_items[2] if line_items[2] != "0" else "M"
+ this_marker['pos'] = f'{float(line_items[3])/1000000:.6f}'
+ marker_data[line_items[1]] = this_marker
+# Iterate through R/qtl2 format genotype files and pull out the samplelist and genotypes for each marker
+sample_names = []
+for filename in os.listdir(geno_dir):
+ if "gm4qtl2_geno" in filename:
+ with open(geno_dir + "/" + filename, "r") as rqtl_geno_fh:
+ for i, line in enumerate(rqtl_geno_fh):
+ line_items = line.split(",")
+ if i < 3:
+ continue
+ elif not len(sample_names) and i == 3:
+ sample_names = [item.replace("TLB", "TB") for item in line_items[1:]]
+ elif i > 3:
+ marker_data[line_items[0]]['genotypes'] = ["X" if item.strip() == "-" else item.strip() for item in line_items[1:]]
+# Generate list of marker obs to iterate through when writing to .geno file
+marker_list = []
+for key, value in marker_data.items():
+ if 'genotypes' in value:
+ this_marker = {
+ 'chr': value['chr'],
+ 'locus': key,
+ 'pos': value['pos'],
+ 'genotypes': value['genotypes']
+ }
+ marker_list.append(this_marker)
+def sort_func(e):
+ """For ensuring that X/Y chromosomes/mitochondria are sorted to the end correctly"""
+ try:
+ return float((e['chr']))*1000 + float(e['pos'])
+ except:
+ if e['chr'] == "X":
+ return 20000 + float(e['pos'])
+ elif e['chr'] == "Y":
+ return 21000 + float(e['pos'])
+ elif e['chr'] == "M":
+ return 22000 + float(e['pos'])
+# Sort markers by chromosome
+# Write lines to .geno file
+with open(gn_geno_path, "w") as gn_geno_fh:
+ gn_geno_fh.write("\t".join((["Chr", "Locus", "cM", "Mb"] + sample_names)))
+ for marker in marker_list:
+ row_contents = [
+ marker['chr'],
+ marker['locus'],
+ marker['pos'],
+ marker['pos']
+ ] + marker['genotypes']
+ gn_geno_fh.write("\t".join(row_contents) + "\n")
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/QTL_Reaper_v6.py b/scripts/maintenance/QTL_Reaper_v6.py
index e50dbd40..35f2d1a1 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/QTL_Reaper_v6.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/QTL_Reaper_v6.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import reaper
import MySQLdb
import time
-con = MySQLdb.Connect(db='db_webqtl',user='username',passwd='', host="localhost")
+con = MySQLdb.Connect(db='db_webqtl', user='username', passwd='', host="localhost")
cursor = con.cursor()
genotypeDir = '/gnshare/gn/web/genotypes/'
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ for item in results:
if ProbeSetFreezeIds:
#####convert the Ids to integer
- ProbeSetFreezeIds=map(int, ProbeSetFreezeIds)
+ ProbeSetFreezeIds=list(map(int, ProbeSetFreezeIds))
#####get all of the dataset that need be updated
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ for ProbeSetFreezeId in ProbeSetFreezeIds:
#if InbredSetId==12:
# InbredSetId=2
- print ProbeSetFreezeId, InbredSets[InbredSetId]
+ print((ProbeSetFreezeId, InbredSets[InbredSetId]))
locuses = []
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ for ProbeSetFreezeId in ProbeSetFreezeIds:
kj += 1
if kj%1000==0:
- print ProbeSetFreezeId, InbredSets[InbredSetId],kj
+ print((ProbeSetFreezeId, InbredSets[InbredSetId], kj))
- print ProbeSetFreezeIds
+ print(ProbeSetFreezeIds)
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/Update_Case_Attributes_MySQL_tab.py b/scripts/maintenance/Update_Case_Attributes_MySQL_tab.py
index 0f8602c9..bf796df4 100644
--- a/scripts/maintenance/Update_Case_Attributes_MySQL_tab.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/Update_Case_Attributes_MySQL_tab.py
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ for row in csv_data:
#close the connection to the database.
-print "Done" \ No newline at end of file
+print("Done") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/datastructure.py b/scripts/maintenance/datastructure.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9f3e8b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/datastructure.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import utilities
+def get_probesetfreezes(inbredsetid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.`Id`, ProbeSetFreeze.`Name`, ProbeSetFreeze.`FullName`
+ FROM ProbeSetFreeze, ProbeFreeze
+ WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.`ProbeFreezeId`=ProbeFreeze.`Id`
+ AND ProbeFreeze.`InbredSetId`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid))
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def get_probesetfreeze(probesetfreezeid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.`Id`, ProbeSetFreeze.`Name`, ProbeSetFreeze.`FullName`
+ FROM ProbeSetFreeze
+ WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.`Id`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (probesetfreezeid))
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def get_strains(inbredsetid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT Strain.`Id`, Strain.`Name`
+ FROM StrainXRef, Strain
+ WHERE StrainXRef.`InbredSetId`=%s
+ AND StrainXRef.`StrainId`=Strain.`Id`
+ ORDER BY StrainXRef.`OrderId`
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid))
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def get_inbredset(probesetfreezeid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT InbredSet.`Id`, InbredSet.`Name`, InbredSet.`FullName`
+ FROM InbredSet, ProbeFreeze, ProbeSetFreeze
+ WHERE InbredSet.`Id`=ProbeFreeze.`InbredSetId`
+ AND ProbeFreeze.`Id`=ProbeSetFreeze.`ProbeFreezeId`
+ AND ProbeSetFreeze.`Id`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (probesetfreezeid))
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def get_species(inbredsetid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT Species.`Id`, Species.`Name`, Species.`MenuName`, Species.`FullName`
+ FROM InbredSet, Species
+ WHERE InbredSet.`Id`=%s
+ AND InbredSet.`SpeciesId`=Species.`Id`
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid))
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def get_genofreeze_byinbredsetid(inbredsetid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT GenoFreeze.`Id`, GenoFreeze.`Name`, GenoFreeze.`FullName`, GenoFreeze.`InbredSetId`
+ FROM GenoFreeze
+ WHERE GenoFreeze.`InbredSetId`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid))
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def get_nextdataid_genotype():
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT GenoData.`Id`
+ FROM GenoData
+ ORDER BY GenoData.`Id` DESC
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql)
+ re = cursor.fetchone()
+ dataid = re[0]
+ dataid += 1
+ return dataid
+def get_nextdataid_phenotype():
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT PublishData.`Id`
+ FROM PublishData
+ ORDER BY PublishData.`Id` DESC
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql)
+ re = cursor.fetchone()
+ dataid = re[0]
+ dataid += 1
+ return dataid
+def get_nextorderid_strainxref(inbredsetid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT StrainXRef.`OrderId`
+ FROM StrainXRef
+ WHERE StrainXRef.`InbredSetId`=%s
+ ORDER BY StrainXRef.`OrderId` DESC
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid))
+ re = cursor.fetchone()
+ if re:
+ orderid = re[0] + 1
+ else:
+ orderid = 1
+ return orderid
+def insert_strain(inbredsetid, strainname):
+ speciesid = get_species(inbredsetid)[0]
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ Strain.`Name`=%s,
+ Strain.`Name2`=%s,
+ Strain.`SpeciesId`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (strainname, strainname, speciesid))
+def insert_strainxref(inbredsetid, strainid):
+ orderid = get_nextorderid_strainxref(inbredsetid)
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ StrainXRef.`InbredSetId`=%s,
+ StrainXRef.`StrainId`=%s,
+ StrainXRef.`OrderId`=%s,
+ StrainXRef.`Used_for_mapping`=%s,
+ StrainXRef.`PedigreeStatus`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid, strainid, orderid, "N", None))
+def get_strain(inbredsetid, strainname):
+ speciesid = get_species(inbredsetid)[0]
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT Strain.`Id`, Strain.`Name`
+ FROM Strain
+ WHERE Strain.`SpeciesId`=%s
+ AND Strain.`Name` LIKE %s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (speciesid, strainname))
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def get_strainxref(inbredsetid, strainid):
+ cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT StrainXRef.`StrainId`
+ FROM StrainXRef
+ WHERE StrainXRef.`InbredSetId`=%s
+ AND StrainXRef.`StrainId`=%s
+ """
+ cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid, strainid))
+ return cursor.fetchone()
+def get_strain_sure(inbredsetid, strainname, updatestrainxref=None):
+ strain = get_strain(inbredsetid, strainname)
+ if not strain:
+ insert_strain(inbredsetid, strainname)
+ strain = get_strain(inbredsetid, strainname)
+ strainxref = get_strainxref(inbredsetid, strain[0])
+ if not strainxref and updatestrainxref:
+ insert_strainxref(inbredsetid, strain[0])
+ return strain
+def get_strains_bynames(inbredsetid, strainnames, updatestrainxref=None):
+ strains = []
+ for strainname in strainnames:
+ strains.append(get_strain_sure(inbredsetid, strainname, updatestrainxref))
+ return strains
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/delete_genotypes.py b/scripts/maintenance/delete_genotypes.py
index fa693f0f..b7f83758 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/delete_genotypes.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/delete_genotypes.py
@@ -8,26 +8,26 @@ import genotypes
def main(argv):
# config
config = utilities.get_config(argv[1])
- print "config:"
+ print("config:")
for item in config.items('config'):
- print "\t%s" % (str(item))
+ print(("\t%s" % (str(item))))
# var
- print "variable:"
+ print("variable:")
inbredsetid = config.get('config', 'inbredsetid')
- print "\tinbredsetid: %s" % inbredsetid
+ print(("\tinbredsetid: %s" % inbredsetid))
# datafile
datafile = open(config.get('config', 'datafile'), 'r')
datafile = csv.reader(datafile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
- datafile.next()
+ next(datafile)
delrowcount = 0
for row in datafile:
if len(row) == 0:
genoname = row[0]
delrowcount += genotypes.delete(genoname, inbredsetid)
- print "deleted %d genotypes" % (delrowcount)
+ print(("deleted %d genotypes" % (delrowcount)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print "command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv
+ print(("command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv))
- print "exit successfully"
+ print("exit successfully")
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/delete_phenotypes.py b/scripts/maintenance/delete_phenotypes.py
index 326c466e..60dbec61 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/delete_phenotypes.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/delete_phenotypes.py
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import phenotypes
def main(argv):
# config
config = utilities.get_config(argv[1])
- print "config:"
+ print("config:")
for item in config.items('config'):
- print "\t%s" % (str(item))
+ print(("\t%s" % (str(item))))
# var
- print "variable:"
+ print("variable:")
inbredsetid = config.get('config', 'inbredsetid')
- print "\tinbredsetid: %s" % inbredsetid
+ print(("\tinbredsetid: %s" % inbredsetid))
# datafile
datafile = open(config.get('config', 'datafile'), 'r')
datafile = csv.reader(datafile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ def main(argv):
delrowcount += phenotypes.delete(publishxrefid=publishxrefid, inbredsetid=inbredsetid)
- print "deleted %d phenotypes" % (delrowcount)
+ print(("deleted %d phenotypes" % (delrowcount)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print "command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv
+ print(("command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv))
- print "exit successfully"
+ print("exit successfully")
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/load_genotypes.py b/scripts/maintenance/load_genotypes.py
index 338483f4..51278d48 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/load_genotypes.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/load_genotypes.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ def main(argv):
config = utilities.get_config(argv[1])
print("config file:")
for item in config.items('config'):
- print("\t%s" % str(item))
+ print(("\t%s" % str(item)))
parse_genofile(config, fetch_parameters(config))
def fetch_parameters(config):
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ def fetch_parameters(config):
config_dic['dataid'] = datastructure.get_nextdataid_genotype()
config_dic['genofile'] = config.get('config', 'genofile')
print("config dictionary:")
- for k, v in config_dic.items():
- print("\t%s: %s" % (k, v))
+ for k, v in list(config_dic.items()):
+ print(("\t%s: %s" % (k, v)))
return config_dic
def parse_genofile(config, config_dic):
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ def parse_genofile(config, config_dic):
if line.lower().startswith("chr"):
print("geno file meta dictionary:")
- for k, v in meta_dic.items():
- print("\t%s: %s" % (k, v))
+ for k, v in list(meta_dic.items()):
+ print(("\t%s: %s" % (k, v)))
- print("geno file head:\n\t%s" % line)
+ print(("geno file head:\n\t%s" % line))
strainnames = line.split()[4:]
config_dic['strains'] = datastructure.get_strains_bynames(inbredsetid=config_dic['inbredsetid'], strainnames=strainnames, updatestrainxref="yes")
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def check_or_insert_geno(config_dic, marker_dic):
result = cursor.fetchone()
if result:
genoid = result[0]
- print("get geno record: %d" % genoid)
+ print(("get geno record: %d" % genoid))
sql = """
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def check_or_insert_geno(config_dic, marker_dic):
cursor.execute(sql, (config_dic['speciesid'], marker_dic['locus'], marker_dic['locus'], marker_dic['chromosome'], marker_dic['mb']))
rowcount = cursor.rowcount
genoid = con.insert_id()
- print("INSERT INTO Geno: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, genoid))
+ print(("INSERT INTO Geno: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, genoid)))
return genoid
def check_genoxref(config_dic, marker_dic):
@@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ def insert_genoxref(config_dic, marker_dic):
cursor.execute(sql, (config_dic['genofreezeid'], marker_dic['genoid'], config_dic['dataid'], marker_dic['cm'], 'N'))
rowcount = cursor.rowcount
- print("INSERT INTO GenoXRef: %d record" % (rowcount))
+ print(("INSERT INTO GenoXRef: %d record" % (rowcount)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv)
+ print(("command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv))
print("exit successfully")
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/load_phenotypes.py b/scripts/maintenance/load_phenotypes.py
index c3c6570b..aa02d0cd 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/load_phenotypes.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/load_phenotypes.py
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+# Load Python3 environment with GN2 utilities:
+# source /usr/local/guix-profiles/gn-latest-20210512/etc/profile
+# and run
+# python load_phenotypes.py [args...]
import sys
import csv
@@ -7,31 +15,30 @@ import datastructure
def main(argv):
# config
config = utilities.get_config(argv[1])
- print "config:"
+ print("config:")
for item in config.items('config'):
- print "\t%s" % (str(item))
+ print("\t%s" % (str(item)))
# var
inbredsetid = config.get('config', 'inbredsetid')
- print "inbredsetid: %s" % inbredsetid
+ print("inbredsetid: %s" % inbredsetid)
species = datastructure.get_species(inbredsetid)
speciesid = species[0]
- print "speciesid: %s" % speciesid
+ print("speciesid: %s" % speciesid)
dataid = datastructure.get_nextdataid_phenotype()
- print "next data id: %s" % dataid
+ print("next data id: %s" % dataid)
cursor, con = utilities.get_cursor()
# datafile
datafile = open(config.get('config', 'datafile'), 'r')
phenotypedata = csv.reader(datafile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
phenotypedata_head = phenotypedata.next()
- print "phenotypedata head:\n\t%s" % phenotypedata_head
+ print("phenotypedata head:\n\t%s" % phenotypedata_head)
strainnames = phenotypedata_head[1:]
strains = datastructure.get_strains_bynames(inbredsetid=inbredsetid, strainnames=strainnames, updatestrainxref="yes")
# metafile
metafile = open(config.get('config', 'metafile'), 'r')
phenotypemeta = csv.reader(metafile, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
phenotypemeta_head = phenotypemeta.next()
- print "phenotypemeta head:\n\t%s" % phenotypemeta_head
- print
+ print("phenotypemeta head:\n\t%s" % phenotypemeta_head)
# load
for metarow in phenotypemeta:
@@ -67,7 +74,7 @@ def main(argv):
rowcount = cursor.rowcount
phenotypeid = con.insert_id()
- print "INSERT INTO Phenotype: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, phenotypeid)
+ print("INSERT INTO Phenotype: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, phenotypeid))
# Publication
publicationid = None # reset
pubmed_id = utilities.to_db_string(metarow[0], None)
@@ -81,7 +88,7 @@ def main(argv):
re = cursor.fetchone()
if re:
publicationid = re[0]
- print "get Publication record: %d" % publicationid
+ print("get Publication record: %d" % publicationid)
if not publicationid:
sql = """
INSERT INTO Publication
@@ -109,7 +116,7 @@ def main(argv):
rowcount = cursor.rowcount
publicationid = con.insert_id()
- print "INSERT INTO Publication: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, publicationid)
+ print("INSERT INTO Publication: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, publicationid))
# data
for index, strain in enumerate(strains):
@@ -158,7 +165,7 @@ def main(argv):
cursor.execute(sql, (inbredsetid, phenotypeid, publicationid, dataid, ""))
rowcount = cursor.rowcount
publishxrefid = con.insert_id()
- print "INSERT INTO PublishXRef: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, publishxrefid)
+ print("INSERT INTO PublishXRef: %d record: %d" % (rowcount, publishxrefid))
# for loop next
dataid += 1
@@ -166,6 +173,6 @@ def main(argv):
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print "command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv
+ print("command line arguments:\n\t%s" % sys.argv)
- print "exit successfully"
+ print("exit successfully")
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetMean_v7.py b/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetMean_v7.py
index e9c8f25c..43f084f4 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetMean_v7.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetMean_v7.py
@@ -9,19 +9,17 @@ import sys
import MySQLdb
import getpass
import time
-#import pdb
def translateAlias(str):
- if str == "B6":
- return "C57BL/6J"
- elif str == "D2":
- return "DBA/2J"
- else:
- return str
+ if str == "B6":
+ return "C57BL/6J"
+ elif str == "D2":
+ return "DBA/2J"
+ else:
+ return str
@@ -29,23 +27,25 @@ def translateAlias(str):
dataStart = 1
-GeneChipId = int( raw_input("Enter GeneChipId:") )
-ProbeSetFreezeId = int( raw_input("Enter ProbeSetFreezeId:") )
-input_file_name = raw_input("Enter file name with suffix:")
+GeneChipId = int(input("Enter GeneChipId:"))
+ProbeSetFreezeId = int(input("Enter ProbeSetFreezeId:"))
+input_file_name = input("Enter file name with suffix:")
fp = open("%s" % input_file_name, 'rb')
- passwd = getpass.getpass('Please enter mysql password here : ')
- con = MySQLdb.Connect(db='db_webqtl',host='localhost', user='username',passwd=passwd)
+ passwd = getpass.getpass('Please enter mysql password here : ')
+ con = MySQLdb.Connect(db='db_webqtl', host='localhost',
+ user='username', passwd=passwd)
- db = con.cursor()
- print "You have successfully connected to mysql.\n"
+ db = con.cursor()
+ print("You have successfully connected to mysql.\n")
- print "You entered incorrect password.\n"
- sys.exit(0)
+ print("You entered incorrect password.\n")
+ sys.exit(0)
time0 = time.time()
@@ -55,163 +55,163 @@ time0 = time.time()
# generate the gene list of expression data here
-print 'Checking if each line have same number of members'
+print('Checking if each line have same number of members')
GeneList = []
isCont = 1
header = fp.readline()
-header = string.split(string.strip(header),'\t')
-header = map(string.strip, header)
+header = header.strip().split('\t')
+header = [x.strip() for x in header]
nfield = len(header)
line = fp.readline()
+kj = 0
while line:
- line2 = string.split(string.strip(line),'\t')
- line2 = map(string.strip, line2)
- if len(line2) != nfield:
- print "Error : " + line
- isCont = 0
+ line2 = line.strip().split('\t')
+ line2 = [x.strip() for x in line2]
+ if len(line2) != nfield:
+ print(("Error : " + line))
+ isCont = 0
- GeneList.append(line2[0])
- line = fp.readline()
+ GeneList.append(line2[0])
+ line = fp.readline()
- kj+=1
- if kj%100000 == 0:
- print 'checked ',kj,' lines'
+ kj += 1
+ if kj % 100000 == 0:
+ print(('checked ', kj, ' lines'))
-GeneList = map(string.lower, GeneList)
-if isCont==0:
- sys.exit(0)
+GeneList = sorted(map(string.lower, GeneList))
+if isCont == 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
# Check if each strain exist in database
# generate the string id list of expression data here
-print 'Checking if each strain exist in database'
+print('Checking if each strain exist in database')
isCont = 1
header = fp.readline()
-header = string.split(string.strip(header),'\t')
-header = map(string.strip, header)
-header = map(translateAlias, header)
+header = header.strip().split('\t')
+header = [x.strip() for x in header]
+header = list(map(translateAlias, header))
header = header[dataStart:]
Ids = []
for item in header:
- try:
- db.execute('select Id from Strain where Name = "%s"' % item)
- Ids.append(db.fetchall()[0][0])
- except:
- print item,'does not exist, check the if the strain name is correct'
- isCont=0
+ try:
+ db.execute('select Id from Strain where Name = "%s"' % item)
+ Ids.append(db.fetchall()[0][0])
+ except:
+ print((item, 'does not exist, check the if the strain name is correct'))
+ isCont = 0
-if isCont==0:
- sys.exit(0)
+if isCont == 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
# Check if each ProbeSet exist in database
-print 'Check if each ProbeSet exist in database'
+print('Check if each ProbeSet exist in database')
##---- find PID is name or target ----##
line = fp.readline()
line = fp.readline()
-line2 = string.split(string.strip(line),'\t')
-line2 = map(string.strip, line2)
+line2 = line.strip().split('\t')
+line2 = [x.strip() for x in line2]
PId = line2[0]
-db.execute('select Id from ProbeSet where Name="%s" and ChipId=%d' % (PId, GeneChipId) )
+db.execute('select Id from ProbeSet where Name="%s" and ChipId=%d' %
+ (PId, GeneChipId))
results = db.fetchall()
IdStr = 'TargetId'
-if len(results)>0:
- IdStr = 'Name'
+if len(results) > 0:
+ IdStr = 'Name'
##---- get Name/TargetId list from database ----##
-db.execute('select distinct(%s) from ProbeSet where ChipId=%d order by %s' % (IdStr, GeneChipId, IdStr))
+db.execute('select distinct(%s) from ProbeSet where ChipId=%d order by %s' % (
+ IdStr, GeneChipId, IdStr))
results = db.fetchall()
Names = []
for item in results:
- Names.append(item[0])
-print Names
+ Names.append(item[0])
-Names = map(string.lower, Names)
-Names.sort() # -- Fixed the lower case problem of ProbeSets affx-mur_b2_at doesn't exist --#
+Names = sorted(map(string.lower, Names))
##---- compare genelist with names ----##
-while x<len(GeneList) and y<len(Names):
- if GeneList[x]==Names[y]:
- x += 1
- y += 1
- elif GeneList[x]<Names[y]:
- if x!=x1:
- GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
- x1 = x
- x += 1
- elif GeneList[x]>Names[y]:
- y += 1
- if x%100000==0:
- print 'check Name, checked %d lines'%x
-while x<len(GeneList):
- GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
- x += 1
+x = y = 0
+x1 = -1
+GeneList2 = []
+while x < len(GeneList) and y < len(Names):
+ if GeneList[x] == Names[y]:
+ x += 1
+ y += 1
+ elif GeneList[x] < Names[y]:
+ if x != x1:
+ GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
+ x1 = x
+ x += 1
+ elif GeneList[x] > Names[y]:
+ y += 1
+ if x % 100000 == 0:
+ print(('check Name, checked %d lines' % x))
+while x < len(GeneList):
+ GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
+ x += 1
+isCont = 1
ferror = open("ProbeSetError.txt", "wb")
for item in GeneList2:
- ferror.write(item + " doesn't exist \n")
- print item, " doesn't exist, check if the ProbeSet name is correct"
- isCont = 0
-if isCont==0:
- sys.exit(0)
+ ferror.write(item + " doesn't exist \n")
+ print((item, " doesn't exist, check if the ProbeSet name is correct"))
+ isCont = 0
+if isCont == 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
# Insert data into database
-print 'getting ProbeSet/Id'
+print('getting ProbeSet/Id')
#---- get Name/Id map ----#
-db.execute('select %s, Id from ProbeSet where ChipId=%d order by %s' % (IdStr, GeneChipId, IdStr))
+db.execute('select %s, Id from ProbeSet where ChipId=%d order by %s' %
+ (IdStr, GeneChipId, IdStr))
results = db.fetchall()
NameIds = {}
for item in results:
- NameIds[item[0]] = item[1]
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
+ NameIds[item[0]] = item[1]
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
-print 'inserting data'
+print('inserting data')
##---- get old max dataId ----##
db.execute('select max(Id) from ProbeSetData')
maxDataId = int(db.fetchall()[0][0])
bmax = maxDataId
-print "old_max = %d\n" % bmax
+print(("old_max = %d\n" % bmax))
##---- insert data ----##
@@ -222,53 +222,51 @@ kj = 0
values1 = []
values2 = []
while line:
- line2 = string.split(string.strip(line),'\t')
- line2 = map(string.strip, line2)
- PId = line2[0]
- recordId = NameIds[PId]
- maxDataId += 1
- datasorig = line2[dataStart:]
- ###### Data Table items ######
- i=0
- for item in datasorig:
- try:
- values1.append('(%d,%d,%s)' % (maxDataId, Ids[i], float(item)))
- except:
- pass
- i += 1
- values2.append("(%d,%d,%d)" % (ProbeSetFreezeId, recordId, maxDataId))
- ##---- insert into table ----##
- kj += 1
- if kj % 100 == 0:
- cmd = ','.join(values1)
- cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetData values %s' % cmd
- db.execute(cmd)
- cmd = ','.join(values2)
- cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetXRef(ProbeSetFreezeId, ProbeSetId, DataId) values %s' % cmd
- db.execute(cmd)
- values1=[]
- values2=[]
- print 'Inserted ', kj,' lines'
- print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
- line = fp.readline()
-if len(values1)>0:
- cmd = ','.join(values1)
- cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetData values %s' % cmd
- db.execute(cmd)
- cmd = ','.join(values2)
- cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetXRef(ProbeSetFreezeId, ProbeSetId, DataId) values %s' % cmd
- db.execute(cmd)
+ line2 = line.strip().split('\t')
+ line2 = [x.strip() for x in line2]
+ PId = line2[0]
+ recordId = NameIds[PId]
+ maxDataId += 1
+ datasorig = line2[dataStart:]
+ ###### Data Table items ######
+ i = 0
+ for item in datasorig:
+ try:
+ values1.append('(%d,%d,%s)' % (maxDataId, Ids[i], float(item)))
+ except:
+ pass
+ i += 1
+ values2.append("(%d,%d,%d)" % (ProbeSetFreezeId, recordId, maxDataId))
+ ##---- insert into table ----##
+ kj += 1
+ if kj % 100 == 0:
+ cmd = ','.join(values1)
+ cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetData values %s' % cmd
+ db.execute(cmd)
+ cmd = ','.join(values2)
+ cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetXRef(ProbeSetFreezeId, ProbeSetId, DataId) values %s' % cmd
+ db.execute(cmd)
+ values1 = []
+ values2 = []
+ print(('Inserted ', kj, ' lines'))
+ print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
+ line = fp.readline()
+if len(values1) > 0:
+ cmd = ','.join(values1)
+ cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetData values %s' % cmd
+ db.execute(cmd)
+ cmd = ','.join(values2)
+ cmd = 'insert into ProbeSetXRef(ProbeSetFreezeId, ProbeSetId, DataId) values %s' % cmd
+ db.execute(cmd)
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetSE_v7.py b/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetSE_v7.py
index fd6f0bb8..2cfe2e07 100755
--- a/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetSE_v7.py
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/readProbeSetSE_v7.py
@@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
-"""This script use the nearest marker to the transcript as control, increasing permutation rounds according to the p-value"""
-# Last Updated Sep 27, 2011 by Xiaodong
-# This version fix the bug that incorrectly exclude the first 2 probesetIDs
-import string
-import sys
-import MySQLdb
-import getpass
-import time
-def translateAlias(str):
- if str == "B6":
- return "C57BL/6J"
- elif str == "D2":
- return "DBA/2J"
- else:
- return str
-# Indicate Data Start Position, ProbeFreezeId, GeneChipId, DataFile
-dataStart = 1
-GeneChipId = int( raw_input("Enter GeneChipId:") )
-ProbeSetFreezeId = int( raw_input("Enter ProbeSetFreezeId:") )
-input_file_name = raw_input("Enter file name with suffix:")
-fp = open("%s" % input_file_name, 'rb')
- passwd = getpass.getpass('Please enter mysql password here : ')
- con = MySQLdb.Connect(db='db_webqtl',host='localhost', user='username',passwd=passwd)
- db = con.cursor()
- print "You have successfully connected to mysql.\n"
- print "You entered incorrect password.\n"
- sys.exit(0)
-time0 = time.time()
-# Indicate Data Start Position, ProbeFreezeId, GeneChipId, DataFile
-#GeneChipId = 4
-#dataStart = 1
-#ProbeSetFreezeId = 359 #JAX Liver 6C Affy M430 2.0 (Jul11) MDP
-#fp = open("GSE10493_AllSamples_6C_Z_AvgSE.txt", 'rb')
-# Check if each line have same number of members
-# generate the gene list of expression data here
-print 'Checking if each line have same number of members'
-GeneList = []
-isCont = 1
-header = fp.readline()
-header = string.split(string.strip(header),'\t')
-header = map(string.strip, header)
-nfield = len(header)
-line = fp.readline()
-while line:
- line2 = string.split(string.strip(line),'\t')
- line2 = map(string.strip, line2)
- if len(line2) != nfield:
- print "Error : " + line
- isCont = 0
- GeneList.append(line2[0])
- line = fp.readline()
- kj+=1
- if kj%100000 == 0:
- print 'checked ',kj,' lines'
-GeneList = map(string.lower, GeneList)
-if isCont==0:
- sys.exit(0)
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
-# Check if each strain exist in database
-# generate the string id list of expression data here
-print 'Checking if each strain exist in database'
-isCont = 1
-header = fp.readline()
-header = string.split(string.strip(header),'\t')
-header = map(string.strip, header)
-header = map(translateAlias, header)
-header = header[dataStart:]
-Ids = []
-for item in header:
- try:
- db.execute('select Id from Strain where Name = "%s"' % item)
- Ids.append(db.fetchall()[0][0])
- except:
- print item,'does not exist, check the if the strain name is correct'
- isCont=0
-if isCont==0:
- sys.exit(0)
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
-# Check if each ProbeSet exist in database
-print 'Check if each ProbeSet exist in database'
-##---- find PID is name or target ----##
-line = fp.readline()
-line = fp.readline()
-line2 = string.split(string.strip(line),'\t')
-line2 = map(string.strip, line2)
-PId = line2[0]
-db.execute('select Id from ProbeSet where Name="%s" and ChipId=%d' % (PId, GeneChipId))
-results = db.fetchall()
-IdStr = 'TargetId'
-if len(results)>0:
- IdStr = 'Name'
-##---- get Name/TargetId list from database ----##
-db.execute('select distinct(%s) from ProbeSet where ChipId=%d order by %s' % (IdStr, GeneChipId, IdStr))
-results = db.fetchall()
-Names = []
-for item in results:
- Names.append(item[0])
-Names = map(string.lower, Names)
-Names.sort() # -- Fixed the lower case problem of ProbeSets affx-mur_b2_at doesn't exist --#
-##---- compare genelist with names ----##
-while x<len(GeneList) and y<len(Names):
- if GeneList[x]==Names[y]:
- x += 1
- y += 1
- elif GeneList[x]<Names[y]:
- if x!=x1:
- GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
- x1 = x
- x += 1
- elif GeneList[x]>Names[y]:
- y += 1
- if x%100000==0:
- print 'check Name, checked %d lines'%x
-while x<len(GeneList):
- GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
- x += 1
-ferror = open("ProbeSetError.txt", "wb")
-for item in GeneList2:
- ferror.write(item + " doesn't exist \n")
- print item, " doesn't exist"
- isCont = 0
-if isCont==0:
- sys.exit(0)
-print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
-#Insert new Data into SE
- select ProbeSet.%s, ProbeSetXRef.DataId from ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef
- where ProbeSet.Id=ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId and ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId=%d"""
- % (IdStr, ProbeSetFreezeId))
-results = db.fetchall()
-ProbeNameId = {}
-for Name, Id in results:
- ProbeNameId[Name] = Id
-ferror = open("ProbeError.txt", "wb")
-DataValues = []
-fp.seek(0) #XZ add this line
-line = fp.readline() #XZ add this line
-line = fp.readline()
-kj = 0
-while line:
- line2 = string.split(string.strip(line),'\t')
- line2 = map(string.strip, line2)
- CellId = line2[0]
- if not ProbeNameId.has_key(CellId):
- ferror.write(CellId + " doesn't exist\n")
- print CellId, " doesn't exist"
- else:
- DataId = ProbeNameId[CellId]
- datasorig = line2[dataStart:]
- i = 0
- for item in datasorig:
- if item != '':
- value = '('+str(DataId)+','+str(Ids[i])+','+str(item)+')'
- DataValues.append(value)
- i += 1
- kj += 1
- if kj % 100 == 0:
- Dataitems = ','.join(DataValues)
- cmd = 'insert ProbeSetSE values %s' % Dataitems
- db.execute(cmd)
- DataValues = []
- print 'inserted ',kj,' lines'
- print 'used ',time.time()-time0,' seconds'
- line = fp.readline()
-if len(DataValues)>0:
- DataValues = ','.join(DataValues)
- cmd = 'insert ProbeSetSE values %s' % DataValues
- db.execute(cmd)
+"""This script use the nearest marker to the transcript as control, increasing permutation rounds according to the p-value"""
+# Last Updated Sep 27, 2011 by Xiaodong
+# This version fix the bug that incorrectly exclude the first 2 probesetIDs
+import string
+import sys
+import MySQLdb
+import getpass
+import time
+def translateAlias(str):
+ if str == "B6":
+ return "C57BL/6J"
+ elif str == "D2":
+ return "DBA/2J"
+ else:
+ return str
+# Indicate Data Start Position, ProbeFreezeId, GeneChipId, DataFile
+dataStart = 1
+GeneChipId = int(input("Enter GeneChipId:"))
+ProbeSetFreezeId = int(input("Enter ProbeSetFreezeId:"))
+input_file_name = input("Enter file name with suffix:")
+fp = open("%s" % input_file_name, 'rb')
+ passwd = getpass.getpass('Please enter mysql password here : ')
+ con = MySQLdb.Connect(db='db_webqtl', host='localhost',
+ user='username', passwd=passwd)
+ db = con.cursor()
+ print("You have successfully connected to mysql.\n")
+ print("You entered incorrect password.\n")
+ sys.exit(0)
+time0 = time.time()
+# Indicate Data Start Position, ProbeFreezeId, GeneChipId, DataFile
+#GeneChipId = 4
+#dataStart = 1
+# ProbeSetFreezeId = 359 #JAX Liver 6C Affy M430 2.0 (Jul11) MDP
+#fp = open("GSE10493_AllSamples_6C_Z_AvgSE.txt", 'rb')
+# Check if each line have same number of members
+# generate the gene list of expression data here
+print('Checking if each line have same number of members')
+GeneList = []
+isCont = 1
+header = fp.readline()
+header = header.strip().split('\t')
+header = [item.strip() for item in header]
+nfield = len(header)
+line = fp.readline()
+kj = 0
+while line:
+ line2 = line.strip().split('\t')
+ line2 = [item.strip() for item in line2]
+ if len(line2) != nfield:
+ isCont = 0
+ print(("Error : " + line))
+ GeneList.append(line2[0])
+ line = fp.readline()
+ kj += 1
+ if kj % 100000 == 0:
+ print(('checked ', kj, ' lines'))
+GeneList = sorted(map(string.lower, GeneList))
+if isCont == 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
+# Check if each strain exist in database
+# generate the string id list of expression data here
+print('Checking if each strain exist in database')
+isCont = 1
+header = fp.readline()
+header = header.strip().split('\t')
+header = [item.strip() for item in header]
+header = list(map(translateAlias, header))
+header = header[dataStart:]
+Ids = []
+for item in header:
+ try:
+ db.execute('select Id from Strain where Name = "%s"' % item)
+ Ids.append(db.fetchall()[0][0])
+ except:
+ isCont = 0
+ print((item, 'does not exist, check the if the strain name is correct'))
+if isCont == 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
+# Check if each ProbeSet exist in database
+print('Check if each ProbeSet exist in database')
+##---- find PID is name or target ----##
+line = fp.readline()
+line = fp.readline()
+line2 = line.strip().split('\t')
+line2 = [x.strip() for x in line2]
+PId = line2[0]
+db.execute('select Id from ProbeSet where Name="%s" and ChipId=%d' %
+ (PId, GeneChipId))
+results = db.fetchall()
+IdStr = 'TargetId'
+if len(results) > 0:
+ IdStr = 'Name'
+##---- get Name/TargetId list from database ----##
+db.execute('select distinct(%s) from ProbeSet where ChipId=%d order by %s' % (
+ IdStr, GeneChipId, IdStr))
+results = db.fetchall()
+Names = []
+for item in results:
+ Names.append(item[0])
+ Names = sorted(map(string.lower, Names))
+##---- compare genelist with names ----##
+x = y = 0
+x1 = -1
+GeneList2 = []
+while x < len(GeneList) and y < len(Names):
+ if GeneList[x] == Names[y]:
+ x += 1
+ y += 1
+ elif GeneList[x] < Names[y]:
+ if x != x1:
+ GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
+ x1 = x
+ x += 1
+ elif GeneList[x] > Names[y]:
+ y += 1
+ if x % 100000 == 0:
+ print(('check Name, checked %d lines' % x))
+while x < len(GeneList):
+ GeneList2.append(GeneList[x])
+ x += 1
+isCont = 1
+ferror = open("ProbeSetError.txt", "wb")
+for item in GeneList2:
+ ferror.write(item + " doesn't exist \n")
+ isCont = 0
+ print((item, " doesn't exist"))
+if isCont == 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
+print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
+# Insert new Data into SE
+ select ProbeSet.%s, ProbeSetXRef.DataId from ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef
+ where ProbeSet.Id=ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId and ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId=%d"""
+ % (IdStr, ProbeSetFreezeId))
+results = db.fetchall()
+ProbeNameId = {}
+for Name, Id in results:
+ ProbeNameId[Name] = Id
+ferror = open("ProbeError.txt", "wb")
+DataValues = []
+fp.seek(0) # XZ add this line
+line = fp.readline() # XZ add this line
+line = fp.readline()
+kj = 0
+while line:
+ line2 = line.strip().split('\t')
+ line2 = [x.strip() for x in line2]
+ CellId = line2[0]
+ if CellId not in ProbeNameId:
+ ferror.write(CellId + " doesn't exist\n")
+ else:
+ DataId = ProbeNameId[CellId]
+ datasorig = line2[dataStart:]
+ i = 0
+ for item in datasorig:
+ if item != '':
+ value = '('+str(DataId)+','+str(Ids[i])+','+str(item)+')'
+ DataValues.append(value)
+ i += 1
+ kj += 1
+ if kj % 100 == 0:
+ Dataitems = ','.join(DataValues)
+ cmd = 'insert ProbeSetSE values %s' % Dataitems
+ db.execute(cmd)
+ DataValues = []
+ line = fp.readline()
+ print((CellId, " doesn't exist"))
+ print(('inserted ', kj, ' lines'))
+ print(('used ', time.time()-time0, ' seconds'))
+if len(DataValues) > 0:
+ DataValues = ','.join(DataValues)
+ cmd = 'insert ProbeSetSE values %s' % DataValues
+ db.execute(cmd)
diff --git a/scripts/maintenance/utilities.py b/scripts/maintenance/utilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..886410c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maintenance/utilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import MySQLdb
+import re
+import configparser
+def get_cursor():
+ host = 'tux.uthsc.edu'
+ user = 'webqtlout'
+ passwd = 'webqtlout'
+ db = 'db_webqtl'
+ con = MySQLdb.Connect(db=db, host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd)
+ cursor = con.cursor()
+ return cursor, con
+def clearspaces(s, default=None):
+ if s:
+ s = re.sub('\s+', ' ', s)
+ s = s.strip()
+ return s
+ else:
+ return default
+def to_dic(keys, values):
+ dic = {}
+ for i in range(len(keys)):
+ key = keys[i]
+ value = values[i]
+ dic[key] = value
+ return dic
+def overlap(dic1, dic2):
+ keys = []
+ values1 = []
+ values2 = []
+ for key in dic1.keys():
+ if key in dic2:
+ value1 = dic1[key]
+ value2 = dic2[key]
+ if value1 and value2:
+ keys.append(key)
+ values1.append(value1)
+ values2.append(value2)
+ return keys, values1, values2
+def to_db_string(s, default):
+ if s:
+ s = s.strip()
+ if len(s) == 0:
+ return default
+ elif s == 'x':
+ return default
+ else:
+ return s
+ else:
+ return default
+def to_db_float(s, default):
+ if s:
+ s = s.strip()
+ if len(s) == 0:
+ return default
+ elif s == 'x':
+ return default
+ else:
+ try:
+ return float(s)
+ except:
+ return default
+ else:
+ return default
+def to_db_int(s, default):
+ if s:
+ s = s.strip()
+ if len(s) == 0:
+ return default
+ elif s == 'x':
+ return default
+ else:
+ try:
+ return int(s)
+ except:
+ return default
+ else:
+ return default
+def get_config(configfile):
+ config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read(configfile)
+ return config