path: root/test/lengthy_test_suite.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lengthy_test_suite.sh')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lengthy_test_suite.sh b/test/lengthy_test_suite.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..231475e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lengthy_test_suite.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Long running tests go here
+testPlinkStandardRelatednessMatrixK() {
+ testname=testPlinkStandardRelatednessMatrixK
+ datadir=../example
+ outfn=output/$testname.sXX.txt
+ rm -f $outfn
+ $gemma -bfile $datadir/HLC \
+ -gk 2 -o $testname \
+ -debug
+ assertEquals 0 $?
+ assertEquals "427" `wc -l < $outfn`
+ assertEquals "-358.07" `perl -nle 'foreach $x (split(/\s+/,$_)) { $sum += sprintf("%.2f",(substr($x,,0,6))) } END { printf "%.2f",$sum }' $outfn`
+testPlinkMultivariateLinearMixedModelMultiplePhenotypes_Issue58() {
+ echo "Long running test!"
+ # This test passes, but takes over 30 minutes to run!
+ # n=2 is original pheno in fam file
+ # n=1 is causal1
+ # n=3..12 is causal2
+ # n=13..22 is causal3
+ # -n 1 2 3 15 is independent
+ testname=testPlinkMultivariateLinearMixedModelMultiplePhenotypes
+ datadir=../example
+ $gemma -bfile $datadir/HLC \
+ -p $datadir/HLC.simu.pheno.txt \
+ -k output/testPlinkStandardRelatednessMatrixK.sXX.txt \
+ -lmm 1 \
+ -maf 0.1 \
+ -n 1 2 3 15 \
+ -c $datadir/HLC_covariates.txt \
+ -debug \
+ -o $testname
+ assertEquals 0 $?
+ outfn=output/$testname.assoc.txt
+ assertEquals "223243" `wc -l < $outfn`
+ assertEquals "89754977983.69" `perl -nle 'foreach $x (split(/\s+/,$_)) { $sum += sprintf("%.2f",(substr($x,,0,6))) } END { printf "%.2f",$sum }' $outfn`
+shunit2=`which shunit2`
+if [ -x "$shunit2" ]; then
+ echo run system shunit2
+ . $shunit2
+elif [ -e ../contrib/shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell/shunit2 ]; then
+ echo run shunit2 provided in gemma repo
+ . ../contrib/shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell/shunit2
+ echo "Can not find shunit2 - see INSTALL.md"