path: root/shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell
diff options
authorPeter Carbonetto2017-07-18 13:56:10 -0500
committerPeter Carbonetto2017-07-18 13:56:10 -0500
commit42dc643e44563f64d3b7593c051898b7879d9878 (patch)
tree33fcd6aa1066016aea9b54e97a84f4250562c007 /shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell
parent8de8f701755b3dc4c042591541aa86bfda02f36b (diff)
Moved shunit2 files to test directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 799 deletions
diff --git a/shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell/shunit2 b/shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell/shunit2
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d1130..0000000
--- a/shunit2-2.0.3/src/shell/shunit2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,799 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# vim:syntax=sh:sts=2
-# vim:foldmethod=marker:foldmarker=/**,*/
-# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-# <s:shelldoc xmlns:s="http://www.forestent.com/projects/shelldoc/xsl/2005.0">
-# <s:header>
-# shUnit 2.0.4
-# Shell Unit Test Framework
-# http://code.google.com/p/shunit2/
-# written by Kate Ward &lt;kate.ward@forestent.com&gt;
-# released under the LGPL
-# this module implements a xUnit based unit test framework similar to JUnit
-# </s:header>
-# shell flags for shunit:
-# u - treat unset variables as an error when performing parameter expansion
-# save the current set of shell flags, and then set some for ourselves
-for _shunit_shellFlag in `echo "${__SHUNIT_SHELL_FLAGS}" |sed 's/\(.\)/\1 /g'`
- set -${_shunit_shellFlag}
-unset _shunit_shellFlag
-# constants
-for _su_const in `set |grep "^__SHUNIT_" |cut -d= -f1`; do
- readonly ${_su_const}
-unset _su_const
-# variables
-# assert functions
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertEquals</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>expected</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>actual</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Asserts that <emphasis>expected</emphasis> and
-# <emphasis>actual</emphasis> are equal to one another. The message is
-# optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=''
- if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
- _su_message=$1
- shift
- fi
- _su_expected=${1:-}
- _su_actual=${2:-}
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_TRUE}
- if [ "${_su_expected}" = "${_su_actual}" ]; then
- _shunit_testPassed
- else
- failNotEquals "${_su_message}" "${_su_expected}" "${_su_actual}"
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- fi
- unset _su_message _su_expected _su_actual
- return ${shunit_return}
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertNull</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Asserts that <emphasis>value</emphasis> is <literal>null</literal>,
-# or in shell terms a zero-length string. The message is optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
- assertTrue "$1" "[ -z '$2' ]"
- else
- assertTrue "[ -z '${1:-}' ]"
- fi
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertNotNull</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Asserts that <emphasis>value</emphasis> is <emphasis
-# role="strong">not</emphasis> <literal>null</literal>, or in shell terms not
-# a zero-length string. The message is optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
- assertTrue "$1" "[ -n '$2' ]"
- else
- assertTrue "[ -n '${1:-}' ]"
- fi
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertSame</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>expected</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>actual</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function is functionally equivalent to
-# <function>assertEquals</function>.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- assertEquals "${@:-}"
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertNotSame</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>unexpected</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>actual</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Asserts that <emphasis>unexpected</emphasis> and
-# <emphasis>actual</emphasis> are <emphasis role="strong">not</emphasis>
-# equal to one another. The message is optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=''
- if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
- _su_message=$1
- shift
- fi
- _su_unexpected=${1:-}
- _su_actual=${2:-}
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_TRUE}
- if [ "${_su_unexpected}" != "${_su_actual}" ]; then
- _shunit_testPassed
- else
- failSame "${_su_message}"
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- fi
- unset _su_message _su_unexpected _su_actual
- return ${shunit_return}
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertTrue</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>condition</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Asserts that a given shell test condition is true. The message is
-# optional.</para>
-# <para>Testing whether something is true or false is easy enough by using
-# the assertEquals/assertNotSame functions. Shell supports much more
-# complicated tests though, and a means to support them was needed. As such,
-# this function tests that conditions are true or false through evaluation
-# rather than just looking for a true or false.</para>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# The following test will succeed: <funcsynopsisinfo>assertTrue "[ 34 -gt 23 ]"</funcsynopsisinfo>
-# The following test will fail with a message: <funcsynopsisinfo>assertTrue "test failed" "[ -r '/non/existent/file' ]"</funcsynopsisinfo>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=''
- if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
- _su_message=$1
- shift
- fi
- _su_condition=${1:-}
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_TRUE}
- # see if condition is an integer, i.e. a return value
- _su_match=`expr "${_su_condition}" : '\([0-9]*\)'`
- if [ -z "${_su_condition}" ]; then
- # null condition
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- elif [ "${_su_condition}" = "${_su_match}" ]; then
- # possible return value. treating 0 as true, and non-zero as false.
- [ ${_su_condition} -ne 0 ] && shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- else
- # (hopefully) a condition
- ( eval ${_su_condition} ) >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- fi
- # record the test
- if [ ${shunit_return} -eq ${__SHUNIT_TRUE} ]; then
- _shunit_testPassed
- else
- _shunit_testFailed "${_su_message}"
- fi
- unset _su_message _su_condition _su_match
- return ${shunit_return}
-# <s:function group="asserts">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>assertFalse</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>condition</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Asserts that a given shell test condition is false. The message is
-# optional.</para>
-# <para>Testing whether something is true or false is easy enough by using
-# the assertEquals/assertNotSame functions. Shell supports much more
-# complicated tests though, and a means to support them was needed. As such,
-# this function tests that conditions are true or false through evaluation
-# rather than just looking for a true or false.</para>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# The following test will succeed: <funcsynopsisinfo>assertFalse "[ 'apples' = 'oranges' ]"</funcsynopsisinfo>
-# The following test will fail with a message: <funcsynopsisinfo>assertFalse "test failed" "[ 1 -eq 1 -a 2 -eq 2 ]"</funcsynopsisinfo>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=''
- if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
- _su_message=$1
- shift
- fi
- _su_condition=${1:-}
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_TRUE}
- # see if condition is an integer, i.e. a return value
- _su_match=`expr "${_su_condition}" : '\([0-9]*\)'`
- if [ -z "${_su_condition}" ]; then
- # null condition
- shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- elif [ "${_su_condition}" = "${_su_match}" ]; then
- # possible return value. treating 0 as true, and non-zero as false.
- [ ${_su_condition} -eq 0 ] && shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- else
- # (hopefully) a condition
- ( eval ${_su_condition} ) >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && shunit_return=${__SHUNIT_FALSE}
- fi
- # record the test
- if [ ${shunit_return} -eq ${__SHUNIT_TRUE} ]; then
- _shunit_testPassed
- else
- _shunit_testFailed "${_su_message}"
- fi
- unset _su_message _su_condition _su_match
- return ${shunit_return}
-# failure functions
-# <s:function group="failures">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>fail</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Fails the test immediately, with the optional message.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=${1:-}
- _shunit_testFailed "${_su_message}"
- unset _su_message
-# <s:function group="failures">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>failNotEquals</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>unexpected</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>actual</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Fails the test if <emphasis>unexpected</emphasis> and
-# <emphasis>actual</emphasis> are <emphasis role="strong">not</emphasis>
-# equal to one another. The message is optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=''
- if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
- _su_message=$1
- shift
- fi
- _su_unexpected=${1:-}
- _su_actual=${2:-}
- _shunit_testFailed "${_su_message:+${_su_message} }expected:<${_su_unexpected}> but was:<${_su_actual}>"
- unset _su_message _su_unexpected _su_actual
-# <s:function group="failures">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>failSame</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Indicate test failure because arguments were not the same. The
-# message is optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_message=${1:-}
- _shunit_testFailed "${_su_message:+${_su_message} }expected not same"
- unset _su_message
-# <s:function group="failures">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>failNotSame</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>[message]</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>expected</parameter></paramdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>actual</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>Fails the test if <emphasis>expected</emphasis> and
-# <emphasis>actual</emphasis> are equal to one another. The message is
-# optional.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- failNotEquals "${@:-}"
-# suite functions
-# <s:function group="suites">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>suite</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef />
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function can be optionally overridden by the user in their test
-# suite.</para>
-# <para>If this function exists, it will be called when
-# <command>shunit2</command> is sourced. If it does not exist, shUnit2 will
-# search the parent script for all functions beginning with the word
-# <literal>test</literal>, and they will be added dynamically to the test
-# suite.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
-# Note: see _shunit_mktempFunc() for actual implementation
-# suite() { :; }
-# <s:function group="suites">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>suite_addTest</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef>string <parameter>function</parameter></paramdef>
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function adds a function name to the list of tests scheduled for
-# execution as part of this test suite. This function should only be called
-# from within the <function>suite()</function> function.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
- _su_func=${1:-}
- __shunit_suite="${__shunit_suite:+${__shunit_suite} }${_su_func}"
- unset _su_func
-# <s:function group="suites">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>oneTimeSetUp</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef />
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their
-# test suite.</para>
-# <para>If this function exists, it will be called once before any tests are
-# run. It is useful to prepare a common environment for all tests.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
-# Note: see _shunit_mktempFunc() for actual implementation
-# oneTimeSetUp() { :; }
-# <s:function group="suites">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>oneTimeTearDown</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef />
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their
-# test suite.</para>
-# <para>If this function exists, it will be called once after all tests are
-# completed. It is useful to clean up the environment after all tests.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
-# Note: see _shunit_mktempFunc() for actual implementation
-# oneTimeTearDown() { :; }
-# <s:function group="suites">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>setUp</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef />
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their
-# test suite.</para>
-# <para>If this function exists, it will be called before each test is run.
-# It is useful to reset the environment before each test.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
-# Note: see _shunit_mktempFunc() for actual implementation
-# setUp() { :; }
-# <s:function group="suites">
-# <entry align="right">
-# <emphasis>void</emphasis>
-# </entry>
-# <entry>
-# <funcsynopsis>
-# <funcprototype>
-# <funcdef><function>tearDown</function></funcdef>
-# <paramdef />
-# </funcprototype>
-# </funcsynopsis>
-# <para>This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their
-# test suite.</para>
-# <para>If this function exists, it will be called after each test completes.
-# It is useful to clean up the environment after each test.</para>
-# </entry>
-# </s:function>
-# Note: see _shunit_mktempFunc() for actual implementation
-# tearDown() { :; }
-# internal shUnit2 functions
- name=$1
- case ${name} in
- EXIT) signal=0 ;;
- INT) signal=2 ;;
- TERM) signal=15 ;;
- esac
- # do our work
- rm -fr "${__shunit_tmpDir}"
- # exit for all non-EXIT signals
- if [ ${name} != 'EXIT' ]; then
- echo "trapped and now handling the ${name} signal" >&2
- _shunit_generateReport
- # disable EXIT trap
- trap 0
- # add 128 to signal and exit
- exit `expr ${signal} + 128`
- fi
- echo '#'
- echo '# Performing tests'
- echo '#'
- for _su_func in ${__shunit_suite}; do
- # execute the per-test setup function
- setUp
- # execute the test
- echo "${_su_func}"
- eval ${_su_func}
- # execute the per-test tear-down function
- tearDown
- done
- unset _su_func
- _su__func=$1
- type ${_su__func} 2>/dev/null |grep "is a function$" >/dev/null
- _su__return=$?
- unset _su__func
- return ${_su__return}
- _su__awkPercent='{printf("%0.0f%%", $1*100/$2)}'
- if [ ${__shunit_testsTotal} -gt 0 ]; then
- _su__success=`echo ${__shunit_testsPassed} ${__shunit_testsTotal} |\
- awk "${_su__awkPercent}"`
- else
- _su__success=0
- fi
- cat <<EOF
-# Test report
-tests passed: ${__shunit_testsPassed}
-tests failed: ${__shunit_testsFailed}
-tests total: ${__shunit_testsTotal}
-success rate: ${_su__success}
- unset _su__success
-# this function is a cross-platform temporary directory creation tool. not all
-# OSes have the mktemp function, so one is included here.
- # try the standard mktemp function
- ( exec mktemp -dqt shunit.XXXXXX 2>/dev/null ) && return
- # the standard mktemp didn't work. doing our own.
- if [ -r '/dev/urandom' -a -x '/usr/bin/od' ]; then
- _su__random=`/usr/bin/od -vAn -N4 -tx4 </dev/urandom \
- |sed 's/^[^0-9a-f]*//'`
- elif [ -n "${RANDOM:-}" ]; then
- # $RANDOM works
- _su__random=${RANDOM}${RANDOM}${RANDOM}$$
- else
- # $RANDOM doesn't work
- _su__date=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
- _su__random=`expr ${_su__date} / $$`
- fi
- _su__tmpDir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/shunit.${_su__random}"
- ( umask 077 && mkdir "${_su__tmpDir}" ) || {
- echo 'shUnit:FATAL could not create temporary directory! exiting' >&2
- return ${__SHUNIT_ERROR}
- }
- echo ${_su__tmpDir}
- unset _su__date _su__random _su__tmpDir
-# this function is here to work around issues in Cygwin
- for _su__func in oneTimeSetUp oneTimeTearDown setUp tearDown suite; do
- _su__file="${__shunit_tmpDir}/${_su__func}"
- cat <<EOF >"${_su__file}"
-#! /bin/sh
-exit 0
- chmod +x "${_su__file}"
- done
- unset _su__file
- __shunit_testsPassed=`expr ${__shunit_testsPassed} + 1`
- __shunit_testsTotal=`expr ${__shunit_testsTotal} + 1`
- _su__msg=$1
- __shunit_testsFailed=`expr ${__shunit_testsFailed} + 1`
- __shunit_testsTotal=`expr ${__shunit_testsTotal} + 1`
- echo "${__SHUNIT_ASSERT_MSG_PREFIX}${_su__msg}" >&2
- unset _su__msg
-# main
-# create a temporary storage location
-__shunit_tmpDir=`_shunit_mktempDir` || exit ${__SHUNIT_ERROR}
-# setup traps to clean up after ourselves
-trap '_shunit_cleanup EXIT' 0
-trap '_shunit_cleanup INT' 2
-trap '_shunit_cleanup TERM' 15
-# create phantom functions to work around issues with Cygwin
-# execute the oneTimeSetUp function (if it exists)
-#_shunit_functionExists oneTimeSetUp && oneTimeSetUp
-# deprecated: execute the suite function defined in the parent test script
-# if no suite function was defined, dynamically build a list of functions
-if [ -z "${__shunit_suite}" ]; then
- funcs=`grep "^[ \t]*test[A-Za-z0-9_]* *()" $0 |sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_]//g'`
- for func in ${funcs}; do
- suite_addTest ${func}
- done
-# execute the tests
-# execute the oneTimeTearDown function (if it exists)
-# generate report
-# restore the previous set of shell flags
-for _shunit_shellFlag in ${__SHUNIT_SHELL_FLAGS}; do
- echo ${__shunit_oldShellFlags} |grep ${_shunit_shellFlag} >/dev/null \
- || set +${_shunit_shellFlag}
-unset _shunit_shellFlag
-# </s:shelldoc>