path: root/uploader
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'uploader')
3 files changed, 182 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/uploader/phenotypes/views.py b/uploader/phenotypes/views.py
index ec4c840..53e68d1 100644
--- a/uploader/phenotypes/views.py
+++ b/uploader/phenotypes/views.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import json
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile
-from functools import wraps
+from functools import wraps, reduce
from redis import Redis
@@ -502,3 +502,77 @@ def job_status(
rconn, jobs.jobsnamespace(), job['jobid']),
+ "<int:species_id>/populations/<int:population_id>/phenotypes/datasets"
+ "/<int:dataset_id>/review-job/<uuid:job_id>",
+ methods=["GET"])
+ species_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.index",
+ population_redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.select_population",
+ redirect_uri="species.populations.phenotypes.list_datasets")
+def review_job_data(
+ species: dict,
+ population: dict,
+ dataset: dict,
+ job_id: uuid.UUID,
+ **kwargs
+):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """Review data one more time before entering it into the database."""
+ with Redis.from_url(app.config["REDIS_URL"], decode_responses=True) as rconn:
+ try:
+ job = jobs.job(rconn, jobs.jobsnamespace(), str(job_id))
+ except jobs.JobNotFound as _jnf:
+ job = None
+ def __metadata_by_type__(by_type, item):
+ filetype = item[1]["filetype"]
+ return {
+ **by_type,
+ filetype: (by_type.get(filetype, tuple())
+ + ({"filename": item[0], **item[1]},))
+ }
+ metadata = reduce(__metadata_by_type__,
+ (jobs.job_files_metadata(
+ rconn, jobs.jobsnamespace(), job['jobid'])
+ if job else {}).items(),
+ {})
+ def __desc__(filetype):
+ match filetype:
+ case "phenocovar":
+ desc = "phenotypes"
+ case "pheno":
+ desc = "phenotypes data"
+ case "phenose":
+ desc = "phenotypes standard-errors"
+ case "phenonum":
+ desc = "phenotypes samples"
+ case _:
+ desc = f"unknown file type '{filetype}'."
+ return desc
+ def __summarise__(filetype, files):
+ return {
+ "filetype": filetype,
+ "number-of-files": len(files),
+ "total-data-rows": sum(
+ int(afile["linecount"]) - 1 for afile in files),
+ "description": __desc__(filetype)
+ }
+ summary = {
+ filetype: __summarise__(filetype, meta)
+ for filetype,meta in metadata.items()
+ }
+ return render_template("phenotypes/review-job-data.html",
+ species=species,
+ population=population,
+ dataset=dataset,
+ job_id=job_id,
+ job=job,
+ summary=summary,
+ activelink="add-phenotypes")
diff --git a/uploader/templates/phenotypes/job-status.html b/uploader/templates/phenotypes/job-status.html
index 6f43d22..12963c1 100644
--- a/uploader/templates/phenotypes/job-status.html
+++ b/uploader/templates/phenotypes/job-status.html
@@ -62,8 +62,12 @@
{%if job.status in ("completed:success", "success")%}
{%if errors | length == 0%}
- <a href="#"
- class="not-implemented btn btn-primary"
+ <a href="{{url_for('species.populations.phenotypes.review_job_data',
+ species_id=species.SpeciesId,
+ population_id=population.Id,
+ dataset_id=dataset.Id,
+ job_id=job_id)}}"
+ class="btn btn-primary"
title="Continue to process data">Continue</a>
<span class="text-muted"
diff --git a/uploader/templates/phenotypes/review-job-data.html b/uploader/templates/phenotypes/review-job-data.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc8c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uploader/templates/phenotypes/review-job-data.html
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{%extends "phenotypes/base.html"%}
+{%from "cli-output.html" import cli_output%}
+{%from "flash_messages.html" import flash_all_messages%}
+{%from "macro-table-pagination.html" import table_pagination%}
+{%from "phenotypes/macro-display-pheno-dataset-card.html" import display_pheno_dataset_card%}
+{%block extrameta%}
+{%if not job%}
+<meta http-equiv="refresh"
+ content="20; url={{url_for('species.populations.phenotypes.view_dataset', species_id=species.SpeciesId,
+ population_id=population.Id,
+ dataset_id=dataset.Id)}}" />
+{%block title%}Phenotypes{%endblock%}
+{%block pagetitle%}Phenotypes{%endblock%}
+{%block lvl4_breadcrumbs%}
+<li {%if activelink=="add-phenotypes"%}
+ class="breadcrumb-item active"
+ {%else%}
+ class="breadcrumb-item"
+ {%endif%}>
+ <a href="{{url_for('species.populations.phenotypes.add_phenotypes',
+ species_id=species.SpeciesId,
+ population_id=population.Id,
+ dataset_id=dataset.Id)}}">View Datasets</a>
+{%block contents%}
+{%if job%}
+<div class="row">
+ <h3 class="heading">Data Review</h3>
+ <p>The &#x201C;<strong>{{dataset.FullName}}</strong>&#x201D; dataset from the
+ &#x201C;<strong>{{population.FullName}}</strong>&#x201D; population of the
+ species &#x201C;<strong>{{species.SpeciesName}} ({{species.FullName}})</strong>&#x201D;
+ will be updated as follows:</p>
+ {%for ftype in ("phenocovar", "pheno", "phenose", "phenonum")%}
+ {%if summary.get(ftype, False)%}
+ <ul>
+ <li>A total of {{summary[ftype]["number-of-files"]}} files will be processed
+ adding {%if ftype == "phenocovar"%}(possibly){%endif%}
+ {{summary[ftype]["total-data-rows"]}} new
+ {%if ftype == "phenocovar"%}
+ phenotypes
+ {%else%}
+ {{summary[ftype]["description"]}} rows
+ {%endif%}
+ to the database.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ {%endif%}
+ {%endfor%}
+ <a href="#" class="not-implemented btn btn-primary">continue</a>
+<div class="row">
+ <h4 class="subheading">Invalid Job</h3>
+ <p class="text-danger">
+ Could not find a job with the ID: <strong>{{job_id}}.</p>
+ <p>You will be redirected in
+ <span id="countdown-element" class="text-info">20</span> second(s)</p>
+ <p class="text-muted">
+ <small>
+ If you are not redirected, please
+ <a href="{{url_for(
+ 'species.populations.phenotypes.view_dataset',
+ species_id=species.SpeciesId,
+ population_id=population.Id,
+ dataset_id=dataset.Id)}}">click here</a> to continue
+ </small>
+ </p>
+{%block sidebarcontents%}
+{{display_pheno_dataset_card(species, population, dataset)}}
+{%block javascript%}
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ var countdown = 20;
+ var countdown_element = $("#countdown-element");
+ if(countdown_element.length === 1) {
+ intv = window.setInterval(function() {
+ countdown = countdown - 1;
+ countdown_element.html(countdown);
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ });