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1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/transform/uuid.scm b/transform/uuid.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be0e592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/uuid.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+;; CREDIT: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2018-01/msg00019.html
+(define-module (transform uuid)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 iconv)
+ #:export (bytevector->md5
+ make-version-3-uuid))
+(define (bytevector->md5 bytevector)
+ "Convert BYTEVECTOR to a bytevector containing the MD5 hash of
+ ;; Implemented along RFC 1321. It should be easy to verify that
+ ;; this procedure performs the operations specified therein.
+ (define (append-padding-bits bytevector)
+ "Makes a list from BYTEVECTOR with padding as per RFC 1321 3.1."
+ (let* ((length-in-bits (* 8 (bytevector-length bytevector)))
+ (padding-bits (- 512 (modulo (- length-in-bits 448) 512))))
+ (append (bytevector->u8-list bytevector)
+ '(128) ; #*10000000
+ (iota
+ (- (/ padding-bits 8) 1)
+ 0 0))))
+ (define (append-length msg-list message-length)
+ "Append MESSAGE-LENGTH as 8 byte values from a uint64 to MSG-LIST."
+ (append msg-list
+ ;; For numbers too large for an uint64, only the low-order
+ ;; bytes are returned.
+ (bytevector->u8-list (u64vector
+ (modulo
+ (* message-length 8) ; bits
+ (1+ #xffffffffffffffff))))))
+ (let hash ((AA #x67452301)
+ (BB #xefcdab89)
+ (CC #x98badcfe)
+ (DD #x10325476)
+ (to-digest
+ (append-length
+ (append-padding-bits
+ bytevector)
+ (bytevector-length bytevector))))
+ (define (F X Y Z)
+ (logior (logand X Y) (logand (lognot X) Z)))
+ (define (G X Y Z)
+ (logior (logand X Z) (logand Y (lognot Z))))
+ (define (H X Y Z)
+ (logxor X Y Z))
+ (define (I X Y Z)
+ (logxor Y (logior X (lognot Z))))
+ (define (T i)
+ (inexact->exact (floor (* 4294967296 (abs (sin i))))))
+ (define (number->u32 n)
+ "Cut off all bits that do not fit in a uint32."
+ (bit-extract n 0 32))
+ (define (lsh32 n count)
+ (number->u32 (logior (ash n count)
+ (bit-extract n (- 32 count) 32))))
+ (if (not (null? to-digest))
+ (let* ((block (u8-list->bytevector
+ (list-head to-digest (/ 512 8))))
+ (X (lambda (j) (bytevector-u32-ref
+ block (* 4 j) (endianness little))))
+ (do-round1
+ (lambda (A B C D)
+ (define (operation a b c d k s i)
+ (number->u32
+ (+ b (lsh32 (+ a (F b c d) (X k) (T i)) s))))
+ (let* ((A (operation A B C D 0 7 1))
+ (D (operation D A B C 1 12 2))
+ (C (operation C D A B 2 17 3))
+ (B (operation B C D A 3 22 4))
+ (A (operation A B C D 4 7 5))
+ (D (operation D A B C 5 12 6))
+ (C (operation C D A B 6 17 7))
+ (B (operation B C D A 7 22 8))
+ (A (operation A B C D 8 7 9))
+ (D (operation D A B C 9 12 10))
+ (C (operation C D A B 10 17 11))
+ (B (operation B C D A 11 22 12))
+ (A (operation A B C D 12 7 13))
+ (D (operation D A B C 13 12 14))
+ (C (operation C D A B 14 17 15))
+ (B (operation B C D A 15 22 16)))
+ (values A B C D))))
+ (do-round2
+ (lambda (A B C D)
+ (define (operation a b c d k s i)
+ (number->u32
+ (+ b (lsh32 (+ a (G b c d) (X k) (T i)) s))))
+ (let* ((A (operation A B C D 1 5 17))
+ (D (operation D A B C 6 9 18))
+ (C (operation C D A B 11 14 19))
+ (B (operation B C D A 0 20 20))
+ (A (operation A B C D 5 5 21))
+ (D (operation D A B C 10 9 22))
+ (C (operation C D A B 15 14 23))
+ (B (operation B C D A 4 20 24))
+ (A (operation A B C D 9 5 25))
+ (D (operation D A B C 14 9 26))
+ (C (operation C D A B 3 14 27))
+ (B (operation B C D A 8 20 28))
+ (A (operation A B C D 13 5 29))
+ (D (operation D A B C 2 9 30))
+ (C (operation C D A B 7 14 31))
+ (B (operation B C D A 12 20 32)))
+ (values A B C D))))
+ (do-round3
+ (lambda (A B C D)
+ (define (operation a b c d k s i)
+ (number->u32
+ (+ b (lsh32 (+ a (H b c d) (X k) (T i)) s))))
+ (let* ((A (operation A B C D 5 4 33))
+ (D (operation D A B C 8 11 34))
+ (C (operation C D A B 11 16 35))
+ (B (operation B C D A 14 23 36))
+ (A (operation A B C D 1 4 37))
+ (D (operation D A B C 4 11 38))
+ (C (operation C D A B 7 16 39))
+ (B (operation B C D A 10 23 40))
+ (A (operation A B C D 13 4 41))
+ (D (operation D A B C 0 11 42))
+ (C (operation C D A B 3 16 43))
+ (B (operation B C D A 6 23 44))
+ (A (operation A B C D 9 4 45))
+ (D (operation D A B C 12 11 46))
+ (C (operation C D A B 15 16 47))
+ (B (operation B C D A 2 23 48)))
+ (values A B C D))))
+ (do-round4
+ (lambda (A B C D)
+ (define (operation a b c d k s i)
+ (number->u32
+ (+ b (lsh32 (+ a (I b c d) (X k) (T i)) s))))
+ (let* ((A (operation A B C D 0 6 49))
+ (D (operation D A B C 7 10 50))
+ (C (operation C D A B 14 15 51))
+ (B (operation B C D A 5 21 52))
+ (A (operation A B C D 12 6 53))
+ (D (operation D A B C 3 10 54))
+ (C (operation C D A B 10 15 55))
+ (B (operation B C D A 1 21 56))
+ (A (operation A B C D 8 6 57))
+ (D (operation D A B C 15 10 58))
+ (C (operation C D A B 6 15 59))
+ (B (operation B C D A 13 21 60))
+ (A (operation A B C D 4 6 61))
+ (D (operation D A B C 11 10 62))
+ (C (operation C D A B 2 15 63))
+ (B (operation B C D A 9 21 64)))
+ (values A B C D)))))
+ (let*-values (((A B C D) (values AA BB CC DD))
+ ((A B C D) (do-round1 A B C D))
+ ((A B C D) (do-round2 A B C D))
+ ((A B C D) (do-round3 A B C D))
+ ((A B C D) (do-round4 A B C D)))
+ (hash (number->u32 (+ A AA))
+ (number->u32 (+ B BB))
+ (number->u32 (+ C CC))
+ (number->u32 (+ D DD))
+ (list-tail to-digest (/ 512 8)))))
+ ;; we’re done:
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (append
+ (bytevector->u8-list (u32vector AA))
+ (bytevector->u8-list (u32vector BB))
+ (bytevector->u8-list (u32vector CC))
+ (bytevector->u8-list (u32vector DD)))))))
+(define* (make-version-3-uuid namespace-uuid str #:optional (prefix "urn:uuid:"))
+ "Generates a UUID string by computing the MD5 hash of NAMESPACE-UUID
+and STR. NAMESPACE-UUID must be a bytevector consisting of the UUID’s
+bytes, *not* the UUID’s string representation."
+ (define (half-byte->hex-char number)
+ "Returns the corresponding hexadecimal digit for a number NUMBER
+between 0 and 15."
+ (case number
+ ((0) #\0)
+ ((1) #\1)
+ ((2) #\2)
+ ((3) #\3)
+ ((4) #\4)
+ ((5) #\5)
+ ((6) #\6)
+ ((7) #\7)
+ ((8) #\8)
+ ((9) #\9)
+ ((10) #\a)
+ ((11) #\b)
+ ((12) #\c)
+ ((13) #\d)
+ ((14) #\e)
+ ((15) #\f)))
+ (define (byte->hex-string bv index)
+ "Convert the byte at INDEX of bytevector BV to a hex string."
+ (let ((byte (bytevector-u8-ref bv index)))
+ (string (half-byte->hex-char (quotient byte 16))
+ (half-byte->hex-char (modulo byte 16)))))
+ (let ((md5 (bytevector->md5
+ (u8-list->bytevector
+ (append (bytevector->u8-list namespace-uuid)
+ (bytevector->u8-list (string->utf8 str)))))))
+ (string-append prefix
+ ;; time_low field:
+ (byte->hex-string md5 0)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 1)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 2)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 3)
+ "-"
+ ;; time_mid field:
+ (byte->hex-string md5 4)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 5)
+ "-"
+ ;; time_hi_and_version field:
+ (let ((byte (bytevector-u8-ref md5 6)))
+ (string (half-byte->hex-char 3) ; UUID version 3
+ (half-byte->hex-char (modulo byte 16))))
+ (byte->hex-string md5 7)
+ "-"
+ ;; clock_seq_hi_and_reserved field:
+ (let ((byte (bytevector-u8-ref md5 8)))
+ (string (half-byte->hex-char
+ (logior #b1000 ; most significant bits are 10
+ (bit-extract (quotient byte 16) 0 2)))
+ (half-byte->hex-char (modulo byte 16))))
+ ;; clock_seq_low field:
+ (byte->hex-string md5 9)
+ "-"
+ ;; node field:
+ (byte->hex-string md5 10)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 11)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 12)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 13)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 14)
+ (byte->hex-string md5 15))))