path: root/dump/utils.scm
diff options
authorMunyoki Kilyungi2023-05-15 15:21:34 +0300
committerBonfaceKilz2023-05-26 08:40:22 +0300
commit79975a5dc78daa03b43d37b3fe636265c148abc0 (patch)
tree01ac595bfc69e5b6473be944a57642acdcee36e4 /dump/utils.scm
parent7b9cd459c90db9337b4e64f0b99dbf8a4c3431bf (diff)
Re-organize dumping macros and associated functions
Signed-off-by: Munyoki Kilyungi <me@bonfacemunyoki.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'dump/utils.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/dump/utils.scm b/dump/utils.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8544eec..0000000
--- a/dump/utils.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (dump utils)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:export (string-blank?
- translate-forms
- collect-forms
- map-alist
- time-unix->string))
-(define (time-unix->string seconds . maybe-format)
- "Given an integer saying the number of seconds since the Unix
-epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00), SECONDS, format it as a human readable
-date and time-string, possible using the MAYBE-FORMAT."
- (letrec ([time-unix->time-utc
- (lambda (seconds)
- (add-duration
- (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
- (make-time time-duration 0 seconds)))])
- (apply date->string
- (time-utc->date (time-unix->time-utc seconds))
- maybe-format)))
-(define (string-blank? str)
- "Return non-#f if STR consists only of whitespace characters."
- (string-every char-set:whitespace str))
-(define (translate-forms from translator x)
- "Recursively pass (FROM ...) forms in source X to TRANSLATOR, and
-replace them with the return value."
- (syntax-case x ()
- ;; Handle translation base case.
- ((head tail ...) (eq? (syntax->datum #'head)
- from)
- (translator x))
- ;; Recurse.
- ((head tail ...)
- (cons (translate-forms from translator #'head)
- (map (cut translate-forms from translator <>)
- #'(tail ...))))
- ;; Handle leaf base case.
- (leaf #'leaf)))
-(define (key->assoc-ref alist x)
- "Recursively translate (key k) forms in source X to (assoc-ref ALIST
-k) forms."
- (translate-forms 'key
- ;; (syntax-rules (key)
- ;; ((key k) (assoc-ref alist k)))
- (lambda (x)
- (syntax-case x (key)
- ((key k) #`(assoc-ref #,alist 'k))))
- x))
-(define (collect-forms target x)
- "Recursively collect (TARGET ...) forms in source X and return them
-as a list."
- (syntax-case x ()
- ;; Handle collection base case.
- ((head tail ...) (eq? (syntax->datum #'head)
- target)
- (list x))
- ;; Recurse.
- ((head tail ...)
- (append (collect-forms target #'head)
- (append-map (cut collect-forms target <>) #'(tail ...))))
- ;; Handle leaf base case.
- (leaf (list))))
-(define (collect-keys x)
- "Recursively collect (key k) forms from source X and return as a
-list of all K."
- (map (syntax-rules (key)
- ((key k) 'k))
- (collect-forms 'key x)))
-(define (alist-delete* alist keys)
- "Delete entries from ALIST whose key is equal (in the sense of
-equal?) to any in KEYS, a list."
- (remove (match-lambda
- ((key . value)
- (member key keys))
- (x (error "malformed alist element" x)))
- alist))
-(define-syntax map-alist
- (lambda (x)
- "Transform (aka map) ALIST, an association list, into another
-association list. The returned association list may contain multiple
-associations for the same key. equal? is used in all association list
-key comparisons.
-(map-alist alist
- (verb key expression) ...
- (else=> proc))
-VERB must be one of set, filter-set, multiset and remove.
-For the set VERB, KEY is set to the result of evaluating
-EXPRESSION. Multiple set verbs on the same key will result in multiple
-associations for that key.
-For the filter-set VERB, KEY is set to the result of evaluating
-EXPRESSION only if that result is not #f.
-For the multiset VERB, EXPRESSION must return a list and KEY is
-associated multiple times once with each element of the returned list.
-For the remove VERB, KEY is discarded.
-EXPRESSIONs must reference elements of ALIST using (key k) forms where
-K is the key to be referenced from ALIST. K must not be quoted. That
-is, if K is the symbol 'bar, it must be referenced as (key bar), not
-as (key 'bar).
-The else=> clause is optional.
-If the else=> clause is present, PROC is passed all pairs of ALIST
-that are not set by an earlier (verb key expression) action. PROC must
-return #f or a pair to replace its input pair. If PROC returns #f,
-that pair is discarded.
-If the else=> clause is absent, all unset pairs are discarded.
-(map-alist '((\"foo\" . 1)
- (bar . 2)
- (foobar . 5)
- (fubar . 3))
- (set spam (1+ (key \"foo\")))
- (set ham (* 2 (key bar)))
- (set eggs (* 3 (key bar)))
- (set aal (+ (key \"foo\")
- (key bar)))
- (multiset vel (iota (* 2 (key bar))))
- (remove foobar)
- (else=> (match-lambda
- ((key . value)
- (cons key (expt 2 value))))))
-=> ((spam . 2) (ham . 4) (eggs . 6) (aal . 3)
- (vel . 0) (vel . 1) (vel . 2) (vel . 3) (fubar . 8))"
- (syntax-case x ()
- ((_ alist actions ...)
- ;; TODO: Check that all actions are valid.
- #`(let ((evaluated-alist alist))
- (append (remove (match-lambda
- ;; Filter out results of filter-set actions.
- ((key . #f)
- (member key '#,(filter-map (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action (filter-set)
- ((filter-set key expression) #'key)
- (_ #f)))
- #'(actions ...))))
- (_ #f))
- ;; Do set and filter-set.
- `#,(filter-map (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action (set filter-set)
- ((set key expression)
- #`(key . ,#,(key->assoc-ref #'evaluated-alist #'expression)))
- ((filter-set key expression)
- #`(key . ,#,(key->assoc-ref #'evaluated-alist #'expression)))
- (_ #f)))
- #'(actions ...)))
- ;; Do multiset.
- #,@(filter-map (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action (multiset)
- ((multiset key expression)
- #`(map (cut cons 'key <>)
- #,(key->assoc-ref #'evaluated-alist #'expression)))
- (_ #f)))
- #'(actions ...))
- ;; Apply else=> procedure on unspecified keys. If
- ;; no else=> procedure is specified, delete
- ;; unspecified keys.
- (filter-map #,(or (any (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action (else=>)
- ((else=> proc) #'proc)
- (_ #f)))
- #'(actions ...))
- #'(const #f))
- ;; The unspecified part of the input
- ;; alist
- (alist-delete* evaluated-alist
- (list
- ;; Keys that were referenced
- #,@(append-map (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action ()
- ((_ key expression)
- (collect-keys #'expression))
- (_ '())))
- #'(actions ...))
- ;; Keys that were deleted
- #,@(filter-map (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action (remove)
- ((remove key) #''key)
- (_ #f)))
- #'(actions ...))
- ;; Keys that were set
- #,@(filter-map (lambda (action)
- (syntax-case action ()
- ((_ key expression) #''key)
- (_ #f)))
- #'(actions ...)))))))))))