diff options
authorFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2024-11-21 13:46:13 -0600
committerFrederick Muriuki Muriithi2024-11-21 13:46:13 -0600
commit70f456f4f1b400f308bd38238baae047555b9278 (patch)
parent4e60c31520a14b843767cb1ad692441ca5614f8b (diff)
Add module handling common JWKs operations.
2 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gn_libs/oauth2/__init__.py b/gn_libs/oauth2/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5884f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_libs/oauth2/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+"""OAuth2 related utilities."""
+from . import jwks
diff --git a/gn_libs/oauth2/jwks.py b/gn_libs/oauth2/jwks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c6e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_libs/oauth2/jwks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+"""Utilities dealing with JSON Web Keys (JWK)"""
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Union
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from authlib.jose import JsonWebKey
+from pymonad.either import Left, Right, Either
+def jwks_directory(appsecretsdir: Path) -> Path:
+ """Compute the directory where the JWKs are stored.
+ Arguments:
+ appsecretsdir -- The directory where an application's configurations are
+ stored.
+ """
+ if appsecretsdir.exists() and appsecretsdir.is_dir():
+ jwksdir = Path(appsecretsdir, "jwks/")
+ if not jwksdir.exists():
+ jwksdir.mkdir()
+ return jwksdir
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The `appsecretsdir` value should be a directory that actually exists.")
+def generate_and_save_private_key(
+ storagedir: Path,
+ kty: str = "RSA",
+ crv_or_size: Union[str, int] = 2048,
+ options: tuple[tuple[str, Any]] = (("iat", datetime.now().timestamp()),)
+) -> JsonWebKey:
+ """Generate a private key and save to `storagedir`."""
+ privatejwk = JsonWebKey.generate_key(
+ kty, crv_or_size, dict(options), is_private=True)
+ keyname = f"{privatejwk.thumbprint()}.private.pem"
+ with open(Path(storagedir, keyname), "wb") as pemfile:
+ pemfile.write(privatejwk.as_pem(is_private=True))
+ return privatejwk
+def pem_to_jwk(filepath: Path) -> JsonWebKey:
+ """Parse a PEM file into a JWK object."""
+ with open(filepath, "rb") as pemfile:
+ return JsonWebKey.import_key(pemfile.read())
+def __sorted_jwks_paths__(storagedir: Path) -> tuple[tuple[float, Path], ...]:
+ """A sorted list of the JWK file paths with their creation timestamps."""
+ all_files = tuple(storagedir.iterdir())
+ return tuple(sorted(((os.stat(keypath).st_ctime, keypath)
+ for keypath in (keyfile
+ for keyfile in all_files
+ if keyfile.suffix == ".pem")),
+ key=lambda tpl: tpl[0]))
+def list_jwks(storagedir: Path) -> tuple[JsonWebKey, ...]:
+ """
+ List all the JWKs in a particular directory in the order they were created.
+ """
+ return tuple(pem_to_jwk(keypath) for ctime,keypath in
+ __sorted_jwks_paths__(storagedir))
+def newest_jwk(storagedir: Path) -> Either:
+ """
+ Return an Either monad with the newest JWK or a message if none exists.
+ """
+ existingkeys = __sorted_jwks_paths__(storagedir)
+ if len(existingkeys) > 0:
+ return Right(pem_to_jwk(existingkeys[-1][1]))
+ return Left("No JWKs exist")
+def newest_jwk_with_rotation(jwksdir: Path, keyage: int) -> JsonWebKey:
+ """
+ Retrieve the latests JWK, creating a new one if older than `keyage` days.
+ """
+ def newer_than_days(jwkey):
+ filestat = os.stat(Path(
+ jwksdir, f"{jwkey.as_dict()['kid']}.private.pem"))
+ oldesttimeallowed = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=keyage))
+ if filestat.st_ctime < (oldesttimeallowed.timestamp()):
+ return Left("JWK is too old!")
+ return jwkey
+ return newest_jwk(jwksdir).then(newer_than_days).either(
+ lambda _errmsg: generate_and_save_private_key(jwksdir),
+ lambda key: key)