blob: 42f7eec7f6bdf17b8b2bed7a787a111a35faea6b (
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<blockquote>This project was supported in part by NIH/NIDDK 5803701, NIH/NIDDK 66369-01 and American Diabetes Association 7-03-IG-01 to Alan D. Attie, USDA CSREES grants to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to Brian S. Yandell, and HHMI grant A-53-1200-4 to Christina Kendziorski.</blockquote>
<blockquote>B6BTBRF<sub>2</sub> Liver Database. All of the original (B6 x BTBR)F<sub>2</sub>-ob/ob liver mRNA M430AB array data were generated by Hong Lan and Alan Attie at The University of Wisconsin-Madison. For contact and citations and other information on these data sets, please review the INFO pages and contact Drs.<a class="normal" href=""> Alan Attie</a>, <a class="normal" href="">Christina Kendziorski</a>, and <a class="normal" href="">Brian Yandell</a> regarding use of this data set in publications or projects.</blockquote>