path: root/general/datasets/Kin_ysm_hip_0711/processing.rtf
blob: 1920ca7211cf5b2f18e4db470c46b720f4a5e386 (about) (plain)
<p>Normalized method: Quantile normalization. Partek Genomics Suite version 6.5 (Partek Incorporated, St. Louis, MO, USA) was used to normalize raw exon array data and to summarize expression of the probe set and transcript cluster. Affymetrix CEL files that passed QC analyses were imported into Partek Genomics Suite using the default Partek settings: RMA background correction114, quantile normalization, mean probe set summarization, and log2-transformation. Only high-quality core probe sets, as defined by Affymetrix, were included. 105,271 core probes (within 62,448 probe sets out of 230,918 core probe sets) contained SNPs defined in the probe group file HuEx-1_0-st-v2.r2-SNPs-Excluded.pgf provided by Affymetrix, which is based on the dbSNP database (version 129, April 2008) and SNPinprobe_1.0 database. we removed SNP-containing probe sets during the normalization step in the Partek program to be control for SNP-related confounding effects. The median of all individual probe sets of one transcript cluster was used as the estimate of gene expression values.</p>