path: root/general/datasets/Ki_2a_0405_r/acknowledgment.rtf
blob: 956eaca41b4522620c14e3fcef1eb1c10d8844b6 (plain)
<blockquote>This work was supported with funds to TJA by the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, the British Heart Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust Cardiovascular Functional Genomics Intiative; to NH from the German Ministry for Science and Education (National Genome Research Network); to MP and Vladimir Kren from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic; to MP and TJA from the Wellcome Trust Collaborative Research Initiative grant, to Theodore W Kurtz from the NIH, to TWK and MP from a Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award. Microarrays were a generous donation of Affymetrix Inc. Michal Pravenec thanks the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for its support to him as an international research scholar.</blockquote>