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<p>This October 2004 data freeze provides initial estimates of mRNA expression in brains of adult BXD recombinant inbred mice measured using Affymetrix M430AB microarrays. In contast to the U74Av2 array, this new data set provides broader coverage (~45,000 transcripts) but does not include replicates or as many strains (25 vs 35). Data were generated at UTHSC and the University of Memphis with support from grants from the NIAAA Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism (<a class="fs14" href="" target="_blank">INIA</a>). Data were processed using the <a class="fs14" href="" target="_blank">PDNN</a> method of Zhang. To simplify comparison among transforms, PDNN values of each array were adjusted to an average of 8 units and a variance of 2 units.</p>