path: root/general/datasets/Hc_u_0304_r/summary.rtf
blob: f04a43ef8782601f08814875a93f8d0280f2b010 (about) (plain)
<p>This data set is now superceeded by the March 2004 RMA data set. The original March 2003 data freeze provides estimates of mRNA expression in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from adult female BXD recombinant inbred mice measured using Affymetrix U74Av2 microarrays. Data were generated at the Genomics Institute of the Norvartis Research Foundations (GNF) and by de Haan and colleagues at the University of Groningen. Samples from 22 strains were hybridized to 44 arrays in a single batch. Data were processed using the Microarray Suite 5 (<a class="normal" href="www.affymetrix.com/support/technical/whitepapers/sadd_whitepaper.pdf">MAS 5</a>) protocol of Affymetrix. To simplify comparison between data sets (HSC and other tissues), the MAS 5 values of each array were log2 transformed and adjusted to an average of 8 units.</p>