path: root/general/datasets/Epfl_lisp_muspmetcdhfd1213/cases.rtf
blob: ced8242cba15e328ef1fcaa2e8bf6d21672724a8 (about) (plain)
<p>40 strains of the BXD family (BXD43 &ndash; BXD103) and both parental strains (C57BL/6 and DBA/2) were born and raised at the EPFL in Switzerland prior to inclusion in this study. For each strain, roughly 10 male animals were born and weaned at 3 weeks of age. These cohorts were then separated evenly into two cohorts at 8 weeks of age: up to 5 animals per strain on a chow diet (6% kcal/fat, 20% protein, 74% carbohydrate) and up to 5 animals per strain on high fat diet (60% kcal/fat, 20% protein, 20% carbohydrate). A total of 195 CD animals and 189 HFD animals comprised these original 82 cohorts (42 on CD, 40 on HFD, all 40 overlap except for 2 strains, BXD60 and BXD92a (aka BXD65b), which are unique to CD). For the next 8 weeks, animals adjusted to the diet and housing situation. From 16 to 24 weeks of age, animals were phenotyped for respiration, oral glucose response, cold tolerance, basal activity, VO2max exercise, and voluntary exercise. Animals were communally housed until the last 5 weeks of the experiment, when the animals could rest, undisturbed except for a weekly cage change and weighing. Animals were fasted overnight prior to sacrifice, which occurred between 9am and 11am after isoflurane anesthesia and perfusion.</p>