path: root/tests/unit/auth/test_groups.py
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diff --git a/tests/unit/auth/test_groups.py b/tests/unit/auth/test_groups.py
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+++ b/tests/unit/auth/test_groups.py
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+"""Test functions dealing with group management."""
+from uuid import UUID
+import pytest
+from pymonad.maybe import Nothing
+from gn3.auth import db
+from gn3.auth.authentication.users import User
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.roles import Role
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.privileges import Privilege
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.errors import AuthorisationError
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models import (
+ Group, GroupRole, user_group, create_group, create_group_role)
+from tests.unit.auth import conftest
+create_group_failure = {
+ "status": "error",
+ "message": "Unauthorised: Failed to create group."
+uuid_fn = lambda : UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b")
+GROUP = Group(UUID("9988c21d-f02f-4d45-8966-22c968ac2fbf"), "TheTestGroup",
+ {"group_description": "The test group"})
+ Privilege(
+ "group:resource:view-resource",
+ "view a resource and use it in computations"),
+ Privilege("group:resource:edit-resource", "edit/update a resource"))
+ "user,expected", tuple(zip(conftest.TEST_USERS[0:1], (
+ Group(
+ UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"), "a_test_group",
+ {"group_description": "A test group"}),
+ create_group_failure, create_group_failure, create_group_failure,
+ create_group_failure))))
+def test_create_group(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments]
+ fxtr_app, auth_testdb_path, mocker, fxtr_users, user, expected):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: an authenticated user
+ WHEN: the user attempts to create a group
+ THEN: verify they are only able to create the group if they have the
+ appropriate privileges
+ """
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire",
+ conftest.get_tokeniser(user))
+ with db.connection(auth_testdb_path) as conn:
+ assert create_group(
+ conn, "a_test_group", user, "A test group") == expected
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("user", conftest.TEST_USERS[1:])
+def test_create_group_raises_exception_with_non_privileged_user(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments]
+ fxtr_app, auth_testdb_path, mocker, fxtr_users, user):# pylint: disable=[unused-argument]
+ """
+ GIVEN: an authenticated user, without appropriate privileges
+ WHEN: the user attempts to create a group
+ THEN: verify the system raises an exception
+ """
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire",
+ conftest.get_tokeniser(user))
+ with db.connection(auth_testdb_path) as conn:
+ with pytest.raises(AuthorisationError):
+ assert create_group(conn, "a_test_group", user, "A test group")
+create_role_failure = {
+ "status": "error",
+ "message": "Unauthorised: Could not create the group role"
+ "user,expected", tuple(zip(conftest.TEST_USERS[0:1], (
+ GroupRole(
+ UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"),
+ Role(UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"),
+ "ResourceEditor", True, PRIVILEGES)),))))
+def test_create_group_role(mocker, fxtr_users_in_group, user, expected):
+ """
+ GIVEN: an authenticated user
+ WHEN: the user attempts to create a role, attached to a group
+ THEN: verify they are only able to create the role if they have the
+ appropriate privileges and that the role is attached to the given group
+ """
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.roles.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire",
+ conftest.get_tokeniser(user))
+ conn, _group, _users = fxtr_users_in_group
+ with db.cursor(conn) as cursor:
+ assert create_group_role(
+ conn, GROUP, "ResourceEditor", PRIVILEGES) == expected
+ # cleanup
+ cursor.execute(
+ ("DELETE FROM group_roles "
+ "WHERE group_role_id=? AND group_id=? AND role_id=?"),
+ (str(uuid_fn()), str(GROUP.group_id), str(uuid_fn())))
+ "user,expected", tuple(zip(conftest.TEST_USERS[1:], (
+ create_role_failure, create_role_failure, create_role_failure))))
+def test_create_group_role_raises_exception_with_unauthorised_users(
+ mocker, fxtr_users_in_group, user, expected):
+ """
+ GIVEN: an authenticated user
+ WHEN: the user attempts to create a role, attached to a group
+ THEN: verify they are only able to create the role if they have the
+ appropriate privileges and that the role is attached to the given group
+ """
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.roles.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire",
+ conftest.get_tokeniser(user))
+ conn, _group, _users = fxtr_users_in_group
+ with pytest.raises(AuthorisationError):
+ assert create_group_role(
+ conn, GROUP, "ResourceEditor", PRIVILEGES) == expected
+def test_create_multiple_groups(mocker, fxtr_users):
+ """
+ GIVEN: An authenticated user with appropriate authorisation
+ WHEN: The user attempts to create a new group, while being a member of an
+ existing group
+ THEN: The system should prevent that, and respond with an appropriate error
+ message
+ """
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models.uuid4", uuid_fn)
+ user = User(
+ UUID("ecb52977-3004-469e-9428-2a1856725c7f"), "group@lead.er",
+ "Group Leader")
+ mocker.patch("gn3.auth.authorisation.checks.require_oauth.acquire",
+ conftest.get_tokeniser(user))
+ conn, _test_users = fxtr_users
+ # First time, successfully creates the group
+ assert create_group(conn, "a_test_group", user) == Group(
+ UUID("d32611e3-07fc-4564-b56c-786c6db6de2b"), "a_test_group",
+ {})
+ # subsequent attempts should fail
+ with pytest.raises(AuthorisationError):
+ create_group(conn, "another_test_group", user)
+ "user,expected",
+ tuple(zip(
+ conftest.TEST_USERS,
+ (([Group(UUID("9988c21d-f02f-4d45-8966-22c968ac2fbf"), "TheTestGroup", {})] * 3)
+ + [Nothing]))))
+def test_user_group(fxtr_users_in_group, user, expected):
+ """
+ GIVEN: A bunch of registered users, some of whom are members of a group, and
+ others are not
+ WHEN: a particular user's group is requested,
+ THEN: return a Maybe containing the group that the user belongs to, or
+ Nothing
+ """
+ conn, _group, _users = fxtr_users_in_group
+ assert (
+ user_group(conn, user).maybe(Nothing, lambda val: val)
+ == expected)