path: root/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gn_auth/auth/authorisation/data/views.py')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/data/views.py b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8adf862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn_auth/auth/authorisation/data/views.py
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+"""Handle data endpoints."""
+import sys
+import uuid
+import json
+from typing import Any
+from functools import partial
+import redis
+from MySQLdb.cursors import DictCursor
+from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2.errors import _HTTPException
+from flask import request, jsonify, Response, Blueprint, current_app as app
+import gn3.db_utils as gn3db
+from gn3 import jobs
+from gn3.commands import run_async_cmd
+from gn3.db.traits import build_trait_name
+from gn3.auth import db
+from gn3.auth.db_utils import with_db_connection
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.checks import require_json
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.errors import InvalidData, NotFoundError
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.groups.models import group_by_id
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.users.models import user_resource_roles
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.resources.checks import authorised_for
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.resources.models import (
+ user_resources, public_resources, attach_resources_data)
+from gn3.auth.authentication.users import User
+from gn3.auth.authentication.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.data.phenotypes import link_phenotype_data
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.data.mrna import link_mrna_data, ungrouped_mrna_data
+from gn3.auth.authorisation.data.genotypes import (
+ link_genotype_data, ungrouped_genotype_data)
+data = Blueprint("data", __name__)
+def list_species() -> Response:
+ """List all available species information."""
+ with (gn3db.database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as gn3conn,
+ gn3conn.cursor(DictCursor) as cursor):
+ cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Species")
+ return jsonify(tuple(dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()))
+@data.route("/authorisation", methods=["POST"])
+def authorisation() -> Response:
+ """Retrive the authorisation level for datasets/traits for the user."""
+ # Access endpoint with something like:
+ # curl -X POST \
+ # -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ # -d '{"traits": ["HC_M2_0606_P::1442370_at", "BXDGeno::01.001.695",
+ # "BXDPublish::10001"]}'
+ db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"]
+ privileges = {}
+ user = User(uuid.uuid4(), "anon@ymous.user", "Anonymous User")
+ with db.connection(db_uri) as auth_conn:
+ try:
+ with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token:
+ user = the_token.user
+ resources = attach_resources_data(
+ auth_conn, user_resources(auth_conn, the_token.user))
+ resources_roles = user_resource_roles(auth_conn, the_token.user)
+ privileges = {
+ resource_id: tuple(
+ privilege.privilege_id
+ for roles in resources_roles[resource_id]
+ for privilege in roles.privileges)#("group:resource:view-resource",)
+ for resource_id, is_authorised
+ in authorised_for(
+ auth_conn, the_token.user,
+ ("group:resource:view-resource",), tuple(
+ resource.resource_id for resource in resources)).items()
+ if is_authorised
+ }
+ except _HTTPException as exc:
+ err_msg = json.loads(exc.body)
+ if err_msg["error"] == "missing_authorization":
+ resources = attach_resources_data(
+ auth_conn, public_resources(auth_conn))
+ else:
+ raise exc from None
+ def __gen_key__(resource, data_item):
+ if resource.resource_category.resource_category_key.lower() == "phenotype":
+ return (
+ f"{resource.resource_category.resource_category_key.lower()}::"
+ f"{data_item['dataset_name']}::{data_item['PublishXRefId']}")
+ return (
+ f"{resource.resource_category.resource_category_key.lower()}::"
+ f"{data_item['dataset_name']}")
+ data_to_resource_map = {
+ __gen_key__(resource, data_item): resource.resource_id
+ for resource in resources
+ for data_item in resource.resource_data
+ }
+ privileges = {
+ **{
+ resource.resource_id: ("system:resource:public-read",)
+ for resource in resources if resource.public
+ },
+ **privileges}
+ args = request.get_json()
+ traits_names = args["traits"] # type: ignore[index]
+ def __translate__(val):
+ return {
+ "Temp": "Temp",
+ "ProbeSet": "mRNA",
+ "Geno": "Genotype",
+ "Publish": "Phenotype"
+ }[val]
+ def __trait_key__(trait):
+ dataset_type = __translate__(trait['db']['dataset_type']).lower()
+ dataset_name = trait["db"]["dataset_name"]
+ if dataset_type == "phenotype":
+ return f"{dataset_type}::{dataset_name}::{trait['trait_name']}"
+ return f"{dataset_type}::{dataset_name}"
+ return jsonify(tuple(
+ {
+ "user": user._asdict(),
+ **{key:trait[key] for key in ("trait_fullname", "trait_name")},
+ "dataset_name": trait["db"]["dataset_name"],
+ "dataset_type": __translate__(trait["db"]["dataset_type"]),
+ "resource_id": data_to_resource_map.get(__trait_key__(trait)),
+ "privileges": privileges.get(
+ data_to_resource_map.get(
+ __trait_key__(trait),
+ uuid.UUID("4afa415e-94cb-4189-b2c6-f9ce2b6a878d")),
+ tuple()) + (
+ # Temporary traits do not exist in db: Set them
+ # as public-read
+ ("system:resource:public-read",)
+ if trait["db"]["dataset_type"] == "Temp"
+ else tuple())
+ } for trait in
+ (build_trait_name(trait_fullname)
+ for trait_fullname in traits_names)))
+def __search_mrna__():
+ query = __request_key__("query", "")
+ limit = int(__request_key__("limit", 10000))
+ offset = int(__request_key__("offset", 0))
+ with gn3db.database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as gn3conn:
+ __ungrouped__ = partial(
+ ungrouped_mrna_data, gn3conn=gn3conn, search_query=query,
+ selected=__request_key_list__("selected"),
+ limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(__ungrouped__))
+def __request_key__(key: str, default: Any = ""):
+ if bool(request.json):
+ return request.json.get(#type: ignore[union-attr]
+ key, request.args.get(key, request.form.get(key, default)))
+ return request.args.get(key, request.form.get(key, default))
+def __request_key_list__(key: str, default: tuple[Any, ...] = tuple()):
+ if bool(request.json):
+ return (request.json.get(key,[])#type: ignore[union-attr]
+ or request.args.getlist(key) or request.form.getlist(key)
+ or list(default))
+ return (request.args.getlist(key)
+ or request.form.getlist(key) or list(default))
+def __search_genotypes__():
+ query = __request_key__("query", "")
+ limit = int(__request_key__("limit", 10000))
+ offset = int(__request_key__("offset", 0))
+ with gn3db.database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as gn3conn:
+ __ungrouped__ = partial(
+ ungrouped_genotype_data, gn3conn=gn3conn, search_query=query,
+ selected=__request_key_list__("selected"),
+ limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(__ungrouped__))
+def __search_phenotypes__():
+ # launch the external process to search for phenotypes
+ redisuri = app.config["REDIS_URI"]
+ with redis.Redis.from_url(redisuri, decode_responses=True) as redisconn:
+ job_id = uuid.uuid4()
+ selected = __request_key__("selected_traits", [])
+ command =[
+ sys.executable, "-m", "scripts.search_phenotypes",
+ __request_key__("species_name"),
+ __request_key__("query"),
+ str(job_id),
+ f"--host={__request_key__('gn3_server_uri')}",
+ f"--auth-db-uri={app.config['AUTH_DB']}",
+ f"--gn3-db-uri={app.config['SQL_URI']}",
+ f"--redis-uri={redisuri}",
+ f"--per-page={__request_key__('per_page')}"] +(
+ [f"--selected={json.dumps(selected)}"]
+ if len(selected) > 0 else [])
+ jobs.create_job(redisconn, {
+ "job_id": job_id, "command": command, "status": "queued",
+ "search_results": tuple()})
+ return jsonify({
+ "job_id": job_id,
+ "command_id": run_async_cmd(
+ redisconn, app.config.get("REDIS_JOB_QUEUE"), command),
+ "command": command
+ })
+@data.route("/search", methods=["GET"])
+@require_oauth("profile group resource")
+def search_unlinked_data():
+ """Search for various unlinked data."""
+ dataset_type = request.json["dataset_type"]
+ search_fns = {
+ "mrna": __search_mrna__,
+ "genotype": __search_genotypes__,
+ "phenotype": __search_phenotypes__
+ }
+ return search_fns[dataset_type]()
+@data.route("/search/phenotype/<uuid:job_id>", methods=["GET"])
+def pheno_search_results(job_id: uuid.UUID) -> Response:
+ """Get the search results from the external script"""
+ def __search_error__(err):
+ raise NotFoundError(err["error_description"])
+ redisuri = app.config["REDIS_URI"]
+ with redis.Redis.from_url(redisuri, decode_responses=True) as redisconn:
+ return jobs.job(redisconn, job_id).either(
+ __search_error__, jsonify)
+@data.route("/link/genotype", methods=["POST"])
+def link_genotypes() -> Response:
+ """Link genotype data to group."""
+ def __values__(form) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ if not bool(form.get("species_name", "").strip()):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected 'species_name' not provided.")
+ if not bool(form.get("group_id")):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected 'group_id' not provided.",)
+ try:
+ _group_id = uuid.UUID(form.get("group_id"))
+ except TypeError as terr:
+ raise InvalidData("Expected a UUID for 'group_id' value.") from terr
+ if not bool(form.get("selected")):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected at least one dataset to be provided.")
+ return {
+ "group_id": uuid.UUID(form.get("group_id")),
+ "datasets": form.get("selected")
+ }
+ def __link__(conn: db.DbConnection, group_id: uuid.UUID, datasets: dict):
+ return link_genotype_data(conn, group_by_id(conn, group_id), datasets)
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(
+ partial(__link__, **__values__(request.json))))
+@data.route("/link/mrna", methods=["POST"])
+def link_mrna() -> Response:
+ """Link mrna data to group."""
+ def __values__(form) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ if not bool(form.get("species_name", "").strip()):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected 'species_name' not provided.")
+ if not bool(form.get("group_id")):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected 'group_id' not provided.",)
+ try:
+ _group_id = uuid.UUID(form.get("group_id"))
+ except TypeError as terr:
+ raise InvalidData("Expected a UUID for 'group_id' value.") from terr
+ if not bool(form.get("selected")):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected at least one dataset to be provided.")
+ return {
+ "group_id": uuid.UUID(form.get("group_id")),
+ "datasets": form.get("selected")
+ }
+ def __link__(conn: db.DbConnection, group_id: uuid.UUID, datasets: dict):
+ return link_mrna_data(conn, group_by_id(conn, group_id), datasets)
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(
+ partial(__link__, **__values__(request.json))))
+@data.route("/link/phenotype", methods=["POST"])
+def link_phenotype() -> Response:
+ """Link phenotype data to group."""
+ def __values__(form):
+ if not bool(form.get("species_name", "").strip()):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected 'species_name' not provided.")
+ if not bool(form.get("group_id")):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected 'group_id' not provided.",)
+ try:
+ _group_id = uuid.UUID(form.get("group_id"))
+ except TypeError as terr:
+ raise InvalidData("Expected a UUID for 'group_id' value.") from terr
+ if not bool(form.get("selected")):
+ raise InvalidData("Expected at least one dataset to be provided.")
+ return {
+ "group_id": uuid.UUID(form["group_id"]),
+ "traits": form["selected"]
+ }
+ with gn3db.database_connection(app.config["SQL_URI"]) as gn3conn:
+ def __link__(conn: db.DbConnection, group_id: uuid.UUID,
+ traits: tuple[dict, ...]) -> dict:
+ return link_phenotype_data(
+ conn, gn3conn, group_by_id(conn, group_id), traits)
+ return jsonify(with_db_connection(
+ partial(__link__, **__values__(request.json))))