path: root/gnqa/paper1_eval/src/data/datasets/old/experts_suga1_dataset.json
blob: b9cfeb6de03bf26cffd5675fd55ad9d2899964dc (plain)
  "question": [
    "what genes are associated with diabetes?",
    "nutrition is a factor for diabetes. construct an abstract about how can genomics be use to better understand nutritional factors of diabetes",
    "nutrition is a factor for diabetes. how can genomics be use to better understand nutritional factors of diabetes",
    "Is any of the genes SH2B3, IFIH1 or ERBB3  related to diabetes?",
    "How does genetics influence the emergency of diabetes?",
    "How many types of diabetes exist?"
  "answer": [
    "The genes associated with diabetes mentioned in the text include PPARG, KCNJ11, TCF7L2, SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKN2A, IGF2BP2, CDKAL1, IRS1, CCR5, FTO, NOTCH2, WFS1, JAZF1, ADIPOQ, AHSG, CAPN10, ENPP1, PPARGC1A, SREBF1, PDX1, PFAS, GCK, HNFA4, LOC387761, KCNQ1, MTNR1B, GCKR, BACH2, CTNNB1, CREB5, PARD3B, PARD6G, PRKCZ, EBF1, GIGYF1, ADCY5, PROX1, DGKB-TMEM195, CRY2, FADS1, GLIS3, and C2CD4B.",
    "Genomics provides a comprehensive understanding of the genetic factors influencing the development and progression of diabetes. Nutritional genomics focuses on the interaction between genes and dietary patterns, which plays a crucial role in diabetes. By studying gene-nutrient interactions and genetic variations, researchers can develop tailored diets that maximize the use of nutrients and other functional ingredients present in food, aiding in the prevention and delay of diabetes and its complications. Furthermore, genomics can help identify how an individual's genetic makeup can affect nutrient metabolism and response to nutrient intake, potentially leading to diabetes. Thus, genomics offers a promising approach to understanding the nutritional factors of diabetes and developing personalized dietary interventions.",
    "Genomics can be used to understand the nutritional factors of diabetes by studying nutrient-gene interactions and how an individual's genetic makeup can affect nutrient metabolism and response to nutrient intake. This approach can help develop tailored diets that maximize the use of nutrients and other functional ingredients present in food, aiding in the prevention and delay of diabetes and its complications. Additionally, genomics can identify gene variants that interact with specific nutrients, providing insights into how diet and genetics interact to influence diabetes risk.",
    "Yes, the gene IFIH1 has been identified as contributing to susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. However, the text does not mention any association between the genes SH2B3 or ERBB3 and diabetes.",
    "Genetics plays a significant role in the emergence of diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, gene variants in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) locus contribute to 50-60% of the genetic risk by affecting protein binding and antigen presentation to T cells. Other gene variants that modulate immune regulation, viral responses, environmental signals, and endocrine function also contribute to the disease. The risk for type 1 diabetes is strongly influenced by multiple genetic loci. In type 2 diabetes, many common variants, largely with small effect size, contribute to overall disease risk. Monogenic forms of diabetes, such as MODY, result from mutations in a single gene. Family history also plays a role, suggesting that genetics conveys more than heritable information; it probably includes non-genetic familial behaviors and norms.",
    "There are primarily four types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes, and diabetes due to specific causes. However, there are also subtypes within these broad categories, such as latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) and maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY)."
  "contexts": [
      "To see which other significant genes were likely to have a role in diabetes we looked at all variant sets with a significant glucose, HbA1c, or T2D association and examined whether they had associations with additional diabetes traits (p \u2264 0.0016, correcting for 32 sets tested).Damaging missense variants in PDX1 and PFAS, which significantly associated with HbA1c levels in our primary analysis, associated with T2D diagnosis using this threshold (Table 3 and Supplementary Table 14).",
      "Identification of genes with a biological role in diabetes. Variants in two genes, GCK and GIGYF1, significantly associated with glucose, HbA1c and T2D diagnosis, strongly suggesting a biological role in diabetes; GCK is involved in Mendelian forms of diabetes while GIGYF1 has not previously been implicated by genetics in the disease.Both GCK and GIGYF1 are located on chromosome 7 but are 56 Mb apart, strongly suggesting that these signals are independent; this independence was confirmed by conditional analysis (Supplementary Table 13).Two additional variant sets, HNF1A pLOF and TNRC6B pLOF, had genome-wide associations with both T2D diagnosis and HbA1c levels while G6PC2 damaging missense variants associated with decreased levels of both glucose and HbA1c but not T2D diagnosis (Table 3).",
      "One obvious locus to consider is TCF7L2 in the context of type 2 diabetes.Common genetic variation located within the gene encoding transcription factor 7 like 2 (TCF7L2) has been consistently reported to be strongly associated with the disease.Such reports range from 2006, when we first published the association [3], to the recent transethnic meta-analysis GWAS of type 2 diabetes [4].",
      "Testing of these loci for association with T2D as a dichotomous trait in up to 40,655 cases and 87,022 nondiabetic controls demonstrated that the fasting glucose-raising alleles at seven loci (in or near ADCY5, PROX1, GCK, GCKR and DGKB-TMEM195 and the known T2D genes TCF7L2 and SLC30A8) are robustly associated (P < 5 \u00d7 10 \u22128 ) with increased risk of T2D (Table 2).The association of a highly correlated SNP in ADCY5 with T2D in partially overlapping samples is reported by our companion manuscript 29 .We found less significant T2D associations (P < 5 \u00d7 10 \u22123 ) for variants in or near CRY2, FADS1, GLIS3 and C2CD4B (Table 2).These data clearly show that loci with similar fasting glucose effect sizes may have very different T2D risk effects (see, for example, ADCY5 and MADD in Table 2).",
      "Among the confirmed and potential type 2 diabetes risk genes described in Tables 1 and 2, eight genes influence whole-body or peripheral insulin sensitivity: ADIPOQ (47, 52, 250 -257), AHSG (75, 258), CAPN10 (259 -264), ENPP1 (265)(266)(267)(268)(269)(270)(271), PPARG (272)(273)(274)(275)(276)(277)(278)(279)(280)(281)(282)(283), PPARGC1A (284,285), SREBF1 (65), and TCF7L2 (133,151,286,287).",
      "Despite identification of many putative causative genetic variants, few have generated credible susceptibility variants for type 2 diabetes.Indeed, the most important finding using linkage studies is the discovery that the alteration of TCF7L2 (TCF-4) gene expression or function (33) disrupts pancreatic islet function and results in enhanced risk of type 2 diabetes.Candidate gene studies have also reported many type 2 diabetes-associated loci and the coding variants in the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-g (34), the potassium channel KCNJ11 (34), WFS1 (35), and HNF1B (TCF2) (36) are among the few that have been replicated (Table 2).Recently, there have been great advances in the analysis of associated variants in GWA and replication studies due to highthroughput genotyping technologies, the International HapMap Project, and the Human Genome Project.Type 2 susceptibility loci such as JAZF1, CDC123-CAMK1D, TSPAN8-LGR5, THADA, ADAMTS9, NOTCH2, and ADCY5 (37,38) are among some of the established loci (Table 2).CDKN2A/B, CDKAL1, SLC30A8, IGF2BP2, HHEX/IDE, and FTO are other established susceptibility loci for diabetes (Table 2) (34,39,40).GWA studies have also identified the potassium voltage-gated channel KCNQ1 (32) as an associated gene variant for diabetes.A recent GWA study reporting a genetic variant with a strong association with insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and type 2 diabetes, located adjacent to the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) gene, is the C allele of rs2943641 (41).Interestingly, the parental origin of the single nucleotide polymorphism is of importance because the allele that confers risk when paternally inherited is protected when maternally transmitted.GWA studies for glycemic traits have identified loci such as MTNR1B (42), GCK (glucokinase) (42), and GCKR (glucokinase receptor) (42); however, further investigation of genetic loci on glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes is needed.Indeed, a recent study by Soranzo et al. (42) using GWA studies identified ten genetic loci associated with HbA 1c .Genetic factors affecting expression, turnover, and abnormal glycation of hemoglobin may be associated with changes in levels of HbA 1c .",
      "G enome-wide association studies (GWAS) have iden- tified several type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) susceptibility loci including CDKAL1, CDKN2B, IGF2BP2, HHEX, SLC30A8, PKN2, LOC387761 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), and KCNQ1, which was recently identified by similar GWAS approach in two independent Japanese samples (6,7).Although these associations have been well replicated in Japanese populations (8), the role of these loci in other East Asian populations remains less clear.For example, a study in China by Wu et al. (9) did not find significant associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IGF2BP2 and SLC30A8 with T2DM, whereas an association between SNPs at the HHEX locus and T2DM was reported among Chinese living in Shanghai, but not among Chinese in Beijing.Another study in Hong Kong Chinese (10) also did not find an association with SNPs at the IGF2BP2 locus; however, they reported an association between T2DM with SNPs at the HHEX and SLC30A8 loci.",
      "In studies where overt T2D has been the phenotype the majority of associated polymorphisms have encoded proteins known to be involved in \u03b2-cell metabolism; for example TCF7L2, KCNJ11 and HHEX have shown robust association [170,171].This suggests that these genes could prove useful in predicting \u03b2-cell preservation during the course of T2D.The glucokinase gene (GCK) coding for the initial glucose-sensing step in the \u03b2-cell can have activating mutations causing hypoglycemia that might provide structural and functional models leading to drug targets for treating T2D [172].In the GoDARTs study, investigators examined the medication response of metformin and sulphonylurea based on the TCF7L2 variants mainly affecting the \u03b2-cell.The carriers of the at risk 'T' allele responded less well to sulphonylurea therapy than metformin [173].Also it is of significant public health interest that in the Diabetes Prevention Program, lifestyle modifications were shown to reduce the risk of diabetes conferred by risk variants of TCF7L2 at rs7093146, and in placebo participants who carried the homozygous risk genotype (TT), there was 80% higher risk for developing diabetes compared to the lifestyle intervention group carrying the same risk genotypes [35].These findings could herald significant future progress in the field of T2D pharmacogenomics, possibly leading to the development and use of agents tailored on the basis of genotype.",
      "Despite sharing only 9 loci (among 26 and 17 total in the two analyses, respectively), the separate analyses both identified genes involved in diabetes-related biological functions, including \"glucose homeostasis,\" \"pancreas development\" and \"insulin secretion\" (Supplementary Tables 3 and 5).Three of the top eleven scoring genes in our independent replication analysis have verified causal links to T2D, as annotated in the OMIM 41 .These include genes encoding transcription factors TCF7L2 (TCF4), which has extensive evidence of being causal in T2D 61,62 , and HNF1B, which is a known cause of maturity onset diabetes of the young 63 .Other high-ranking candidate genes have been identified as therapeutic targets in T2D (for example, CTBP1 (ref.64) and LEP 65 ), and the high-scoring gene HHEX has recently been shown to play a key role in islet function 66 .",
      "Similar findings to AMD are now unfolding with type 2 DM.Grant et al. (24) first reported on a variant of the gene TCF7L2, which has been linked to reduced beta cell function and poor insulin response to oral glucose loads (51).Since its first discovery, this gene has been widely confirmed in independent studies as a pivotal susceptibility marker for type 2 DM (23,(25)(26)(27)(28)40).Recently, 6 genome-wide SNP association studies have identified and replicated in separate stages several additional novel genes conferring susceptibility to type 2 DM (23,(25)(26)(27)(28)40) (Table 2).Interestingly, these loci primarily include genes involved in pancreatic beta cell development and function as opposed to insulin resistance-the current accepted mechanism for type 2 DM.This development casts doubt on our traditional pathophysiological modeling of the type 2 diabetic patient and underscores the need for genomic studies to further define pathobiological processes of complex traits.",
      "Of the 16 loci that have been associated with type 2 diabetes previously, [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] we showed that 11 -TCF7L2, PPARG, FTO, KCNJ11, NOTCH2, WFS1, CDKAL1, IGF2BP2, SLC30A8, JAZF1, and HHEXwere associated with an enhanced risk of future diabetes.Many of the variants that we genotyped appear to influence beta-cell function, possibly through effects on proliferation, regeneration, and apoptosis.There was a time-dependent increase in the BMI and a decrease in insulin sensitivity in the subjects from the Botnia study, an increase in insulin resistance that was reflected by an increase in insulin secretion.However, this increase was inadequate to compensate for the increase in insulin resistance in carriers with a high genetic risk, which resulted in a markedly impaired disposition index.Only variants in FTO were associated with an increased BMI.Both FTO and PPARG together with TCF7L2 and KCNJ11 predicted transition from impaired fasting glucose levels or impaired glucose tolerance to manifest diabetes, which suggests that a combination of increased obesity and insulin resistance with a deterioration in beta-cell function contribute to the manifestation of diabetes in these subjects.Collectively, our findings emphasize the critical role of inherited defects in beta-cell function for the development of type 2 diabetes.",
      "Type 2 Diabetes  Common variants in 11 genes were significantly associated with the risk of future type 2 diabetes in the MPP cohort, including TCF7L2 (odds ratio, 1.30; P = 9.5\u00d710 \u221213 ), PPARG (odds ratio, 1.20; P = 4.0\u00d710 \u22124 ), FTO (odds ratio, 1.14; P = 9.2\u00d710 \u22125 ), KCNJ11 (odds ratio, 1.13; P = 3.6\u00d710 \u22124 ), NOTCH2 (odds ratio, 1.13; P = 0.02), WFS1 (odds ratio, 1.12; P = 0.001), CDKAL1 (odds ratio, 1.11; P = 0.004), IGF2BP2 (odds ratio, 1.10; P = 0.008), SLC30A8 (odds ratio, 1.10; P = 0.008), JAZF1 (odds ratio, 1.08; P = 0.03), and HHEX (odds ratio, 1.07; P = 0.03) (Table 2).Although these findings could not be fully replicated in the smaller Botnia study, there was little heterogeneity between the studies with respect to the risk conferred by different genotypes.",
      "To date, more than 70 genes have been identified as involved in T2DM, primarily by association analysis [34].In addition, via GWAS arrays, more than 100 SNPs have been identified for T2DM [35].From the 50 novel loci associated with T2DM previously identified, more than 40 loci have been associated with T2DM-related traits, including fasting proinsulin, insulin and glucose (Table 1) [36][37][38][39].However, for T2DM-related traits, such as the HOMA index or pancreatic \u03b2 cell function, there are virtually no published data examining the relationship between these traits or the genotype and environment interactions.Clinical investigations of some loci have suggested that the genetic components of T2DM risk act preferentially through \u03b2 cell function [40].Among all 40 loci associated with T2DM-related traits, only transcription factor-7-like 2 (TCF7L2) was shown to clearly contribute to T2DM risk [41].Several studies in white European [42], Indian [43], Japanese [44], Mexican American [45] and West African [46] individuals have shown a strong association between TCF7L2 and T2DM.It is also noteworthy that these populations represent the major racial groups with a high prevalence of T2DM.In all populations, TCF7L2 showed a strong association, with the odds of developing T2DM increased by 30%-50% for each allele inherited.This finding indicates an approximately double odds ratio compared to most other diabetes susceptibility polymorphisms.TCF7L2 is a transcription factor involved in the Wnt signaling pathway that is ubiquitously expressed, and it has been observed that TCF7L2 risk alleles result in the overexpression of TCF7L2 in pancreatic \u03b2 cells.This overexpression causes reduced nutrient-induced insulin secretion, which results in a direct predisposition to T2DM as well as an indirect predisposition via an increase in hepatic glucose production [47].",
      "Most Relevant T2DM Susceptibility Genes  Gene and environment interaction studies have shown a nice association between variants in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG), TCF7L2 and fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) genes, a Western dietary pattern and T2DM.",
      "One of these genes associated with type 2 diabetes is the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1, OMIM association number, 147545) (Alharbi, Khan, Abotalib, & Al-Hakeem, 2014;Alharbi, Khan, Munshi et al., 2014;Brender et al., 2013;Brunetti, Chiefari, & Foti, 2014) and another is the C-C motif chemokine receptor5(CCR5, OMIM association number, 601373) (Balistreri et al., 2007;Mokubo et al., 2006;Muntinghe et al., 2009).",
      "Genes boosted in type 2 diabetes  Before the Wellcome Trust study, PPARG, KCNJ11, and TCF7L2 had all been identified as genes involved in type 2 diabetes through genome-wide association studies and replicated in follow-up studies (for review, see Bonnefond et al. 2010).The strongest candidate gene for type 2 diabetes, TCF7L2, was also the strongest signal seen in the Wellcome trust study, although the others were not so strong.However, the exact mechanism by which TCF7L2 acts was not entirely clear.In our analysis (Fig. 5), we find it directly connected to the b-catenin/WNT signaling pathway by its functional connection to CTNNB1, as well as to BACH2, a gene that has been repeatedly implicated in type 1 diabetes (e.g., Cooper et al. 2008;Madu et al. 2009), but which has not yet been linked to type 2 diabetes.BACH2 is among the genes most strongly boosted by network linkages, deriving additional signal from CREB5 and PARD3B, which both score highly in the GWAS data.PARD6G, PARD3B, and CDC42 are also emphasized by the method.Notably, these genes form a complex with PRKCZ (Koh et al. 2008), a variant of which correlates with type 2 diabetes in Han Chinese (Qin et al. 2008).EBF1, a known regulator of adipocyte differentiation (Akerblad et al. 2005) is also strongly boosted by the network, supporting a possible role in type 2 diabetes.",
      "RESULTS-  We confirmed the associations of TCF7L2, SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKAL1, CDKN2A/CDKN2B, IGF2BP2, and FTO with risk for type 2 diabetes, with odds ratios ranging from 1.13 to 1.35 (1.3 \u03eb 10 \u03ea12 \u03fd P unadjusted \u03fd 0.016).In addition, the A allele of rs8050136 at FTO was associated with increased BMI in the control subjects (P unadjusted \u03ed 0.008).However, we did not observe significant association of any genetic variants with surrogate measures of insulin secretion or insulin sensitivity indexes in a subset of 2,662 control subjects.Compared with subjects carrying zero, one, or two risk alleles, each additional risk allele was associated with 17% increased risk, and there was an up to 3.3-fold increased risk for type 2 diabetes in those carrying eight or more risk alleles.Despite most of the effect sizes being similar between Asians and Europeans in the metaanalyses, the ethnic differences in risk allele frequencies in most of these genes lead to variable attributable risks in these two populations.",
      "OBJECTIVE-Recent genome-wide association studies have identified six novel genes for type 2 diabetes and obesity and confirmed TCF7L2 as the major type 2 diabetes gene to date in Europeans.However, the implications of these genes in Asians are unclear.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We studied 13 associated single nucleotide polymorphisms from these genes in 3,041 patients with type 2 diabetes and 3,678 control subjects of Asian ancestry from Hong Kong and Korea. RESULTS-We confirmed the associations of TCF7L2, SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKAL1, CDKN2A/CDKN2B, IGF2BP2, and FTO with risk for type 2 diabetes, with odds ratios ranging from 1.13 to 1.35 (1.3 \u03eb 10 \u03ea12 \u03fd P unadjusted \u03fd 0.016).In addition, the A allele of rs8050136 at FTO was associated with increased BMI in the control subjects (P unadjusted \u03ed 0.008).However, we did not observe significant association of any genetic variants with surrogate measures of insulin secretion or insulin sensitivity indexes in a subset of 2,662 control subjects.Compared with subjects carrying zero, one, or two risk alleles, each additional risk allele was associated with 17% increased risk, and there was an up to 3.3-fold increased risk for type 2 diabetes in those carrying eight or more risk alleles.Despite most of the effect sizes being similar between Asians and Europeans in the metaanalyses, the ethnic differences in risk allele frequencies in most of these genes lead to variable attributable risks in these two populations. CONCLUSIONS-Ourfindings support the important but differential contribution of these genetic variants to type 2 diabetes and obesity in Asians compared with Europeans.Diabetes 57: 2226-2233, 2008T ype 2 diabetes is a major health problem affecting more than 170 million people worldwide.In the next 20 years, Asia will be hit hardest, with the diabetic populations in India and China more than doubling (1).Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the presence of insulin resistance and pancreatic \u2424-cell dysfunction, resulting from the interaction of genetic and environmental factors.Until recently, few genes identified through linkage scans or the candidate gene approach have been confirmed to be associated with type 2 diabetes (e.g., PPARG, KCNJ11, CAPN10, and TCF7L2).Under the common variant-common disease hypothesis, several genome-wide association (GWA) studies on type 2 diabetes have been conducted in large-scale case-control samples.Six novel genes (SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKAL1, CDKN2A and CDKN2B, IGF2BP2, and FTO) with modest effect for type 2 diabetes (odds ratio [OR] 1.14 -1.20) had been reproducibly demonstrated in multiple populations of European ancestry.Moreover, TCF7L2 was shown to have the largest effect for type 2 diabetes (1.37) in the European populations to date (2-8).Although many of these genes may be implicated in the insulin production/secretion pathway (TCF7L2, SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKAL1, CDKN2A/B, and IGF2BP2) (6,9 -11), FTO is associated with type 2 diabetes through its regulation of adiposity (8,12,13).Moreover, two adjacent regions near CDKN2A/B are associated with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases risks, respectively (7,14 -16).Despite the consistent associations among Europeans, the contributions of these genetic variants in other ethnic groups are less clear.Given the differences in environmental factors (e.g., lifestyle), risk factor profiles (body composition and insulin secretion/resistance patterns), and genetic background (linkage disequilibrium pattern and risk allele frequencies) between Europeans and Asians, it is important to understand the role of these genes in Asians.A recent case-control study in 1,728 Japanese subjects revealed nominal association to type 2 diabetes for variants at the SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKAL1, CDKN2B, and FTO genes but not IGF2BP2 (17).In the present large-scale case-control replication study of 6,719 Asians, we aimed to test for the association of six novel genes from GWA studies and TCF7L2, which had the largest effect in Europeans, and their joint effects on type 2 diabetes risk and metabolic traits. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSAll subjects were recruited from Hong Kong and Korea and of Asian ancestry.The subjects in the Hong Kong case-control study were of southern Han Chinese ancestry residing in Hong Kong.Participants for the case cohort consisting of 1,481 subjects with type 2 diabetes were selected from two",
      "OBJECTIVE-Common variants in PPARG, KCNJ11, TCF7L2, SLC30A8, HHEX, CDKN2A, IGF2BP2, and CDKAL1 genes have been shown to be associated with type 2 diabetes in European populations by genome-wide association studies.We have studied the association of common variants in these eight genes with type 2 diabetes and related traits in Indians by combining the data from two independent case-control studies.",
      "Introduction  Many genes have been evaluated as candidates for T2D susceptibility.However, only variants in the TCF7L2, PPARG, KCNJ11 and HNFA4 genes have been extensively replicated in populations around the world, showing their indisputable association with T2D risk (Zeggini 2007).In the particular case of the HNF4A gene, it has been implicated in maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 1 (MODY 1) (Mitchell and Frayling 2002;Zhu et al. 2003).HNF4A is a member of the nuclear receptor super-family that plays a critical role in embryogenesis and metabolism, by regulating gene expression in pancreatic beta cells, liver and other tissues.The HNF4A gene is localized to chromosome 20q13, a region that has demonstrated evidence for linkage with T2D (Sladek et al. 1990;Ghosh et al. 1999).Several genetic studies, mainly in Caucasian and Asian populations, have provided evidence for the association of the variants in HNF4A with T2D (Ghosh et al. 1999;Silander et al. 2004;Winckler et al. 2005)."
      "Researchers are expanding our understanding of genetic risk factors for diabetes through ongoing discoveries.Genetic variants associated with increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, a disease that affects more than 200 million people worldwide, have been identified (NHGRI & NIDDK, 2007).Such discoveries accelerate efforts to understand genetic contributions to chronic illness, as well as facilitate greater investigation of how these genetic factors interact with each other and with lifestyle factors.Ultimately, once the association of these variants with diabetes are confirmed, genetic tests may be utilized to identify (even before escalating blood sugars) those individuals, like Vanessa, who may be able to delay or prevent diabetes with healthy lifestyle decisions and behaviors.Information to assist nurses in this challenge is available in a toolkit \"Your Game Plan for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes\" (Your Game Plan, n.d.).Would you have known whether or not genetic testing was available for Vanessa?If you had said no to this question but could have explained the progress currently being made in understanding diabetes, Vanessa would have had access to the best care possible today.",
      "enetic factors for many decades have been known to play a critical role in the etiology of diabetes, but it has been only recently that the specific genes have been identified.The identification of the underlying molecular genetics opens the possibility for understanding the genetic architecture of clinically defined categories of diabetes, new biological insights, new clinical insights, and new clinical applications.This article examines the new insights that have arisen from defining the etiological genes in monogenic diabetes and the predisposing polymorphisms in type 2 diabetes.",
      "Genomics has contributed to a better understanding of many disorders including diabetes.The following article looks at the ethical, social and legal consequences of genomic medicine and predictive genetic testing for diabetes.This is currently a field in its nascent stage and developing rapidly all over the world.The various ethical facets of genomic medicine in diabetes like its effects on patient physician relationship, risk communication, genetic counseling and familial factors are explored and elucidated from a clinical, ethical, social and legal perspective.",
      "Diabetes is a genetically complex multifactorial disease that requires sophisticated consideration of multigenic and phenotypic influences.As well as standard nonpara-  metric methods, we used novel approaches to evaluate and identify locus heterogeneity.It has also proved productive to consider phenotypes such as age at type 2 diabetes onset and obesity, which may define a more homogeneous subgroup of families.A genome-wide scan of 247 African-American families has identified a locus on chromosome 6q and a region of 7p that apparently interacts with early-onset type 2 diabetes and low BMI, as target regions in the search for African-American type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes.",
      "Genetic factors are known to play a role in T2D and an understanding of the genetic basis of T2D could lead to the development of new treatments (Frayling, 2007a,b;Frayling & Mccarthy, 2007;Frayling, 2008).With the increased prevalence of diabetes worldwide, the need for intensive research is of high priority.Sequencing of the human genome and development of a set of powerful tools has made it possible to find the genetic contributions to common complex diseases (Donnelly, 2011).Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been used to search for genetic risk factors for complex disease (Hindorff, Junkins et al., 2009;Hindorff, Sethupathy et al., 2009).Used in combination with the scaffold data of the human genome courtesy of the HUGO Project (2003) and the International HapMap Project (Thorisson et al., 2005), it is now possible to analyse the whole genome to identify genetic variants that contribute to common disease in a fast and efficient manner.",
      "In conclusion, genome-wide studies have added valuable scientific data to our repertoire of diabetes knowledge.However, there have been few genomic nuggets that enable a more robust prediction of diabetes than is achieved by using common environmental risk factors and none that clarify the peculiar ethnic proclivities of type 2 diabetes.The latter realization ought to temper enthusiasm for the indiscriminate use of genetic testing for diabetes.",
      "To date, studies of diabetes have played a major role in shaping thinking about the genetic analysis of complex diseases.Based on trends in genomic information and technology, combined with the growing public health importance of diabetes, diabetes will likely continue to be an important arena in which methods will be pioneered and lessons learned.It is with great enthusiasm that we look forward to this effort, and with avid curiosity we await to see whether the lessons of today will be supported by the data of tomorrow.",
      "In recent years tremendous changes had occurred in the field of molecular genetics and personalized medicine especially on exploring novel genetic factors associated with complex diseases like T2D with the advancement of new and improved genetic techniques including the next generation sequencing (NGS).In this review, we summarize recent developments from studies on the genetic factors associated with the development of T2D in the Arab world published between 2015 and 2018, which were based on the latest available genetic technologies.Few such studies have been conducted in this region of the world.Therefore, our study will provide valuable contributions to advanced genetic research and a personalized approach to diabetes management.",
      "Nonetheless, \"evidence\" for the genetics of diabetes risk is mounting, often at the expense of understanding the social context and determinants of the disease.Biogenetic views tend to trump sociological views in the diabetes research imaginary of consortium members.However, the genetic epidemiologists who make up part of the diabetes consortium are not ignorant of the effects of proper diet and adequate exercise. \"Take away the television and the automobile and diabetes would all but disappear,\" quipped the head of one lab.Neither are researchers unsympathetic to those who suffer from social inequality in the United States.Their career and intellectual interests lie in genetic explanations of diabetes, which, as I aim to show in this discussion, involves folding political and economic social relationships into biomedical discourse.In fact, the case of diabetes genetic epidemiology illustrates how, in spite of the sympathies of diabetes scientists, arrangements of racial inequality in the United States find their way into diabetes research publications and drug company promotional campaigns.To illustrate this phenomenon further, I present two tales from the field, one dealing with the naming of a publication article, the other with the marketing of a diabetes drug.",
      "Discussion  Our study provides insight into the relative importance of clinical risk factors and those that are related to a panel of DNA variants associated with type 2 diabetes.Obesity was a strong risk factor for future diabetes, a risk that almost doubled in subjects with a family history of diabetes.However, the addition of data from genotyping of the known DNA variants to clinical risk factors (including a family history of diabetes) had a minimal, albeit statistically significant, effect on the prediction of future type 2 diabetes.Notably, the ability of genetic risk factors to predict future type 2 diabetes improved with an increasing duration of follow-up, suggesting that assessment of genetic risk factors is clinically more meaningful the earlier in life they are measured.",
      "Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered a global pandemic, and the incidence of DM continues to grow worldwide.Nutrients and dietary patterns are central issues in the prevention, development and treatment of this disease.The pathogenesis of DM is not completely understood, but nutrient-gene interactions at different levels, genetic predisposition and dietary factors appear to be involved.Nutritional genomics studies generally focus on dietary patterns according to genetic variations, the role of gene-nutrient interactions, genediet-phenotype interactions and epigenetic modifications caused by nutrients; these studies will facilitate an understanding of the early molecular events that occur in DM and will contribute to the identification of better biomarkers and diagnostics tools.In particular, this approach will help to develop tailored diets that maximize the use of nutrients and other functional ingredients present in food, which will aid in the prevention and delay of DM and its complications.This review discusses the current state of nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and epigenomics research on DM.Here, we provide an overview of the role of gene variants and nutrient interactions, the importance of nutrients and dietary patterns on gene expression,",
      "Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered a global pandemic, and the incidence of DM continues to grow worldwide.Nutrients and dietary patterns are central issues in the prevention, development and treatment of this disease.The pathogenesis of DM is not completely understood, but nutrient-gene interactions at different levels, genetic predisposition and dietary factors appear to be involved.Nutritional genomics studies generally focus on dietary patterns according to genetic variations, the role of gene-nutrient interactions, genediet-phenotype interactions and epigenetic modifications caused by nutrients; these studies will facilitate an understanding of the early molecular events that occur in DM and will contribute to the identification of better biomarkers and diagnostics tools.In particular, this approach will help to develop tailored diets that maximize the use of nutrients and other functional ingredients present in food, which will aid in the prevention and delay of DM and its complications.This review discusses the current state of nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and epigenomics research on DM.Here, we provide an overview of the role of gene variants and nutrient interactions, the importance of nutrients and dietary patterns on gene expression,",
      "The aim of the present review was to provide insights regarding the role of nutrient-gene interactions in DM pathogenesis, prevention and treatment.In addition, we explored how an individual's genetic makeup can affect nutrient metabolism and the response to nutrient intake, potentially leading to DM.",
      "It is important to promote greater research in this field because these findings will provide a framework for the development of genotype-dependent food health promotion strategies and the design of dietetic approaches for the prevention and management of DM.This knowledge has begun to provide evidence where specific targeted nutritional advice, such as following a Mediterranean Diet, helps to decrease cardiovascular risk factors and stroke incidence in people with polymorphisms strongly associated with T2DM [8].",
      "A new generation of genetic studies of diabetes is underway.Following from initial genome-wide association (GWA) studies, more recent approaches have used genotyping arrays of more densely spaced markers, imputation of ungenotyped variants based on improved reference haplotype panels, and sequencing of protein-coding exomes and whole genomes.Experimental and statistical advances make possible the identification of novel variants and loci contributing to trait variation and disease risk.Integration of sequence variants with functional analysis is critical to interpreting the consequences of identified variants.We briefly review these methods and technologies and describe how they will continue to expand our understanding of the genetic risk factors and underlying biology of diabetes.",
      "A new generation of genetic studies of diabetes is underway.Following from initial genome-wide association (GWA) studies, more recent approaches have used genotyping arrays of more densely spaced markers, imputation of ungenotyped variants based on improved reference haplotype panels, and sequencing of protein-coding exomes and whole genomes.Experimental and statistical advances make possible the identification of novel variants and loci contributing to trait variation and disease risk.Integration of sequence variants with functional analysis is critical to interpreting the consequences of identified variants.We briefly review these methods and technologies and describe how they will continue to expand our understanding of the genetic risk factors and underlying biology of diabetes.",
      "In this review, we briefly outlined salient features of pathophysiology and results of the genetic association studies hitherto conducted on type 2 diabetes.Primarily focusing on the current status of genomic research, we briefly discussed the limited progress made during the post-genomic era and tried to identify the limitations of the post-genomic research strategies.We suggested reanalysis of the existing genomic data through advanced statistical and computational methods and recommended integrated genomics-metabolomics approaches for future studies to facilitate understanding of the gene-environment interactions in the manifestation of the disease.We also propose a framework for research that may be apt for determining the effects of urbanization and changing lifestyles in the manifestation of complex genetic disorders like type 2 diabetes in the Indian populations and offset the confounding effects of both genetic and environmental factors in the natural way.",
      "In this review, we briefly outlined salient features of pathophysiology and results of the genetic association studies hitherto conducted on type 2 diabetes.Primarily focusing on the current status of genomic research, we briefly discussed the limited progress made during the post-genomic era and tried to identify the limitations of the post-genomic research strategies.We suggested reanalysis of the existing genomic data through advanced statistical and computational methods and recommended integrated genomics-metabolomics approaches for future studies to facilitate understanding of the gene-environment interactions in the manifestation of the disease.We also propose a framework for research that may be apt for determining the effects of urbanization and changing lifestyles in the manifestation of complex genetic disorders like type 2 diabetes in the Indian populations and offset the confounding effects of both genetic and environmental factors in the natural way.",
      "In a nutshell, genomic and post-genomic approaches identified a large number of biomarkers to ponder over and explore further but we are yet to identify universally accepted biomarker which can be used for the successful management and prevention of type 2 diabetes.In order to understand environment related modifications of genetic susceptibility, it may be prudent to conduct studies with integrated genomic-metabolomic approach.It is also imperative to gather existing molecular genetic data and curate it into uniform format and analyze the same for understanding the present status of research.A few attempts were, however, made to develop type 2 diabetes informative databases.While the databases T2DGADB and T2D-DB are only a collection of publications related to type 2 diabetes genetic association studies, proteinprotein interactions and expression studies, T2D@ZJU is a comprehensive collection of pathway databases, protein-protein interaction databases, and literature (Yang et al. 2013).Further, T2D@ZJU is a user-friendly interface database that provides graphical output of information organized in networks.These attempts may provide basis for studying type 2 diabetes utilizing systems biology, which is a better approach for understanding complex genetic diseases.",
      "Genetic factors appear to play a role in determining an individual's risk of developing diabetes.It is hoped that genetic studies will ultimately identify key genetic elements that help determine susceptibility to diabetes, disease progression, and responsiveness to specific therapies, as well as help identify novel targets for future intervention.A substantial number of genetic loci, gene polymorphisms, and mutations have already been reported as having variable degrees of association with one or other type of diabetes (type 1, type 2, maturity onset diabetes of the young [MODY]), while others appear to be involved in response to antihyperglycemic agents.We have compiled the following glossary of genetic and genomic terms relating to diabetes, which we hope will prove a useful reference to researchers and clinicians with an interest in this disease.This is by no means an exhaustive list, but includes many of the genetic loci and variants that have been studied in association with diabetes.Gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 2 (also known as IMP-2).SNPs in the gene have been associated with type 2 diabetes IFIH1"
      "Researchers are expanding our understanding of genetic risk factors for diabetes through ongoing discoveries.Genetic variants associated with increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, a disease that affects more than 200 million people worldwide, have been identified (NHGRI & NIDDK, 2007).Such discoveries accelerate efforts to understand genetic contributions to chronic illness, as well as facilitate greater investigation of how these genetic factors interact with each other and with lifestyle factors.Ultimately, once the association of these variants with diabetes are confirmed, genetic tests may be utilized to identify (even before escalating blood sugars) those individuals, like Vanessa, who may be able to delay or prevent diabetes with healthy lifestyle decisions and behaviors.Information to assist nurses in this challenge is available in a toolkit \"Your Game Plan for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes\" (Your Game Plan, n.d.).Would you have known whether or not genetic testing was available for Vanessa?If you had said no to this question but could have explained the progress currently being made in understanding diabetes, Vanessa would have had access to the best care possible today.",
      "Genomics has contributed to a better understanding of many disorders including diabetes.The following article looks at the ethical, social and legal consequences of genomic medicine and predictive genetic testing for diabetes.This is currently a field in its nascent stage and developing rapidly all over the world.The various ethical facets of genomic medicine in diabetes like its effects on patient physician relationship, risk communication, genetic counseling and familial factors are explored and elucidated from a clinical, ethical, social and legal perspective.",
      "Genomics has contributed to a better understanding of many disorders including diabetes.The following article looks at the ethical, social and legal consequences of genomic medicine and predictive genetic testing for diabetes.This is currently a field in its nascent stage and developing rapidly all over the world.The various ethical facets of genomic medicine in diabetes like its effects on patient physician relationship, risk communication, genetic counseling and familial factors are explored and elucidated from a clinical, ethical, social and legal perspective.",
      "Genetic factors are known to play a role in T2D and an understanding of the genetic basis of T2D could lead to the development of new treatments (Frayling, 2007a,b;Frayling & Mccarthy, 2007;Frayling, 2008).With the increased prevalence of diabetes worldwide, the need for intensive research is of high priority.Sequencing of the human genome and development of a set of powerful tools has made it possible to find the genetic contributions to common complex diseases (Donnelly, 2011).Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been used to search for genetic risk factors for complex disease (Hindorff, Junkins et al., 2009;Hindorff, Sethupathy et al., 2009).Used in combination with the scaffold data of the human genome courtesy of the HUGO Project (2003) and the International HapMap Project (Thorisson et al., 2005), it is now possible to analyse the whole genome to identify genetic variants that contribute to common disease in a fast and efficient manner.",
      "In conclusion, genome-wide studies have added valuable scientific data to our repertoire of diabetes knowledge.However, there have been few genomic nuggets that enable a more robust prediction of diabetes than is achieved by using common environmental risk factors and none that clarify the peculiar ethnic proclivities of type 2 diabetes.The latter realization ought to temper enthusiasm for the indiscriminate use of genetic testing for diabetes.",
      "Genomics of T2D  Diet, lifestyle, environment, and even genetic variation influence an individual's response to disease therapy.Like GWAS which identify genetic variants conferring risk for a disease, studies have been carried out for identifying genetic variants responsible for patient differences in drug response.Pharmacogenomics in diabetes focuses on the study of gene polymorphisms which influence an individual's response to antidiabetic drugs.Such genetic variants influence the pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics of the drug, thus affecting its efficacy or toxicity in an individual.The difference in response to treatments and therapies across individuals on account of these factors strengthens the case for personalized medicine in diabetes.",
      "It is possible that there are genes that because of their known metabolic involvement are likely to interact with specific nutrients.For example, SLC30A8 which encodes a zinc transporter localized in secretory granules, interacted with dietary zinc to effect fasting insulin levels [132].However, the majority of GWAS variants have not shown interaction with environmental factors for effect on diabetes or related traits.Therefore, it is likely that prospective future studies will utilize improved assessment methods to increase power and avoid false interpretation [133,134].This could be enhanced by prioritizing variants that are most likely to have effects [135] or selective sampling according to extremes of the environmental factor could reduce the requirement for sample size [136].These and other strategies such as meta-analysis, nested case control and genotype-based studies have been recently reviewed [123,133] and the difficulties in measuring environmental exposures have been emphasized, including the application of analyses based on logistic regression [124] and problems with instruments such as physical activity questionnaires [137].Validated food frequency questionnaires are popular instruments for evaluation diabetes risk and are often used in conjunction with food analysis software [138,139].Similar methodology has been adapted to assess two predominant food consumption patterns by Prudent and Western [140], and demonstrated synergistic interaction with genotype and a less healthy Western dietary pattern in determining male risk for T2D by showing that the gene-diet interaction was higher in men with a high genetic risk score determined by a gene counting method [141].Also the effects of diet may predominate at specific developmental periods [142] suggesting that age and associated physiological changes are important as well as differences between genders.It has also been observed that homogeneity of an environmental factor such as physical activity in an Asian Indian study, may reduce ability to detect interaction, but could be solved by subgrouping by the level of activity [143], but increased recruitment would be needed to maintain power.",
      "To date, studies of diabetes have played a major role in shaping thinking about the genetic analysis of complex diseases.Based on trends in genomic information and technology, combined with the growing public health importance of diabetes, diabetes will likely continue to be an important arena in which methods will be pioneered and lessons learned.It is with great enthusiasm that we look forward to this effort, and with avid curiosity we await to see whether the lessons of today will be supported by the data of tomorrow.",
      "In recent years tremendous changes had occurred in the field of molecular genetics and personalized medicine especially on exploring novel genetic factors associated with complex diseases like T2D with the advancement of new and improved genetic techniques including the next generation sequencing (NGS).In this review, we summarize recent developments from studies on the genetic factors associated with the development of T2D in the Arab world published between 2015 and 2018, which were based on the latest available genetic technologies.Few such studies have been conducted in this region of the world.Therefore, our study will provide valuable contributions to advanced genetic research and a personalized approach to diabetes management.",
      "Discussion  Our study provides insight into the relative importance of clinical risk factors and those that are related to a panel of DNA variants associated with type 2 diabetes.Obesity was a strong risk factor for future diabetes, a risk that almost doubled in subjects with a family history of diabetes.However, the addition of data from genotyping of the known DNA variants to clinical risk factors (including a family history of diabetes) had a minimal, albeit statistically significant, effect on the prediction of future type 2 diabetes.Notably, the ability of genetic risk factors to predict future type 2 diabetes improved with an increasing duration of follow-up, suggesting that assessment of genetic risk factors is clinically more meaningful the earlier in life they are measured.",
      "Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered a global pandemic, and the incidence of DM continues to grow worldwide.Nutrients and dietary patterns are central issues in the prevention, development and treatment of this disease.The pathogenesis of DM is not completely understood, but nutrient-gene interactions at different levels, genetic predisposition and dietary factors appear to be involved.Nutritional genomics studies generally focus on dietary patterns according to genetic variations, the role of gene-nutrient interactions, genediet-phenotype interactions and epigenetic modifications caused by nutrients; these studies will facilitate an understanding of the early molecular events that occur in DM and will contribute to the identification of better biomarkers and diagnostics tools.In particular, this approach will help to develop tailored diets that maximize the use of nutrients and other functional ingredients present in food, which will aid in the prevention and delay of DM and its complications.This review discusses the current state of nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and epigenomics research on DM.Here, we provide an overview of the role of gene variants and nutrient interactions, the importance of nutrients and dietary patterns on gene expression,",
      "Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered a global pandemic, and the incidence of DM continues to grow worldwide.Nutrients and dietary patterns are central issues in the prevention, development and treatment of this disease.The pathogenesis of DM is not completely understood, but nutrient-gene interactions at different levels, genetic predisposition and dietary factors appear to be involved.Nutritional genomics studies generally focus on dietary patterns according to genetic variations, the role of gene-nutrient interactions, genediet-phenotype interactions and epigenetic modifications caused by nutrients; these studies will facilitate an understanding of the early molecular events that occur in DM and will contribute to the identification of better biomarkers and diagnostics tools.In particular, this approach will help to develop tailored diets that maximize the use of nutrients and other functional ingredients present in food, which will aid in the prevention and delay of DM and its complications.This review discusses the current state of nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and epigenomics research on DM.Here, we provide an overview of the role of gene variants and nutrient interactions, the importance of nutrients and dietary patterns on gene expression,",
      "The aim of the present review was to provide insights regarding the role of nutrient-gene interactions in DM pathogenesis, prevention and treatment.In addition, we explored how an individual's genetic makeup can affect nutrient metabolism and the response to nutrient intake, potentially leading to DM.",
      "Thus, studies performed during the last decade have provided strong evidence to support a diet-genome interaction as an important factor leading to the development of T2DM.",
      "It is important to promote greater research in this field because these findings will provide a framework for the development of genotype-dependent food health promotion strategies and the design of dietetic approaches for the prevention and management of DM.This knowledge has begun to provide evidence where specific targeted nutritional advice, such as following a Mediterranean Diet, helps to decrease cardiovascular risk factors and stroke incidence in people with polymorphisms strongly associated with T2DM [8].",
      "A new generation of genetic studies of diabetes is underway.Following from initial genome-wide association (GWA) studies, more recent approaches have used genotyping arrays of more densely spaced markers, imputation of ungenotyped variants based on improved reference haplotype panels, and sequencing of protein-coding exomes and whole genomes.Experimental and statistical advances make possible the identification of novel variants and loci contributing to trait variation and disease risk.Integration of sequence variants with functional analysis is critical to interpreting the consequences of identified variants.We briefly review these methods and technologies and describe how they will continue to expand our understanding of the genetic risk factors and underlying biology of diabetes.",
      "A new generation of genetic studies of diabetes is underway.Following from initial genome-wide association (GWA) studies, more recent approaches have used genotyping arrays of more densely spaced markers, imputation of ungenotyped variants based on improved reference haplotype panels, and sequencing of protein-coding exomes and whole genomes.Experimental and statistical advances make possible the identification of novel variants and loci contributing to trait variation and disease risk.Integration of sequence variants with functional analysis is critical to interpreting the consequences of identified variants.We briefly review these methods and technologies and describe how they will continue to expand our understanding of the genetic risk factors and underlying biology of diabetes.",
      "In a nutshell, genomic and post-genomic approaches identified a large number of biomarkers to ponder over and explore further but we are yet to identify universally accepted biomarker which can be used for the successful management and prevention of type 2 diabetes.In order to understand environment related modifications of genetic susceptibility, it may be prudent to conduct studies with integrated genomic-metabolomic approach.It is also imperative to gather existing molecular genetic data and curate it into uniform format and analyze the same for understanding the present status of research.A few attempts were, however, made to develop type 2 diabetes informative databases.While the databases T2DGADB and T2D-DB are only a collection of publications related to type 2 diabetes genetic association studies, proteinprotein interactions and expression studies, T2D@ZJU is a comprehensive collection of pathway databases, protein-protein interaction databases, and literature (Yang et al. 2013).Further, T2D@ZJU is a user-friendly interface database that provides graphical output of information organized in networks.These attempts may provide basis for studying type 2 diabetes utilizing systems biology, which is a better approach for understanding complex genetic diseases.",
      "The public health genomics approach to type 2 diabetes.So, while exciting gene discoveries are being made, what can we do?The answer may lie in the relatively new field of public health genomics, \"a multidisciplinary field concerned with the effective and responsible translation of genome-based knowledge and technologies to improve population health\" (12).Researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in public health genomics use populationbased data on genetic variation and gene-environment interactions to develop, implement, and evaluate evidencebased tools for improving health and preventing disease.They also apply systematic evidence-based knowledge synthesis and appraisal of the clinical validity and utility of genomic applications in health practice.Validated genomic information is then integrated into disease control and prevention programs (13).",
      "Genomics for Type 2 Diabetes  Many research studies have been carried out on genetic-based illness prediction.Incorporating machine learning approaches with genetic-based illness prediction could result in an accurate outcome.This has intensified the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare.It has been estimated that approximately $36 billion will be invested in AI by 2025 [48].Deep genomics through machine learning approaches has outperformed accuracy in predicting and diagnosing illnesses such as cancer with minimal inclusion of radiologists.It is desired to have sufficient biological knowledge to understand how genetics can help us predict various conditions and analyze each chromosome to identify the disease-causing gene.Pre-existing research studies have focused on genomics and gene interaction patterns of various persistent illnesses such as Alzheimer's, multiple cancers, and Parkinson's."
      "Figure 8 Molecular changes in the islets of patients with T2D mirror the processes altered in NOD mice.mRNA expression in human pancreatic islets from healthy individuals (n = 105) and those diagnosed with T2D (n = 14) was assessed through RNA-seq analysis. (a) Relationship between GLIS3 and MANF expression in healthy individuals (Spearman correlation P value = 0.043), individuals with T2D (Spearman correlation P value = 0.075) and all individuals (Spearman correlation P value = 0.028). (b-e) Expression of XRCC4 (b), LIG4 (c), H2AFX (d) and CDKN1A (e) in healthy islets as compared to i slets from patients withT2D (P values shown after multiple-testing correction).The median and interquartile range (IQR; box) are shown, with error bars indicating 1.5 times the IQR.Individual values are shown if beyond 1.5 times the IQR. (f) Relationship between H2AFX and LIG4 expression in human islets (Spearman correlation P value = 5 \u00d7 10 \u22129 ).",
      "All the genes involved in these pathways, as well as the genes involved in b-cells development and turnover, may be considered candidate genes for T2DM with predominant insulin deficiency.",
      "One method of searching for the cause of NIDDM is via the candidate gene approach.Possible candidates for NIDDM include genes involved in specifying pancreatic islet (3-cell phenotype and in directing fj-cell development and (3-cell responses of glucose-mediated insulin synthesis and secretion.The transcription factor islet-1 (Isl-1) has been shown to be a unique protein that binds to the mini-enhancer or Far-FLAT region (nucleotide -247 to -198) of the rat insulin I gene (7).Isl-1, a protein comprised of 349 residues (38 kD), is a member of the LIM/homeodomain family of proteins, named for the first three members described: lin-11, isl-1, and mec-3 (8,9).These proteins are comprised of three putative regulatory regions, two LIM domains (cysteine-rich motifs) in the amino terminus of the protein, a homeobox domain near the middle, and a glutamine-rich transcriptional activation domain at the carboxyl end (7,9).With the use of an antibody to Isl-1, expression was shown to be restricted to a subset of endocrine cells, including islets, neurons involved in autonomic and endocrine control, and selected other tissues in the adult rat (10)(11)(12).",
      "Results  Impairment or alteration of the insulin-signaling pathway is a commonly recognized feature of type 2 diabetes.It is therefore notable that the IS-HD gene set (Dataset S4) was not detected to be significantly transcriptionally altered by application of either hypergeometric enrichmentt test, DEA or GSEA.In particular, applying GSEA to the transcriptional profile dataset of diabetic and normal glucose-tolerant skeletal muscle described in Mootha et al. [10] did not identify a significant level of alteration in the IS-HD gene set (p \u00bc 0.536), while DEA produced a comparably weak enrichment score (p \u00bc 0.607).The failure to detect a significant transcriptional alteration in IS-HD may be explained by a number of factors.The enrichment results depended on the specific choice of the IS-HD gene set, and it is possible that an alternatively defined insulin-signaling gene set would be determined as significantly enriched.Additionally, expression changes in a few critical genes in IS-HD may be sufficient to substantially alter insulin signaling, and running DEA on the large IS-HD set may miss the contributions from these few genes.",
      "35 ABSTRACT 11 A GENE EXPRESSION NETWORK MODEL OF TYPE 2 DIABETES ESTABLISHES A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CELL CYCLE REGULATION IN ISLETS AND DIABETES SUSCEPTIBILITY MP Keller, YJ Choi, P Wang, DB Davis, ME Rabaglia, AT Oler, DS Stapleton, C Argmann, KL Schueler, S Edwards, HA Steinberg, EC Neto, R Klienhanz, S Turner, MK Hellerstein, EE Schadt, BS Yandell, C Kendziorski, and AD Attie Depts.",
      "Second, we performed an extensive manual curation according to a previously described b-cell-targeted annotation (Kutlu et al, 2003;Ortis et al, 2010).In partial agreement with the IPA, we found these genes to fall into three broad categories: (1) genes related to b-cell dysfunction and death, (2) genes potentially facilitating the adaptation of the pancreatic islets to the altered metabolic situation in T2D and (3) genes whose role in disease pathogenesis remains to be unearthed (Figure 6B).The adaptation-related gene category contains few metabolism-associated genes (e.g., HK1, FBP2; Figure 6B, right part, Figure 7) and many more genes involved in signal transduction or encoding hormones, growth factors (e.g., EGF, FGF1, IGF2/IGF2AS; Figure 7), or transcription factors involved in important regulatory networks (for instance, FOXA2/HNF3B, PAX4 and SOX6) (Figure 6B, right part, Figure 7).In the b-cell dysfunction and death category, there were hypomethylated genes related to DNA damage and oxidative stress (e.g., GSTP1, ALDH3B1; Figure 7), the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response (NIBAN, PPP2R4, CHAC1), and apoptosis (CASP10, NR4A1, MADD; Figure 6B, left part, Figure 7).Some genes of interest from the highlighted categories are depicted in Figure 7. Their annotated functions provide possible explanations of how the epigenetic dysregulation of these genes in diabetic islets is connected to T2D pathogenesis.Numerous genes that were identified by our methylation profiling approach have been functionally implicated in insulin secretion.Examination of the available literature on the function of these genes revealed three aspects of insulin secretion with which they interfere: some of these genes influence the expression of the insulin gene, like MAPK1 and SOX6, or its post-translational maturation, like PPP2R4 (cf. Figure 7 and references therein).Others can deregulate the process of insulin secretion itself (SLC25A5, Ahuja et al, 2007;RALGDS, Ljubicic et al, 2009) or influence synthesis as well as secretion (vitronectin, Kaido et al, 2006).A third group of differentially methylated genes affects (i) signalling processes in the b-cell leading to insulin secretion or (ii) glucose homeostasis in b-cells, thereby modulating insulin response upon stimulation.GRB10 (Yamamoto et al, 2008), FBP2 and HK1 (Figure 7) are examples for these genes.Additional genes found in our study have been implicated in the b-cells' capability to secrete insulin, though the mechanisms have not yet been fully established.The putative functions of these genes indicate a potential epigenetic impact on insulin secretion at multiple levels, namely signalling, expression/synthesis and secretion.",
      "In summary, we have associated mutations in the SLC29A3 gene with diabetes mellitus in humans and the insulin signaling pathway in Drosophila.The mechanistic basis of these findings remains to be determined.This is strong evidence supporting the investment of resources to further investigate the role of SLC29A3 and its orthologs in diabetes and glucose metabolism in model systems.",
      "DISCUSSION  We have identified mutations in the equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3 protein that are associated with an inherited syndrome of insulin-dependent DM, and provide prima facie evidence that the Drosophila ortholog of this protein interacts with the insulin signaling pathway.This is the first evidence that mutations in the human SLC29A3 gene can be associated with a diabetic phenotype.",
      "These observations taken together suggest that molecules involved in innate immunity could serve as candidate genes that determine the susceptibility of sensitive strains of mice to virusinduced diabetes.Interestingly, deficiency of the Tyk2 gene results in a reduced antiviral response 24 .In addition, the human TYK2 gene was mapped to the possible type 1 diabetes susceptibility locus 25 .",
      "A recent sequencing study provides an example of detection of rare variants in type 1 diabetes.Targeted sequencing in a series of candidate coding regions resulted in IFIH1 being identified as the causal gene in a region associated with type 1 diabetes by GWA studies (58).IFIH1 encodes a cytoplasmic helicase that mediates induction of the interferon response to viral RNA.The discovery of IFIH1 as a contributor to susceptibility to type 1 diabetes has strengthened the hypothesis (70) about a mechanism of disease pathogenesis involving virusgenetic interplay and raised type 1 interferon levels as a cofactor in \u2424-cell destruction.Nonetheless, it should be recognized that a component of the missing heritability (familial aggregation) in type 1 diabetes could well be due to unrecognized intra-familial environmental factors.Disease pathogenesis.Contemporary models of pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes support the involvement of two primary dramatis personae: the immune system and the \u2424-cell.The known and newly identified genetic risk factors for type 1 diabetes present exciting opportunities to build on to the current cast of disease mechanisms and networks.Most of the listed genes of interest (Table 2) and those in extended regions are assumed to regulate immune function.Some of these genes, however, may also have roles in the \u2424-cell (insulin being the most obvious example).Another gene, PTPN2, encoding a protein tyrosine phosphatase, was identified as affecting the risk for type 1 diabetes as well as for Crohn disease (47,71).PTPN2 is expressed in immune cells, and its expression is highly regulated by cytokines.However, PTPN2 is expressed also in \u2424-cells, where it modulates interferon (IFN)-\u2425 signal transduction and has been shown to regulate cytokineinduced apoptosis (72).Other candidate genes, such as NOS2A, IL1B, reactive oxygen species scavengers, and candidate genes, identified in large GWA studies of type 2 diabetes, have not been found to be significant contributors to the susceptibility of type 1 diabetes (73).",
      "Differential Expression Analyses of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Associated Genes  For the aforementioned 171 'novel' genes, we used t-test to compare ribonucleic acid expression signals in PBMCs or monocytes between type 1 diabetes mellitus patients and healthy controls.We found that 37 genes, including 21 non-HLA genes (e.g.FAM46B, OLFML3 and HIPK1), were differentially expressed between type 1 diabetes mellitus patients  and controls (Table 2).For the differential expression study, the significance level of P < 5.0E-02 was used.",
      "In this study, we have correlated the function and genotype of human islets obtained from diabetic and nondiabetic (ND) donors.We have analyzed a panel of 14 gene variants robustly associated with T2D susceptibility identified by recent genetic association studies.We have identified four genetic variants that confer reduced b-cell exocytosis and six variants that interfere with insulin granule distribution.Based on these observations, we calculate a genetic risk score for islet dysfunction leading to T2D that involves decreased docking of insulin-containing secretory granules, impaired insulin exocytosis, and reduced insulin secretion.",
      "At present, insulin [15], glucokinase [16], amylin [17], mitochondrial DNA [18], and several transcriptional factors [19][20][21][22] are recognized as diabetogenic genes in pancreatic b-cells.In the present study we used the candidate gene approach in the examination of genomic variation in the a 1D and Kir6.2 channel genes in type 2 diabetic patients.",
      "In summary, we report AEIs that are consistent with type 2 diabetes-associated variation regulating the expression of cis-linked genes in human islets.For some of the genes where significant AEI was identified (e.g., SLC30A8, WFS1), there is strong evidence from human genetics that small changes in gene dosage may have significant consequences for the pancreatic b-cell.For other genes with significant AEI (e.g., ANPEP, HMG20A), their role is less well defined, and hence this study should provide a platform for further work examining the effects of carefully manipulating the expression of these genes in human islets.",
      "Results.Pathway analysis of genes with differentially methylated promoters identified the top 3 enriched pathways as maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), type 2 diabetes, and Notch signaling.Several genes in these pathways are known to affect pancreatic development and insulin secretion.",
      "The authors then used mouse liver and adipose expression data from several mouse crosses to construct causal expression networks for the ERBB3 and RPS26 orthologs in the mouse. They then showed that ERBB3 is not associated with any known Type I diabetes genes whereas RPS26 is associated a network of several genes that are part of the KEGG Type I diabetes pathway (Schadt et al. 2008). This type of analysis demonstrates the power of combining human and mouse data with a network based approach that has been proposed for use in drug discovery (Schadt et al.",
      "In conclusion, GWAS studies focusing on the causes of T2D have implicated islet dysfunction as a major contributing factor (18,71).By examining isolated islets for stress responses and cross-referencing gene hits with genes associated with glucose-stimulated insulin release in human populations with T2D, we identified 7 genes that may play a role in promoting or preventing islet decline in T2D.By further examining stress-induced expression changes in each of these genes, we identified 5 genes that stood out: F13a1 as a novel stress-inhibited gene in islets, Klhl6 and Pamr1 as induced genes specific to ER stress, Ripk2 as a  broadly stress-induced gene, and Steap4 as an exceptionally cytokine-sensitive gene.These genes provide promising leads in elucidating islet stress responses and islet dysfunction during the development of T2D.",
      "Genome-wide association studies in human type 2 diabetes (T2D) have renewed interest in the pancreatic islet as a contributor to T2D risk.Chronic low-grade inflammation resulting from obesity is a risk factor for T2D and a possible trigger of \u2424-cell failure.In this study, microarray data were collected from mouse islets after overnight treatment with cytokines at concentrations consistent with the chronic low-grade inflammation in T2D.Genes with a cytokine-induced change of \u03fe2-fold were then examined for associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms and the acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg) using data from the Genetics Underlying Diabetes in Hispanics (GUARDIAN) Consortium.Significant evidence of association was found between AIRg and single nucleotide polymorphisms in Arap3 (5q31.3),F13a1 (6p25.3),Klhl6 (3q27.1),Nid1 (1q42.3),Pamr1 (11p13), Ripk2 (8q21.3),and Steap4 (7q21.12).To assess the potential relevance to islet function, mouse islets were exposed to conditions modeling low-grade inflammation, mitochondrial stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, glucotoxicity, and lipotoxicity.RT-PCR revealed that one or more forms of stress significantly altered expression levels of all genes except Arap3.Thapsigargininduced ER stress up-regulated both Pamr1 and Klhl6.Three genes confirmed microarray predictions of significant cytokine sensitivity: F13a1 was down-regulated 3.3-fold by cytokines, Ripk2 was up-regulated 1.5-to 3-fold by all stressors, and Steap4 was profoundly cytokine sensitive (167-fold up-regulation).Three genes were thus closely associated with low-grade inflammation in murine islets and also with a marker for islet function (AIRg) in a diabetes-prone human population.This islet-targeted genome-wide association scan identified several previously unrecognized candidate genes related to islet dysfunction during the development of T2D.",
      "Genome-wide association studies in human type 2 diabetes (T2D) have renewed interest in the pancreatic islet as a contributor to T2D risk.Chronic low-grade inflammation resulting from obesity is a risk factor for T2D and a possible trigger of \u2424-cell failure.In this study, microarray data were collected from mouse islets after overnight treatment with cytokines at concentrations consistent with the chronic low-grade inflammation in T2D.Genes with a cytokine-induced change of \u03fe2-fold were then examined for associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms and the acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg) using data from the Genetics Underlying Diabetes in Hispanics (GUARDIAN) Consortium.Significant evidence of association was found between AIRg and single nucleotide polymorphisms in Arap3 (5q31.3),F13a1 (6p25.3),Klhl6 (3q27.1),Nid1 (1q42.3),Pamr1 (11p13), Ripk2 (8q21.3),and Steap4 (7q21.12).To assess the potential relevance to islet function, mouse islets were exposed to conditions modeling low-grade inflammation, mitochondrial stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, glucotoxicity, and lipotoxicity.RT-PCR revealed that one or more forms of stress significantly altered expression levels of all genes except Arap3.Thapsigargininduced ER stress up-regulated both Pamr1 and Klhl6.Three genes confirmed microarray predictions of significant cytokine sensitivity: F13a1 was down-regulated 3.3-fold by cytokines, Ripk2 was up-regulated 1.5-to 3-fold by all stressors, and Steap4 was profoundly cytokine sensitive (167-fold up-regulation).Three genes were thus closely associated with low-grade inflammation in murine islets and also with a marker for islet function (AIRg) in a diabetes-prone human population.This islet-targeted genome-wide association scan identified several previously unrecognized candidate genes related to islet dysfunction during the development of T2D.",
      "Finally, several of the linking nodes introduced into this islet network through their PPI connections represent interesting candidates for a role in T2D pathogenesis, and there are several examples where external data provides validation of those assignments.An interesting example involves the gene GINS4 which maps at the ANK1 locus.Though this gene generated a low PCS [0.03] and was not included in the set of seed genes for this locus, GINS4 knock-down has an impact in a human beta-cell line [14].In addition, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) has been shown to influence beta-cell mass in a compensatory mechanism related to age-and diet-induced stress, connecting beta-cell dysfunction and progressive beta-cell mass deterioration [54].YHWAG is a member of the 14-3-3 family, known to be signalling hubs for beta-cell survival [55], and disruption of SMAD4 drives islet hypertrophy [56]."
      "A. Genetic Screening  We have discussed above the genetic component of T1D.The genetic susceptibility to T1D is determined by genes related to immune function with the potential exception of the insulin gene (434).The genetic susceptibility component of T1D allows some targeting of primary preventive care to family members of diagnosed T1D patients, but there is no complete inheritance of the disease.Nevertheless, the risk for developing T1D compared with people with no family history is \u03f310 -15 times greater.Although \u03f370% of individuals with T1D carry defined risk-associated genotypes at the HLA locus, only 3-7% of the carriers of such genetic risk markers develop diabetes (3).",
      "II. THE GENETICS OF TYPE 1 DIABETES  A comprehensive overview of genetic data in mouse and human is beyond the scope of this article.Instead, we will focus on how the various susceptibility genes and environmental triggers can fit in a mechanistic model for T1D etiology.",
      "The relative prevalence of mutations causal for monogenic forms of diabetes suggests that mutations in \u2424-cellrelated processes are a more frequent cause of severe early-onset diabetes than those influencing insulin action (see above).Studies of the relative heritabilities of indexes of \u2424-cell function and insulin action in the general population also hint at a preponderance of \u2424-cell effects (52).",
      "In 1976, the noted human geneticist James Neel titled a book chapter \"Diabetes Mellitus: A Geneticist's Nightmare.\" 1 Over the past 30 years, however, the phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of diabetes has been painstakingly teased apart to reveal a family of disorders that are all characterized by the disruption of glucose homeostasis but that have fundamentally different causes.Recently, the availability of detailed information on the structure and variation of the human genome and of new high-throughput techniques for exploiting these data has geneticists dreaming of unraveling the genetic complexity that underlies these disorders.This review focuses on type 1 diabetes mellitus and includes an update on recent progress in understanding genetic factors that contribute to the disease and how this information may contribute to new approaches for prediction and therapeutic intervention.Type 1 diabetes becomes clinically apparent after a preclinical period of varying length, during which autoimmune destruction reduces the mass of beta cells in the pancreatic islets to a level at which blood glucose levels can no longer be maintained in a physiologic range.The disease has two subtypes: 1A, which includes the common, immune-mediated forms of the disease; and 1B, which includes nonimmune forms.In this review, we focus on subtype 1A, which for simplicity will be referred to as type 1 diabetes.Although there are rare monogenic, immune-mediated forms of type 1 diabetes, 2,3 the common form is thought to be determined by the actions, and possible interactions, of multiple genetic and environmental factors.The concordance for type 1 diabetes in monozygotic twins is less than 100%, and although type 1 diabetes aggregates in some families, it does not segregate with any clear mode of inheritance. 4-7Despite these complexities, knowledge of genetic factors that modify the risk of type 1 diabetes offers the potential for improved prediction, stratification of patients according to risk, and selection of possible therapeutic targets.As germ-line factors, genetic risk variants are present and amenable to study at all times -before, during, and after the development of diabetes.Thus, genetic information can serve as a potential predictive tool and provide insights into pathogenetic factors occurring during the preclinical phase of the disease, when preventive measures might be applied. Gene tic S t udiesBecause of the uncertainty regarding the number and action of genes involved in type 1 diabetes, genetic studies have tended to focus on approaches that require few assumptions about the underlying model of disease risk.The two primary approaches have been linkage studies (using pairs of affected relatives, typically siblings) and association studies (using either case-control or family-based designs).Linkage studies using affected sibling pairs seek to identify regions of the genome that are shared",
      "Environment  The second factor in Figure 1 is environmental aspects.An important concept is the diabetes genotype typically causes only a predisposition for glucose intolerance (note the terminology susceptibility gene was used in the preceding paragraphs).Whether one develops the diabetes phenotype depends on environmental factors, some obvious in how they act, others less so.For instance, the Nurses Health Survey showed positive associations between obesity and lack of physical activity in the development of type 2 diabetes (as expected), but also protection by not smoking and moderate alcohol intake (14).Already discussed, many studies have shown an association between TV watching, high calorie diets, and lack of physical activity with risk of diabetes, i.e., our modern lifestyle, so it is not surprising that there is an explosion in the incidence of diabetes worldwide.",
      "The genetics of type 1 diabetes  There is a strong genetic risk to T1D.This is exemplified by (Redondo et al., 2001) who demonstrated a strong concordance of genetic inheritance (65%) and T1D susceptibility in monozygotic twin pairs.That is, when one sibling is afflicted, there is a high probability that the other twin will develop T1D by the age of 60 years.Additionally, autoantibody positivity and islet destruction was observed after a prospective long-term follow-up of monozygotic twins of patients with T1D, despite initial disease-discordance among the twins (Redondo et al., 2008).",
      "Type 1 diabetes has unusual epidemiological features related to gender  Type 1 diabetes also displays unusual patterns of inheritance that may yield insights into etiology and provide clues to the best methods for analyzing genetic studies.The risk to the offspring is generally greater from a mother or father who was diagnosed at an early age (again suggesting that early-onset cases are more heavily genetically 'loaded').However, the risk of diabetes is approximately two to four times higher for a child whose father has type 1 diabetes than one whose mother is affected [see (52,53) and references therein].This parental difference is largely due to a low risk for offspring of mothers who were diagnosed at a later age (53).The difference could be explained by at least three different factors.First, the risk alleles could only be active when transmitted by the father (such as is seen in imprinting, where only one of the parental alleles is expressed).Alternatively, a maternal environmental factor during pregnancy could be protective.However, it is difficult to see how this protective effect would be restricted to mothers diagnosed at a later age, especially since the protective effect was unrelated to the mother's duration of diabetes or even diabetic status at delivery (53).Finally, mothers who are diagnosed at a later age could represent more 'environmental' cases of diabetes, and thus be less likely to pass on risk genes to their offspring.",
      "Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disease  Family studies have indicated that genetic factors are important determinants of type 1 diabetes risk.First, the risk to a sibling of an affected individual is approximately 6%, as compared with an average risk of 0.4% (depending on the population), or a relative increased risk of 15-fold (17).The increased risk to siblings is referred to as l s (18) and is one measure of the degree of familial clustering of the disease.",
      "Family and twin studies indicate that a substantial fraction of susceptibility to type 1 diabetes is attributable to genetic factors.These and other epidemiologic studies also implicate environmental factors as important triggers.Although the specific environmental factors that contribute to immune-mediated diabetes remain unknown, several of the relevant genetic factors have been identified using two main approaches: genome-wide linkage analysis and candidate gene association studies.This article reviews the epidemiology of type 1 diabetes, the relative merits of linkage and association studies, and the results achieved so far using these two approaches.Prospects for the future of type 1 diabetes genetics research are considered.",
      "Family and twin studies indicate that a substantial fraction of susceptibility to type 1 diabetes is attributable to genetic factors.These and other epidemiologic studies also implicate environmental factors as important triggers.Although the specific environmental factors that contribute to immune-mediated diabetes remain unknown, several of the relevant genetic factors have been identified using two main approaches: genome-wide linkage analysis and candidate gene association studies.This article reviews the epidemiology of type 1 diabetes, the relative merits of linkage and association studies, and the results achieved so far using these two approaches.Prospects for the future of type 1 diabetes genetics research are considered.",
      "Genes affecting type 1 diabetes diagnosis age / A. Syreeni et al.",
      "Thus, the most likely scenario is that these genes are more poised for activation in the case group compared with the control group, contributing to various diabetes complications in the long term.This could be a consequence of the early exposure to hyperglycemia (measured by HbA 1c level), which is known to be associated with increased rates of long-term diabetes complications.",
      "The risk for T1D is strongly influenced by multiple genetic loci and environmental factors.The disease is heritable, with first-degree relatives of patients with T1D being at 15-fold greater risk for developing the condition than the general population.",
      "Genetic Background and Environment  Both type 1 and 2 diabetes as well as other rare forms of diabetes that are directly inherited, including MODY and diabetes due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA, are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors.Unlike some traits, diabetes does not seem to be inherited in a simple pattern.Undoubtedly, however, some people are born prone to developing diabetes more so than others.Several epidemiological patterns suggest that environmental factors contribute to the etiology of T1D.Interestingly, the recent elevated number of T1D incidents projects a changing global environment, which acts either as initiator and/or accelerator of beta cell autoimmunity rather than variation in the gene pool.Several genetic factors are involved in the development of the disease [127].There is evidence that more than twenty regions of the genome are involved in the genetic susceptibility to T1D.",
      "Type 1 Diabetes  The higher type 1 diabetes prevalence observed in relatives implies a genetic risk, and the degree of genetic identity with the proband correlates with risk (22)(23)(24)(25)(26). Gene variants in one major locus, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) (27), confer 50-60% of the genetic risk by affecting HLA protein binding to antigenic peptides and antigen presentation to T cells (28).Approximately 50 additional genes individually contribute smaller effects (25,29).These contributors include gene variants that modulate immune regulation and tolerance (30)(31)(32)(33), variants that modify viral responses (34,35), and variants that influence responses to environmental signals and endocrine function (36), as well as some that are expressed in pancreatic b-cells (37).Genetic influences on the triggering of islet autoimmunity and disease progression are being defined in relatives (38,39).Together, these gene variants explain ;80% of type 1 diabetes heritability.Epigenetic (40), gene expression, and regulatory RNA profiles (36) may vary over time and reflect disease activity, providing a dynamic readout of risk.",
      "Genetics  Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are polygenic diseases where many common variants, largely with small effect size, contribute to overall disease risk.Disease heritability (h 2 ), defined as sibling-relative risk, is 3 for type 2 diabetes and 15 for type 1 diabetes (17).The lifetime risk of developing type 2 diabetes is ;40% if one parent has type 2 diabetes and higher if the mother has the disease (18).The risk for type 1 diabetes is ;5% if a parent has type 1 diabetes and higher if the father has the disease (19).Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a monogenic disease and has a high h 2 of ;50 (20).Mutations in any 1 of 13 different individual genes have been identified to cause MODY (21), and a genetic diagnosis can be critical for selecting the most appropriate therapy.For example, children with mutations in KCJN11 causing MODY should be treated with sulfonylureas rather than insulin.",
      "Type 1 diabetes as well as type 2 diabetes shows a genetic predisposition, although only type 1 diabetes is HLA dependent [32,33,36,40].",
      "Genetic factors have an important role in the development of diabetes, with some forms of the disease resulting from mutations in a single gene.Others are multifactorial in origin.The monogenic forms of diabetes account for approximately 5% of cases and are caused by mutations in genes encoding insulin 3 , the insulin receptor 4 , the glycolytic enzyme glucokinase 5 , and the transcription factors hepatocyte nuclear factor-1\u03b1 (HNF-1\u03b1), HNF-1\u03b2, HNF-4\u03b1, insulin promoter factor-1 and NeuroD1/BETA2 (refs  6-10).Mutations in maternally inherited mitochondrial genes can also cause diabetes, often in association with hearing loss 11 .",
      "Studies [71][72][73][74] in Mexican and Asian populations have identified several mutations associated with type 2 diabetes in young people.The high prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the parents of young people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes could reflect a stronger genetic predisposition, even when monogenic diabetes is excluded.This hypothesis suggests that efforts to define genes that cause type 2 diabetes by linkage might be more powerful if focused on young adults with diabetes, raising the question of whether type 2 diabetes in older populations has a relatively smaller genetic contribution and a stronger environmental contribution. 66",
      "We found that the presence or absence of parental diabetes and the genotype score were independently associated with the risk of diabetes.This suggests that family history as a risk factor for diabetes conveys more than heritable genetic information; it probably includes nongenetic familial behaviors and norms.The lower relative risks for diabetes associated with observed parental diabetes as compared with those associated with self-reported family history (approximately 1.8 vs. approximately 2.2) support the contention that family history contains more risk information than is implied by inheritance of the diabetes phenotype alone.One of the limitations of our study is that the 18 SNPs we included are probably insufficient to account for the familial risk of diabetes.They account for a minority of diabetes heritability, and the SNP array platforms from which they were chosen capture only approximately 80% of common variants in Europeans.In addition, we have not considered structural variants that might confer a risk of diabetes.It is possible that the addition of rare risk alleles with large effects, or a much larger number of common risk alleles with small individual effects, could improve discrimination. 36Indeed, as many as 500 loci may underlie the genetic risk of type 2 diabetes. 16Also, we did not study interactions among genes or between genes and the environment that might alter the genetic risk in exposed persons.As more diabetes risk variants become known, their incorporation into the genotype score may explain more of the genetic risk implied by parental diabetes."
      "The prevalence of diabetes mellitus worldwide is sobering; the International Diabetes Federation estimates that 415 million people have diabetes mellitus, with 90% of these individuals having type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) 1 .T2DM occurs when pancreatic \u03b2-cells fail to release enough insulin to meet the demands of insulin-responsive tissues, which safely store and metabolize glucose.Driven by both genetic and environmental risk factors, T2DM is a complex, multifactorial disorder.Although the increasing prevalence of T2DM is driven by changes in our environment and mirrors the increase in obesity, the greater concordance for T2DM found in monozygotic compared with dizygotic twins has long provided evidence for a genetic component in T2DM risk 2 .",
      "In the UK alone, nearly 1.8 million people are already recognized to have this disorder (consuming w5% of the total National Health Service budget), and the search is on to find the 'missing million' who are living with the condition but in whom the diagnosis has yet to be made. 3In the USA, the situation appears to be even more serious with some commentators predicting that one in every three Americans born in the year 2000 will go on to develop diabetes during their lifetime, bringing unprecedented costs in terms of healthcare dollars as well as human morbidity and mortality. 4The majority (w90%) of these cases will be type 2 in origin, reflecting a trend towards obesity and more sedentary lifestyles as the 'norm' rather than the exception in 'developed' societies.Indeed, the face of T2DM is changing, as a condition that was once considered the preserve of middle/old age is increasingly diagnosed in young adults and even children, reflecting the high rates of obesity (and, in particular, visceral adiposity) in these populations.",
      "Table 1 lists the various subtypes of diabetes based on the classification suggested by the ADA [4].",
      "The ADA lists four subtypes of diabetes based on the clinical symptoms at time of presentation, [4] namely, Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes (T2D), gestational diabetes, and diabetes due to specific causes (genetic defects causing deficient insulin secretion or action, diseases of pancreas, use of certain drugs such as steroids, thiazides among others).Of these, T2D is the most prevalent (close to 90% of all cases) and is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing nations [1].At times it is difficult to assign a patient to a particular subtype due to the difference in conditions associated with hyperglycemia at the time of diagnosis [4,7].For example, a lady diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy is highly susceptible to develop T2D later.Therefore, other than proper treatment during and post pregnancy, a regular follow-up is required for stratifying disease risk, and for timely management before progression to another subtype.It is clear that the classification of diabetes may not be as simple as just categorizing it into any one of the four given subtypes due to its miscellaneous nature.Every case needs to be considered at the time of presentation, on the basis of the risk factors or underlying cause of hyperglycemia, the clinical symptoms, and disease prognosis.",
      "Introduction  Globally, diabetes affects more than 400 million people (World Health Organization, 2016), with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes (T1D) accounting for up to 10 percent of cases (American Diabetes Association, 2009).In the United States, T1D occurs at a rate of 15-30 cases per 100,000 children aged 0-14 years annually (International Diabetes Foundation, 2017;Maahs et al., 2010), with similar prevalence in Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand (Fig. 1) (Derraik et al., 2012;International Diabetes Foundation, 2017;Maahs et al., 2010).By contrast, the estimated incidence rate of T1D among Asians, South Americans, and Africans is below 15 cases per 100,000 children (Fig. 1) (International Diabetes Foundation, 2017;Maahs et al., 2010).The global incidence of T1D has been rising by 3-5% per annum over the past two decades, with a notable increase in children below 10 years of age (Diamond Project, 2006;Patterson et al., 2009).",
      "Animal Models  9.2% in women and 9.8% in men, with approximately 347 million people suffering from the disease worldwide in 2008 (Danaei et al., 2011).There are several different classifications of diabetes, the most common being type 1 and type 2 diabetes.",
      "Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes with prevalence in the United Kingdom of around 4%.It is most commonly diagnosed in middle-aged adults, although more recently the age of onset is decreasing with increasing levels of obesity (Pinhas-Hamiel and Zeitler, 2005).Indeed, although development of the disease shows high hereditability, the risk increases proportionally with body mass index (Lehtovirta et al., 2010).Type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance, and a lack of appropriate compensation by the beta cells leads to a relative insulin deficiency.Insulin resistance can be improved by weight reduction and exercise (Solomon et al., 2008).If lifestyle intervention fails, there are a variety of drugs available to treat type 2 diabetes (Krentz et al., 2008), which can be divided into five main classes: drugs that stimulate insulin production from the beta cells (e.g.sulphonylureas), drugs that reduce hepatic glucose production (e.g.biguanides), drugs that delay carbohydrate uptake in the gut (e.g.a-glucosidase inhibitors), drugs that improve insulin action (e.g.thiazolidinediones) or drugs targeting the GLP-1 axis (e.g.GLP-1 receptor agonists or DPP-4 inhibitors).",
      "Introduction  Diabetes impacts the lives of approximately 200 million people worldwide [1], with chronic complications including accelerated development of cardiovascular disease.Over 90% of cases are of type 2 diabetes (T2D), with the bulk of the remainder presenting with type 1 diabetes (T1D).",
      "Classification of Diabetes  On the basis of insulin deficiency, diabetes can be classified into the following types as follows.",
      "| INTRODUCTION  Today, more than 265 million people are affected across the world.It is estimated that by the year 2030 this number will reach 366 million people (about 4/4 percent of the world's population), and now the cause of death is more than 1.1 million per year (including 50% of the population under-70 years of age and 55% of women).On the other hand, given its negative effect on the economic growth of developing countries, it calls for universal mobilization to combat this disease (Bhattacharya, Dey, & Roy, 2007).Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is referred to as a heterogeneous group of metabolic disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism disorders that result from a defect in the secretion of insulin, or impairment in its function, or both.Types of diabetes mellitus include type 1, type 2 diabetes and other kind of diabetes, but the two most common types of diabetes mellitus are type 1 and type 2, which are different in several aspects (Meshkani, Taghikhani, Mosapour et al., 2007).Type 1 diabetes has been identified with autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells (insulin secreting cells) and accounts for about 5% of all diabetic people, while type 2 diabetes is a predominant disorder characterized by insulin resistance or a relative decline in insulin production, and accounts for about 90% of all types of diabetes mellitus (Meshkani, Taghikhani, Al-Kateb et al., 2007).Important factors that predispose a person to type 2 diabetes are multifactorial, including genetic factors and environments.However, its inheritance has certainly not been proven, but it is believed that first-degree relatives of diabetic patients have a higher chance to develop the disease.In this regard, recognizing gene polymorphisms of this disease seems to be necessary (H\u00e4ring et al., 2014).Multiple genes have been studied in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.",
      "CONCLUSIONS  Diabetes is currently broadly classified as type 1, type 2, gestational, and a group of \"other specific syndromes. \"However, increasing evidence suggests that there are populations of individuals within these broad categories that have subtypes of disease with a well-defined etiology that may be clinically characterized (e.g., LADA, MODY).These developments suggest that perhaps, with more focused research in critical areas, we are approaching a point where it would be possible to categorize diabetes in a more precise manner that can inform individual treatment decisions.",
      "Type 2 Diabetes  In the U.S., an estimated 95% of the nearly 30 million people living with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.An additional 86 million have prediabetes, putting them at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes (9).Among the demographic associations for type 2 diabetes are older age, race/ ethnicity, male sex, and socioeconomic status (9).",
      "Type 1 Diabetes  Between 2001 and 2009, there was a 21% increase in the number of youth with type 1 diabetes in the U.S. (7).Its prevalence is increasing at a rate of ;3% per year globally (8).Though diagnosis of type 1 diabetes frequently occurs in childhood, 84% of people living with type 1 diabetes are adults (9).Type 1 diabetes affects males and females equally (10) and decreases life expectancy by an estimated 13 years (11).An estimated 5-15% of adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes actually have type 1 diabetes or latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) (12).",
      "Background Diabetes is presently classified into two main forms, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but type 2 diabetes in particular is highly heterogeneous.A refined classification could provide a powerful tool to individualise treatment regimens and identify individuals with increased risk of complications at diagnosis.",
      "Diabetes mellitus now affects ~8% of the world's adult population [1], including ~3 000 000 individuals in the UK (with a further 600 000 people affected but presently undiagnosed) [2].Of these cases, > 90% have Type 2 diabetes.Treatments of the complications of the disease, which range from stroke, blindness and kidney failure to lower limb amputations and cancer, presently consume ~10% of the National Health Service budget, some \u00a314 bn per year [3].These figures are anticipated to increase further in the next 10 years, driven by increasingly sedentary lifestyles and increases in obesity; the collision between these 'environmental' factors and genetic susceptibility (see below) being the key underlying driver.Whilst existing treatments ameliorate the symptoms of the disease, notably hyperglyca-emia, none target the underlying molecular aetiology.In particular, no available treatments tackle the progressive and largely irreversible loss of insulin production [4] which, in the face of insulin resistance, underlies the progressive deterioration in glucose control.Reductions in b-cell mass [5,6] and dysfunction [7] both contribute to this gradual impairment in insulin release.Recent years have seen an increase in the view that the former may play a less important role than the latter, with a 2008 study by Rahier et al. [6] reporting that b-cell mass (and insulin content) in people with Type 2 diabetes was on average ~35% lower than that of healthy control subjects.However, this difference was only ~24% within 5 years of diagnosis, far below levels likely to lead to the symptoms of diabetes.Indeed, given our present inability to monitor b-cell mass prospectively over the course of the disease, it is conceivable that the differences observed post mortem between healthy individuals and those with Type 2 diabetes [5,6] may reflect an increased predisposition to diabetes in those born with a lower than average b-cell mass.",
      "INTRODUCTION  Type 2 diabetes (T2D) affects an estimated 425 million people worldwide, a number predicted to rise to 629 million by 2045 (1).The disease usually involves insulin resistance but is ultimately the result of pancreatic b cell failure, a sine qua non for disease development (2).In contrast, Type 1 diabetes (T1D) affects a smaller proportion of people with diabetes and is chiefly the result of pancreatic b cell destruction mediated by immune cells (3).",
      "Introduction  Diabetes is a complex and heterogeneous disease with a staggering global impact and the most recent estimates indicate 346 million people worldwide suffer from this disease (WHO Diabetes Fact sheet No. 312, 2011).Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for >90% of cases, and occurs when peripheral tissue insulin resistance accompanies insufficient b-cell insulin production.While >80% of diabetes deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries [1].India and China have the highest reported prevalence of diabetes with 65 and 98 million in 2013, respectively [2].",
      "The disease burden related to diabetes is high and rising in every country, fuelled by the global rise in the prevalence of obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.The latest estimates show a global prevalence of 382 million people with diabetes in 2013, expected to rise to 592 million by 2035.The aetiological classification of diabetes has now been widely accepted.Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the two main types, with type 2 diabetes accounting for the majority (>85%) of total diabetes prevalence.Both forms of diabetes can lead to multisystem complications of microvascular endpoints, including retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy, and macrovascular endpoints including ischaemic heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.The premature morbidity, mortality, reduced life expectancy and financial and other costs of diabetes make it an important public health condition.",
      "The disease burden related to diabetes is high and rising in every country, fuelled by the global rise in the prevalence of obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.The latest estimates show a global prevalence of 382 million people with diabetes in 2013, expected to rise to 592 million by 2035.The aetiological classification of diabetes has now been widely accepted.Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the two main types, with type 2 diabetes accounting for the majority (>85%) of total diabetes prevalence.Both forms of diabetes can lead to multisystem complications of microvascular endpoints, including retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy, and macrovascular endpoints including ischaemic heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.The premature morbidity, mortality, reduced life expectancy and financial and other costs of diabetes make it an important public health condition.",
      "Introduction: Is Type 2 Diabetes a Genetic Disorder?According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 350 million people worldwide have diabetes, and this disorder is likely to be the seventh leading cause of death in 2030.Diabetes is an economic burden on healthcare systems, especially in developing countries (World Health Organization, 2013)."