path: root/gnqa/data/study1/datasets/human/dataset_domainexpert_general_1.json
blob: 02296c7ce1456112b09969db0755ab625a5a7e66 (about) (plain)
  "question": [
    "What are the potential benefits and risk associated with gene editing technologies like CRISPRR-Cas9?",
    "How does epigenetics inluence gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence?",
    "Describe the role of mitochondrial DNA in heredity and how it differs from nuclear DNA.",
    "What are the ethical considerations surrounding prenatal genetic testing and the selective termination of pregnancies based on genetic factors?",
    "Create a how-to guide for genetic sequencing."
  "answer": [
    "The potential benefits of gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 include precise modification of DNA sequences, which can be used to alter gene function, treat genetic diseases, improve crop species, and advance biomedical research. It can also be used for functional screening in drug development and personalized medicine. However, there are risks and limitations associated with this technology. These include off-target effects or unintended modifications, which could potentially lead to harmful consequences. There's also the risk of triggering an immune response, and the potential for wide-ranging deletions or recombination events. Ethical concerns also arise, particularly in the context of editing human genomes.",
    "Epigenetics influences gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence through mechanisms such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin remodeling. These processes can alter the structure of the DNA and its accessibility to transcription factors, thereby regulating gene expression. For instance, DNA methylation typically represses gene expression, while histone modifications can either enhance or repress gene expression depending on the specific modification. These changes can be heritable and are influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors.",
    "Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited solely from the maternal lineage, unlike nuclear DNA which requires both paternal and maternal contributions. This uniparental transmission of mtDNA is ensured by complex mechanisms that eliminate paternal mitochondria from sperm during fertilization. mtDNA also exhibits a higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA, leading to significant population-level mtDNA polymorphisms. These polymorphisms can be clustered into distinct haplogroups that represent major branch points on the mitochondrial phylogenetic tree. In contrast, nuclear DNA undergoes bi-parental recombination.",
    "The ethical considerations surrounding prenatal genetic testing and selective termination of pregnancies based on genetic factors include the potential for implicit pressure on individuals to violate personal ethics to reduce financial burden on society, the risk of routinization of testing leading to social or medical expectations of testing in all eligible individuals, and the potential compromise of values of informed consent and individual autonomy. There are also cultural and religious beliefs to consider, as well as the potential psychological impact on parents who may feel guilt if they are carriers of genetic conditions. Furthermore, the decision to terminate a pregnancy based on genetic factors is a joint decision between parents, and the involvement of extended family members in this process varies greatly across different cultures.",
    "1. Start with an initial linkage or association: This is the first step in a genetic study where a trait or disease is linked to a specific region of the genome.\n\n2. Perform Laboratory Genotyping: This involves determining the genetic variation of an individual by examining their DNA sequence using biological assays and comparing it to a standard sequence.\n\n3. Use Genomic Sequence: The role of genomic sequence is crucial at every stage. It serves as a common thread that ties all the stages together.\n\n4. Establish True Orthology: Determine the true orthology between genes in different species. If two genes are truly orthologous, their evolution closely follows patterns of speciation.\n\n5. Apply Bioinformatics: Use bioinformatics tools and techniques to analyze the data. This can be applied to sequence data from any collection of organisms.\n\n6. Understand Genome Structure and Content: Provide an overview of genome structure and content to provide a context for subsequent discussions.\n\n7. Improve DNA Sequencing Methods: Constantly work on improving DNA sequencing methods with the ultimate goal of sequencing a human genome in a single day for a cost of about US $1,000.\n\n8. Interpret the Information: The major challenge ahead is the interpretation of this information. Understand how our genes interact with each other, and how the environment contributes to the development of health and disease.\n\n9. Consider the Implications: Understand the individual and societal implications of knowing our genome sequence.\n\n10. Keep Up with Technological Advances: With further technological advances, other previously unimaginable research approaches will become real."
  "contexts": [
      "Gene editing has gained considerable interest with the identification of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, 27 which allows for a targeted modification in the DNA sequence of an organism.Researchers can utilize their knowledge of the basic biology of the gene and its protein function to precisely change the DNA sequence, thus altering the protein function of the gene and allowing for edits to stay within the species.Researchers at the University of Missouri used the CRISPR-Cas9 system to modify the CD163 gene such that the PRRS virus is not able to replicate inside the pig. 28This slight modification of the swine genome through gene editing keeps the pigs from succumbing to PRRS which has an annual estimated loss to the United States swine industry of over $660 million per year.Despite this benefit, given the public's concerns over food safety, it is likely that approval for such technology is years away in the US, Canada and Europe.However, in some cultures, there is a wide range of non-livestock species that are consumed.Therefore, it is conceivable that these countries and cultures may be open to transgenic/gene edited livestock.They may see the importance of useful gene editing which may lead to approval and consumption of reasonable genetically edited animal products such as those with modifications that are already found in nature or those that offer a substantial welfare benefit to society.",
      "As a researcher who has devoted an entire career since 1994 to the development of genome editing tools and methods, I have been amazed by the rapid progress in the field over the last few years.Considering the widespread use of the tools, I am sure that the pace will continue to accelerate.Indeed, programmable nucleases, may eventually enable humans-products of evolution-to become masters of evolution.delivered preassembled recombinant Cas9-guide RNA ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) into animal embryos 6,9 and plant 11 and mammalian cells [73][74][75] .Indeed, Cas9 RNPs were rapidly turned over in cells 73 , reducing off-target effects and mosaicism in gene-edited organisms 11 .Cas9 RNPs can be delivered into cells by various methods, including microinjection 6,9 , electroporation 73 , lipofection 74 and protein transduction 75 .Importantly-and unlike in conventional gene therapy, where therapeutic genes are delivered via plasmids or viral vectors-Cas9 RNP delivery does not involve the use of exogenous DNA; host innate immune responses against foreign DNA are not elicited, and undesired integration of foreign DNA into the host genome is avoided.The ability to genetically modify living cells and organisms is a fundamental tool for biological research, but achieving highly specific targeted changes has been technically demanding.Genome editing has been recently democratized by the development of RGENs (see Glossary in Box 1), repurposed from the type II CRISPR-Cas9 prokaryotic adaptive immune system 1 .Unlike other programmable nucleases, namely ZFNs and TALENs, whose target specificities are determined by modifying their DNA-binding domains, CRISPR-Cas9 can be customized by replacing guide RNAs, making the system much more affordable and scalable.Cas9 nucleases have been successfully used for modifying genomes in human cells [2][3][4][5] , animals [6][7][8][9] and plants 10,11 , heralding the age of genome editing.Furthermore, Cas9 or guide RNAs have been linked to various effector proteins to enable targeted gene regulation 12,13 and epigenome modifications 14,15 .It is worth noting, however, that many of these feats had been demonstrated previously using other nucleases or DNA-binding proteins 1,16 .In this Perspective, I shed light on early genome editing platforms that laid the groundwork for the widespread use of CRISPR-Cas9 in research and medicine (Fig. 1).",
      "In comparison to a transgenic approach, a gene editing technique such as CRISPR-Cas9 offers the advantage that gene-edited crops are not considered genetically modified organism (GMO) in some countries, such as the US, where the demand for natural food colorants such as anthocyanins is high.Indeed, the use of GMO crops as a source of natural pigments may be inconsistent with consumer interests.However, carrot cultivars engineered with either the transgenic or gene editing approach have not been reported so far, but their development is possible.",
      "Caveats and Ethical Concerns of CRISPR-Cas ApplicationsDespite the presence of both a PAM sequence and a specific gRNA, the CRISPR-Cas9 system is not infallible.In fact, DSBs can occur at different sites in the genome, potentially causing so-called \"off-target\" effects.This eventuality remains to date the biggest concern in the field, as possible undesirable modifications must be properly identified and followed in order to guarantee safety for medical purposes.Nevertheless, there is still little evidence of the biological consequence of Cas9 off-target effects.Two recent studies describe new methods to investigate potential off-target effects in both mammals and plants [33,34].In both cases, whole-genome sequencing revealed that selective nucleotide changes, such as conversion of an adenine to a guanine, caused off-target occurrence very rarely, with a frequency comparable to the one of spontaneous mutations.However, substitution of a cytosine with a thymidine was linked to a sizable number of off-target mutations.This newly acquired information adds to the plethora of studies conducted on the safety of CRISPR, which altogether highlight the need for the establishment of clinical standards for the future use of genome-editing techniques in the clinic.Despite this and other technical challenges still ahead for CRISPR genome editing, the pace at which this technology has developed in recent years suggests many of these concerns could be addressed soon, as long as proper ethical guidelines and regulatory mechanisms are established.The notable accuracy and versatility of CRISPR-Cas for genome editing also opened the door to its use in preclinical and translational settings.In the latter case, CRISPR in vivo gene editing has led to several proof-of-concept studies that would have been unachievable without it, as in the first ever correction of inherited pathogenic mutations linked to degenerative disease in a living organism [22] and even shown to be possible in human embryos [23,24].It also has great potential in the field of precision medicine as large-scale population DNA sequencing studies have provided vast amounts of information linking particular diseases with specific genetic mutations which could, in theory, be targeted through CRISPR [25,26].This could be used during the identification and validation of potential DNA targets during the development of personalised drug or cell therapies, which will require the generation of engineered cell lines and/or animal models.Techniques such as HDR-mediated gene targeting are too labour intensive, with low targeting efficiencies and long times necessary for their establishment, and consequently are not ideally suited for drug discovery purposes.Conversely, CRISPR-Cas has been proven to be efficient for editing virtually any kind of cell line, from primary immune cells to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) [27,28].Additionally, CRISPR can also be used for functional screening in the development of combined inhibitory therapy aimed at strengthening the efficiency of targeted therapeutics.An example of the latter is shown in a study where a variation of the technology known as CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) was used in genome-wide scale to identify different survival pathways used by cancer cells after oncogene inactivation and allowing the identification of successful combination therapies [29].In terms of translational applications, the overall safety of CRISPR genome editing in humans will require long-term scrutiny before its adoption in the clinic.Nonetheless, a number of CRISPR-based clinical trials are currently in progress, including studies focused on targeting patients' own T cells in order to improve the immune response towards some forms of malignant cancer [30,31], and others aimed at correcting pathogenic mutations in the hematopoietic cells of patients with beta-thalassemia and sickle cell disease [32].ConclusionsThere is no reason to doubt that the development of CRISPR-Cas genome editing represents an unprecedented breakthrough in modern science, as it has potential applications in a wide array of disciplines ranging from agriculture, zoology and renewable energy to biomedicine and synthetic biology.This powerful tool holds promise for further elucidating the molecular causes of ageing by allowing scientists to probe genetic and epigenetic pathways with a level of sophistication that was unattainable just a few years ago.It will allow so in traditional animal and cell models of ageing, but it will also drastically accelerate the generation of refined versions of those models or even allow the development of new research approaches in non-model organisms.Moreover, CRISPR-based genome editing is already having a significant impact in research aiming to understand the cellular and molecular origins of age-related diseases, as well as developing potential treatments against them.The application of CRISPR-Cas gene editing for the treatment of age-related diseases is not over the horizon yet, as it will require the identification of causative genes and their role under a variety of contexts that could be as diverse as the ageing process is across individuals.However, CRISPR-Cas might also hold the key for solving such conundrum, as it has opened the way for achieving true personalised medicine by providing both the precision and scalability required for conducting genome-wide functional screens during the refinement of drug-and cell-based therapies for age-related diseases.Since its discovery, CRISPR-Cas technology has ignited a biological revolution by providing a highly versatile platform that allows fast and efficient genome editing in an ever-growing list of organisms.In this chapter we will first describe the most recent advances in the development and application of the CRISPR-Cas platform in biomedical research.Then we will discuss the most recent and notable basic research applications of this technology in the study of the molecular causes of ageing.Finally, we will review how CRISPR-Cas has been used for creating new models for the study of age-related diseases, as well as for manipulating diseaseassociated gene pathways.",
      "CRISPR screening technologiesThe discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 as a sequence-specific programmable nuclease democratized gene editing and fueled progress in forward genetic screening [20 , 66] .Genetic screens using Cas9 with a pooled singleguide RNA (sgRNA) library allow the interrogation of seemingly all genes in a genome in a single experiment [96 , 97] [null] .Engineered Cas9 variants further extend the versatility of forward genetic screening.Catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) fused with chromatin effector domains permit specific activation (CRISPRa) or inhibition (CRISPRi) of gene expression [37 , 54] .Recently developed and emerging technologies -base editors, prime editors, and Cas transposases -are beginning to enable new types of genetic screens with directed, controlled, and on demand mutations by allowing the creation of user specified modifications, such as single base conversion, deletions, and insertions [4 , 42 , 58] .",
      "Coming on the heels of engineered nucleases, CRISPR-Cas9 tools have accelerated the pace of genomic research by permitting highly efficient knockouts or edits of virtually any gene in cells or model organisms.Multiple CRISPR-Cas9-based clinical trials are in progress or are expected to begin soon.Although Cas9engineered cells haven't yet demonstrated efficacy at scale, early trial results suggest that such cells are stable and don't cause acute adverse reactions in humans.Long-term safety is yet to be determined.Current applications largely focus on single-gene disorders for which gene editing can be carried out ex vivo on appropriate cells, such as bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells in the case of sickle cell anemia.Exploration is under way to develop delivery systems that can target the gene-editing apparatus to the appropriate tissue in vivo.Over the past 8 years, CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)-Cas9 (CRISPR-associated protein 9) technologies have emerged as accessible and adaptable tools for studying and altering genomes. 5RISPR-Cas9 can be used to induce genome edits by creating targeted DNA breaks that trigger site-specific DNA repair.In nextgeneration formats, it can also control the transcriptional output of genes or alter genome sequences using a process of nucleotide base editing that does not require repair of DNA breaks.As these technologies continue to mature, it will become increasingly possible to alter cellular genomes efficiently and accurately.",
      "The type II CRISPR-Cas9 systems, repurposed from prokaryotic adaptive immune responses, are now widely used for targeted genome modifications in plants, animals, and human cells (Kim et al. 2014;Woo et al. 2015;Zuris et al. 2015).In particular, Cas9 nucleases have shown promise for gene and cell therapy (Maeder and Gersbach 2016).Typically, these nucleases are expressed or delivered in vivo using plasmid DNA or viruses (Yin et al. 2014;Ran et al. 2015).However, plasmid DNA delivery is often inefficient, especially in vivo, and can cause integration of small plasmid fragments degraded by endogenous nucleases at on-target and offtarget sites in the genome (Kim et al. 2014).Viral delivery of Cas9 can be highly efficient in vivo (Ran et al. 2015;Long et al. 2016;Nelson et al. 2016;Tabebordbar et al. 2016), but may be hampered by antibodies or T cells induced against the protein (Shankar et al. 2007;Calcedo et al. 2015;Chew et al. 2016).We and others have shown that preassembled Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) can be delivered to human primary and stem cells and mice to modify target genes (Kim et al. 2014;Schumann et al. 2015;Zuris et al. 2015).Cas9 RNPs are rapidly turned over in cells, reducing off-target effects.Furthermore, Cas9 RNPs are unlikely to be limited by host immune systems because they function and disappear before the generation of antibodies and T cells directed against them.Currently, despite these advantages of RNPs, the difficult delivery of Cas9 RNPs in vivo limits its utility for therapeutic applications (Zuris et al. 2015).Here, we show that in vivo genome editing of an wild-type gene, whose up-regulation is responsible for pathogenesis, could be a new therapeutic modality for the treatment of nongenetic degenerative diseases.Our ultimate goal is to harness Cas9 RNPs for a clinical application of therapeutic genome surgery in patients with AMD.",
      "Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-Cas nucleases have revolutionized the field of gene editing and have tremendous application in the field of molecular medicine [98][99][100][101][102].Despite a significant surge in CRISPR/Cas9mediated genome editing in various disease models, the progress in the field of AD has lagged behind substantially.We believe that genome editing can significantly improve the development of AD models and also create novel opportunities for the development of the next generation precision targeted AD gene and stem cell therapies.Since there are several excellent review articles on CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing, here we will limit our focus on select recent articles that are noteworthy.CRISPR/Cas9 system can be engineered to either activate transcription (gain-of-function) or achieve gene silencing (Loss-of-function).Dahlman et al. have developed a CRISPR-based system that uses catalytically active Cas9 and distinct single guide (sgRNA) constructs to activate and knockout different genes in the same cell [103].Konermann et al. have used structure-guided engineering of a CRISPR-Cas9 complex to mediate efficient transcriptional activation at endogenous genomic loci [104].Using crystallographic studies, they have engineered a combination of sgRNA2.0,NLS-dCas9-VP64 and MS2-p65-HSF1 to develop one of the most effective transcription activation system.",
      "Limitations of CRISPR-Cas9CRISPR provides a simple and easy tool not only for in vitro use but potentially also for in vivo genome editing.However, there are limitations and downsides to this approach.First, and despite considerable improvements in the technology, the risk of the offtarget effect remains and must be considered carefully.Second, DSB may lead to wide-ranging deletions or recombination events involving the on-target site (204).Third, in cycling cells, DNA double strand breaks caused by Cas9 cleavage may trigger a P53 response leading to apoptosis and enrichment for potentially oncogenic P53-deficient cells (205,206).Fourth, subjects may generate antibodies to Cas9, potentially limiting gene therapies (207,208).Genome editing tools that target the desired genomic region and allow for variants to be altered (e.g. from risk to protective), or for more substantial changes to be made (e.g. the deletion of a longer stretch of DNA harbouring a number of variants) and can help to answer each of these questions.These technologies are evolving rapidly (Figure 1 and Table 2).The most recently developed of these, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR) technology, originally developed by Doudna, Charpentier and their colleagues (72,73) and Zhang and his colleagues (50) has become a widely used tool for this purpose.Engineered CRISPR/Cas9 technology uses a guide RNA (gRNA) to direct CRISPR-associated endonuclease (Cas) to the target DNA and generate a double strand DNA break.Correction of a mutation or variant in the target DNA sequence can then be carried out by homology-directed DNA repair (HDR) with a donor template.Since its discovery eight years ago, CRISPR technology has evolved quickly to be a critical part of the molecular biologist's toolbox.",
      "INTRODUCTIONGenome editing technologies based on the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated endonuclease Cas9 enable rapid and efficient modification of endogenous genes in a variety of cell types, allowing for analysis of gene function in many organs in vivo.CRISPR-Cas9 induces DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) at single-guide RNA (sgRNA)-specific loci in the genome, which are repaired through either non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed repair (HDR) pathways.While NHEJ introduces unpredictable pattern of insertion or deletion (indel) mutations, HDR directs a precise recombination event between a homologous DNA donor template and the damaged DNA site (Cong et al., 2013;Cox et al., 2015;Doudna and Charpentier, 2014;Heidenreich and Zhang, 2016;Jinek et al., 2012;Mali et al., 2013;Sander and Joung, 2014;Wang et al., 2013;Yang et al., 2013).Thus, HDR can be used to precisely introduce sequence insertions, deletions or mutations by encoding the desired changes in the donor template DNA.",
      "CRISPR technology has rapidly changed the face of biological research, such that precise genome editing has now become routine for many labs within several years of its initial development.What makes CRISPR/Cas9 so revolutionary is the ability to target a protein (Cas9) to an exact genomic locus, through designing a specific short complementary nucleotide sequence, that together with a common scaffold sequence, constitute the guide RNA bridging the protein and the DNA.Wild-type Cas9 cleaves both DNA strands at its target sequence, but this protein can also be modified to exert many other functions.For instance, by attaching an activation domain to catalytically inactive Cas9 and targeting a promoter region, it is possible to stimulate the expression of a specific endogenous gene.In principle, any genomic region can be targeted, and recent efforts have successfully generated pooled guide RNA libraries for coding and regulatory regions of human, mouse and Drosophila genomes with high coverage, thus facilitating functional phenotypic screening.In this review, we will highlight recent developments in the area of CRISPR-based functional genomics and discuss potential future directions, with a special focus on mammalian cell systems and arrayed library screening.CRISPR technology has rapidly changed the face of biological research, such that precise genome editing has now become routine for many labs within several years of its initial development.What makes CRISPR/Cas9 so revolutionary is the ability to target a protein (Cas9) to an exact genomic locus, through designing a specific short complementary nucleotide sequence, that together with a common scaffold sequence, constitute the guide RNA bridging the protein and the DNA.Wild-type Cas9 cleaves both DNA strands at its target sequence, but this protein can also be modified to exert many other functions.For instance, by attaching an activation domain to catalytically inactive Cas9 and targeting a promoter region, it is possible to stimulate the expression of a specific endogenous gene.In principle, any genomic region can be targeted, and recent efforts have successfully generated pooled guide RNA libraries for coding and regulatory regions of human, mouse and Drosophila genomes with high coverage, thus facilitating functional phenotypic screening.In this review, we will highlight recent developments in the area of CRISPR-based functional genomics and discuss potential future directions, with a special focus on mammalian cell systems and arrayed library screening.The recent development of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas9 for experimental purposes has dismantled the perception that genome editing technology is off-limits for screening in mammalian systems (Heintze et al., 2013).Since this system employs the basic principle of Watson-Crick base pairing for gene targeting, generation of libraries with whole-genome target coverage is relatively easy and cost-effective.For instance, simple protocols are available to synthesize pooled lentiviral libraries by in silico design of oligonucleotides, which can then be cloned, packaged and delivered to cells by viral transduction (Paddison et al., 2004;LeProust et al., 2010).Similarly, the generation of arrayed libraries can be achieved by following protocols originally developed for arrayed shRNA library production that have been in use for a number of years (Moffat et al., 2006).All in all, the stage is set for CRISPR to make an enormous impact on genomic screening and thus scientific discovery in the coming years, and recent demonstrations of this system have shown great promise (Shalem et al., 2015).However, a number of technical challenges must be addressed in order to maximize the benefit of this technology.In this review, we will discuss current applications of CRISPR in functional genomics and provide a perspective on future developments in this area.",
      "Genome editing for crop improvementReports of CRISPR-Cas9-based genome editing first appeared in 2013 (Cong et al., 2013;Feng et al., 2013;Mao et al., 2013).Since then, genome editing technologies have proven to be powerful and efficient tools for the improvement of many crop species.At present, genome editing has been widely used to introduce/modify agronomically important traits, such as increased yield, improved nutritional quality, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, in multiple crops, including rice, wheat, maize, tomato, and potato (Lu et al., 2017;Soyk et al., 2017;Tang et al., 2017;D'Ambrosio et al., 2018;Ye et al., 2018;Miao et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2019;Zhong et al., 2019;Butt et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2020c;Li et al., 2021b;Zhan et al., 2021).CRISPR-Cas-based genome editing has been extended to targeted mutagenesis, base editing, and precisely targeted gene/allele replacement or tagging in plants.mportantly, using CRISPR-Cas9 technology, transgenes present in the genomes of genome-edited plants can be removed by chromosomal segregation via a simple self-pollination or hybridization step.Gene editing technologies continue to be developed and utilized (Mao et al., 2013;Lu and Zhu, 2017;Lu et al., 2020)."
      "Epigenetics was originally thought of as the inheritance of traits not solely based on DNA sequence and has evolved substantially since its inception roughly fifty years ago.DNA methylation, which generally occurs at CpG islands, is the best characterized epigenetic modification that regulates gene expression and is inheritable.Recently, the term epigenetics has broadened rather than focusing so much on heredity, with a more all-encompassing and unifying definition as \"the structural adaptation of chromosomal regions so as to register, signal or perpetuate altered activity states\" (12).Histone modifications are now widely accepted to play a role in epigenetics; however, there are questions as to what role they specifically play.Histone modifications could precede or succeed DNA methylation, and whether they initiate the transcriptional memory or simply maintain it is still debated (10).In recent years, our understanding of these epigenetic mechanisms governing gene expression patterns without changes in the basic gene coding sequence has increased dramatically.However, the relationships to pathological and disease states such as diabetes and its complications are less clear and of much current interest.",
      "EPIGENETIC STUDIESAn epigenetic mechanism is a biochemical alteration to the DNA molecule that does not change the sequence of the DNA but does infl uence gene expression.Epigenetics is often defi ned as the \"study of mitotically and/or meiotically heritable changes in gene function that cannot be explained by changes in DNA sequence\" (Russo, Martienssen, & Riggs, 1996, p. 1).",
      "Epigenetics refers to reversible heritable mechanisms, which can affect gene expression without underlying changes in DNA sequences, but rather via chromatin modifications.Eukaryotic chromatin is a highly condensed structure containing repeating structural subunits, the nucleosomes.Each nucleosome consists of a histone octamer assembled of two copies of each histone (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, as well as histone variants, such as macroH2A, H3.3 and H2A.Z), wrapped around by 147 base pairs of DNA [3,4].Each core histone possesses histone-fold domains serving for the interaction of the histones and N-terminal histone-tails.These tails can be subjected to post-translational modifications, which frequently affect gene expression.These modifications include, for instance, histone acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation and ubiquitination [5].",
      "IntroductionEpigenetics is used to denote the regulation of gene transcription that cannot be attributed to sequence variation in the DNA.Although the term epigenetics includes a number of different mechanisms, DNA methylation and histone modification are most commonly discussed.DNA methylation in mammals appears to be specific to cytosine, predominantly to CpG (cytosine-phosphateguanine) dinucleotides.In promoter regions, CpG sites are often clustered in CpG islands (CGIs) were methylation is believed to repress gene expression [1].Even small changes in the methylation of a promoter region can introduce stable changes in gene expression, leading to silencing of a gene [2,3].Recently, different array-and sequence-based techniques for measuring of the genome-wide DNA methylation pattern have been developed, and the different techniques have yielded concordant results [4,5].",
      "Epigenetic modifications reflect transmissible changes in gene expression that are not caused by changes in DNA sequence, but rather by methylation of cytosine residues in DNA and modifications of DNA-associated proteins such as histones.Epigenetic changes are influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors ranging from exposures in utero to adulthood.These changes are flexible over time in individuals and differ among tissue types in various sites in the body, thereby making their use as biomarkers for the prediction of disease challenging (see Supplementary Data online for full references).Currently, bead array-based platforms allow the genome-wide measurement of DNA methylation at more than 400,000 sites throughout the genome.",
      "Epigenetic modifications reflect transmissible changes in gene expression that are not caused by changes in DNA sequence, but rather by methylation of cytosine residues in DNA and modifications of DNA-associated proteins such as histones.Epigenetic changes are influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors ranging from exposures in utero to adulthood.These changes are flexible over time in individuals and differ among tissue types in various sites in the body, thereby making their use as biomarkers for the prediction of disease challenging (see Supplementary Data online for full references).Currently, bead array-based platforms allow the genome-wide measurement of DNA methylation at more than 400,000 sites throughout the genome.",
      "Epigenetics-Same Genes, But Different OutcomesEpigenetic modifications refer to dynamic changes written on and erased in and around our genes by specialised enzymes, which do not alter the DNA nucleotide sequence itself, but instead modify how it is transcribed.DNA does not exist naked within a eukaryotic cell, but is dynamically packaged as a DNA-protein complex called chromatin, that facilitates the packaging of extraordinary lengths of DNA into the tight confines of the cell nucleus.When a gene product is needed, chromatin is selectively unwound and made 'open' to allow access to transcription factors (known as euchromatin).Potentially more so than the DNA sequence itself, changes to the structure and accessibility of chromatin significantly influence the regulation of gene expression, both between different cells and within an individual cell over its lifetime.These changes are partly determined by epigenetics.This means that the same genes can result in different phenotypes without changes in the DNA sequence.For example, every cell in the body is genetically identical and has a same gene for insulin, but only the -cells of the pancreas have permissive epigenetic changes allowing open chromatin and insulin gene transcription.Elsewhere insulin expression is silenced by repressive epigenetic changes leading to chromatin condensation (known as heterochromatin).In the same way, genetically identical twins can become progressively more different as they age through accumulating epigenetic changes, even though their genetic similarity never changes.",
      "Although the current ecological epigenetics literature is primarily focused on DNA methylation, other epigenetic modifications can alter gene expression.Histone modifications alter the way DNA is packaged and change the accessibility of the packaged DNA for transcription.These modifications can also interact with DNA methylation (Richards and Elgin 2002;Rapp and Wendel 2005).The activity of transposable elements, regions of DNA that have the ability to move within the genome and integrate into new sites, are regulated primarily by small interfering RNAs or by DNA methylation (Kazazian 2004;Kejnovsky et al. 2012;Richards et al. 2012a;Slotkin et al. 2012).Transposable elements have the potential to alter gene expression and function when inserted within coding regions, so regulation of these areas of the genome is highly important (Kazazian 2004;Feschotte 2008).Small interfering RNAs are active in DNA methylation pathways and histone methylation pathways.Similarities between these pathways in animals and plants suggest evolutionary conservation in these epigenetic processes (Saze et al. 2012).",
      "Epigenetics is concerned with the study of heritable changes otherthan those in the DNA sequence and encompasses two major modifications of DNA orchromatin: DNA methylation and post-translational modification of histones (Callinan and Feinberg, 2006). These modifications are critical regulatory cues, makingDNA more or less accessible to DNA-binding proteins. Preliminary evidence suggeststhat epigenetics is something that geneticists must think about in their genetic analysis. Flanagan et al. (2006) demonstrated evidence of significant epigenetic variabilityin human sperm cells, suggesting that epigenetic patterns can be efficiently transmitted across generations, possibly influencing phenotypic outcomes in health and disease.",
      "Epigenetics refers to mechanisms that can modify gene expression and phenotype without changes in the underlying DNA sequence (26,27).Although different cell types in a person are assumed to have identical DNA sequences, they possess distinct differences in their epigenetic information, such as DNA methylation and posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of histone proteins contained in the chromatin.Epigenetic modifications can occur when individuals are exposed to environmental factors, such as infections and nutritional changes, and can predispose them to diseases such as diabetes (28).Nucleosomes, the basic subunits of chromatin, consist of octamers of histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, wrapped by DNA.PTMs of histones (e.g., acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitylation) form an epigenetic layer together with DNA methylation (29)(30)(31), which affects gene transcription.Acetylation of histones at lysine residues is generally associated with transcriptionally active genes, whereas lysine methylation leads to gene activation or repression, depending on the specific site and level of methylation (29,30,32).Alterations in histone PTMs and their interactions with other nuclear proteins at gene promoters or other regulatory regions can lead to relatively stable epigenetic changes that alter chromatin structure.In turn, this can lead to long-term dysregulated gene expression and disease progression.",
      "The third epigenetic mechanism that influences gene expression is DNA methylation, which involves the addition of a methyl group to cytosine bases that are adjacent to a guanine base in a sequence of DNA.This combination of cytosine bases that are adjacent to nucleotides containing guanine (i.e., CpG dinucleotides) are often located near promoter sequences of many genes.Unlike chromatin remodeling and histone modifications, DNA methylation is heritable.That is, when DNA is replicated, the CpG dinucleotides on the newly synthesized strand are methylated before the cell divides.Thus, the two daughter cells that are produced by mitosis have the same DNA methylation pattern as the parent cell.When CpG dinucleotides are unmethylated, the genes are transcriptionally active.Methylated CpG dinucleotides, however, are transcriptionally inactive.",
      "Things are made worse by the fact that we now know that exposure to toxic materials and stress can alter gene expression epigenetically.epigenetic change refers to changes in gene expression that do not involve any change in nucleotide sequence (Strachan and read 2011).These effects can be transient within the life span of an individual or they can be passed on to future generations.We know of at least three mechanisms that can accomplish these changes: DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling and histone modification, and microrNAs (Strachan and read 2011;Babenko, Kovalchuk, and Metz 2012).DNA methylation involves the addition of a methyl (Ch 3 -) group to the 5th carbon of a pyrimidine ring.The majority of these are found in CpG dinucleotides.human DNA is associated with histone proteins.These proteins are rich in the amino acids lysine and arginine.Usually 147 base pairs are wrapped around a complex of eight core histone molecules (called a nucleosome).histones are subject to different modifications that impact gene expression, these include acetylation (adding Ch 3 Ch 2 -group), and up to three methyl groups to the amino acid lysine, or phosphorylation of serines.This is accomplished by a large family of enzymes, histone acetyltransferases (hATs), histone methyltransferases (hMTs), and histone kinases.Generally these enzymes are associated with the expression of genes; while histone deacetylases, histone demethylases, and histone phosphatases reverse these effects.Small rNAs can act to alter gene expression either at the level of transcription (DNA -rNA) or of translation (mrNA -amino acid).",
      "Epigenetic factors influence the regulation of gene expression without altering the DNA sequence and act as the bridge that links the intrinsic and extrinsic signals [6].The most common epigenetic modifications include DNA methylation, histone modification and RNA-based mechanisms [7].In particular, DNA methylation is one of the best-studied epigenetic modifications in recent decades, and plays a crucial role in many biological processes, such as development, differentiation, genomic imprinting and X chromosome inactivation (XCI) [8,9].With the accumulation of findings, the biological importance of DNA methylation attracts more and more attention.For example, several studies suggest that DNA methylation participates in the process involving the formation and stabilization of memories [10,11].A recent study demonstrated that demethylation by silencing DNA methyltransferase enzymes (DNMTs) affects cell survival [12].More interestingly, growing evidence is revealing that variations in DNA methylation caused by environmental stimuli can be transmitted from parents to offspring [13].",
      "The field of \"epigenetics\" identifies the instructions (mechanisms) of gene expression (changes in the chromosome) caused by mechanisms other than changes in the DNA sequences.These instructions are important for normal functionality while their malfunction may lead to ageing, cancer, diseases, and maladaptive behavioral traits (Plomin, 2003).",
      "Epigenetics refers toheritable gene expression changes that occur without DNAsequence alterations, and includes DNA methylation andhistone modifications such as acetylation, methylation, andubiquitylation. These modifications can result in either geneactivation or gene repression. That epigenetic gene repres-Immunogenetics (2008) 60:411422sion appears to be involved in the maintenance of stemness became apparent when a number of developmentalregulators were found to be epigenetically silenced inmurine ESCs and activated upon induction of ESCdifferentiation (Bernstein et al. 2006; Boyer et al. 2006).",
      "Epigenetics is concerned with the study of heritable changes otherthan those in the DNA sequence and encompasses two major modifications of DNA orchromatin: DNA methylation and post-translational modification of histones (Callinan and Feinberg, 2006). These modifications are critical regulatory cues, makingDNA more or less accessible to DNA-binding proteins. Preliminary evidence suggeststhat epigenetics is something that geneticists must think about in their genetic analysis. Flanagan et al. (2006) demonstrated evidence of significant epigenetic variabilityin human sperm cells, suggesting that epigenetic patterns can be efficiently transmitted across generations, possibly influencing phenotypic outcomes in health and disease.",
      "Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, are also heritable and affect mRNA expression (14).These changes to the structure of DNA do not affect the sequence and can change with advancing age (15).It appears that genetic and epigenetic variations exert their effects by altering either the amount of RNA transcribed from a gene or the relative proportion of alternatively expressed isoforms produced by the alternative splicing mechanisms.These ultimately affect other downstream elements of the pathway, such as binding partners or inhibitors, resulting in a change in phenotype.It will therefore be necessary for future research programs to integrate genetic variation, epigenetics, and associated gene expression profiles to understand the origins of heritable traits and diseases.Such mechanistic understanding may contribute to the discovery of new therapeutic targets for aging pathologies (16).",
      "EpigeneticsChanges arising from alterations in gene expression levels that are caused by reversible chemical modification of DNA, but not changes to the DNA sequence passed on from parents to offspring.",
      "Epigenetics is concerned with the study of heritable changes otherthan those in the DNA sequence and encompasses two major modifications of DNA orchromatin: DNA methylation and post-translational modification of histones (Callinan and Feinberg, 2006). These modifications are critical regulatory cues, makingDNA more or less accessible to DNA-binding proteins. Preliminary evidence suggeststhat epigenetics is something that geneticists must think about in their genetic analysis. Flanagan et al. (2006) demonstrated evidence of significant epigenetic variabilityin human sperm cells, suggesting that epigenetic patterns can be efficiently transmitted across generations, possibly influencing phenotypic outcomes in health and disease.",
      "Epigenetics is concerned with the study of heritable changes otherthan those in the DNA sequence and encompasses two major modifications of DNA orchromatin: DNA methylation and post-translational modification of histones (Callinan and Feinberg, 2006). These modifications are critical regulatory cues, makingDNA more or less accessible to DNA-binding proteins. Preliminary evidence suggeststhat epigenetics is something that geneticists must think about in their genetic analysis. Flanagan et al. (2006) demonstrated evidence of significant epigenetic variabilityin human sperm cells, suggesting that epigenetic patterns can be efficiently transmitted across generations, possibly influencing phenotypic outcomes in health and disease."
      "Oxidative stress and mitochondrial DNANot long after it was discovered that mitochondria have their own genetic apparatus, Harman proposed that mitochondria play a central role in the free radical theory of aging [16].This idea was developed further by Miquel et al. [330], and the notion that mtDNA mutagenesis played a role in aging took hold.The phenotypical importance of mutations in mtDNA was demonstrated by Wallace et al. [331] and Holt et al. [332], who first showed that Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy and mitochondrial myopathies were caused by mtDNA mutations (reviewed in [333]).Because mtDNA is so close to the site of mitochondrial ROS production, it is exposed to considerably higher oxidative stress, resulting in 3-fold higher levels of DNA oxidative damage (the previously quoted 20-fold figure is apparently due to an isolation artifact [334,335]).In the 1990s a series of papers reported that the frequency of mitochondrial DNA deletions increases dramatically with age, being essentially undetectable in young individuals and reaching levels as high as 2% of mtDNA in old individuals.This age-related increase in mtDNA deletions was found in organisms as diverse as worms, mice, and humans (reviewed in [24,336]).The same is also true with mtDNA point mutations [337,338].Certain mtDNA polymorphisms have been found in increased frequency in centenarians, implying a protective effect during aging [339][340][341].Similar protective effects of mtDNA polymorphisms have been reported for the age-related neurodegenerative condition, Parkinson's disease [342].",
      "Variation in the structure and function of mitochondria underlies variation in organismal energetics broadly (Seebacher et al., 2010) and evidence for the importance of mitochondrial function in the evolution of natural populations continues to accumulate (Ballard and Melvin, 2010;Glanville et al., 2012;Hicks et al., 2012;Kurbalija Novii et al., 2015).For example, variation in mitochondrial DNA sequences (mtDNA) can determine whole-organism metabolism, i.e., the rate at which organisms process energy from their environment, a phenomenon widespread across animal taxa (Arnqvist et al., 2010;Ballard et al., 2007;Ballard and Pichaud, 2014;Havird et al., 2019;Hood et al., 2018;James et al., 2016;Wolff et al., 2014).Specifically, mtDNA sequence variants are linked to functional metabolic differences in fish (Chapdelaine et al., 2020;Flight et al., 2011;Healy et al., 2019), birds (Scott et al., 2011), and mammals (Fontanillas et al., 2005), including humans (Amo and Brand, 2007;Dato et al., 2004;Niemi et al., 2003;Tranah et al., 2011).These mtDNA variants are often correlated with environmental factors such as temperature and altitude (Storz et al., 2010).However, other studies attempting to link mitochondrial function to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation or environmental factors have offered mixed reports (Amo and Brand, 2007;Flight et al., 2011;Fontanillas et al., 2005;Hicks et al., 2012).The results here point to several potentially fruitful research directions.We have identified how nonsynonymous mutations in the mitochondrial genome associate with variation in whole-organism metabolism (including CytB, ND1, ND5 and ND6).A next step will be to characterize the molecular details of how these changes affect molecular function.It would also be beneficial to describe how variation in cellular oxygen consumption rate scales up to determine whole-organism metabolic rate across a range of temperatures, thus identifying potential mismatches across levels of organization that may impact organismal performance (Gangloff and Telemeco, 2018).While the interconnected processes that shape organismal and population-level responses to environmental variation do not lend themselves to simple narratives, and many molecular processes interact to produce the emergent ecotypic divergences at the phenotypic level, it is clear that the mitochondria play a central role even as that role may change across populations and ecological contexts (Fig. 1).Research within well-characterized natural systems, such as these garter snake populations, can offer illustrative case studies of how mitochondria respond to their environments, and thus impact physiological pathways and evolutionary patterns, creating variation in life histories and aging.Despite the complexities underlying observed variation in mitochondrial function, recent work has demonstrated examples of how evolution and plasticity in mitochondrial function across populations within a species can shape life histories.For example, evidence from Drosophila has demonstrated the effect of temperature on components of the ETC and has linked mtDNA variants to metabolic thermosensitivity (Pichaud et al., 2012), to differences in whole-organism metabolic rates (Kurbalija Novii et al., 2015), and to fitness-related traits (Ballard et al., 2007;Pichaud et al., 2011;Pichaud et al., 2010).In general, studies in birds and mammals demonstrate that mitochondria of longer-lived species are more efficient in ATP production, produce less reactive oxygen species, and demonstrate increased antioxidant capacities (Barja and Herrero, 2000;Ku et al., 1993;Lambert et al., 2007).While some studies in lizards and snakes demonstrate a similar pattern (Olsson et al., 2008;Robert et al., 2007), the extent to which these results are generalizable across vertebrate taxa is not yet known.The diversity of life-history traits and immense variation in longevity demonstrated by reptiles, both within and among species, make these taxa ideal candidates for understanding how variation in mitochondrial physiology drives this variation in whole-organism traits (reviewed in Hoekstra et al., 2019).Such work has moved to the forefront with a recent focus on the ecological and evolutionary significance of aging processes in wild populations (reviewed in Nussey et al., 2013;Fletcher and Selman, 2015;Gaillard and Lematre, 2020).Over evolutionary time, differential mortality rates are a selective force in shaping genetic structure.This results in divergence of a variety of physiological networks that shape, ultimately, patterns of aging and longevity in different habitats (Monaghan et al., 2008;Stojkovi et al., 2017).Such selective pressures can have differential effects on the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes (McKenzie et al., 2019;Wolff et al., 2014).Genetic variation in the mitochondrial genome is known to drive mitochondrial function in many species (Ballard and Melvin, 2010;McKenzie et al., 2019;Novelletto et al., 2016) and we find this in our system as well.Whole organism metabolic rate varies with the mitochondrial genome haplogroups we identified in this study.T. elegans individuals with the introgressed T. sirtalis mitochondrial genome had the lowest metabolic rate and had 68 amino acid changes in the ETC genes relative to the T. elegans mitochondrial genomes.As species divergence are a continuation of population divergence, this introgression provides additional insight into how genetic variation can alter mitochondrial function.Whether the lower metabolic rate in our snakes with the introgressed mitochondrial genome is due to the fixed amino acid changes between the species or a mismatch between the coadapted nuclear and mitochondrially-encoded ETC proteins that could alter function of the mitochondria (Burton et al., 2013;Haenel, 2017;Rawson and Burton, 2002;Toews et al., 2014;Wolff et al., 2014) will require further comparisons to T. sirtalis individuals.Building on previous work in this system, the current study tests three primary hypotheses about how variation in mtDNA and mitochondrial function relate to variation in life-history traits and aging within this system (Fig. 1): (1) First, we test whether rates of cellular oxygen consumption in isolated immune cells exhibit patterns that are consistent with the hypothesis that cellular processes drive whole-organism senescence and aging, and if these patterns differ between the SA and FA ecotypes and between sexes.By measuring basal, ATP-production associated, and maximal rates of cellular oxygen consumption, we further test for evidence that phenotypic divergence is dependent on a specific aspect of oxidative phosphorylation within immune cells.The energetics of these cells are particularly important given their essential role in modulating disease and infection, important factors contributing to senescence (Metcalf et al., 2019).We predict that SA snakes will maintain levels of cellular oxygen consumption across age, whereas the FA snakes will show a decline with age, especially in ATP-associated rates, possibly due to continual degradation of electron transport chain functionality from accumulating oxidative damage and reduced DNA repair mechanisms (Robert and Bronikowski, 2010;Schwartz and Bronikowski, 2013). ( 2) Second, we expand our mitochondrial genomics dataset to quantify mtDNA genetic structure across the landscape and test whether mtDNA haplotypes, and alleles at a nonsynonymous SNP in the Cytochrome B (CytB) gene correlate with aging ecotypes. (3) Third, we test the hypothesis that variation in mtDNA correlates with whole-organism variation in metabolic rates, suggesting a pathway linking mitochondrial genetic variation in mtDNA to whole-organism energetics.We first test whether different haplotypes differ in resting metabolic rate.Then, we test the effects of the nonsynonymous SNP in CytB on resting metabolic rate.The CytB gene encodes a component of complex III of the ETC, and was previously found to segregate between these life-history ecotypes (Schwartz et al., 2015).This SNP results in an amino acid substitution from isoleucine (aliphatic, hydrophobic) to threonine (hydrophilic) on a region that comes into close contact with a nuclear-encoded subunit (Schwartz et al., 2015).We combine previously published and new data on whole-organism resting metabolic rates (oxygen consumption) to test for the effects of this nonsynonymous mutation in three populations where we find heterogeneity at this nucleotide, thus allowing us to disentangle the effects of shared environment (population) from sequence variation (SNP).We predict that this SNP will correlate with variation in whole-organism metabolic rate, demonstrating a putatively adaptive difference between the derived and ancestral sequence.By utilizing this integrative data setfrom genes to organelles to whole organisms to populationsin a known life-history context, we are able to test hypotheses across levels of organization to provide a more complete picture of the complicated story of mitochondria and life history (Havird et al., 2019).",
      "mtDNA DiversityUnlike the nuclear genome, which requires both paternal and maternal contributions, mtDNA is inherited solely from the maternal lineage.It is unclear what advantage a uniparental mtDNA transmission confers, but one possibility is to minimize the number of distinct genomes to maximize the efficiency of a multi-genomic system (Hill et al. 2019).In fact, humans have developed complex, redundant mechanisms to ensure uniparental inheritance of mtDNA (DeLuca and O'Farrell 2012; Rojansky et al. 2016).Paternal mitochondria from sperms that enter into the egg during fertilization are actively and selectively eliminated via mitophagy through two E3 ligases, PARKIN, and MUL1 (Rojansky et al. 2016).PARKIN and MUL1 serve redundant purposes, and mitophagy becomes insufficient to eliminate paternal mtDNA only in the absence of both (Rojansky et al. 2016).Even though oocytes have  at least a thousand-fold more mitochondria than a sperm cell (Rojansky et al. 2016) and heteroplasmy levels would be very low if paternal mtDNA were to contaminate the embryo, the results can still be non-trivial.However, challenging this notion, a recent study provides evidence of potential paternal transmission (Luo et al. 2018), but awaits further corroborating studies (Lutz-Bonengel and Parson 2019).MtDNA exhibit a higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA, leading to significant population-level mtDNA polymorphisms (van Oven and Kayser 2009; Wallace 1999; Wallace and Chalkia 2013).In fact, the co-evolution of the mitonuclear genomes has been proposed to be driven by mtDNA mutations that select for compensatory changes in the nuclear genome (Havird and Sloan 2016).Populations that share similar mtDNA polymorphisms can be clustered into distinct haplogroups that are designated using all letters of the alphabet (i.e., A through Z).The mtDNA haplogroups represent major branch points on the mitochondrial phylogenetic tree that have strong regional ties around the globe, thus supporting the concept of a 'mitochondrial eve' (Wallace 1999).Haplogroups present inherently different mitonuclear interactions (Zaidi and Makova 2019), which eventually affect the aging process (Wolff et al. 2016).For example, one haplogroup commonly found in Ashkenazi Jews can interact with a specific enrichment of an amino acid sequence in complex I, and result in altered susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus (Gershoni et al. 2014).The effect of mitonuclear compatibility on lifespan is influenced by environmental cues in flies (Drummond et al. 2019).It is unclear if mitonuclear compatibility is invariable throughout an organism's life, or antagonistically pleiotropic during aging, making it a difficult moving target to understand.",
      "Background: The accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, and the reduction of mtDNA copy number, both disrupt mitochondrial energetics, and may contribute to aging and age-associated phenotypes.However, there are few genetic and epidemiological studies on the spectra of blood mtDNA heteroplasmies, and the distribution of mtDNA copy numbers in different age groups and their impact on age-related phenotypes.In this work, we used whole-genome sequencing data of isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from the UK10K project to investigate in parallel mtDNA heteroplasmy and copy number in 1511 women, between 17 and 85 years old, recruited in the TwinsUK cohorts.",
      "DiscussionTwo significant questions are raised by the findings that mitochondrial DNA can integrate into the nucleus.Firstly, is this an extraordinarily rare event or is it occurring continually and at high frequency?Secondly, can such an event have pathological consequences to the organism?",
      "PhylogenyThe mtDNA is maternally inherited (120) by offspring through the oocyte cytoplasm; namely, the mother transmits her mtDNAs to all of her offspring, and her daughters transmit their mtDNAs to the next generation.This is the consequence of the fact that the mature oocyte such as mouse (304) or bovine (144) contains lOO-1,000 times more mtDNA than is found in somatic cells.Hence, the few sperm mtDNAs that enter the egg (130) have little effect on the genotype.The maternal inheritance results in sequentially diverged mtDNA polymorphism of modern human, as shown in Figure 2. The polymorphism derives from the combinations of small deletions and additions of <14 bp in noncoding region and base substitutions including some point mutations in coding region.There have been few reports on distinct correlation between mitochondrial morphology and human aging, except changes in number and size of mitochondria associated with age.Concerning the gross structure of mitochondria, the overwhelming importance of the cell nucleus in mitochondrial biogenesis should be noted, because the major parts of mitochondrial proteins are encoded by nuclear genes that are stable during life with the efficient repair mechanism for nDNA.Early data on DNA polymorphism detected by restriction endonuclease (263) have suggested that the evolutionary change of mtDNA in higher animals occurs mainly by nucleotide substitution rather than by deletion and insertion.The mtDNA nucleotide sequence evolves 6-17 times faster than comparable nuclear DNA gene sequences (51,52,405).Rapid evolution of mtDNA of higher primates including human, 0.02 base substitutions per site per million years, was calculated from the restriction map of mtDNA (51).Because orthodox recombination mechanism appears to be absent in mtDNA (128), germline mutation seems to go down to posterity as maternal inheritance from our common ancestor (57).",
      "A number of conclusions may be drawn from these results.Firstly, the data begin to answer the question of how closely mtDNA replication is kept in synchrony with nuclear DNA replication: it would appear to be regulated not by direct coupling to the nuclear DNA replication, but rather by the cell mass to be serviced by mitochondria.",
      "It may be that high mtDNA levels are indeed indicative of compromised mitochondria, but that the underlying defects are unrelated to alterations in the DNA sequence.Alternatively, elevated quantities of mtDNA might be associated with increased metabolic requirements of the embryo, rather than organelles of suboptimal function.It is possible that embryos produced by older oocytes are under some form of stress and therefore have larger energy requirements.Functional experiments will be required to address these questions.Whatever the underlying basis, the current study has unequivocally demonstrated that female reproductive aging is associated with changes in the mtDNA content at the blastocyst stage.",
      "Age-associated alterations of the mitochondrial genome occur in several different species; however, their physiological relevance remains unclear.The age-associated changes of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) include nucleotide point mutations and modifications, as well as deletions.In this review, we summarize the current literature on age-associated mtDNA mutations and deletions and comment on their abundance.A clear need exists for a more thorough evaluation of the total damage to the mitochondrial genome that accumulates in aged tissues. 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.",
      "Mitochondrial geneticsOne underexplored avenue for determining maternal risk for preterm birth involves the influence of the mitochondrial genome.The high mutation rate of mito chondrial DNA (mtDNA), together with the fact that most of its encoded proteins are evolutionarily con served, allowing for the selection of neutral or beneficial variants, has generated interest in defining human mtDNA variations and their roles in human biology [58].",
      "Clearly, as mitochondrial metabolic and genetic therapies advance for treating mitochondrial disease, they will also be available to enhance the personal lives of others.However, mitochondrial genetic variation appears to have been one of the primary factors that permitted our ancestors to adapt to new environments, survive adverse conditions, and multiple throughout the globe.Is it possible that by taking over control of individual mtDNA variation, we might also be setting our species on the road to functional decline and ultimately extinction?Mitochondrial therapeutics and performance enhancementIt is now clear that not all mtDNA variation is deleterious.Indeed, about 25% of all ancient mtDNA variation appears to have caused functional mitochondrial changes and thus been adaptive.Those mtDNA variants that are adapted to warm climates have mtDNA variants that result in tightly coupled OXPHOS, thus maximizing ATP output and minimizing heat production.The presence of these mtDNAs permits maximum muscle performance but also predispose sedentary individuals that consume excess calories to multiple problems.They would be prone to be overweight and their mitochondria would generate excessive ROS, thus making them susceptible to a variety of degenerative diseases, cancer and premature aging.Partially uncoupled mitochondria generate more heat, but at the expense of ATP production.Individual's with these variants are better able to tolerate the cold, and are less prone to obesity.They also generate less ROS making then resistant to degenerative diseases and aging.Finally, the mitochondria are why we breathe.Hence, mitochondrial variation might be an important factor in individual predisposition to altitude sickness.",
      "Human mtDNA codes for 13 essential polypeptide components of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system.mtDNA undergoes strict maternal inheritance, resulting in the absence of bi-parental recombination (Elson et al., 2001) and has a high mutation rate (Tuppen et al., 2010).As such, the evolution of mtDNA is characterised by the emergence of distinct lineages (or haplogroups) (Hernstadt et al., 2002).This results in high levels of mtDNA variation at the population level despite its rather small size, which is also illustrated by the large number of sub-haplogroups (van Oven and Kayser, 2009).Africa"
      "A number of additional ethical implications must be considered.Associating financial investments with the prevention of disease, especially where reproductive decisions are involved, requires sensitivity, caution, and ethical rigor.Funding decisions based on imputed cost-savings must not result in implicit pressure on individuals to violate personal ethics to reduce financial burden on society.As discussions regarding prenatal testing have demonstrated, 35 is risk that \"routinization\" of testing may lead to social or medical expectations of testing in all eligible individuals.These expectations, if linked with financial incentives for the health system, could risk applying implicit pressure on serious, and potentially irreversible, personal decisions.Such expectations, if applied at the population level, could risk becoming normalized, compromising the values of informed consent and individual autonomy.With regard to pregnancies affected by a genetic condition identified through population carrier screening, we modeled the decision to terminate affected pregnancies conservatively (0.50).This is despite the literature suggesting rates above 0.90 for elective TOP for conditions such as Down syndrome 33 and SMA. 34We recognize this issue is controversial, and that laws and ethical positions vary considerably between countries/ jurisdictions.Variations in population attitudes based on age, religion, and other factors, as well as the criticality of preserving individual choice, were acknowledged in adopting this highly conservative estimate.",
      "The use of genetic testing from pre-conception through adulthood is expanding rapidly.As a result of this expansion, new ethical issues are emerging related to genetic testing and informed consent.These new issues create ethical challenges for nurses and all healthcare providers.Currently expanding areas include newborn screening and genetic testing of children.These new ethical challenges will be described below.The use of genetic testing from pre-conception through adulthood is expanding rapidly. Psychological risks for parents who are carriers may include parental guilt.",
      "Ethnic and cultural backgrounds may also play a role in the decisions that families make regarding prenatal testing.Moyer et al. (1999) concluded that Caucasian women more often undergo prenatal diagnoses than African American or Asian women, or Latinas.Furthermore, Awwad et al. (2008) found American couples less inclined to involve extended relatives in the prenatal decision-making process than Native Palestinian couples.Both of these examples clearly indicate that cultural differences can impact the ways in which families negotiate prenatal decisions.Further research needs to investigate how different families engage in such discussions and decision-making processes, especially as prenatal testing becomes more common and better able to predict or prevent a wider range of genetic conditions.Tightly closed ethnic groups remain at high risk of serving as carriers for genetic mutations, but the management of this possibility varies greatly.For example, some Ashkenazi Jewish groups use screening for mutations for Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) as the basis for rabbinical marriage advice; whereas, children born to Amish families in Pennsylvania more often present with glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) but, given their beliefs, parents tend not to accept prenatal testing because of the implication of abortion (McKusick, 2000).Researchers studying factors that contribute toward a couple's choice to undergo prenatal testing have determined that partners base their decision upon several factors, including, but not limited to: parental beliefs about abortion, attitudes regarding disability and their \"perceptions of the usefulness of having the information revealed by genetic tests\" (Moyer et al., 1999, p. 522).Abortion beliefs constitute a key issue in the decision-making process.Even though a majority of parents receiving abnormal prenatal test results terminate their pregnancies (Redlinger-Grosse, Bernhardt, Berg, Muenke, & Biesecker, 2002), Moyer et al. noted that, when asked, more families reported that they would make use of prenatal testing than would be willing to terminate a pregnancy.The decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy after prenatal testing Downloaded by [University of the Sunshine Coast] at 10:32 05 August 2017 comprises a joint decision between both parents (e.g., Awwad et al., 2008;Beeson & Golbus, 1985); however, the nature of the conversations leading to the decision and the involvement of extended family members in the decisionmaking process remains highly understudied.The Genetic Divide(s) and CommunicationThe ability of scientists to \"map\" disease through several generations (Collins, 1999) raises practical and ethical issues of access to resulting opportunities and creates family communication challenges.Currently, prenatal testing for chromosomal diseases has become increasingly common (Moyer et al., 1999).Options such as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) can identify over 1,250 disease-related mutations creating an opportunity for parents to select unaffected embryos for implantation in the womb (R. M. Green, 2008).Test results provide potential parents with information that may lead to decisions involving intervention in the genetic makeup of future children.Although some families welcome such options, others may be unable or unwilling to consider such procedures, due to fi nancial concerns or moral/ethical/religious beliefs.",
      "Privacy IssuesFinally, privacy issues should be seriously considered when the use of genetic testing is contemplated, especially with respect to whole-genome sequencing of healthy people.It is an unanswered question under what circumstances, to what extent, and by what means genetic data should be incorporated into the medical record.Although easy access to such data could be helpful to providers in improving patient care, it remains to be seen how other parties (eg, insurance companies) might act on the data in ways that do not benefit patients.The US Congress acted to prohibit discrimination by employers and health insurers on the basis of genetic testing with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act in 2008, but further safeguards will undoubtedly be needed as the health implications of genetic data become clearer.",
      "The ethical evaluation of genetic testing in children is traditionally based on the balance of clinical benefits and risks (American Society of Human Genetics Board of Directors and the American College of Medical Genetics All correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Benjamin Wilfond, MD, Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics, Seattle Children's Hospital, Metropolitan Park West M/S: MPW 8-2, 1100 Olive Way, Room 876, Seattle WA 98101, USA.E-mail: benjamin.wilfond@seattlechildrens.org Board of Directors, 1995;Andrews, Fullerton, Holtzman, & Motolsky, 1994;Clarke, 1994;Wertz, Fanos, & Reilly, 1994).In the early 1990s, when there were only scant data about children who had received genetic tests results, the presumption was to give greater weight to the potential risks and to restrict testing.However, this criterion is not necessarily consistent with the general practice of respecting broad parental discretion in health care decisionmaking for and on behalf of their children.In general, parents are the presumed decision makers for their children and their decisions are respected unless they are abusive or neglectful (Buchanan & Brock, 1989;Goldstein, Freud, & Solnit, 1979;Ross, 1998).The tension between assessments of benefits and risks made by health care providers and policy makers, and the procedural respect owed to parental authority will be clearly tested as the ability to conduct and interpret whole-genome sequencing and related technologies gain in momentum.Ethical Considerations in Developing Policy for ''Comprehensive'' Genomic TestingIn the near future, genomic testing is likely to become more accessible and will provide both information about the risks of common conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension as well as predictions about individual responses to specific pharmaceuticals and other medical therapies (Aspinall & Hamermesh, 2007).Over time, the number and range of conditions for which such testing is available is likely to expand to include more behavioral traits, ranging from information about anxiety and depression, to attention and addiction (Rothstein, 2005).Objective Ethical evaluation of genetic testing in children is traditionally based on balancing clinical benefits and risks.However, this focus can be inconsistent with the general practice of respecting parental decision-making about their children's health care.We argue that respect for parental decision-making should play a larger role in shaping pediatric genetic testing practices, and play a similar role regarding decisions to use emerging genomic technologies.Methods Genomic testing involves the examination of thousands of DNA markers spanning genes throughout the genome and their interrelationships, yielding virtually limitless interpretations.We presume that parents and providers should proceed cautiously in applying genomic testing in children, as we explore how genomic testing will stress the fault lines of the traditional ethical analysis.Results Empirical data about the psychosocial risks and benefits of genetic testing of children do not reveal serious harms, yet virtually no such data exist yet about genomic testing.Unless empirical social and behavioral data indicate that genomic testing is highly likely to cause serious harms to the children, parental decisions to obtain comprehensive genomic testing in their children should be respected.Once comprehensive genomic testing of children becomes routine, resultant information may be more easily integrated by families than anticipated.Conclusions Research on the social and behavioral impact of comprehensive genomic testing on children and their families is needed to further inform parents, clinicians, and policy makers.Objective Ethical evaluation of genetic testing in children is traditionally based on balancing clinical benefits and risks.However, this focus can be inconsistent with the general practice of respecting parental decision-making about their children's health care.We argue that respect for parental decision-making should play a larger role in shaping pediatric genetic testing practices, and play a similar role regarding decisions to use emerging genomic technologies.Methods Genomic testing involves the examination of thousands of DNA markers spanning genes throughout the genome and their interrelationships, yielding virtually limitless interpretations.We presume that parents and providers should proceed cautiously in applying genomic testing in children, as we explore how genomic testing will stress the fault lines of the traditional ethical analysis.Results Empirical data about the psychosocial risks and benefits of genetic testing of children do not reveal serious harms, yet virtually no such data exist yet about genomic testing.Unless empirical social and behavioral data indicate that genomic testing is highly likely to cause serious harms to the children, parental decisions to obtain comprehensive genomic testing in their children should be respected.Once comprehensive genomic testing of children becomes routine, resultant information may be more easily integrated by families than anticipated.Conclusions Research on the social and behavioral impact of comprehensive genomic testing on children and their families is needed to further inform parents, clinicians, and policy makers.To the extent that ''personal meaning'' gains wider acceptance as a legitimate criterion for expanding the availability of new tests and applications of genomic technology, the current policies and practices of restricting some genetic testing of children and mandating other tests will need to be reevaluated.There will be some parents who will find the information that becomes available through new technologies and data useful in shaping their parenting practices, while others will be more skeptical of their value.These disparate parental judgments may be independent of professional assessments of clinical validity and utility.Extrapolating from the empirical data about predictive genetic testing of children in at-risk families discussed earlier, we speculate that once comprehensive genomic testing of children becomes routine, the information may be more easily integrated by families than might be predicted.This is not meant to imply that whatever information parents want about their children should be provided carte blanche.Clearly, education and counseling will be crucial to ensure that families understand the limitations of the information.However, restrictions and mandates should be based on a criterion of risk of serious harm (Diekema, 2004).Given the lack of data confirming harm and the related data that indicate children may fare better than anticipated, such restrictions and mandates cannot be justified.Policies and practices will also need to clarify the role of the older adolescent in the decision-making process, although the issues related to balancing and assessing parental and adolescent interests and preferences goes beyond the focus of this article.This is also not meant to ignore the professional and moral obligation to educate parents and to help parents make good decisions on behalf of their children.It is morally appropriate for providers to strongly recommend particular tests in infancy and young childhood (i.e., PKU testing), and to strongly discourage other tests (e.g., ApoE testing of children for adult onset Alzheimer disease and heart disease because ApoE is not predictive but only provides an increased relative risk and has limited sensitivity and specificity) (Roberts, Cupples, Relkin, Whitehouse, & Green, 2005).Selective and directive recommendations are a routine aspect of pediatric practice.However, it will become increasingly important for professional organizations to begin to reconcile their support for mandatory genetic testing for some conditions and their support for restrictions for other conditions with the broad discretion that parents have and need in the health care arena in order to promote their children's well-being.What limits should be imposed, if any, need to be determined prior to commercial feasibility.In this article, we consider how genetic testing decisions for children have been made traditionally and how the anticipation of comprehensive genomic testing in the near future will stress the fault lines of traditional approaches.The potential for comprehensive genomic testing in children could shift the equilibrium towards expanding or reducing parental discretion, and forces us to reexamine the evidence for our genetic testing policies and practices.We will highlight specific domains where further empirical social and behavioral research is necessary to inform policy and practice.",
      "Prenatal genetics is largely practiced by maternal-fetal medicine specialists due to severe deficiency in the number of qualified clinical geneticists.Recent years have witnessed a tremendous growth in the demand for chorionic villous sampling and amniocentesis for the diagnosis of single gene disorders.At KFSHRC alone, the number of prenatal samples that are tested for single gene disorders has increased from 5 in 2004 to 250 in 2013.Therapeutic abortion is permitted by law if performed within 120 days from the time of fertilization in order to comply with the Islamic view of the timing of ensoulment (Alkuraya and Kilani 2001).However, the approved indication for the procedure, which is \"severe malformation\", must be authorized by three attending-level physicians.The definition of \"severe\" is left to the discretion of the medical team after consulting with the family.For example, intellectual disability is a common indication for many therapeutic abortion procedures.Contrary to commonly held views, we have shown that early prenatal diagnosis is the method of choice for couples who had one or more children with single gene disorders, as long as they are provided with a culturally sensitive genetic counseling that addresses their religious and cultural concerns (Alkuraya and Kilani 2001).Nearly 45% of these couples opt for early prenatal diagnosis compared to 35% who choose preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) (Alkuraya 2013a).PGD is available freely at KFSHRC but is also provided by the private sector.Noninvasive prenatal screening using cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood is quickly becoming integrated in prenatal care.KFSHRC offers this test routinely to all pregnant women regardless of their perceived risk and the MOH is considering making this test available throughout its vast network of hospitals and medical centers.",
      "Social and psychological implications of accessing genetic services and information.",
      "A corollary of the predictive power of genetic information is the limited ability to prevent or treat many conditions with significant genetic factors involved.Indeed, virtually all of the complex ethical and legal issues relevant to genetic testing would disappear if there were effective preventions or treatments available for genetic conditions.The ability to predict future disease in conjunction with a limited ability to do much about it has important social and psychological implications that must be addressed in conducting genetic research.",
      "Interpretations of the literature will likely mirror the priorities and evaluative tendencies of the reader.Are you willing to accept the overall trends in genetic and genomic testing evaluation and to trust that the existing clinical approaches will apply informed consent appropriately while identifying and supporting the rare individual who has a serious adverse response to the testing?If so, you might advocate that attention be turned more toward other issues relevant to the effective implementation of genetic and genomic testing.Or do you feel a strong need to understand in more detail the possible psychosocial harms of the testing, particularly the subtler impacts or responses of individuals who do not fit the norm?In that case, you would likely encourage renewed and innovative efforts to study the psychosocial consequences of the receipt of risk information from genetic and genomic testing.",
      "Other social issues require our attention if genomic medicine is to benefit our patients.How should genetic tests be regulated?What, if any, are the appropriate uses of direct-to-consumer marketing of genetic tests?The Internet has recently had a proliferation of genetic-testing sites that feature claims grounded in greed and pseudoscience, rather than in data or reality.How will health care providers and the public distinguish between these and responsible testing services, whether they are available through the Internet or in the hospital?",
      "Environmental FactorsAs widespread use of genetic testing increases, it is the responsibility of the medical community to ensure its equitable use across socioeconomic and cultural spectrums."
      "To overcome the lack of phenotypic information in the 1000 Genomes Project, The ClinSeq Project was developed to pilot large-scale genome sequencing for research in genomic medicine at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Center in Bethesda, MD. 40 The study seeks to enroll 1000 individuals who will be evaluated for personal health status and family history.The project aims to:",
      "We (Hein, Schierup and Wiuf) have published a300 page book on molecular population genetics titled Gene Genealogies, Sequence Variation and Evolution OxfordUniversity Press, and are presently developing a tutorial in association mapping that we hope to publish as a booklet in2006 and are also involved in a very large EU collaboration (Holland, Denmark, Iceland and UK) to find susceptibilitygenes for breast and prostate cancer. In comparative genomics, the most fundamental investigation is to find genes in a pair of aligned genomes.",
      "Key bioinformatic steps totake a genetic study from an initial linkage or association to laboratory genotyping are illustrated. The reader should note the role of genomic sequence as a common thread through every stageregions in man (see Chapter 5). Similar issues also exist in the establishment oftrue orthology between genes in different species, where one is identified to play arole in a disease model. If two genes are truly orthologous, their evolution closelyfollows patterns of speciation (Fitch, 2000).In general terms, the approaches we describe can be applied to sequence data from any collection of organisms, but our emphasis here is primarily onBioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition. Edited by Michael R. Barnes2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN 978-0-470-02619-9 (HB) ISBN 978-0-470-02620-5 (PB)\u0002C106CH 6 COMPARATIVE GENOMICSquestions of relevance to human genetics. We begin, in Section 6.2 by presenting anoverview of genome structure and content, providing a context for the subsequentdiscussions.4Assembling a View of theHuman GenomeColin A. M. SempleBioinformatics, MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK4.1 IntroductionThe miraculous birth of the draft human genome sequence took place againstthe odds. It was only made possible by parallel revolutions in the technologiesused to produce, store and analyse the sequence data, and by the development ofnew, large-scale consortia to organize and obtain funding for the work (Watson,1990). The initial flood of human sequence has subsided as the sequencing centres have sequenced genomes from other mammalian orders and beyond.This fully indexed but semi-intelligibleBioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition. Edited by Michael R. Barnes2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN 978-0-470-02619-9 (HB) ISBN 978-0-470-02620-5 (PB)\u0002C4CH 1 BIOINFORMATICS CHALLENGES FOR THE GENETICISTbook of life immediately began to serve as a valuable framework for integration ofgenetic and biological data. However, knowledge of the genome sequence did notimmediately clarify the nature and structure of human genetic variation.",
      "Methods for DNA sequencing are constantly being improved, with the ultimate goal of sequencing a human genome in a single day for a cost of about US $1,000, an end that appears to be in sight (Hayden, 2014).In the very near future, whole-genome sequencing will be routinely available for clinical purposes, perhaps even beginning at birth.The major challenge ahead is the interpretation of this information.How do our genes interact with each other, and how does the environment contribute to the development of health and disease?What are the individual and societal implications of knowing our genome sequence?The answers to these and other important questions will unfold in the years ahead.Thus, we are truly in an era where precision medicine may soon become a reality.",
      "Characteristics of genotyping and sequencing technologies",
      "Key bioinformatic steps totake a genetic study from an initial linkage or association to laboratory genotyping are illustrated. The reader should note the role of genomic sequence as a common thread through every stageregions in man (see Chapter 5). Similar issues also exist in the establishment oftrue orthology between genes in different species, where one is identified to play arole in a disease model. If two genes are truly orthologous, their evolution closelyfollows patterns of speciation (Fitch, 2000).In general terms, the approaches we describe can be applied to sequence data from any collection of organisms, but our emphasis here is primarily onBioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition. Edited by Michael R. Barnes2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN 978-0-470-02619-9 (HB) ISBN 978-0-470-02620-5 (PB)\u0002C106CH 6 COMPARATIVE GENOMICSquestions of relevance to human genetics. We begin, in Section 6.2 by presenting anoverview of genome structure and content, providing a context for the subsequentdiscussions.4Assembling a View of theHuman GenomeColin A. M. SempleBioinformatics, MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK4.1 IntroductionThe miraculous birth of the draft human genome sequence took place againstthe odds. It was only made possible by parallel revolutions in the technologiesused to produce, store and analyse the sequence data, and by the development ofnew, large-scale consortia to organize and obtain funding for the work (Watson,1990). The initial flood of human sequence has subsided as the sequencing centres have sequenced genomes from other mammalian orders and beyond.",
      "IntroductionSince the first human genome was sequenced at an estimated cost of $150 million,several advanced high-throughput techniques  some with lower costs - have come up. Atthe same time, this resulted in a data deluge and a critical need to connect theheterogeneous sequencing data and associated annotations  structural and functional with the basic tenets of biology or molecular basis of development and disease.",
      "Key bioinformatic steps totake a genetic study from an initial linkage or association to laboratory genotyping are illustrated. The reader should note the role of genomic sequence as a common thread through every stageregions in man (see Chapter 5). Similar issues also exist in the establishment oftrue orthology between genes in different species, where one is identified to play arole in a disease model. If two genes are truly orthologous, their evolution closelyfollows patterns of speciation (Fitch, 2000).In general terms, the approaches we describe can be applied to sequence data from any collection of organisms, but our emphasis here is primarily onBioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition. Edited by Michael R. Barnes2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN 978-0-470-02619-9 (HB) ISBN 978-0-470-02620-5 (PB)\u0002C106CH 6 COMPARATIVE GENOMICSquestions of relevance to human genetics. We begin, in Section 6.2 by presenting anoverview of genome structure and content, providing a context for the subsequentdiscussions.4Assembling a View of theHuman GenomeColin A. M. SempleBioinformatics, MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK4.1 IntroductionThe miraculous birth of the draft human genome sequence took place againstthe odds. It was only made possible by parallel revolutions in the technologiesused to produce, store and analyse the sequence data, and by the development ofnew, large-scale consortia to organize and obtain funding for the work (Watson,1990). The initial flood of human sequence has subsided as the sequencing centres have sequenced genomes from other mammalian orders and beyond.",
      "Ample time was allotted to answer questions and a copy of \"A Guide to Your Genome\" (National Human Genome Research Institute 2007) was provided to further assist participants' understanding and ability to communicate results with family members or others.",
      "Whether within 10 or 12 (or 8) years, such inexpensive sequencing will change both research and clinical care, and progress does not need to wait even that long.The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) plans to focus a significant portion of the sequencing capacity that it supports on medical sequencing.For instance, the NHGRI and the National Cancer Institute are actively considering a Human Cancer Genome Project, 22 which would use DNA sequencing and a host of other genome technologies to gather information about the mutations and functional abnormalities found in multiple samples from many major types of cancer.Medical sequencing should also provide important insight into many other diseases.For example, sequencing all exons in X-linked mental retardation syndromes may reveal much about their etiology.Sequencing candidate genes in the extremes of the distribution of quantitative traits should also reveal much of importance about common diseases, such as coronary atherosclerosis. 23With further technological advances, other previously unimaginable research approaches will become real.",
      "Key bioinformatic steps totake a genetic study from an initial linkage or association to laboratory genotyping are illustrated. The reader should note the role of genomic sequence as a common thread through every stageregions in man (see Chapter 5). Similar issues also exist in the establishment oftrue orthology between genes in different species, where one is identified to play arole in a disease model. If two genes are truly orthologous, their evolution closelyfollows patterns of speciation (Fitch, 2000).In general terms, the approaches we describe can be applied to sequence data from any collection of organisms, but our emphasis here is primarily onBioinformatics for Geneticists, Second Edition. Edited by Michael R. Barnes2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN 978-0-470-02619-9 (HB) ISBN 978-0-470-02620-5 (PB)\u0002C106CH 6 COMPARATIVE GENOMICSquestions of relevance to human genetics. We begin, in Section 6.2 by presenting anoverview of genome structure and content, providing a context for the subsequentdiscussions.4Assembling a View of theHuman GenomeColin A. M. SempleBioinformatics, MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK4.1 IntroductionThe miraculous birth of the draft human genome sequence took place againstthe odds. It was only made possible by parallel revolutions in the technologiesused to produce, store and analyse the sequence data, and by the development ofnew, large-scale consortia to organize and obtain funding for the work (Watson,1990). The initial flood of human sequence has subsided as the sequencing centres have sequenced genomes from other mammalian orders and beyond."
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