path: root/gnqa/paper1_eval/src/data/datasets/old/aging2_dataset.json
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+ "question": [
+ "List and describe the grand challenges related to aging research in genetics and genomics.",
+ "How do gene-by-drug effects (GxD) modulate life expectancies and health?",
+ "What loci and gene variants modulate normal variation in lifespan, and in which cases is this sex-specific (GxS)?",
+ "what is the influence of rapamycin and aging on the in vivo physiological and metabolic states and cellular bioenergetic, and how do these relate to the rapamycin-induced health and lifespan modification for that genometype?",
+ "Describe the genotypes related to alzheimers and dementia which have commonalities with those for aging?"
+ ],
+ "answer": [
+ "The grand challenges related to aging research in genetics and genomics include: 1. Lack of awareness and interest: Health professionals, governments, and researchers often lack awareness and interest in genetic diseases, which hinders progress. 2. Limited funding and access to technology: Research funding is often limited, and access to high-end technology is not always available, which restricts the scope of research. 3. Economic and health disparities: These disparities can affect the application and benefits of genomic medicine, making it less accessible to those in lower income brackets. 4. Ethical, legal, and social issues: The interpretation, storage, and sharing of genetic data raise ethical and legal concerns, including issues of privacy and consent. 5. Rapid advancements: The fast pace of developments in genetics and genomics can outpace the ability to address emerging ethical, legal, and social questions. 6. Public knowledge and trust: There is a need to increase public knowledge about genomic research and address issues of trust in medicine and scientific research. 7. Integration of genomics into public health: This is a major future challenge for healthcare systems, requiring dialogue with all stakeholders in society.",
+ "Gene-by-drug effects (GxD) can modulate life expectancies and health by influencing how individuals respond to medications. Genetic variations can affect how drugs are absorbed, disseminated, metabolized, and excreted in the body, which can lead to differences in drug efficacy and the occurrence of adverse drug reactions. For example, a genetic variant in the HMG-CoA reductase gene can modify the LDL-C response to pravastatin. Additionally, certain genes are involved in DNA damage repair and oxidative stress, which can influence susceptibility to adverse drug effects. Therefore, understanding these genetic variations can help in personalizing treatment and potentially improving health outcomes.",
+ "The study identified 10 genomic loci which influence healthspan, parental lifespan, and longevity. These include loci near FOXO3, SLC4A7, LINC02513, ZW10, and FGD6. The life-extending variant near FOXO3 is associated with a delay in the age at menarche, suggesting a possible sex-specific effect. However, the study did not perform sex-stratified analyses, so it's unclear if there are other sex-specific longevity-related genetic variants.",
+ "Rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, has been shown to extend the lifespan of various organisms, including mice, by delaying or reversing aging in multiple cell types. It does this by regulating rates of protein synthesis and energy utilization, which are processes associated with aging. In the hematopoietic system, rapamycin limits age-related increases in stem cells and biomarkers of aging, enhancing the performance of these cells. However, rapamycin also has potential unwanted metabolic effects, such as insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, though these effects are controversial and potentially reversible. The mTOR pathway, which rapamycin targets, integrates signals from insulin, cytokines, nutrients, oxygen, and mitogenic stimuli, and its regulation has implications for longevity and against the negative effects of aging. Rapamycin also induces autophagy, a process important for cellular homeostasis and damage prevention. Despite these benefits, the exact mechanisms by which rapamycin extends lifespan and whether it delays aging or affects specific diseases remain unclear.",
+ "The genotypes related to Alzheimer's and dementia that have commonalities with those for aging include a locus on chromosome 17 associated with the age at onset, and a specific variant in CCL11. Other genes associated with Alzheimer's include APP, PSEN1, PSEN2, and APOE. These genes are also associated with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. The APOE gene is the strongest genetic risk factor for later onset Alzheimer's. The heritability of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) is estimated to be ~60-80%, suggesting a large proportion of individual differences in LOAD risk is driven by genetics."
+ ],
+ "contexts": [
+ [
+ "There is a great need for continuing efforts to increase public knowledge about genomic research.As individuals and communities from diverse social backgrounds become more aware of genomic research and the potential role of genetics in contributing to health outcomes, the public will hopefully be more informed about the implications of genomic research for personal medical care, public health and more broadly the public representation of diverse population groups based on genetic findings.This knowledge should reinforce the ability of potential participants to make informed choices about joining a genetic study.There are complicated issues underlying public trust in medicine as well as scientific and genetic research that must be addressed.Innovative strategies for public education and community engagement should take into account cultural settings and historical experiences that have contributed to distrust in the past.",
+ "The issues discussed in this section refl ect key current concerns, but, given the rapid advances in genetic and genomic research, new issues will continue to confront families in the next few years.For example, major advances in the developing area of neuropsychiatric genetics, studies of the heritable nature of psychiatric and other nervous system disorders, characterized at the molecular, cellular, or behavioral levels, will challenge family members to address the potential role genes play in the development of schizophrenia, bipolar, or affective disorders (Genomics Network, n.d.).",
+ "Future Implications and Communication Research Directions Given ever-expanding research on genetics and genomics, scholars interested in family interaction will be challenged to stay abreast of the implications for family disclosure and discussion of genetic health.We believe that the following issues will emerge as key concerns:",
+ "Conclusion After more than four decades of working, genetics and genomic medicine still faces a considerable challenge to be addressed.Lack of awareness of health professionals and government, lack of interest of researcher on genetic diseases, limited research funding, limited access to high technology, low national health budget and low income family are seem to be the main obstacles to be overcome in implementation of genetics and genomic medicine.Despite these conditions, several research centers still managed to do some studies and few numbers of genetic testing.Several collaborations with countries abroad have been done to overcome some obstacles.Yet, Indonesia still has to accelerate this effort to be able to catch up its lag.Mentoring and collaborations are needed to enable Indonesia in doing so.",
+ "Opportunities for Population-Based Research on Aging Human Subjects: Pathology and Genetics",
+ "Concluding remarks The next decade will provide a window of opportunity to prepare health professionals, public health practitioners, the public and policy makers for the advent of genomics on health and health care.This will be a doable project but will require regional, national, European and global coordination on both the vertical and horizontal levels.We argue that there is an ethical obligation to prepare society to meet this challenge and to take up the opportunities provided by the science in a medically useful, effective, efficient, socially desirable and ethically justifiable manner.Here, health literacy, health communication and empowerment in managing risks are key for opening the doors to a truly beneficial Public Health Genomics practice.This can be facilitated by implementing ethical benchmarks and legal safeguards 70 such as respect for autonomy and social justice in the context of policy development.",
+ "Clarifying the general conditions under which genomic knowledge can be put to best practice in the field of public health, paying particular consideration to the ethical, legal and social implications 12,17,35 is currently the most pressing task in Public Health Genomics.Aiming the application of genetic and molecular science to the promotion of health and disease prevention through the organised efforts of society, integral to its activities is a dialogue with all stakeholders in society, including industry, governments, health professionals and the general public. 18Thus, the integration of genomics into public health research, policy and practice is one of the major future challenges for our health-care systems. 36,37Expertise is already feasible and can be clustered and evaluated for a socially accountable use.",
+ "Public health needs to prepare itself for the upcoming challenges, which derive from genomics.In this sense, it needs to strengthen the communication efforts among all sciences involved.Public health can serve as the umbrella, that spans the disciplines such as genetics, ethics, law and all other stakeholders.",
+ "Economic and health disparities related to genetics and genomics.",
+ "Capabilities and limitations of current genetic/genomic technologies.",
+ "Identify ethical, legal, and social issues associated with genetic/genomic information.",
+ "Ongoing research contributing to improved understanding of the genetic/genomic influences on health.",
+ "Economic and health disparities related to genetics and genomics. Integrate knowledge from psychology, history, politics, sociology and culture when delivering genetic and genomic care.",
+ "Ethical and legal issues surrounding genetic and genomic information and services.",
+ "Developments in genetics and genomics occur very rapidly and bring with them new ethical, legal and social questions that need swift, sensible and responsible responses (Pepper, 2011).Examples include next-generation sequencing, genetic cohort studies and biobanks, which have raised questions about data management, including quality of interpretation of data, data storage, data sharing, consent for re-use of data, as well as concerns about identifiability and privacy interests of those who provide samples (Kaye, 2012;Wolf, 2013;Pinxten and Howard, 2014).However, the rapidity of advancement poses difficulties for those who must determine the responses to these questions.They are often slow or even overtaken by further advancements.Ethical, legal and social-related challenges should be prioritised for policymakers, researchers, clinicians and public health practitioners to maximise the benefits of genomic and genetic applications while minimising the risk of harm to people (Geller et al., 2014).Any education strategy developed should therefore be dynamic.",
+ "Query 2. Perceptions of Genetics and Genomics Awareness of Genetic and Genomic Advancements.",
+ "In addition, 4 scholarly commentaries in this issue provide insights into several current practical issues and developments in genetics and genomics.Feero and colleagues 11 describe advances in genomics science and explore many of the issues surrounding translation of these advances to routine \"personalized\" patient care.Offit 12 discusses the increasing availability of direct-to-consumer marketing of genomic and genetic testing and sounds an appropriately cautionary note about the need for standards, quality control, and appropriate regulation.Uhlmann and Guttmacher 13 present a useful collection of practical Internet genetics resources for clinicians and patients, including genetics information on specific diseases; guidelines for genetic testing; and educational resources to help clinicians integrate genetics into patient care.Ginsberg and colleagues 14 discuss the importance of centralized biorepositories for genetics and genomics research and empha-size the need to develop and implement standards for informed consent, informatics, and governance.",
+ "Key Themes Relevant To Genomic Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3",
+ "A first step is to define the challenges that stand in the way of realizing the promise of genomic medicine.These include addressing gaps in the oversight of genetic testing (including regulation of companies providing test interpretation services), ensuring that realistic claims are made in promotional materials for genetic testing, determining the appropriate role of new genomic technologies in patient care, ensuring the privacy of patients' genomic data, and improving insurance coverage and reimbursement for genetic services.The Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS), on which two of us serve, advises the secretary of health and human services and reports on these issues.",
+ "How can we maximize the benefits of these new developments and minimize the harms?How can we encourage patients' involvement and autonomy yet establish appropriate safeguards while avoiding inappropriate paternalism?How do we promote Preparing for a Consumer-Driven Genomic Age the understanding that interpretations of genomic information may evolve as research unravels the meaning of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions and the roles of noncoding DNA sequences, copy-number variants, epigenetic mechanisms, and behavioral factors in health and disease?"
+ ],
+ [
+ "A supervised (pathway driven) approach was used to specifically query three general gene ontology (GO) areas of interest, namely xenobiotic metabolism, DNA damage repair, and oxidative stress-related genes (Table 1).These gene categories are hypothesized to play important roles in sex-and age-related susceptibility to adverse drug effects [18,30].Of the 122 genes included in the xenobiotic metabolism gene list in the Ingenuity Knowledge Base, 61 were differentially expressed.These included Cyp2d4, the rat ortholog of human gene CYP2D6, which is speculated to metabolize up to 25% of commonly prescribed drugs [31].Genes involved in DNA Damage Repair, derived from Ingenuity, were combined with the list by Wood et al. [32] to give 222 genes involved in DNA damage repair.Sixty-five of these genes (approximately 25%) were found to be differentially expressed in the liver.Oxidative Stress genes were defined by 68 genes included in \"response to oxidative stress\" (IPA) of which 23 genes were differentially expressed (Table 1).",
+ "Pharmacogenomics has advanced the field of drug-response assessment.For example, the first experiences with guiding vitamin K antagonist therapy with the aid of CYP2C9 (cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 9) or VKORC1 (vitamin K epox- ide reductase complex, subunit 1) polymorphisms (93 ), and the use of cytochrome P450 polymorphisms for assessing clopidogrel response have entered US Food and Drug Administration recommendations (94 ).Disease prevention lags behind.Gene chips and modern sequencing approaches that allow largescale interrogation of the genome at the population level will generate novel hypotheses of disease causation.Furthermore, with the continuing drop in the costs of whole-genome sequencing, the practicing physician may soon be faced with having to comment on the disease risks of a patient's \u03fe4 \u03eb 10 6 sequence variants before any clinical signs occur, a task that no certified genetic counselor could fulfill at present.With advent of GWASs, ethical and practical concerns of reporting genetic research results have become apparent.Initial efforts at defining rules of reporting large-scale association results and assessing the level of evidence also apply to nextgeneration large-scale genomics (95,96 ).Reports have suggested that on the consumer side, genomewide genetic profiling of employees of health and technology companies does not change anxiety symptoms, dietary fat intake, or exercise behavior (i.e., lifestyle factors) over a 6-month period (97 ); however, the association of genetic variation with risk and the dissection of objective markers of risk and risk factors that reside in the causal pathways of disease will need careful assessment before these approaches can enter clinical decision making (98 ).A data set containing 80 genes associated with coronary heart disease in GWASs was uploaded and overlaid onto the molecular networks developed from information contained in the Ingenuity Knowledge Base.Networks of Network Eligible Molecules were then algorithmically generated on the basis of their connectivity.The most substantially enriched network, as shown, comprises 36 genes, of which 20 are coronary heart disease genes.",
+ "19.3.1 An environmental or pharmacogenetic basis for drug efficacy and ADR? Before getting into the complexities of PGx, it is important to recognize that many non-genetic factors also influence the efficacy of medications, including the patient\u2019s age, sex and general health, but also environmental factors, such as concomitant therapies, drug interactions and diet. To give a seemingly innocuous example, grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of intestinal cytochrome P-450 3A4, which is responsible for the first-pass metabolism of many medications.",
+ "Finally, it is possible that other molecules (or drugs) might modulate the biological context within which the drug\u2013 target interaction takes place. Variation in any of the elements that control these types of processes can lead to variability in drug action, which might well confound the search for causative genes among the usual ADME and target-related candidates. 19.3 PHARMACOGENETICS (PGx) 519 19.3.5 Using bioinformatics to gain understanding of adverse drug reaction (ADR) One of the biggest concerns during the development of any medication is the possibility of unintended consequences in the patient.",
+ "19.3 Pharmacogenetics (PGx) It is well known that after exposure to a drug, almost any given cohort of patients show a wide variety of responses. In an ideal situation, patients show a beneficial response to the therapy, although they may also show no response or a weak response, and perhaps most worryingly, they may experience an adverse drug reaction (ADR), which in extreme situations could lead to serious illness or even death. ADR is an increasingly serious problem with a huge toll in lives and health-care costs every year.",
+ "A good understanding of disease biology and effective chemistry is not the only requirement for an efficacious drug; we also must understand how variation at the target affects drug action, and how variation in other genes affects the way drugs are absorbed, disseminated, metabolized and excreted. Genetic analysis in the drug development paradigm also faces some unique challenges; for example, the exquisite rarity of some adverse reactions makes collection of sufficient samples for well-powered genetic analysis almost impossible.",
+ "19.3.1 An environmental or pharmacogenetic basis for drug efficacy and ADR? Before getting into the complexities of PGx, it is important to recognize that many non-genetic factors also influence the efficacy of medications, including the patient\u2019s age, sex and general health, but also environmental factors, such as concomitant therapies, drug interactions and diet. To give a seemingly innocuous example, grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of intestinal cytochrome P-450 3A4, which is responsible for the first-pass metabolism of many medications.",
+ "Finally, it is possible that other molecules (or drugs) might modulate the biological context within which the drug\u2013 target interaction takes place. Variation in any of the elements that control these types of processes can lead to variability in drug action, which might well confound the search for causative genes among the usual ADME and target-related candidates. 19.3 PHARMACOGENETICS (PGx) 519 19.3.5 Using bioinformatics to gain understanding of adverse drug reaction (ADR) One of the biggest concerns during the development of any medication is the possibility of unintended consequences in the patient.",
+ "19.3 Pharmacogenetics (PGx) It is well known that after exposure to a drug, almost any given cohort of patients show a wide variety of responses. In an ideal situation, patients show a beneficial response to the therapy, although they may also show no response or a weak response, and perhaps most worryingly, they may experience an adverse drug reaction (ADR), which in extreme situations could lead to serious illness or even death. ADR is an increasingly serious problem with a huge toll in lives and health-care costs every year.",
+ "A good understanding of disease biology and effective chemistry is not the only requirement for an efficacious drug; we also must understand how variation at the target affects drug action, and how variation in other genes affects the way drugs are absorbed, disseminated, metabolized and excreted. Genetic analysis in the drug development paradigm also faces some unique challenges; for example, the exquisite rarity of some adverse reactions makes collection of sufficient samples for well-powered genetic analysis almost impossible.",
+ "Drug-Gene Interactions Predicting Efficacy In 1 candidate gene study, a genetic variant in the HMG-CoA reductase gene, present in 6.7% of patients, modified the LDL-C response to pravastatin by 6.4 mg/dL. 244][247] However, these effect sizes are small and difficult to distinguish from random variation in individual patients.Indeed, the metformin finding is less important for its potential clinical applications than for the biological insight provided by this link between glucose control and a gene involved in the response to DNA damage. 245,246",
+ "Nutrition and metabolism The power of these new experimental protocols, comparing gene expression profiles to understand spontaneous differences in phenotype due to disease, was extended by inducing phenotypic differences using creative molecular intervention.The first experiments to manipulate phenotype in this way used drugs.A comparison of the gene expression of a drug-induced phenotype with that of the normal phenotype was brilliantly executed in a single study that simultaneously identified a mechanism for the regulation of sterol uptake in the intestine and a genetic disease, sitosterolemia [17 \u2022 ], mice were treated with a lipid-metabolism altering compound and the expression profiles of various tissues compared with normal mice using gene arrays.Differentially expressed genes were evaluated 'in silico,' and an unknown gene was found using bioinformatic tools to be homologous to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of genes.Members of the ABC family include cellular cholesterol transport proteins.Defects in a member of this family (ABCA1) form the basis for the poor cholesterol delivery to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) that underlies Tangiers disease [18], another cholesterol-related disease [19].Through the use of a variety of in silico techniques, Berge et al. [17 \u2022\u2022 ] concluded that the proteins produced from the newly discovered genes, ABCG5 and ABCG8, were responsible for the regulated reverse transport of newly absorbed cholesterol and phytosterols out of the apical surface of intestinal cells.Using public gene databases, a human homolog of the putative mouse transporter was identified, cloned and used to screen sitosterolemic humans.Dysfunctional mutations were found in these genes in all individuals suffering from sitosterolemia.Thus, individuals suffering from sitosterolemia lack the machinery responsible for the selective and controlled transport of cholesterol, and therefore hyperabsorb various sterols (including plant sterols).This study illustrated many of the strengths of genomic experimentation: the identification of phenotypically important genes using global differential gene expression analysis; querying internet databases to deduce structure/function relationships from sequence comparison; and the characterization of individual variation (polymorphism) linked to health.These findings have transformed our understanding of lipid absorption and metabolism, begging the question: how long would this knowledge have waited to be discovered without genomics?",
+ "19.3.1 An environmental or pharmacogenetic basis for drug efficacy and ADR? Before getting into the complexities of PGx, it is important to recognize that many non-genetic factors also influence the efficacy of medications, including the patient\u2019s age, sex and general health, but also environmental factors, such as concomitant therapies, drug interactions and diet. To give a seemingly innocuous example, grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of intestinal cytochrome P-450 3A4, which is responsible for the first-pass metabolism of many medications.",
+ "Finally, it is possible that other molecules (or drugs) might modulate the biological context within which the drug\u2013 target interaction takes place. Variation in any of the elements that control these types of processes can lead to variability in drug action, which might well confound the search for causative genes among the usual ADME and target-related candidates. 19.3 PHARMACOGENETICS (PGx) 519 19.3.5 Using bioinformatics to gain understanding of adverse drug reaction (ADR) One of the biggest concerns during the development of any medication is the possibility of unintended consequences in the patient.",
+ "19.3 Pharmacogenetics (PGx) It is well known that after exposure to a drug, almost any given cohort of patients show a wide variety of responses. In an ideal situation, patients show a beneficial response to the therapy, although they may also show no response or a weak response, and perhaps most worryingly, they may experience an adverse drug reaction (ADR), which in extreme situations could lead to serious illness or even death. ADR is an increasingly serious problem with a huge toll in lives and health-care costs every year.",
+ "A good understanding of disease biology and effective chemistry is not the only requirement for an efficacious drug; we also must understand how variation at the target affects drug action, and how variation in other genes affects the way drugs are absorbed, disseminated, metabolized and excreted. Genetic analysis in the drug development paradigm also faces some unique challenges; for example, the exquisite rarity of some adverse reactions makes collection of sufficient samples for well-powered genetic analysis almost impossible.",
+ "19.3.1 An environmental or pharmacogenetic basis for drug efficacy and ADR? Before getting into the complexities of PGx, it is important to recognize that many non-genetic factors also influence the efficacy of medications, including the patient\u2019s age, sex and general health, but also environmental factors, such as concomitant therapies, drug interactions and diet. To give a seemingly innocuous example, grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of intestinal cytochrome P-450 3A4, which is responsible for the first-pass metabolism of many medications.",
+ "Finally, it is possible that other molecules (or drugs) might modulate the biological context within which the drug\u2013 target interaction takes place. Variation in any of the elements that control these types of processes can lead to variability in drug action, which might well confound the search for causative genes among the usual ADME and target-related candidates. 19.3 PHARMACOGENETICS (PGx) 519 19.3.5 Using bioinformatics to gain understanding of adverse drug reaction (ADR) One of the biggest concerns during the development of any medication is the possibility of unintended consequences in the patient.",
+ "19.3 Pharmacogenetics (PGx) It is well known that after exposure to a drug, almost any given cohort of patients show a wide variety of responses. In an ideal situation, patients show a beneficial response to the therapy, although they may also show no response or a weak response, and perhaps most worryingly, they may experience an adverse drug reaction (ADR), which in extreme situations could lead to serious illness or even death. ADR is an increasingly serious problem with a huge toll in lives and health-care costs every year.",
+ "A good understanding of disease biology and effective chemistry is not the only requirement for an efficacious drug; we also must understand how variation at the target affects drug action, and how variation in other genes affects the way drugs are absorbed, disseminated, metabolized and excreted. Genetic analysis in the drug development paradigm also faces some unique challenges; for example, the exquisite rarity of some adverse reactions makes collection of sufficient samples for well-powered genetic analysis almost impossible."
+ ],
+ [
+ "In one case, a gene identified by mutation recovered from a genetic screen in the laboratory, methuselah, may have variants in natural populations.In particular, the common ATATC haplotype has a sharp geographic (north-south) cline in U.S. populations, which, intriguingly, is associated with an 18% difference in life span (97).It would be interesting to examine these natural populations for differences in their reproductive schedule.Extensive studies show that life span can be rapidly selected as an indirect outcome of artificial selection for age at reproduction.Samples from natural populations of Drosophila contain genetic variants that can be rapidly selected, within 15 generations, for 50% or greater differences in life span on the basis of choosing individuals that are reproductive at early versus later ages (93).Selection was reversible, indicating that these life history variants depended on existing gene combinations not new mutations.Among the genes that differed in quantitative expression between young-and old-selected lines were heat shock proteins, e.g., hsp 22 (60).An overarching conclusion from fly aging genetics is that stress resistance is coupled to longevity (94), as in C. elegans.Other gene candidates are being sought by QTL analysis and show complex interactions with gender and population density (17,115).",
+ "Murabito JM, Yuan R, Lunetta KL (2012) The search for longevity and healthy aging genes: insights from epidemiological studies and samples of long-lived individuals. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 67(5):470\u2013479. doi:10.1093/gerona/gls089 20. Nuzhdin SV, Pasyukova EG, Dilda CL et al (1997) Sex-specific quantitative trait loci affecting longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94(18):9734\u20139739 21. Gems D, Riddle DL (2000) Genetic, behavioral and environmental determinants of male longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 154(4):1597\u20131610 123 22.",
+ "Somatic mutations with the inherited gene variations of each individual cumulatively or synergistically influence the health span and life span [11].Very few genetic variants have been associated with human longevity, but those found include the transcription factor FOXO3 gene, the APOE/TOMM40 and the CDKN2B/ ANRIL loci, which are associated with Alzheimer's disease and cellular senescence [12][13][14].In fact, the heritability for human longevity has been estimated to be approximately 20-30%, according to studies of twins, suggesting that external factors such as diet, environment, physical activity and microbiomes are important factors that influence the health span [14][15][16].The increase in the rate of retrotranscription reflects genome deregulation, creating additional mutations, DNA damage, and other forms of genome instability.For instance, the expression of several families of retrotransposable elements increases with age, as observed in mouse skeletal muscle and human fibroblasts, particularly the long interspersed nuclear element-1 (L1 LINE) [17,18].",
+ "Our study has several limitations.First, we did not analyse the sex and mitochondrial chromosomes, since we were unable to gather enough cohorts that could contribute to the analysis of these chromosomes.However, these chromosomes may harbour loci associated with longevity that we thus have missed.Second, although we included as many cohorts as possible, the sample size of our study is still relatively small (especially for the 99th percentile analysis) in comparison to GWA studies of age-related diseases, such as T2D and cardiovascular disease, and parental age at death 11,51,52 .Hence, this limited our power to detect loci with a low MAF (<1%) that contribute to longevity.Third, we did not perform sex-stratified analyses and may thus have missed sexspecific longevity-related genetic variants.The reason for this is that (1) we only identified a limited number of suggestive significant associations in our unstratified 90th and 99th percentile analyses, (2) our sample size is modest (especially when stratified by sex), and (3) thus far, there has been no report of any genomewide significant sex-specific longevity locus.",
+ "In most experimentally modified animal model systems, single-gene mutations in many different genes have major life extension effects (Fontana et al., 2010;Kenyon, 2010).However, natural human and animal longevity is presumed to be a complex trait (Finch & Tanzi, 1997).In humans, both candidate gene and genome-wide genetic association approaches have been applied in an attempt to identify longevity loci.The frequency of genetic variants has been typically compared between nonagenarian cases and young controls, revealing loci at which genetic variants may contribute to a higher or lower probability of survival into old age.The initial candidate gene studies aimed at finding human longevity genes were dominated by contradictory results (Christensen et al., 2006).The more consistent evidence obtained by repeated observation in independent cohort studies for association with longevity has so far only been observed for three loci, the apolipoprotein E (APOE) locus (Schachter et al., 1994;Christensen et al., 2006), the FOXO3A locus (Willcox et al., 2008;Flachsbart et al., 2009;Pawlikowska et al., 2009;Soerensen et al., 2010), and the AKT1 locus (Pawlikowska et al., 2009).Thus, despite the expectation that longevity would be influenced by many genetic variants with small effect sizes, the effect of variants has consistently been shown in only three genes.",
+ "Previously, it has been suggested that genetic variation in the FOXO1 gene is specifically contributing to human female longevity (reviewed in Chung et al., 2010).However, at chromosome 13q14.11harboring the FOXO1 gene we found no evidence for linkage with female longevity (LOD<0.05)and at the gene position of FOXO1 we found no evidence for association in the females-only metaanalysis (p-values>0.042) in the GEHA Study.Potentially, the effect of this locus is not only influenced by gender but also by genetic background.",
+ ", 2003), to study GXE and consequences of treatments as a function of age, diet, and sex (Fleet et al. , 2016; Philip et al. , 2010; Roy et al. , 2020; Sandoval-Sierra et al. , 2020; Williams et al. , 2016, 2020), gene pleiotropy (Wang et al. , 2016a), and to test behavioral predictions based on differences in brain architecture (Yang et al. , 2008). Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Here we summarize the current status of this resource with a focus on genetic structure, and on the power and precision of mapping trait variance to loci and genes.",
+ "Somatic mutations with the inherited gene variations of each individual cumulatively or synergistically influence the health span and life span [11].Very few genetic variants have been associated with human longevity, but those found include the transcription factor FOXO3 gene, the APOE/TOMM40 and the CDKN2B/ ANRIL loci, which are associated with Alzheimer's disease and cellular senescence [12][13][14].In fact, the heritability for human longevity has been estimated to be approximately 20-30%, according to studies of twins, suggesting that external factors such as diet, environment, physical activity and microbiomes are important factors that influence the health span [14][15][16].The increase in the rate of retrotranscription reflects genome deregulation, creating additional mutations, DNA damage, and other forms of genome instability.For instance, the expression of several families of retrotransposable elements increases with age, as observed in mouse skeletal muscle and human fibroblasts, particularly the long interspersed nuclear element-1 (L1 LINE) [17,18].",
+ "The Height-Life Span Nexus Several observations and lines of experimentation have raised the issue of whether interindividual differences in aging rate are influenced by genes that modulate body size and early-life growth patterns.These include (a) the association between small stature and exceptional longevity in calorically restricted rodents (Yu et al., 1985), methionine-restricted rats (Orentreich et al., 1993), and mutant dwarf mice (Brown-Borg et al., 1996;Miller, 1999); and (b) the association between small body size and longer life span in natural populations of mice (Falconer et al., 1978), flies (Hillesheim and Stearns, 1992), dogs (Li et al., 1996), and, possibly, people (Samaras andStorms, 1992).The correlation in dogs is particularly striking: selective breeding for dogs of different body size has produced breeds varying in size from Chihuahua to Irish wolfhound.These breeds also vary greatly in mean longevity, from approximately 7 to 10.5 years, and the correlation between breed longevity and breed body weight (Miller, 1999) is a remarkable R 2 = 0.56.These differences are genetic and affect stature rather than obesity: no amount of overeating will convert a West Highland white terrier to a St. Bernard.The selective pressures applied were designed to create dogs of specific sizes and temperaments and were not intended to influence aging rate or life span.The clear implication is that the effects on longevity are pleiotropic, i.e., that genes selected for their effect on body size and conformation influenced life span as a side effect.It is of interest to note that the few analyses (Eigenmann et al., 1984(Eigenmann et al., , 1988) ) of the hormonal basis for interbreed differences in body size have shown that the genes in question influence levels of IGF-1, the most likely mediator of the life-span effects in the long-lived df/df and dw/dw mouse mutants.Could it be mere coincidence that long-lived mutant nematode worms (Kimura et al., 1997) also show mutations in genes related to insulin and IGF-1 receptors?",
+ "The antagonistic pleiotropy and hyperfunction theories of ageing predict the presence of genetic variants important for growth and development in early life with deleterious effects towards the end of the reproductive window 19,20 .While we are unable to directly capture the genetic effects on individuals before age 40 due to the study design of our datasets, we found that the life-extending variant near FOXO3 is associated with a delay in the age at menarche and a decrease in intracranial volume and cognitive abilities.It thus appears that there are loci exhibiting antagonistic effects, although we are unable to discern whether this is due to true pleiotropy or due to linkage of causal variants within a region Genes which showed a significant effect (FDR < 5%) of gene expression on ageing traits are displayed here.Gene names are annotated with the direction of effect, where + andindicate whether the life-extending association of the locus is linked with higher or lower gene expression, respectively.Locus: nearest gene to lead variant in the multivariate analysis, Chr: chromosome, Position: base-pair position of lead variant (GRCh37), Cis-genes: genes in physical proximity (<500 kb) to the lead variant of the locus which colocalise with the multivariate signal, Trans-genes: genes located more than 500 kb from the lead variant of the locus.",
+ "Ageing phenotypes, such as years lived in good health (healthspan), total years lived (lifespan), and survival until an exceptional old age (longevity), are of interest to us all but require exceptionally large sample sizes to study genetically.Here we combine existing genome-wide association summary statistics for healthspan, parental lifespan, and longevity in a multivariate framework, increasing statistical power, and identify 10 genomic loci which influence all three phenotypes, of which five (near FOXO3, SLC4A7, LINC02513, ZW10, and FGD6) have not been reported previously at genome-wide significance.The majority of these 10 loci are associated with cardiovascular disease and some affect the expression of genes known to change their activity with age.In total, we implicate 78 genes, and find these to be enriched for ageing pathways previously highlighted in model organisms, such as the response to DNA damage, apoptosis, and homeostasis.Finally, we identify a pathway worthy of further study: haem metabolism.",
+ "Here, we assess the degree of genetic overlap between published GWAS of three different kinds of ageing phenotypeshealthspan, parental lifespan, and longevity (defined as survival to an age above the 90th percentile)-and perform a multivariate meta-analysis to identify genetic variants related to healthy ageing.We subsequently characterise the sex-and age-specific effects of loci which affect all three ageing traits and look up reported associations with age-related phenotypes and diseases.Finally, we link the observed signal in these loci to the expression of specific genes, including some that are currently studied in model organisms, and identify pathways involved in healthy ageing.",
+ "Ageing phenotypes, such as years lived in good health (healthspan), total years lived (lifespan), and survival until an exceptional old age (longevity), are of interest to us all but require exceptionally large sample sizes to study genetically.Here we combine existing genome-wide association summary statistics for healthspan, parental lifespan, and longevity in a multivariate framework, increasing statistical power, and identify 10 genomic loci which influence all three phenotypes, of which five (near FOXO3, SLC4A7, LINC02513, ZW10, and FGD6) have not been reported previously at genome-wide significance.The majority of these 10 loci are associated with cardiovascular disease and some affect the expression of genes known to change their activity with age.In total, we implicate 78 genes, and find these to be enriched for ageing pathways previously highlighted in model organisms, such as the response to DNA damage, apoptosis, and homeostasis.Finally, we identify a pathway worthy of further study: haem metabolism.",
+ "LongevityMap--human genetic variants associated with longevity Variation in human lifespan has been found to be 20-30% heritable, with increasing heritability at advanced ages (27).As next-generation sequencing and genome-wide approaches advance, so does the capacity for performing longevity association studies.To catalog the increasing volume of data in genetic studies of human longevity, we created LongevityMap (http://genomics.senescence.info/longevity/), a database of genes, gene variants and chromosomal locations associated with longevity (28).This differs from the GenAge database, which focuses mostly on data from model organisms and the few genes associated with human ageing (e.g.genes causing progeroid syndromes).",
+ "Genes/loci identified by genome-wide association studies of longevity and lifespan traits.",
+ "ANALYSIS OF HUMAN VARIATION IN THE GENETIC CONTROL OF LONGEVITY Heritability studies have convincingly demonstrated that at least some fraction of human lifespan is heritable.In tandem, large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous loci associated with age-related traits (Buniello et al., 2019).While genetic studies have functionally shown an inverse effect of multiple age-related, diseaseassociated variants on lifespan regulation, the number of well-replicated longevity-conferring variants remains limited to variants in APOE (ApoE \u03b52), and more recently, CDKN2A/B and IL6 (see Table 1).To date, studies in humans have been hampered by the specific phenotype definitions used, sample sizes of the extreme phenotypes, and modest heritability of the longevity-related traits (Breitbach et al., 2019).This is due to the complex interplay of biological and social factors involved in human aging, as well as the limited power of GWAS, which require sampling thousands of subjects to achieve statistical significance (Breitbach et al., 2019).Genetic studies of aging have also been hindered by an inconsistent use of definitions of aging (reviewed in Baghdadi et al., 2020).The two main ways of conducting research on the genetics of longevity in human populations are by studying (i) the lifespan (continuous trait, years lived) and (ii) the longevity (dichotomous trait, i.e., being among the longest-lived individuals within a specific population).These complexities have limited the resolution and capability of broad association studies of human longevity.Importantly, these genomic analyses focus on a shift of survival in a population; these variables may be genetically distinct from the mechanisms establishing potential for longevity overall (Figure 1A).We argue that an understanding of this shift in lifespan as well as genetic mechanisms of regulating a species specific 'set points' (Figure 1B) will aid in the conceptual distinction of aging and longevity in humans.",
+ "Put more simply: What is the strength of evidence in favor of GXE effects on lifespan? We ask if youthful adult body weight (~120 days) predicts lifespan. Is the change in body weight in adults in response to a HFD a causal predictor of lifespan? Finally, we ask whether levels of classic serum metabolites or metabolic hormones measured in middle-age or old-age predict variation in lifespan? Our focus is both on overall effects and on strain-specific difference in effect of diet on lifespan and weight gain, rather than on specific genetic modifiers or loci of lifespan.",
+ "Studies in various models have revealed that genetic differences and somatic mutations underlie longevity, but non-genetic contributions also play a major role (Cournil and Kirkwood, 2001).Calorie restriction (Bordone and Guarente, 2005), lowering of basal metabolic rate (Ruggiero et al., 2008), upregulated stress response (Migliaccio et al., 1999), restoration of mi-tonuclear protein balance (Houtkooper et al., 2013), and reduced fertility (Westendorp and Kirkwood, 1998) have all been shown to correlate with lifespan extension.These observations illuminate the role of ''epi''-genetic mechanisms in modulating longevity pathways.",
+ "Introduction Approximately 25-30% of the variation in adult lifespan is attributable to genetic factors that become more important with increasing age and exert their strongest effects in nonagenarians and centenarians (Go \u00a8gele et al., 2010;Hjelmborg et al., 2006).As yet, however, only a few genetic variants have been found consistently to influence longevity.The first to be discovered was the e4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, a mortality factor that predisposes to both Alzheimer's and cardiovascular diseases (Corder et al., 1993; Panza et al., 2004).APOE e4 is the only variant with a reportedly large adverse effect upon survival at advanced age (Scha \u00a8chter et al., 1994), and this association has been replicated in several populations (Christensen et al., 2006).Variation in the human forkhead box O3A gene (FOXO3A), in contrast, has been found to be associated with the ability to live long, an effect corroborated by studies in Japanese, German, Italian, US-American, Jewish, Chinese and Danish populations (Anselmi et al., 2009;Flachsbart et al., 2009;Li et al., 2009;Pawlikowska et al., 2009;Soerensen et al., 2010;Willcox et al., 2008).More recently, we have identified exonuclease 1 (EXO1) as a potential novel longevity gene (Nebel et al., 2009).All three genes were detected through candidate-gene approaches.",
+ "Studies of mono-and dizygous twins have revealed that the genetic contribution to the variation in human lifespan is about 25-30% [12,13], and is most prominent in families clustered for longevity [14,15].This genetic contribution is mainly apparent after the age of 60 years and seems to increase with age [13,16].Furthermore, human lifespan is a complex trait which is assumed to be determined by many genes with small individual effects [17], although the polygenic architecture still needs to be characterized [18,19].The diverse health features of long-lived families illustrate that different age-related diseases have common determinants and implicate that pathways can be identified that attenuate aging and delay age-related disease.From a genomic perspective, individuals from long-lived families are assumed to be characterized by a decreased prevalence of disease-promoting variants (referred to as disease-susceptibility alleles) and an increased prevalence of variants conferring maintenance of health and protection from disease, when compared to population controls.In the last 5 years, many diseasesusceptibility alleles have been identified (National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) genome-wide association study (GWAS) Catalog; http://www.genome.gov/gwastudies/)[20].A first comparison between long-lived individuals, selected from both long-lived families (LLS) and the general population (Leiden 85-plus study), and young controls showed no difference in the distribution or frequency of disease-susceptibility alleles identified in cancer, coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes [21].The search for lifespan regulating loci -contributing to longevity and population mortality -must therefore extend beyond a focus on disease-susceptibility alleles.We will first discuss the efforts to identify longevity loci by genetics approaches."
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+ "One surprising result of our experiment was the relatively weak support for involvement of the insulin/insulin-like signaling (IIS) or target-of-rapamycin (TOR) pathways in the evolution of late-life performance.Mutations in genes within these pathways can alter life span and fertility in flies and other organisms (Partridge and Gems 2002); natural genetic variation in expression of IIS/TOR-pathway genes has been reported to predict agingrelated phenotypes (Nuzhdin et al. 2009), and natural clinal variation in the insulin receptor gene InR has been associated with variation in stress resistance and fecundity (Paaby et al. 2010).We therefore expected that some of these genes would contribute to the evolution of life span and late-life fecundity in our experiment.Only one gene previously annotated with the Gene Ontology biological function \"determination of adult life span\" (Cct1) was among the genes bearing the strongest signature of selection, no more than would be expected by chance (1/96 of the candidate genes that had some biological process annotation, compared to 116/10,792 of all genes with some biological-process annotation, \u03c7 [1] 2 = 0.002, P > 0.96).Genes annotated with the functions \"aging\" or \"determination of adult life span\" were also significantly underrepresented among differentially expressed genes (43/215 transcripts with these annotations had P < 0.05 for line or line-by-age effects, compared to 4488/13,258 of all annotated transcripts, \u03c7 [1] 2 = 18.1, P < 0.0001).Most of the genes we identified are therefore novel candidates for the regulation of life span and late-age performance.",
+ "Rapamycin Rapamycin has been shown to robustly increase lifespan in at least three different mouse strains and to improve healthspan measures including cognitive function, cardiac function, immune function, obesity, and cancer incidence (Johnson et al. 2015;Kaeberlein 2014).",
+ "mTOR activates the kinase S6K, which phosphorylates S6, inhibiting autophagy [92].Rapamycin can extend the life span of organisms from yeast to mammals in a dose-dependent manner [95].However, some data suggest that rapamycin has unwanted metabolic effects, including insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, and hypophosphatemia; however, whether rapamycin is responsible for these effects remains controversial, and some of the effects are reversible [96,97].The mTOR pathway integrates different signals from insulin, cytokines, nutrients, oxygen, and mitogenic stimuli, and its regulation has important implications for longevity and against the negative effects of aging [92].",
+ "The molecular mechanisms that drive cellular senescence in proliferative and nonproliferative cells are being discovered.One of the metabolic pathways associated with aging is the growth-promoting mitogen/nutrient-sensing pathway, in which the target of rapamycin (mTOR) is considered a central signaling molecule that affects multiple cellular pathways associated with aging [137].In particular, mTOR participates in the transition of cells from quiescence to senescence [138].",
+ "Inductors of Autophagy and its Impact on Aging Autophagy has a role in homeostasis, which plays an essential role in the maintenance of cellular physiology and the prevention of cellular damage.Among the inducers of autophagy have been described the already-mentioned rapamycin, resveratrol, and polyamines; however, only polyamines have demonstrated results in clinical research in humans [65].It is known that these compounds can induce the canonical autophagy pathway, which includes inactivation of the mammalian objective of the rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), allowing phosphorylation and activation of the Unc-51 complex (Ulk1/2), where the cascade of the other members of the complex is subsequently activated, ULK as FIP200 and ATG13 [65].",
+ "A third example illustrates that pharmacological targeting of pathways that have been implicated in promoting aging may also restore youthfulness at cellular and biochemical levels.Among the key regulators associated with interventions that extend life span is the enzyme mTOR, which senses cellular nutrient levels and in turn regulates rates of protein synthesis and energy utilization.Notably, administration of rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, starting at midlife can extend the life span of mice, suggesting that aging can be delayed or reversed in multiple cell types (Harrison et al., 2009).In the hematopoietic system, aging is associated with an increase in mTOR activation in stem cells and progenitors (Chen et al., 2009).Administration of rapamycin to old mice to inhibit mTOR not only limited the normal age-related increases in hematopoietic stem cells and biomarkers of aging in those cells, but also enhanced the performance of the stem cells to become as effective as young stem cells in heterochronic transplantation experiments (Chen et al., 2009) (Figure 1).",
+ "Rapamycin inhibits TOR signalling to alter nDNA translation, inducing mitonuclear protein imbalance35, and increases lifespan in various species, including mice33. Rapamycin also increased mean worm lifespan (by 16%)34 in a ubl-5-dependent manner, induced UPRmt, but not UPRER or heat shock response, and increased respiration (Fig. 6a, c and Supplementary Fig. 9a). This was associated with increased ATP levels, equal citrate synthase activity and altered nDNA/mtDNA oxidative phosphorylation protein ratio (Fig. 6d, e). Additionally, rapamycin changed the balance between nDNA- and mtDNA-encoded oxidative phosphorylation subunits in mouse hepatocytes in a dose dependent manner (Fig. 6f, g).",
+ "Zylbee, E., Vesco, C. & Penman, S. Selective inhibition of the synthesis of mitochondria-associated RNA by ethidium bromide. J. Mol. Biol. 44, 195\u2013204 (1969). 33. Harrison, D. E. et al. Rapamycin fed late in life extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice. Nature 460, 392\u2013395 (2009). 34. Robida-Stubbs, S. et al. TOR signaling and rapamycin influence longevity by regulating SKN-1/Nrf and DAF-16/FoxO. Cell Metab. 15, 713\u2013724 (2012). 35. Zid, B. M. et al. 4E-BP extends lifespan upon dietary restriction by enhancing mitochondrial activity in Drosophila. Cell 139, 149\u2013160 (2009). 36. Schulz, T. J. et al.",
+ "a, Rapamycin (Rapa, 1 nM) extends worm lifespan in a ubl-5-dependent manner; b, ubl-5-dependently induced UPRmt (hsp-6::GFP) but not UPRER (hsp-4::GFP) (n 5 4). c\u2013e, Rapamycin increased respiration (c, n 5 10) and ATP content but not citrate synthase activity (d, n 5 3) and induced mitonuclear protein imbalance (e). f\u2013h, In mouse hepatocytes, rapamycin induces mitonuclear protein imbalance (f, g) and induces UPRmt as shown at the protein (f, g, n 5 3), and transcriptional (h, n 5 8) level. i, Resveratrol (Resv, 25 mM) induced mitonuclear protein imbalance in mouse hepatocytes (n 5 4).",
+ "pivotal in this aspect providing molecular insights and having huge conceptual contributions in the field.Characterising the contribution of individual mutants in ageing is a continuously active and informative activity in the field.On top of these studies, genome-wide screens have provided insights on the role of evolutionarily conserved processes and signalling pathways in ageing such as nutrient response [17,18], protein translation, oxidative damage [19,20], mitochondrial function [21,22] and autophagy [22,23] opening new avenues for biogerontology research.Yeasts have proved informative and helped in understanding mechanisms of highly conserved pathways (from yeast to human) in physiology, health and disease such as the Target of Rapamycin (TOR) [24], glucose sensing (PKA) and stress response pathways (Sty1/p38) [25].",
+ "mTOR activates the kinase S6K, which phosphorylates S6, inhibiting autophagy [92].Rapamycin can extend the life span of organisms from yeast to mammals in a dose-dependent manner [95].However, some data suggest that rapamycin has unwanted metabolic effects, including insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, and hypophosphatemia; however, whether rapamycin is responsible for these effects remains controversial, and some of the effects are reversible [96,97].The mTOR pathway integrates different signals from insulin, cytokines, nutrients, oxygen, and mitogenic stimuli, and its regulation has important implications for longevity and against the negative effects of aging [92].",
+ "The molecular mechanisms that drive cellular senescence in proliferative and nonproliferative cells are being discovered.One of the metabolic pathways associated with aging is the growth-promoting mitogen/nutrient-sensing pathway, in which the target of rapamycin (mTOR) is considered a central signaling molecule that affects multiple cellular pathways associated with aging [137].In particular, mTOR participates in the transition of cells from quiescence to senescence [138].",
+ "Inductors of Autophagy and its Impact on Aging Autophagy has a role in homeostasis, which plays an essential role in the maintenance of cellular physiology and the prevention of cellular damage.Among the inducers of autophagy have been described the already-mentioned rapamycin, resveratrol, and polyamines; however, only polyamines have demonstrated results in clinical research in humans [65].It is known that these compounds can induce the canonical autophagy pathway, which includes inactivation of the mammalian objective of the rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), allowing phosphorylation and activation of the Unc-51 complex (Ulk1/2), where the cascade of the other members of the complex is subsequently activated, ULK as FIP200 and ATG13 [65].",
+ "Background Genetic, dietary and drug interventions can enhance longevity and suppress age-associated disease, such as cancer.Prominent genetic interventions that robustly extend longevity and healthspan in mammals include those that decrease growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signalling; for example, Ames dwarf mice live more than 50% longer than their wild-type siblings [1].These diminutive mice result from a point mutation in a gene (Prop1 df/df ) that drives development of the pituitary gland, so that mutant mice are deficient in specific hormones.The GH deficiency, in particular, has been shown to underlie their enhanced health span and extended lifespan.Ames mice are highly insulinsensitive, resistant to some stresses and the incidence of cancer is delayed [2][3][4].Dietary and drug interventions that extend lifespan include calorie restriction (CR) and the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin [5].Like the Ames dwarf mutation, CR and rapamycin also suppress and/ or delay the incidence of cancer [5][6][7].A detailed understanding of how these interventions exert their beneficial effects is essential to develop strategies to promote healthy aging in humans [8].Currently, these interventions are thought to exert their effects by related and interconnected effects on some or all of the following: genome stability, the epigenome, telomere attrition and/or function, protein quality control, mitochondrial function, nutrient sensing, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, cellular stress responses and altered intercellular communication [9].Of note, the effects of longevity promoting interventions on the epigenome, a key determinant of cell phenotype, are poorly understood.",
+ "The target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway has also emerged as a major regulator of lifespan.TOR is a highly conserved kinase that transduces signals from nutrients to regulate cell size, cell growth, and metabolism (Martin & Hall, 2005).Genetic studies in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have shown that reduced levels of nutrients, namely amino acids and sugars, can extend yeast lifespan through regulation of the TOR signaling pathway (Kaeberlein et al ., 2005;Powers et al ., 2006).In Drosophila , recent studies have shown that amino acid restriction, rather than 'calorie restriction', extends lifespan (Min & Tatar, 2006).In C. elegans , either inactivation of CeTOR/let-363 by RNAi, or mutations in Raptor/daf-15 , encoding a regulatory subunit of CeTOR, leads to lifespan extension (Vellai et al ., 2003;Jia et al ., 2004).",
+ "As mentioned above, a number of genes regulating longevity also control growth and development.Some of these, such as the insulin/IGF1/GH pathway, have been suggested to play a role in the mechanisms of CR (Fig. 1).An emerging critical player is the target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway, which involves both nutrient sensing and regulation of growth.Several genes in the TOR pathway, and the TOR gene itself, regulate longevity in flies (Kapahi et al., 2004) and both longevity and dauer diapause in worms (Jia et al., 2004).Strikingly, not only have genetic manipulations of the TOR gene extended lifespan in yeast and worms (Stanfel et al., 2009) but also feeding rapamycin (which inhibits TOR and is also known as sirolimus) to middle-aged mice significantly (9 -14%) increased lifespan (Harrison et al., 2009).Whether rapamycin is extending lifespan by delaying of aging or by affecting a specific disease, such as cancer, remains unclear.More recent studies show that starting rapamycin administration earlier in life does AGING GENES AS TARGETS FOR DRUG DISCOVERY not result in a significantly greater increase in lifespan (10 -18%) than that obtained in middle-aged mice (Miller et al., 2011).",
+ "Replacement of the C/ebp\u03b1 gene with C/ebp\u03b2 increases lifespan by 20% [35,36], and may alter the rate of aging [37], indicating that altering the isoform expression of these genes can affect lifespan.Moreover, the life-extending drug rapamycin may affect isoform ratios of C/ebp\u03b2.Rapamycin has been shown to increase lifespan via the suppression of Mtor [38] which in turn controls the isoform ratios of C/ebp\u03b2 [39].Therefore, we speculate that rapamycin may in part exert its life extending effect through C/ebp\u03b2.",
+ "The genome-wide RNAi study conducted by the Ruvkun lab, authored by Hamilton et al. [88], identified a total of 89 additional aging genes with disparate functions including cell structure, cell surface proteins, cell signaling, cellular metabolism, and protein turnover.Of the 66 genes with previously known functions, 17 corresponded to various aspects of carbon metabolism, including citric acid cycle enzymes and subunits of complexes I, IV, and V of the ETC.Researchers also speculated that protein translation might play a role in lifespan regulation, based on the identification of iff-1 (T05G5.10),a gene that has homology to the translation initiation factor eIF5A.Other hits from this screen included two genes containing PH domains known to interact with phosphatidylinositol lipids, multiple G protein-coupled receptors, protein processing and degradation genes such as proteases and ubiquitin ligases/hydrolases, and chromatin modifying factors.",
+ "How cellular processes that regulate aging impact genome stability also remain unclear.Compelling evidence now exists that in all eukaryotes, aging is regulated by conserved insulin/insulin-like growth factor (I-(IFG-1)) pathways and growth-signaling pathways regulated by the target of rapamycin (TOR) family of kinases (4).In general, experimental manipulations that upregulate these pathways promote aging, and manipulations that downregulate these pathways-including mutational inactivation or caloric restriction-extend life span and mitigate age-related pathologies.Downregulation of these pathways often leads to a reduction in oxidative stress and oxidative damage to DNA and other cellular constituents.For the most part, however, the relationship between aging and changes in oxidative damage downstream of alterations in growth-signaling pathways remains correlative rather than causal.",
+ "The potential of interventional approaches targeted at aging has yet to be realized in part because aging is a complicated multisystem process that has remained enigmatic.However, research over the last two decades has led to significant excitement.One of the most striking findings is that it is possible to administer a clinically approved drug, rapamycin, to mice at 20 months of age and extend both their life span and health span (Harrison et al., 2009).Surprisingly, much of the recent success of aging research can be traced back to one of its simplest model organisms: yeast.Two of the major pathways studied in the context of aging and age-related disease are the sirtuin pathway and the TOR signaling pathway, and yeast was pivotal in their discovery."
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+ "We briefly comment on rare mutations that shorten life span through the early onset of diseases that are increasingly common during aging in the general population, e.g., familial forms of Alzheimer, breast cancer, coronary artery disease, type II diabetes, etc.The later onset forms of these diseases are associated with causes of death at later ages.A major question is what role the more common allelic variants of these same genes have in \"normal aging\".Although examination of this huge emerging topic goes beyond the present discussion, we may consider the example of Werner's syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive that causes adult onset progeria with a high incidence of cancer and atherosclerosis (70).The absence of Alzheimer-type dementia in Werner's syndrome illustrates the \"segmental\" nature of this and other progerias (70).Thus, heritable shortening of life span should not be considered as a simple acceleration of general aging processes.The Werner's lesion maps to a defective gene encoding a helicase and exonuclease, which also has several polymorphisms.In Japan, 1367Arg was associated with a lower risk of myocardial infarction (70), although it was not associated with longevity in Finland (14).In general, we know little of the genetic factors involved in frailty and morbidity at later ages, which are important to the geneenvironment interactions implied in the major longevity increase seen during the twentieth century.",
+ "Indicative diseases associated with the candidate aging genes",
+ "D ementia has an age-and sex-standardized prevalence of ~7.1% in Europeans 1 , with Alzheimer's disease (AD) being the most common form of dementia (50-70% of cases) 2 .AD is pathologically characterized by the presence of amyloid-beta plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles in the brain 3 .Most patients are diagnosed with AD after the age of 65, termed late-onset AD (LOAD), while only 1% of AD cases have an early onset (before the age of 65) 3 .On the basis of twin studies, the heritability of LOAD is estimated to be ~60-80% (refs. 4,5 ), suggesting that a large proportion of individual differences in LOAD risk is driven by genetics.The heritability of LOAD is spread across many genetic variants; however, Zhang et al. 6 suggested that LOAD is more of an oligogenic than a polygenic disorder due to the large effects of APOE variants.Zhang et al. 6 and Holland et al. 7 predicted there to be ~100-10,000 causal variants contributing to LOAD; however, only a fraction have been identified.Increasing the sample size of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) will improve the statistical power to identify the missing causal variants and may highlight additional disease mechanisms.In combination with increasing the number of samples, it is beneficial to use different approaches to identify rare and private variation to help identify additional causal variants and increase understanding of disease mechanisms; however, we deem this to be out of the scope of the current analysis.",
+ "Dementia has an age-and sex-standardized prevalence of ~7.1% in Europeans 1 , with Alzheimer's disease (AD) being the most common form of dementia (50-70% of cases) 2 .AD is pathologically characterized by the presence of amyloid-beta plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles in the brain 3 .Most patients are diagnosed with AD after the age of 65, termed late-onset AD (LOAD), while only 1% of AD cases have an early onset (before the age of 65) 3 .On the basis of twin studies, the heritability of LOAD is estimated to be ~60-80% (refs. 4,5 ), suggesting that a large proportion of individual differences in LOAD risk is driven by genetics.The heritability of LOAD is spread across many genetic variants; however, Zhang et al. 6 suggested that LOAD is more of an oligogenic than a polygenic disorder due to the large effects of APOE variants.Zhang et al. 6 and Holland et al. 7 predicted there to be ~100-10,000 causal variants contributing to LOAD; however, only a fraction have been identified.Increasing the sample size of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) will improve the statistical power to identify the missing causal variants and may highlight additional disease mechanisms.In combination with increasing the number of samples, it is beneficial to use different approaches to identify rare and private variation to help identify additional causal variants and increase understanding of disease mechanisms; however, we deem this to be out of the scope of the current analysis.The largest previous GWAS of LOAD, identified 29 risk loci from 71,880 (46,613 proxy) cases and 383,378 (318,246 proxy) controls 8 .Our current study expands this to include 90,338 (46,613 proxy) cases and 1,036,225 (318,246 proxy) controls.The recruitment of LOAD cases can be difficult due to the late age of onset, so proxy cases can allow for the inclusion of younger individuals by estimating their risk of LOAD using parental status.Proxy cases and controls were defined on the basis of known parental LOAD status weighted by parental age (Supplementary Information).In the current study, we identified 38 loci, including seven loci that have not been reported previously.Functional follow-up analyses implicated tissues, cell types and genes of interest through tissue and cell type enrichment, colocalization and statistical fine-mapping.This study highlights microglia, immune cells and protein catabolism as relevant to LOAD, while identifying previously unidentified genes of potential interest. ResultsGenome-wide inferences.We performed meta-analysis on data from 13 cohorts, totaling 1,126,563 individuals (Supplementary",
+ "Introduction Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex disorder and is the most common form of dementia [1].After age, family history is the single greatest risk factor for AD.AD can be classified into early and late onset forms.Mutations in three genes: PSEN1/2 and APP are known to cause early onset AD in an autosomal dominant manner [2,3].The majority of AD cases, however, are late onset (LOAD) and the APOE e4 allele is the strongest known genetic risk factor.Many additional genetic polymorphisms have been identified, though with substantially lower risk estimates [1,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].LOAD appears to be inherited and/or sporadic and there is evidence of a maternal inheritance pattern [11].Current estimates suggest that more than 20% of inherited LOAD cases are maternally inherited [12].",
+ "INTRODUCTION Many common noninfectious diseases exhibit a more severe clinical presentation in older individuals.These diseases often exhibit complex etiology and can affect different tissues and cell types, with a wide spectrum of clinical outcomes.Prominent aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases are Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), all of which can severely compromise the quality of life and have serious repercussions on both the individual and society at large.These late-onset diseases generally result from the interplay between multiple genetic susceptibility factors and environmental components.Sequencing of the human genome, cataloging of millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) together with the development of a map of common haplotypes, and technological innovations in genotyping are among the major milestones that are facilitating exploration of the genetic basis of common diseases (1,7,50).In the field of AMD genetics, these advances have led to the identification of several genetic susceptibility factors and enabled us to start dissecting the relationship between environmental risk factors and the genetic constitution of each individual (66,118,148).As a result, new opportunities are emerging for improved understanding of disease pathogenesis that may lead to better management and treatment of AMD.Clinical aspects of AMD are discussed only briefly (for a more in-depth discussion, see Reference 79).",
+ "Aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases significantly influence the quality of life of affected individuals.Genetic approaches, combined with genomic technology, have provided powerful insights into common late-onset diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).Here, we discuss current findings on the genetics of AMD to highlight areas of rapid progress and new challenges.We also attempt to integrate available genetic and biochemical data with cellular pathways involved in aging to formulate an integrated model of AMD pathogenesis.",
+ "Aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases significantly influence the quality of life of affected individuals.Genetic approaches, combined with genomic technology, have provided powerful insights into common late-onset diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).Here, we discuss current findings on the genetics of AMD to highlight areas of rapid progress and new challenges.We also attempt to integrate available genetic and biochemical data with cellular pathways involved in aging to formulate an integrated model of AMD pathogenesis.",
+ "Genetics of Alzheimer Disease: Early-Onset AD In the early to mid-1990s, genetic studies of AD focused on extended families with high burden of disease (two or more cases among first-degree relatives), and used linkage analysis of highly polymorphic genetic markers called short tandem repeats (STRs, or microsattelites) in order to identify genomic regions co-transmitting with disease in affected family members.This strategy, followed by \"fine mapping\"-the positional cloning of candidate genes-was used to identify genes and genetic variants contributing to AD risk.The first three genes known to cause AD were identified among families with multiple early-onset cases (age-at-onset <60 years): APP, encoding amyloid precursor protein [Goate et al., 1991], and PS1 and PS2, encoding presenilins I and II respectively [Levy-Lahad et al., 1995;Rogaev et al., 1995;Sherrington et al., 1995], each transmitting disease-causing variants in the predicted autosomal-dominant fashion.",
+ "Alzheimer's disease (AD) (MIM: 104300) is a highly heritable disease with great complexity in its genetic contributors, and represents the most common form of dementia.With the gradual aging of the world's population, leading to increased prevalence of AD, and the substantial cost of care for those afflicted, identifying the genetic causes of disease represents a critical effort in identifying therapeutic targets.Here we provide a comprehensive review of genomic studies of AD, from the earliest linkage studies identifying monogenic contributors to early-onset forms of AD to the genome-wide and rare variant association studies of recent years that are being used to characterize the mosaic of genetic contributors to late-onset AD (LOAD), and which have identified approximately $20 genes with common variants contributing to LOAD risk.In addition, we explore studies employing alternative approaches to identify genetic contributors to AD, including studies of AD-related phenotypes and multi-variant association studies such as pathway analyses.Finally, we introduce studies of next-generation sequencing, which have recently helped identify multiple lowfrequency and rare variant contributors to AD, and discuss ongoing efforts with next-generation sequencing studies to develop statistically well-powered and comprehensive genomic studies of AD.Through this review, we help uncover the many insights the genetics of AD have provided into the pathways and pathophysiology of AD.",
+ "Alzheimer's disease (AD) (MIM: 104300) is a highly heritable disease with great complexity in its genetic contributors, and represents the most common form of dementia.With the gradual aging of the world's population, leading to increased prevalence of AD, and the substantial cost of care for those afflicted, identifying the genetic causes of disease represents a critical effort in identifying therapeutic targets.Here we provide a comprehensive review of genomic studies of AD, from the earliest linkage studies identifying monogenic contributors to early-onset forms of AD to the genome-wide and rare variant association studies of recent years that are being used to characterize the mosaic of genetic contributors to late-onset AD (LOAD), and which have identified approximately $20 genes with common variants contributing to LOAD risk.In addition, we explore studies employing alternative approaches to identify genetic contributors to AD, including studies of AD-related phenotypes and multi-variant association studies such as pathway analyses.Finally, we introduce studies of next-generation sequencing, which have recently helped identify multiple lowfrequency and rare variant contributors to AD, and discuss ongoing efforts with next-generation sequencing studies to develop statistically well-powered and comprehensive genomic studies of AD.Through this review, we help uncover the many insights the genetics of AD have provided into the pathways and pathophysiology of AD.",
+ "Indeed, as age increases, there is an exponential increase in the incidence of AD, with a corresponding effect on healthcare costs and quality of life. AD is a complex disease involving several genetic and environmental components (Hardy, 1997; Munoz & Feldman, 2000), and 15% of patients have a genetic predisposition. Almost 100 candidate genes are currently known to be involved in the development of AD, and only 4 (APP, PSEN1, PSEN2, APOE) in humans have been proven to play a direct role in AD pathogenesis (Thomas & Fenech, 2007).",
+ "T he genetics of Alzheimer disease (AD) to date support an age-dependent dichotomous model whereby earlier age of disease onset (\u03fd60 years) is explained by 3 fully penetrant genes (APP [NCBI Entrez gene 351], PSEN1 [NCBI Entrez gene 5663], and PSEN2 [NCBI Entrez gene 5664]), whereas later age of disease onset (\u054665 years) representing most cases of AD has yet to be explained by a purely genetic model.The APOE gene (NCBI Entrez gene 348) is the strongest genetic risk factor for later onset, although it is neither sufficient nor necessary to explain all occurrences of disease.Numerous putative genetic risk alleles and genetic variants have been reported.Although all have relevance to biological mechanisms that may be associated with AD pathogenesis, they await replication in large representative populations.Genome-wide association studies have emerged as an increasingly effective tool for identifying genetic contributions to complex diseases and represent the next frontier for furthering our understanding of the underlying etiologic, biological, and pathologic mechanisms associated with chronic complex disorders.There have already been success stories for diseases such as macular degeneration and diabetes mellitus.Whether this will hold true for a genetically complex and heterogeneous disease such as AD is not known, although early reports are encouraging.This review considers recent publications from studies that have successfully applied genome-wide association methods to investigations of AD by taking advantage of the currently available high-throughput arrays, bioinformatics, and software advances.The inherent strengths, limitations, and challenges associated with study design issues in the context of AD are presented herein.",
+ "Arch Neurol.2008;65(3): 329-334 Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia and the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder associated with aging. 1 Alzheimer disease is a heterogeneous disorder with a complex etiology owing to genetic and environmental influences as causal or risk modifiers.The neuropathologic hallmarks of disease are extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. 2 Only 10% of AD cases occurring before 60 years of age (early-onset AD) are due to rare, fully penetrant (autosomal dominant) mutations in 3 genes: A\u2424 precursor protein (APP) on chromosome 21, 3 presenilin 1 (PSEN1) on chromosome 14, 4 and presenilin 2 (PSEN2) on chromosome 1. 5,6In contrast, most cases of AD are later in onset (\u0546 65 years of age) (late-onset AD), are nonfamilial, and are likely the result of highly prevalent genetic variants with low penetrance. 7To date, the only genetic risk factor for lateonset AD remains the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE), specifically the \u03b54 allele, which is moderately penetrant, accounting for up to 50% of cases. 8owever, a robust literature reports numerous putative genetic risk alleles and promising genetic variants.Recent reports from individual studies reveal significant associations with the sortilin-related receptor (SORL1 [NCBI Entrez gene 6653]) 9,10 and glycine-rich protein 2-associated binding protein 2 (GAB2 [NCBI Entrez gene 9846]) 11 on chromosome 11; death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1 [NCBI Entrez gene 1612]), 12 ubiquilin 1 (UBQLN1 [NCBI Entrez gene 299798]), 13 and adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette transporter 1, subfamily A (ABCA1 [NCBI Entrez gene 19]), on chromosome 9 14 ; and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6 [NCBI Entrez gene 4040]) on chromosome 12. 15 All of these putative variants still lack replication in large representative populations but have relevance to neuropathologic mechanisms and pathways that may be associated with AD pathogenesis ( A large meta-analysis from the AlzGene database 16 17 All are associated with relevant biological mechanisms and pathways but await replication to further elucidate their utility as significant markers for AD.",
+ "Background Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder and the leading cause of dementia in the elderly [1].Diagnosis of AD is based on the presence of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques [2], and symptoms typically include memory loss and impaired cognitive ability.Although the pathological hallmarks associated with dementia-related symptoms in AD appear largely similar between both the early-onset and late-onset forms of the disease, their underlying etiologies contrast [3].Whereas early-onset AD is a familial autosomal dominant disorder caused by rare, highly penetrant mutations in one of a small set of genes (APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2), the more common late-onset form of the disease (accounting for 90-95 % of cases) occurs sporadically, and risk is determined by complex underlying mechanisms [3][4][5][6].Estimates based on twin concordance rates suggest heritability of late-onset AD is as high as 70 %, implicating major roles for genetic as well as non-genetic factors [6].Indeed, through candidate gene studies, as well as more recent genome-wide association studies (GWASs) and whole-exome sequencing, both common and rare variants associated with the late-onset form of AD have been identified [7][8][9][10][11].Collectively, however, common GWAS variants account for only a modest proportion (~30 %) of the underlying variance in disease susceptibility [12].Several environmental factors are also thought to play a role [5,6], yet exactly how these contribute to risk, onset, and progression remains poorly defined.",
+ "Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, and it is characterized by a decline in memory or other thinking skills.The greatest risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is advanced age.A recent genome-wide study identified a locus on chromosome 17 associated with the age at onset, and a specific variant in CCL11 is probably responsible for the association.The association of a protective haplotype with a 10-year delay in the onset of Alzheimer's disease and the identification of a CCL11 variant with possible functional roles in this association might allow the future development of immunomodulators with the potential to halve disease incidence.",
+ "Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, and it is characterized by a decline in memory or other thinking skills.The greatest risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is advanced age.A recent genome-wide study identified a locus on chromosome 17 associated with the age at onset, and a specific variant in CCL11 is probably responsible for the association.The association of a protective haplotype with a 10-year delay in the onset of Alzheimer's disease and the identification of a CCL11 variant with possible functional roles in this association might allow the future development of immunomodulators with the potential to halve disease incidence.",
+ "INTRODUCTION Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common debilitating disorder with a prevalence that rises steeply with age from below 1% at 65 years to as high as 40% after the age of 90 [Bachman et al., 1992].Genes are known to play a role in the development of AD.Twin studies show heritabilities of around 60% [Bergem et al., 1997;Gatz et al., 1997].Indeed, variation in four genes has already been shown to cause rare forms of early-onset AD [the Amyloid Precursor Protein Gene (APP); Goate et al., 1991; Presenilin 1 (PS1); Sherrington et al., 1995; Presenilin 2 (PS2); Levy Lahad et al., 1995, Rogaev et al., 1995] or increase the general risk of disease development [Apolipoprotein E (APOE), Corder et al., 1993].As well as increasing disease susceptibility, APOE e4 alleles are associated with reduced age at onset (AAO) and appear to show their strongest effect below 70 years [Farrer et al., 1997].There is also evidence from both twin [Pedersen et al., 2001] and family studies [Tunstall et al., 2000;Li et al., 2002] that AAO in AD is heritable.Daw et al. [2000] have estimated that in addition to APOE, there are at least four loci with similar effect sizes, which contribute to AAO in AD.",
+ "Introduction Alzheimer's disease (AD), a devastating neurodegenerative disease, is the most common form of dementia among the elderly.Genetically, AD is a complex and multifactorial disease with the possible involvement of multiple genes.The rare early-onset form of the disease usually follows an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern and to date three genes have been identified: amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin 1 and 2 (PSEN1 and PSEN2).The common late-onset form of the disease is much more complex than the early-onset form and until recently the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene was the only major genetic factor accounting for 20-29% of the risk for late-onset AD. 1,2 Recent large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identi-fied nine additional genes for late-onset AD, including CR1, BIN1, CLU (a.k.a.4][5][6][7] There is high heritability for AD risk (up to 80%), 8 but the total risk attributable to all confirmed loci is about 50%, indicating the presence of additional risk genes for late-onset AD.",
+ "NE OF EVERY 5 PERSONS AGED 65 years is predicted to develop Alzheimer disease (AD) in their lifetime, and genetic variants may play an important part in the development of the disease. 1 The apparent substantial heritability of late-onset AD 2 is inadequately explained by genetic variation within the well-replicated genes (apolipoprotein E [APOE; RefSeq NG_007084], presenilin-1 [PSEN1; RefSeq NG_007386], presenilin-2 [PSEN2; RefSeq NG_007381], and amyloid beta precursor protein [APP;"
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