diff options
3 files changed, 1274 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/pytest.ini b/pytest.ini
index 3fc29c6..f2db47b 100644
--- a/pytest.ini
+++ b/pytest.ini
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
addopts = --strict-markers
markers =
+ rdf
- under_dev \ No newline at end of file
+ under_dev
diff --git a/tests/test_data/ttl-files/test-data.ttl b/tests/test_data/ttl-files/test-data.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e27652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_data/ttl-files/test-data.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+@base <> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
+@prefix xkos: <http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/xkos#> .
+@prefix gn: <http://genenetwork.org/id/> .
+@prefix gnc: <http://genenetwork.org/category/> .
+@prefix gnt: <http://genenetwork.org/term/> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
+@prefix pubmed: <http://rdf.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/> .
+@prefix taxon: <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=> .
+@prefix generif: <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene?cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
+gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme a skos:ConceptScheme .
+gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme skos:prefLabel "GeneNetwork Classification Scheme For Resources" .
+gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme xkos:numberOfLevels "3" .
+gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme xkos:levels ( gnc:DatasetType gnc:Set gnc:Species ) .
+gnc:DatasetType a xkos:ClassificationLevel .
+gnc:DatasetType skos:prefLabel "The Type of a Dataset which can be a ProbeSet, Genotype, or Phenotype" .
+gnc:DatasetType xkos:depth "1" .
+gnc:DatasetType skos:member gnc:Probeset .
+gnc:DatasetType skos:member gnc:Genotype .
+gnc:DatasetType skos:member gnc:Phenotype .
+gnc:Probeset skos:prefLabel "mRNA Assay Datasets" .
+gnc:Probeset skos:altLabel "ProbeSet" .
+gnc:Genotype skos:prefLabel "Genotype" .
+gnc:Genotype skos:altLabel "DNA Markers and SNPs" .
+gnc:Phenotype skos:prefLabel "Phenotype" .
+gnc:Phenotype skos:altLabel "Traits and Cofactors" .
+gnc:Species a xkos:ClassificationLevel .
+gnc:Species skos:prefLabel "The species in which this resource belongs" .
+gnc:Species xkos:depth "3" .
+gnc:Species xkos:specializes gnc:Set .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Mus_musculus .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Rattus_norvegicus .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Hordeum_vulgare .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Drosophila_melanogaster .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Macaca_nemestrina .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Glycine_max .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Solanum_lycopersicum .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Populus_trichocarpa .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Oryzias_latipes .
+gnc:Species skos:member gn:Glossophaga_soricina .
+gnc:Set a xkos:ClassificationLevel .
+gnc:Set skos:prefLabel "The Type of Set, Ie InbredSet/OutbredSet that a resource can belong to" .
+gnc:Set xkos:depth "2" .
+gnc:Set xkos:generalizes gnc:Species .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setB6d2f2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setAxbxa .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setAkxd .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setB6btbrf2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxh .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCxb .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLxs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHxbbxh .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBayxsha .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBdf2-2005 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setColxcvi .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setColxbur .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setMdp .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setSxm .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setB6d2f2-psu .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBhf2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBdf2-1999 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCtb6f2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBhhbf2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCeph-2004 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setSrxshrspf2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setAd-cases-controls .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setAd-cases-controls-myers .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setQsm .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCeph-2009 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setOregon-r_x_2b3 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setMacaca-fasicularis .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setDgrp .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHs-cc .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHlc .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCandle .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHb .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHsb .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setJ12xj58f2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLxp .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setB6d2ri .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setSotnot-ohsu .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHsnih-rgsmc .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setScripps-2013 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHlt .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setAging-brain-uci .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBrain-normal-nih-gibbs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setGtex .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setJ12xj58f11 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHcp .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setGtex_v5 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCms .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCie-inia .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHsnih-palmer .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setTigem-retina-rna-seq .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setB6d2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-bone .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCfw .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setPoplar .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setIslets-gerling .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setEmsr .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCie-rma .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-longevity .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLgsm-ai .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setD2gm .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setRetina-rgc-rheaume .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd_dev .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setJax-d2-mono-rna-seq .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setDod-bxd-gwi .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHet3-itp .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCc .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setGtex_v8 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setUthsc-cannabinoid .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setB6-lens .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setNwu_wkyxf344_f2 .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHiv-1tg .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-heart-metals .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setDo .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-ae .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setHrdp_hxb-bxh-bp .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setEbv_t_cells_perkins .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setMikk .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setDol .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-micturition .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-jax-ad .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd-nia-ad .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setCcbxd-tm .
+gnc:Set skos:member gn:setGso .
+gnt:family a owl:ObjectProperty .
+gnt:family rdfs:domain gnc:Species .
+gnt:family skos:definition "This resource belongs to this family" .
+gnt:shortName a owl:ObjectProperty .
+gnt:shortName rdfs:domain gnc:Species .
+gnt:shortName skos:definition "The short name of a given resource" .
+gnt:belongsToSpecies a rdf:property .
+gnt:belongsToSpecies rdf:comment "This resource given to this species" .
+gnt:belongsToSpecies rdf:label "belongsToSpecies" .
+gn:Mus_musculus skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Mus_musculus rdfs:label "Mus musculus" .
+gn:Mus_musculus skos:prefLabel "Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)" .
+gn:Mus_musculus skos:altLabel "Mouse" .
+gn:Mus_musculus gnt:shortName "mouse" .
+gn:Mus_musculus gnt:family "Vertebrates" .
+gn:Mus_musculus skos:notation taxon:10090 .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus rdfs:label "Rattus norvegicus" .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus skos:prefLabel "Rat (Rattus norvegicus, rn7.2)" .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus skos:altLabel "Rat" .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus gnt:shortName "rat" .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus gnt:family "Vertebrates" .
+gn:Rattus_norvegicus skos:notation taxon:10116 .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana rdfs:label "Arabidopsis thaliana" .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana skos:prefLabel "Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana, araTha1)" .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana skos:altLabel "Arabidopsis thaliana" .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana gnt:shortName "arabidopsis" .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana gnt:family "Plants" .
+gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana skos:notation taxon:3702 .
+gn:Homo_sapiens skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Homo_sapiens rdfs:label "Homo sapiens" .
+gn:Homo_sapiens skos:prefLabel "Human (Homo sapiens, hg19)" .
+gn:Homo_sapiens skos:altLabel "Human" .
+gn:Homo_sapiens gnt:shortName "human" .
+gn:Homo_sapiens gnt:family "Vertebrates" .
+gn:Homo_sapiens skos:notation taxon:9606 .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare rdfs:label "Hordeum vulgare" .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare skos:prefLabel "Barley (Hordeum vulgare)" .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare skos:altLabel "Barley" .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare gnt:shortName "barley" .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare gnt:family "Plants" .
+gn:Hordeum_vulgare skos:notation taxon:4513 .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster rdfs:label "Drosophila melanogaster" .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster skos:prefLabel "Fly (Drosophila melanogaster, dm6)" .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster skos:altLabel "Drosophila" .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster gnt:shortName "drosophila" .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster gnt:family "Other Metazoa" .
+gn:Drosophila_melanogaster skos:notation taxon:7227 .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina rdfs:label "Macaca nemestrina" .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina skos:prefLabel "Monkey (Macaca nemestrina)" .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina skos:altLabel "Macaque monkey" .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina gnt:shortName "macaque monkey" .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina gnt:family "Vertebrates" .
+gn:Macaca_nemestrina skos:notation taxon:9544 .
+gn:Glycine_max skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Glycine_max rdfs:label "Glycine max" .
+gn:Glycine_max skos:prefLabel "Soybean (Glycine max, US DOE JGI-PGF v2 2021)" .
+gn:Glycine_max skos:altLabel "Soybean" .
+gn:Glycine_max gnt:shortName "soybean" .
+gn:Glycine_max gnt:family "Plants" .
+gn:Glycine_max skos:notation taxon:3847 .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum rdfs:label "Solanum lycopersicum" .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum skos:prefLabel "Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, GCF_001406875.1)" .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum skos:altLabel "Tomato" .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum gnt:shortName "tomato" .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum gnt:family "Plants" .
+gn:Solanum_lycopersicum skos:notation taxon:4081 .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa rdfs:label "Populus trichocarpa" .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa skos:prefLabel "Poplar (Populus trichocarpa)" .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa skos:altLabel "Poplar" .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa gnt:shortName "poplar" .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa gnt:family "Plants" .
+gn:Populus_trichocarpa skos:notation taxon:3689 .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes rdfs:label "Oryzias latipes" .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes skos:prefLabel "Medaka (Oryzias latipes, Oryl23)" .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes skos:altLabel "Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka)" .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes gnt:shortName "Oryzias latipes" .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes gnt:family "Other Metazoa" .
+gn:Oryzias_latipes skos:notation taxon:8090 .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina rdfs:label "Glossophaga soricina" .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina skos:prefLabel "Bat (Glossophaga soricina, gsor23)" .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina skos:altLabel "Bat (Glossophaga soricina)" .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina gnt:shortName "bat" .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina gnt:family "Vertebrates" .
+gn:Glossophaga_soricina skos:notation taxon:27638 .
+gnt:geneticType a owl:ObjectProperty .
+gnt:geneticType rdfs:domain gnc:set .
+gnt:code a owl:ObjectProperty .
+gnt:code rdfs:domain gnc:set .
+gnt:family rdfs:domain gnc:Set .
+gnt:mappingMethod a owl:ObjectProperty .
+gnt:mappingMethod rdfs:domain gnc:set .
+gnt:belongsToGroup a rdf:property .
+gnt:belongsToGroup rdf:comment "This resource given to this group" .
+gnt:belongsToGroup rdf:label "belongsToGroup" .
+gn:setBxd skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBxd rdfs:label "BXD Family" .
+gn:setBxd skos:prefLabel "BXD" .
+gn:setBxd gnt:geneticType "riset" .
+gn:setBxd gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setBxd gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBxd gnt:code "BXD" .
+gn:setBxd xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setB6d2f2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setB6d2f2 rdfs:label "B6D2F2 OHSU Brain" .
+gn:setB6d2f2 skos:prefLabel "B6D2F2" .
+gn:setB6d2f2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setB6d2f2 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setB6d2f2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setB6d2f2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setAxbxa skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setAxbxa rdfs:label "AXB/BXA Family" .
+gn:setAxbxa skos:prefLabel "AXBXA" .
+gn:setAxbxa gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setAxbxa gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setAxbxa gnt:code "AXB" .
+gn:setAxbxa xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setAkxd skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setAkxd rdfs:label "AKXD Family" .
+gn:setAkxd skos:prefLabel "AKXD" .
+gn:setAkxd gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setAkxd gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setAkxd gnt:code "AKD" .
+gn:setAkxd xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 rdfs:label "B6BTBRF2" .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 skos:prefLabel "B6BTBRF2" .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 gnt:code "BBT" .
+gn:setB6btbrf2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBxh skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBxh rdfs:label "BXH Family" .
+gn:setBxh skos:prefLabel "BXH" .
+gn:setBxh gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setBxh gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBxh gnt:code "BXH" .
+gn:setBxh xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setCxb skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCxb rdfs:label "CXB Family" .
+gn:setCxb skos:prefLabel "CXB" .
+gn:setCxb gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setCxb gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setCxb gnt:code "CXB" .
+gn:setCxb xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLxs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLxs rdfs:label "ILSXISS (LXS) Family" .
+gn:setLxs skos:prefLabel "LXS" .
+gn:setLxs gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setLxs gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setLxs gnt:code "LXS" .
+gn:setLxs xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setHxbbxh skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHxbbxh rdfs:label "Hybrid Rat Diversity Panel (Includes HXB/BXH)" .
+gn:setHxbbxh skos:prefLabel "HXBBXH" .
+gn:setHxbbxh gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setHxbbxh gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setHxbbxh gnt:code "HRP" .
+gn:setHxbbxh xkos:generalizes gn:Rattus_norvegicus .
+gn:setBayxsha skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBayxsha rdfs:label "BayXSha" .
+gn:setBayxsha skos:prefLabel "BayXSha" .
+gn:setBayxsha gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBayxsha xkos:generalizes gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 rdfs:label "B6D2F2 OHSU Striatum" .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 skos:prefLabel "BDF2-2005" .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBdf2-2005 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setColxcvi skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setColxcvi rdfs:label "ColXCvi" .
+gn:setColxcvi skos:prefLabel "ColXCvi" .
+gn:setColxcvi gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setColxcvi xkos:generalizes gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana .
+gn:setColxbur skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setColxbur rdfs:label "ColXBur" .
+gn:setColxbur skos:prefLabel "ColXBur" .
+gn:setColxbur gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setColxbur xkos:generalizes gn:Arabidopsis_thaliana .
+gn:setMdp skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setMdp rdfs:label "Mouse Diversity Panel" .
+gn:setMdp skos:prefLabel "MDP" .
+gn:setMdp gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
+gn:setMdp gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setMdp gnt:code "MDP" .
+gn:setMdp xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setSxm skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setSxm rdfs:label "SXM" .
+gn:setSxm skos:prefLabel "SXM" .
+gn:setSxm gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setSxm gnt:code "SXM" .
+gn:setSxm xkos:generalizes gn:Hordeum_vulgare .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu rdfs:label "B6D2F2 PSU Muscle" .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu skos:prefLabel "B6D2F2-PSU" .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setB6d2f2-psu xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBhf2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBhf2 rdfs:label "B6C3HF2(APOE-) UCLA Metabolism" .
+gn:setBhf2 skos:prefLabel "BHF2" .
+gn:setBhf2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setBhf2 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setBhf2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBhf2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 rdfs:label "B6D2F2 UCLA Liver" .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 skos:prefLabel "BDF2-1999" .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBdf2-1999 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setCtb6f2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCtb6f2 rdfs:label "CastB6/B6Cast F2 UCLA" .
+gn:setCtb6f2 skos:prefLabel "CTB6F2" .
+gn:setCtb6f2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setCtb6f2 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setCtb6f2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setCtb6f2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBhhbf2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBhhbf2 rdfs:label "B6C3HF2 UCLA Metabolism" .
+gn:setBhhbf2 skos:prefLabel "BHHBF2" .
+gn:setBhhbf2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setBhhbf2 gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setBhhbf2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBhhbf2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setCeph-2004 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCeph-2004 rdfs:label "Lymphoblastoid Cells: Gene Expression (CEPH, Williams)" .
+gn:setCeph-2004 skos:prefLabel "CEPH-2004" .
+gn:setCeph-2004 xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 rdfs:label "NZB/FVB N2 NCI" .
+gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 skos:prefLabel "NZBXFVB-N2" .
+gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setNzbxfvb-n2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 rdfs:label "UIOWA SRxSHRSP F2" .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 skos:prefLabel "SRxSHRSPF2" .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 gnt:family "Crosses and Heterogeneous Stock (individuals)" .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setSrxshrspf2 xkos:generalizes gn:Rattus_norvegicus .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls rdfs:label "Brain, Aging: AD, Normal Gene Expression (Liang)" .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls skos:prefLabel "AD-cases-controls" .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls-myers skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls-myers rdfs:label "Brain, Aging: AD, Normal Gene Expression with Genotypes (Myers)" .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls-myers skos:prefLabel "AD-cases-controls-Myers" .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls-myers gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setAd-cases-controls-myers xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setQsm skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setQsm rdfs:label "QSM" .
+gn:setQsm skos:prefLabel "QSM" .
+gn:setQsm gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setQsm gnt:code "QSM" .
+gn:setQsm xkos:generalizes gn:Hordeum_vulgare .
+gn:setCeph-2009 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCeph-2009 rdfs:label "CEPH 2009 families" .
+gn:setCeph-2009 skos:prefLabel "CEPH-2009" .
+gn:setCeph-2009 xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setOregon-r_x_2b3 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setOregon-r_x_2b3 rdfs:label "Oregon-R x 2b3" .
+gn:setOregon-r_x_2b3 skos:prefLabel "Oregon-R_x_2b3" .
+gn:setOregon-r_x_2b3 xkos:generalizes gn:Drosophila_melanogaster .
+gn:setMacaca-fasicularis skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setMacaca-fasicularis rdfs:label "Macaca fasicularis (Cynomolgus monkey)" .
+gn:setMacaca-fasicularis skos:prefLabel "Macaca-fasicularis" .
+gn:setMacaca-fasicularis gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setMacaca-fasicularis xkos:generalizes gn:Macaca_nemestrina .
+gn:setHs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHs rdfs:label "Heterogeneous Stock" .
+gn:setHs skos:prefLabel "HS" .
+gn:setHs gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setHs gnt:code "HSA" .
+gn:setHs xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setDgrp skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setDgrp rdfs:label "Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel" .
+gn:setDgrp skos:prefLabel "DGRP" .
+gn:setDgrp xkos:generalizes gn:Drosophila_melanogaster .
+gn:setHs-cc skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHs-cc rdfs:label "DO Hitzemann Striatum mRNA n=90 (Feb11, no mapping)" .
+gn:setHs-cc skos:prefLabel "HS-CC" .
+gn:setHs-cc gnt:family "CC and DO Individual Data" .
+gn:setHs-cc gnt:code "HCC" .
+gn:setHs-cc xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setHlc skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHlc rdfs:label "Liver: Normal Gene Expression with Genotypes (Merck)" .
+gn:setHlc skos:prefLabel "HLC" .
+gn:setHlc gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setHlc xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setCandle skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCandle rdfs:label "Child Development: CANDLE Cohort with Genotypes (TUCI/UTHSC)" .
+gn:setCandle skos:prefLabel "CANDLE" .
+gn:setCandle gnt:code "CAN" .
+gn:setCandle xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setHb skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHb rdfs:label "Brain, Aging: AD, HD, Normal Gene Expression (Harvard/Merck)" .
+gn:setHb skos:prefLabel "HB" .
+gn:setHb xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setHsb skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHsb rdfs:label "Brain, Development: Normal Gene Expression (Yale/Sestan)" .
+gn:setHsb skos:prefLabel "HSB" .
+gn:setHsb xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setJ12xj58f2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setJ12xj58f2 rdfs:label "J12XJ58F2" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f2 skos:prefLabel "J12XJ58F2" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f2 xkos:generalizes gn:Glycine_max .
+gn:setLxp skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLxp rdfs:label "LXP" .
+gn:setLxp skos:prefLabel "LXP" .
+gn:setLxp gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setLxp gnt:code "LXP" .
+gn:setLxp xkos:generalizes gn:Solanum_lycopersicum .
+gn:setB6d2ri skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setB6d2ri rdfs:label "BXD Aged Hippocampus" .
+gn:setB6d2ri skos:prefLabel "B6D2RI" .
+gn:setB6d2ri gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setB6d2ri gnt:family "BXD Individual Data" .
+gn:setB6d2ri gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setB6d2ri gnt:code "BDH" .
+gn:setB6d2ri xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu rdfs:label "SOTNOT-OHSU" .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu skos:prefLabel "SOTNOT-OHSU" .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu gnt:geneticType "riset" .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setSotnot-ohsu xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc rdfs:label "NIH Heterogeneous Stock (RGSMC 2013)" .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc skos:prefLabel "HSNIH-RGSMC" .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc gnt:family "Crosses and Heterogeneous Stock (individuals)" .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc gnt:code "HSS" .
+gn:setHsnih-rgsmc xkos:generalizes gn:Rattus_norvegicus .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 rdfs:label "Reduced Complexity Cross (B6JxB6N F2)" .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 skos:prefLabel "C57BL-6JxC57BL-6NJF2" .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 gnt:code "BRC" .
+gn:setC57bl-6jxc57bl-6njf2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setScripps-2013 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setScripps-2013 rdfs:label "Scripps C57BL/6J" .
+gn:setScripps-2013 skos:prefLabel "Scripps-2013" .
+gn:setScripps-2013 gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setScripps-2013 gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setScripps-2013 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setScripps-2013 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setHlt skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHlt rdfs:label "Lung: Normal Gene Expression (Merck)" .
+gn:setHlt skos:prefLabel "HLT" .
+gn:setHlt gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setHlt xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setAging-brain-uci skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setAging-brain-uci rdfs:label "Brain, Aging: Normal Gene Expression (UCI/Cotman)" .
+gn:setAging-brain-uci skos:prefLabel "Aging-Brain-UCI" .
+gn:setAging-brain-uci xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm rdfs:label "B6D2 EtOH Selected Advanced Intercross" .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm skos:prefLabel "Linsenbardt-Boehm" .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setLinsenbardt-boehm xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBrain-normal-nih-gibbs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBrain-normal-nih-gibbs rdfs:label "Brain: Normal Gene Expression (NIH/Gibbs)" .
+gn:setBrain-normal-nih-gibbs skos:prefLabel "Brain-Normal-NIH-Gibbs" .
+gn:setBrain-normal-nih-gibbs xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setGtex skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setGtex rdfs:label "GTEx v3 All Tissues, RNA-Seq with Genotypes" .
+gn:setGtex skos:prefLabel "GTEx" .
+gn:setGtex gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setGtex xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setJ12xj58f11 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setJ12xj58f11 rdfs:label "J12XJ58F11" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f11 skos:prefLabel "J12XJ58F11" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f11 gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setJ12xj58f11 xkos:generalizes gn:Glycine_max .
+gn:setHcp skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHcp rdfs:label "Brain, Cognition, Human Connectome Project" .
+gn:setHcp skos:prefLabel "HCP" .
+gn:setHcp xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setGtex_v5 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setGtex_v5 rdfs:label "GTEx v5 All Tissues, RNA-Seq with Genotypes" .
+gn:setGtex_v5 skos:prefLabel "GTEx_v5" .
+gn:setGtex_v5 gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setGtex_v5 xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setCms skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCms rdfs:label "Chronic Mild Stress" .
+gn:setCms skos:prefLabel "CMS" .
+gn:setCms gnt:geneticType "riset" .
+gn:setCms gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setCms xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setCie-inia skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCie-inia rdfs:label "Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Phase 1" .
+gn:setCie-inia skos:prefLabel "CIE-INIA" .
+gn:setCie-inia gnt:geneticType "riset" .
+gn:setCie-inia gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setCie-inia xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer rdfs:label "NIH Heterogeneous Stock (Palmer)" .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer skos:prefLabel "HSNIH-Palmer" .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer gnt:family "Crosses and Heterogeneous Stock (individuals)" .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer gnt:code "HSR" .
+gn:setHsnih-palmer xkos:generalizes gn:Rattus_norvegicus .
+gn:setTigem-retina-rna-seq skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setTigem-retina-rna-seq rdfs:label "Retina: Normal Adult Gene Expression, RNA-Seq (TIGEM)" .
+gn:setTigem-retina-rna-seq skos:prefLabel "TIGEM-Retina-RNA-Seq" .
+gn:setTigem-retina-rna-seq xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setB6d2 skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setB6d2 rdfs:label "Glaucoma and Aged Retina UTHSC" .
+gn:setB6d2 skos:prefLabel "B6D2" .
+gn:setB6d2 gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setB6d2 xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBxd-bone skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBxd-bone rdfs:label "BXD Bone Individual Data" .
+gn:setBxd-bone skos:prefLabel "BXD-Bone" .
+gn:setBxd-bone gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setBxd-bone gnt:family "BXD Individual Data" .
+gn:setBxd-bone gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBxd-bone gnt:code "BDB" .
+gn:setBxd-bone xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setCfw skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCfw rdfs:label "CFW Outbred GWAS" .
+gn:setCfw skos:prefLabel "CFW" .
+gn:setCfw gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setCfw gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setCfw gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setCfw gnt:code "CFA" .
+gn:setCfw xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setPoplar skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setPoplar rdfs:label "Poplar" .
+gn:setPoplar skos:prefLabel "Poplar" .
+gn:setPoplar xkos:generalizes gn:Populus_trichocarpa .
+gn:setIslets-gerling skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setIslets-gerling rdfs:label "Pancreatic: Islets (UTHSC/Gerling)" .
+gn:setIslets-gerling skos:prefLabel "Islets-Gerling" .
+gn:setIslets-gerling xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setEmsr skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setEmsr rdfs:label "Ethanol-Medicated Stress Reduction" .
+gn:setEmsr skos:prefLabel "EMSR" .
+gn:setEmsr gnt:geneticType "riset" .
+gn:setEmsr gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setEmsr xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setCie-rma skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setCie-rma rdfs:label "Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Phase 2" .
+gn:setCie-rma skos:prefLabel "CIE-RMA" .
+gn:setCie-rma gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setCie-rma xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBxd-longevity skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBxd-longevity rdfs:label "BXD NIA Longevity Study" .
+gn:setBxd-longevity skos:prefLabel "BXD-Longevity" .
+gn:setBxd-longevity gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setBxd-longevity gnt:family "BXD Individual Data" .
+gn:setBxd-longevity gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBxd-longevity gnt:code "BDL" .
+gn:setBxd-longevity xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLgsm-ai skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLgsm-ai rdfs:label "LGSM AI Palmer" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai skos:prefLabel "LGSM-AI" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai gnt:code "LSF" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setD2gm skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setD2gm rdfs:label "D2 Glaucoma Model" .
+gn:setD2gm skos:prefLabel "D2GM" .
+gn:setD2gm gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setD2gm gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setD2gm gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setD2gm xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setRetina-rgc-rheaume skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setRetina-rgc-rheaume rdfs:label "Retina RGC Rheaume" .
+gn:setRetina-rgc-rheaume skos:prefLabel "Retina-RGC-Rheaume" .
+gn:setRetina-rgc-rheaume gnt:family "Non-genetic Cohort" .
+gn:setRetina-rgc-rheaume xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setBxd_dev skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setBxd_dev rdfs:label "BXD Development" .
+gn:setBxd_dev skos:prefLabel "BXD_Dev" .
+gn:setBxd_dev gnt:geneticType "riset" .
+gn:setBxd_dev gnt:family "BXD Individual Data" .
+gn:setBxd_dev gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" .
+gn:setBxd_dev xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a rdfs:label "LGSM AI G34 Palmer (Array)" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a skos:prefLabel "LGSM-AI-G34-A" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a gnt:code "LSB" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-a xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs rdfs:label "LGSM AI G34 Palmer (GBS)" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs skos:prefLabel "LGSM-AI-G34-GBS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs gnt:code "LSC" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34-gbs xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs rdfs:label "LGSM AI G34 G39-43 Palmer (GBS)" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs skos:prefLabel "LGSM-AI-G34_39-43-GBS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs gnt:code "LSA" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g34_39-43-gbs xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs rdfs:label "LGSM AI G39-43 Palmer (GBS)" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs skos:prefLabel "LGSM-AI-G39-43-GBS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs gnt:code "LSE" .
+gn:setLgsm-ai-g39-43-gbs xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs rdfs:label "LGSM AI G34/50-56 Lionikas (GBS)" .
+gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs skos:prefLabel "LGSM-AIG34_50-56-GBS" .
+gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
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+gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs gnt:code "LSD" .
+gn:setLgsm-aig34_50-56-gbs xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus .
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+gn:setHet3-itp rdfs:label "Aging Mouse Lifespan Studies (NIA UM-HET3)" .
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+gn:setHet3-itp gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setHet3-itp gnt:family "Crosses, AIL, HS" .
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+gn:setCc gnt:geneticType "intercross" .
+gn:setCc gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" .
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+gn:setNwu_wkyxf344_f2 gnt:mappingMethod "HappyR" .
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+gn:setHiv-1tg skos:prefLabel "HIV-1Tg" .
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+gn:setEbv_t_cells_perkins skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
+gn:setEbv_t_cells_perkins rdfs:label "EBV, T cells Type 1 Diabetes: Gene Expression (Perkins, Morahan)" .
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+gn:setEbv_t_cells_perkins gnt:mappingMethod "Rqtl" .
+gn:setEbv_t_cells_perkins xkos:generalizes gn:Homo_sapiens .
+gn:setMikk skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme .
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+gn:wiki-5005-0 gnt:symbol "Lpl" .
+gn:wiki-5005-0 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:wiki-5005-0 dct:created "2012-11-10 13:30:09"^^xsd:datetime .
+gn:wiki-5005-0 foaf:mbox <XXX@XXX.com> .
+gn:wiki-5005-0 dct:identifier "5005"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-5005-0 dct:hasVersion "0"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-5005-0 gnt:belongsToCategory "Genetic variation and alleles" .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 rdfs:label '''Strong cis eQTL in brain RNA-seq data (LRS of 29 high B allele). Highly expressed in almost all neurons (not just interneurons). Trans targets of CKB include striatin (STRN) and C1QL3 (CTRP13).'''@en .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 gnt:symbol "Ckb" .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 dct:created "2012-11-11 10:37:11"^^xsd:datetime .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 foaf:mbox <XXX@XXX.com> .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 dct:identifier "5006"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 dct:hasVersion "0"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 gnt:belongsToCategory "Genetic variation and alleles" .
+gn:wiki-5006-0 gnt:belongsToCategory "Interactions: mRNA, proteins, other molecules" .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 rdfs:label '''Of interest to Lu Lu and colleagues (2015) due to modulation of expression of this gene in hippocampus following stress or ethanol (BXD Illumina Hippocampus data sets).'''@en .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 gnt:symbol "Lpl" .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 dct:created "2015-05-26 16:37:57"^^xsd:datetime .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 foaf:mbox <XXX@XXX.com> .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 dct:identifier "5868"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-5868-0 dct:hasVersion "0"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 rdfs:label '''Possible retinal ganglion cell marker.'''@en .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 gnt:symbol "Shh" .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 dct:created "2018-03-12 10:51:31"^^xsd:datetime .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 foaf:mbox <XXX@XXX.com> .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 dct:identifier "6738"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 dct:hasVersion "0"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-6738-0 gnt:belongsToCategory "Development and aging" .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 rdfs:label '''AC was here'''@en .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 gnt:symbol "Shh" .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 dct:created "2021-11-09 17:46:14"^^xsd:datetime .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 foaf:mbox <XXX@XXX.com> .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 dct:identifier "7221"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-7221-0 dct:hasVersion "0"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 rdfs:label '''Test'''@en .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 rdf:type gnc:GNWikiEntry .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 gnt:symbol "Shh" .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 dct:created "2022-08-24 18:34:41"^^xsd:datetime .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 foaf:mbox <XXX@XXX.com> .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 dct:identifier "7273"^^xsd:integer .
+gn:wiki-7273-0 dct:hasVersion "0"^^xsd:integer .
diff --git a/tests/unit/db/rdf/test_wiki.py b/tests/unit/db/rdf/test_wiki.py
index e8f0e62..99ecab0 100644
--- a/tests/unit/db/rdf/test_wiki.py
+++ b/tests/unit/db/rdf/test_wiki.py
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
"""Tests for gn3/db/rdf/wiki.py"""
+from unittest import TestCase
import pytest
+import os
-from gn3.db.rdf.wiki import __sanitize_result
+from gn3.db.rdf.wiki import (
+ __sanitize_result,
+ get_wiki_entries_by_symbol,
+ get_comment_history,
+ update_wiki_comment,
+GRAPH = "<http://cd-test.genenetwork.org>"
@@ -155,3 +165,208 @@ from gn3.db.rdf.wiki import __sanitize_result
def test_sanitize_result(result, expected):
"""Test that the JSON-LD result is sanitized correctly"""
assert __sanitize_result(result) == expected
+def test_get_wiki_entries_by_symbol():
+ """Test that wiki entries are fetched correctly by symbol"""
+ result = get_wiki_entries_by_symbol(
+ symbol="ckb",
+ sparql_uri=os.environ.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT", "http://localhost:9082/sparql"),
+ graph=GRAPH,
+ )
+ expected = {
+ "@context": {
+ "categories": "gnt:belongsToCategory",
+ "comment": "rdfs:comment",
+ "created": "dct:created",
+ "data": "@graph",
+ "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
+ "email": "foaf:mbox",
+ "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
+ "gn": "http://genenetwork.org/id/",
+ "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/",
+ "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/",
+ "id": "dct:identifier",
+ "initial": "gnt:initial",
+ "pubmed_ids": "dct:references",
+ "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>",
+ "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
+ "reason": "gnt:reason",
+ "species": "gnt:species",
+ "symbol": "rdfs:label",
+ "type": "@type",
+ "version": "gnt:hasVersion",
+ "web_url": "foaf:homepage",
+ },
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "@id": "gn:wiki-1106-0",
+ "categories": [],
+ "comment": "high similarities on four locations on three different chromosomes",
+ "created": "2007-01-16 10:06:34",
+ "email": "XXX@XXX.com",
+ "id": 1106,
+ "initial": "dcc",
+ "pubmed_ids": [],
+ "reason": "",
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "symbol": "Ckb",
+ "version": 0,
+ "web_url": "",
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "gn:wiki-5006-0",
+ "categories": [
+ "Genetic variation and alleles",
+ "Interactions: mRNA, proteins, other molecules",
+ ],
+ "comment": "Strong cis eQTL in brain RNA-seq data (LRS of 29 high B allele). Highly expressed in almost all neurons (not just interneurons). Trans targets of CKB include striatin (STRN) and C1QL3 (CTRP13).",
+ "created": "2012-11-11 10:37:11",
+ "email": "XXX@XXX.com",
+ "id": 5006,
+ "initial": "",
+ "pubmed_ids": [],
+ "reason": "",
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "symbol": "Ckb",
+ "version": 0,
+ "web_url": "",
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ TestCase().assertDictEqual(result, expected)
+def test_get_comment_history():
+ result = get_comment_history(
+ comment_id=1158,
+ sparql_uri=os.environ.get("SPARQL_ENDPOINT", "http://localhost:9082/sparql"),
+ graph=GRAPH,
+ )
+ expected = {
+ "@context": {
+ "categories": "gnt:belongsToCategory",
+ "comment": "rdfs:comment",
+ "created": "dct:created",
+ "data": "@graph",
+ "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
+ "email": "foaf:mbox",
+ "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
+ "gn": "http://genenetwork.org/id/",
+ "gnc": "http://genenetwork.org/category/",
+ "gnt": "http://genenetwork.org/term/",
+ "id": "dct:identifier",
+ "initial": "gnt:initial",
+ "pubmed_ids": "dct:references",
+ "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>",
+ "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
+ "reason": "gnt:reason",
+ "species": "gnt:species",
+ "symbol": "rdfs:label",
+ "type": "@type",
+ "version": "gnt:hasVersion",
+ "web_url": "foaf:homepage",
+ },
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "@id": "gn:wiki-1158-2",
+ "categories": [
+ "Probes and probe sets",
+ "Transcriptional and translation control",
+ ],
+ "comment": "Validated strong cis-QTL in CNS using allele-specific expression (ASE) SNaPshot assay. Possible 3' UTR variants.",
+ "created": "2007-04-05 09:11:05",
+ "email": "XXX@XXX.com",
+ "initial": "dcc",
+ "pubmed_ids": [],
+ "reason": "new data",
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "symbol": "Lpl",
+ "version": 2,
+ "web_url": "",
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "gn:wiki-1158-1",
+ "categories": [
+ "Probes and probe sets",
+ "Transcriptional and translation control",
+ ],
+ "comment": "putative 3' UTR variants",
+ "created": "2007-02-09 09:23:40",
+ "email": "XXX@XXX.com",
+ "initial": "dcc",
+ "reason": "",
+ "pubmed_ids": [],
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "symbol": "Lpl",
+ "version": 1,
+ "web_url": "",
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "gn:wiki-1158-0",
+ "categories": [
+ "Probes and probe sets",
+ "Transcriptional and translation control",
+ ],
+ "comment": "Validated strong cis-QTL in CNS using allele-specific expression (ASE) SNaPshot assay (Daniel Ciobanu and al., 2007). Possible 3' UTR variants.",
+ "created": "2007-05-08 14:46:07",
+ "email": "XXX@XXX.com",
+ "initial": "dcc",
+ "pubmed_ids": [],
+ "reason": "addition",
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "symbol": "Lpl",
+ "version": 0,
+ "web_url": "",
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ # breakpoint()
+ TestCase().assertDictEqual(result, expected)
+def test_update_wiki_comment(rdf_setup):
+ """Test that a comment is updated correctly"""
+ response = update_wiki_comment(
+ insert_dict={
+ "Id": 230,
+ "symbol": "Shh",
+ "PubMed_ID": "2 3 4",
+ "email": "test@test.com",
+ "comment": "Updated comment",
+ "createtime": "2007-01-16 11:06:34",
+ "weburl": "http://some-website.com",
+ "initial": "BMK",
+ "reason": "Testing",
+ "versionId": 3,
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "categories": [],
+ },
+ sparql_user=SPARQL_CONF["sparql_user"],
+ sparql_password=SPARQL_CONF["sparql_password"],
+ sparql_auth_uri=SPARQL_CONF["sparql_auth_uri"],
+ graph=GRAPH,
+ )
+ updated_history = get_comment_history(
+ comment_id=230,
+ sparql_uri=SPARQL_CONF["sparql_endpoint"],
+ graph=GRAPH,
+ )["data"]
+ assert len(updated_history) == 4
+ TestCase().assertDictEqual(updated_history[0], {
+ "@id": "gn:wiki-230-3",
+ "categories": [],
+ "comment": "Updated comment",
+ "created": "2007-01-16 11:06:34",
+ "email": "test@test.com",
+ "initial": "BMK",
+ "pubmed_ids": [2, 3, 4],
+ "reason": "Testing",
+ "species": "mouse",
+ "symbol": "Shh",
+ "version": 3,
+ "web_url": "http://some-website.com",
+ })