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<div class=T style='mso-line-spacing:"-358 0 -1";mso-margin-left-alt:233;
height:75.51%'><span style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:64%'><i>WebQTL
searches for upstream controllers</i></span><span style='font-family:Verdana;


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<div class=O style='position:absolute;top:3.57%;left:2.3%;width:97.69%;
height:91.96%'><span style='position:absolute;top:0%;left:0%;width:98.82%'><span
style='font-size:167%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>App maps on Chr 16 (blue </i></span></span><span
style='font-size:167%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>arrow points to the orange </i></span></span><span
style='font-size:167%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>triangle) but the best </i></span></span><span
style='font-size:167%;color:#E9EB5D'><i>locus is on Chr 7.</i></span><span


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<table style='color:white' border=0 width="100%">
  <td width=5 nowrap></td>
  <td width="100%"></td>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>This is a major output
  type: a so-called full-genome interval map.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>The X-axis represents all
  19 autosomes and the X chromosome as if they were laid end to end with short
  gaps between the telomere of one chromosome and the centromere of the next
  chromosome (mouse chromosomes only have a single long arm and the centromere
  represents the origin of each chromosome for numerical purpose: 0
  centimorgans at almost 0 megabases). The blue labels along the bottom of the
  figure list a subset of the 3795 markers that were used in mapping.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>The thick blue wavy line
  running across chromosomes summarizes the strength of association between
  variation in the phenotype (App expression differences) and the two genotypes
  of all markers and the intervals between markers (hence, interval mapping).<span
  style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>The height of the wave (blue Y-axis
  to the left) provides the likelihood ratio statistic (LRS). Divide by 4.61 to
  convert these values to LOD scores.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp;
  </span>Or you can read them as a chi-square-like statistic.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>The red line and the red
  axis to the far right provide an estimate of the effect that a QTL has on
  expression of App (this estimate of the so-called additive effect tends to be
  too high). If the red line is below the X-axis then this means that the allele
  inherited from C57BL/6J (B6 or B) at a particular marker is associated with
  higher values. If the red line is above the X-axis then the DBA/2J allele (D2
  or D) is associated with higher trait values. Multiply the additive effect
  size by 2 to estimate the difference between the set of strains that have the
  B/B genotype and those that have the D/D genotype at a specific marker. For
  example, on distal Chr 7 the red line peaks at a value of about 0.2. That
  means that this region of chromosome 2 is responsible for a 0.4 unit
  expression difference between B/B strains and the D/D strains.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>The yellow histogram bars:
  These summarize the results of a whole-genome bootstrap of the trait that is
  performed 1000 times. What is a bootstrap? A bootstrap provides a method to
  evaluate whether results are robust. If we drop out one strain, do we still
  get the same results? When mapping quantitative traits, each strain normally
  gets one equally weighted vote. But using the bootstrap procedure, we give
  each strain a random weighting factor of between 0 and 1.<span
  style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>We then remap the trait and find THE
  SINGLE BEST LRS VALUE per bootstrap. We do this 1000 times. In this example,
  most bootstrap results cluster on Chr 3 and Chr 7 under the LRS peaks. That
  is somewhat reassuring. But notice that a substantial number of bootstrap are
  scattered around on other chromosomes. About 30% of the bootstrap resamples
  have a peak on Chr 7. That is pretty good, but does makes us realize that the
  sample we are working with is still quite small and fragile.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>The horizontal dashed
  lines at 10.5 and 17.3 are the likelihood ratio statistic (LRS) values
  associated with the suggestive and significant genome-wide probabilities that
  were established by permutations of phenotypes across genotypes. We shuffle
  randomly 2000 times and obtain a distribution of peak LRS scores to generate
  a null distribution. Five percent of the time, one of these permuted data
  sets will have a peak LRS higher than 17.3. We call that level the 0.05
  significance threshold for a whole genome scan. The p = 0.67 point is the
  suggestive level, and corresponds to the green dashed line.<span
  style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>These thresholds are conservative for
  transcripts that have expression variation that is highly heritable. The putative
  or suggestive QTL on Chr 3 is probably more than just suggestive.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>One other point: the
  mapping procedure we use is computationally very fast, but it is relatively
  simple. We are not looking for gene-gene interactions and we are not fitting
  multiple QTLs in combinations. Consider this QTL analysis a first pass that
  will highlight hot spots and warm spots that are worth following up on using
  more sophisticated models.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>CLICKABLE REGIONS:</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>1. If you click on the
  Chromosome number then you will generate a new map just for that chromosome.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>2. If you click on the
  body of the map, say on the blue line, then you will generate a view on a 10
  Mb window of that part of the genome from the UCSC Genome Browser web site.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>3. If you click on a
  marker symbol, then you will generate a new Trait data and Analysis window
  with the genotypes loaded into the window just like any other trait. More on
  this in Section 3.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>4. You can drag these maps
  off of the browser window and onto your desktop. They will be saved as PNG or
  PDF files. You can import them into Photoshop or other programs.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>5. There is also an option
  at the bottom of the page to download a 2X higher resolution image of this
  plot for papers and presentations.</font><br>
  <td colspan=1></td>
  <td align=left colspan=1><font face=Verdana size=3>6. You can also download
  the results of the analysis in a text format</font><br>


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