path: root/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/packages
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-02-25fixed untracked fileszsloan
2016-02-11Updated jquery validation plugin, now works in IE•••Fixed a couple minor html syntax erors in login_user.html and base.html Changed export button on correlation page to csvHtml5, but still has problem with commas in fields being interpreted as a new column zsloan
2016-01-26Removed a bunch of files/directories/packages that are no longer used and som...zsloan
2015-10-07Adding library for slider used with correlation toolzsloan
2015-10-05Correlation Matrix page is partially complete + fixed some issues with column...zsloan
2015-08-14Added csv download button to search result table; still need to add to other•••tables and later attach its functionality to the existing Download Table button Fixed an issue where rows wouldn't uncheck with backspacing in Select Top text area; the last commit just fixed the highlighting, not the checkboxes Some changes in progress towards trying to fix the additive effect issue; the problem is that the lod_chart.js code writes each chromosome as one d3 path, so I can't change the color for individual segments within that path. I'll have to completely change the way the path is drawn for the additive effect zsloan
2015-08-12Fixed global and regular search so that resizing/reordering columns works for...zsloan
2015-08-11Highlighting works for all trait selection options (select all, invert, selec...•••Search table and Select Top options added to global and regular search pages zsloan
2015-08-04Fixed additive effect for lodchart•••Made some more changes/improvements to various tables throughout the site zsloan
2015-07-23Committing most recent changes to tables so Lei can pull; still have a few mo...zsloan
2015-07-20Fixed the code that generates the dataset selection drop-down for correlations•••Made changes to the tables of correlation results, collections, and search results: - Added resizeable columns to correlation results and collections, but not to search results because it seems that it requires Y scrolling to be set (I'll check if it makes sense to add scrolling to the search results) - Correlation results and collections are now in scrolling tables - The style is the same across all of these tables now Remaining issues: - It doesn't seem like I can set the column width when initializing dataTables in correlation results. I don't know why this is; it might be due to the table already being the size of a full page. I want to be able to default to some good widths, even if the user can resize them - I tried adding hoverForMore, but it doesn't seem to cooperate with datatable cells; I think this is due to having to put the text in a div. zsloan
2015-05-26use NVD3 for bar charts•••added informative tooltips and error bars Artem Tarasov
2015-05-23new probability plot (using NVD3 library)•••* z scores are computed on the client side (using jStat library) * added Shapiro-Wilk test results Artem Tarasov
2014-09-22Adding the port as a parameter to runserver; this should just be temporary until•••I figure out how to get it to read the port from the config file instead Using runserver.py instead of secure_server.py because of an error with the latter that I haven't figured out how to fix yet Improved the appearance of several of the tables Zachary Sloan
2014-07-14Made interval map zoom look better•••Started creating probability plot for show trait page Added outlier detection message when user does mapping Zachary Sloan
2014-05-05Committing a bunch of changes related to integrating GEMMA and•••adding the correlation matrix page Zachary Sloan
2014-01-24Added natural sort to sort the index column for the sample data in•••the trait page Hid the Quick Search on the index page until it is working well. Started writing a file to run the pyLMM code in the background to avoid memory issues/timing out Zachary Sloan
2013-11-25Got the interval mapping results into a tableZachary Sloan
2013-02-13Got results displaying for BXD and fixed genofile_parser.py to work•••for all of our genofiles Zachary Sloan
2012-10-05Worked on rewriting search page parsing code.•••Downloaded jquery validation code to use with the block index feature on the trait data page (as well as others in the future). Zachary Sloan
2012-07-05Added DataTablesSam Ockman