path: root/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/get_traits_from_collection.coffee
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/get_traits_from_collection.coffee')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/get_traits_from_collection.coffee b/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/get_traits_from_collection.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 07be824f..00000000
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/static/new/javascript/get_traits_from_collection.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-console.log("before get_traits_from_collection")
-# Going to be used to hold collection list
-# So we can repopulate it when the back button is clicked
-collection_list = null
-this_trait_data = null
-selected_traits = {}
-collection_click = () ->
- console.log("Clicking on:", $(this))
- this_collection_url = $(this).find('.collection_name').prop("href")
- this_collection_url += "&json"
- console.log("this_collection_url", this_collection_url)
- collection_list = $("#collections_holder").html()
- $.ajax(
- dataType: "json",
- url: this_collection_url,
- success: process_traits
- )
-submit_click = () ->
- selected_traits = {}
- traits = []
- $('#collections_holder').find('input[type=checkbox]:checked').each ->
- this_trait = $(@).parents('tr').find('.trait').text()
- console.log("this_trait is:", this_trait)
- this_dataset = $(@).parents('tr').find('.dataset').text()
- console.log("this_dataset is:", this_dataset)
- this_trait_url = "/trait/get_sample_data?trait="+this_trait+"&dataset="+this_dataset
- $.ajax(
- dataType: "json",
- url: this_trait_url,
- async: false,
- success: add_trait_data
- )
- console.log("SELECTED_TRAITS IS:", selected_traits)
- trait_names = []
- samples = $('input[name=allsamples]').val().split(" ")
- all_vals = []
- this_trait_vals = get_this_trait_vals(samples)
- all_vals.push(this_trait_vals)
- for trait in Object.keys(selected_traits)
- trait_names.push(trait)
- this_trait_vals = []
- for sample in samples
- if sample in Object.keys(selected_traits[trait])
- this_trait_vals.push(parseFloat(selected_traits[trait][sample]))
- else
- this_trait_vals.push(null)
- all_vals.push(this_trait_vals)
- trait_vals_csv = create_trait_data_csv(selected_traits)
- scatter_matrix = new ScatterMatrix(trait_vals_csv)
- scatter_matrix.render()
- #create_scatterplots(trait_names, samples, all_vals)
- $.colorbox.close()
-create_trait_data_csv = (selected_traits) ->
- trait_names = []
- trait_names.push($('input[name=trait_id]').val())
- samples = $('input[name=allsamples]').val().split(" ")
- all_vals = []
- this_trait_vals = get_this_trait_vals(samples)
- all_vals.push(this_trait_vals)
- for trait in Object.keys(selected_traits)
- trait_names.push(trait)
- this_trait_vals = []
- for sample in samples
- if sample in Object.keys(selected_traits[trait])
- this_trait_vals.push(parseFloat(selected_traits[trait][sample]))
- else
- this_trait_vals.push(null)
- all_vals.push(this_trait_vals)
- console.log("all_vals:", all_vals)
- trait_vals_csv = trait_names.join(",")
- trait_vals_csv += "\n"
- for sample, index in samples
- if all_vals[0][index] == null
- continue
- sample_vals = []
- for trait in all_vals
- sample_vals.push(trait[index])
- trait_vals_csv += sample_vals.join(",")
- trait_vals_csv += "\n"
- #console.log("trait_vals_csv:", trait_vals_csv)
- return trait_vals_csv
-trait_click = () ->
- console.log("Clicking on:", $(this))
- trait = $(this).parent().find('.trait').text()
- dataset = $(this).parent().find('.dataset').text()
- this_trait_url = "/trait/get_sample_data?trait="+trait+"&dataset="+dataset
- console.log("this_trait_url", this_trait_url)
- $.ajax(
- dataType: "json",
- url: this_trait_url,
- success: get_trait_data
- )
- $.colorbox.close()
-add_trait_data = (trait_data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
- trait_name = trait_data[0]
- trait_sample_data = trait_data[1]
- selected_traits[trait_name] = trait_sample_data
- console.log("selected_traits:", selected_traits)
-get_trait_data = (trait_data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
- #trait_list = $('input[name=compare_traits]')
- #console.log("trait_list:", trait_list.val())
- console.log("trait:", trait_data[0])
- trait_sample_data = trait_data[1]
- console.log("trait_sample_data:", trait_sample_data)
- samples = $('input[name=allsamples]').val().split(" ")
- vals = []
- for sample in samples
- if sample in Object.keys(trait_sample_data)
- vals.push(parseFloat(trait_sample_data[sample]))
- else
- vals.push(null)
- #console.log("sorted_samples:", samples)
- #console.log("sorted_vals:", vals)
- if $('input[name=samples]').length < 1
- $('#hidden_inputs').append('<input type="hidden" name="samples" value="[' + samples.toString() + ']" />')
- $('#hidden_inputs').append('<input type="hidden" name="vals" value="[' + vals.toString() + ']" />')
- this_trait_vals = get_this_trait_vals(samples)
- #json_data = assemble_into_json(this_trait_vals_json)
- #console.log("json_data[1]:", json_data[1])
- console.log("THE LENGTH IS:", $('input[name=vals]').length)
- #if $('input[name=vals]').length == 1
- # create_scatterplot(samples, [this_trait_vals, vals])
- color_by_trait(trait_sample_data)
-get_this_trait_vals = (samples) ->
- this_trait_vals = []
- for sample in samples
- this_val = parseFloat($("input[name='value:"+sample+"']").val())
- if !isNaN(this_val)
- this_trait_vals.push(this_val)
- else
- this_trait_vals.push(null)
- console.log("this_trait_vals:", this_trait_vals)
- this_vals_json = '[' + this_trait_vals.toString() + ']'
- return this_trait_vals
-assemble_into_json = (this_trait_vals) ->
- num_traits = $('input[name=vals]').length
- samples = $('input[name=samples]').val()
- json_ids = samples
- json_data = '[' + this_trait_vals
- $('input[name=vals]').each (index, element) =>
- json_data += ',' + $(element).val()
- json_data += ']'
- return [json_ids, json_data]
-color_by_trait = (trait_sample_data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
- #trait_sample_data = trait_sample_data
- console.log('in color_by_trait:', trait_sample_data)
- root.bar_chart.color_by_trait(trait_sample_data)
-process_traits = (trait_data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
- console.log('in process_traits with trait_data:', trait_data)
- the_html = "<button id='back_to_collections' class='btn btn-inverse btn-small'>"
- the_html += "<i class='icon-white icon-arrow-left'></i> Back </button>"
- the_html += " <button id='submit' class='btn btn-primary btn-small'> Submit </button>"
- the_html += "<table class='table table-hover'>"
- the_html += "<thead><tr><th></th><th>Record</th><th>Data Set</th><th>Description</th><th>Mean</th></tr></thead>"
- the_html += "<tbody>"
- for trait in trait_data
- the_html += "<tr class='trait_line'>"
- the_html += "<td class='select_trait'><input type='checkbox' name='selectCheck' class='checkbox edit_sample_checkbox'></td>"
- the_html += "<td class='trait'>#{ trait.name }</td>"
- the_html += "<td class='dataset'>#{ trait.dataset }</td>"
- the_html += "<td>#{ trait.description }</td>"
- the_html += "<td>#{ trait.mean or '&nbsp;' }</td></tr>"
- the_html += "</tbody>"
- the_html += "</table>"
- $("#collections_holder").html(the_html)
- $('#collections_holder').colorbox.resize()
-back_to_collections = () ->
- console.log("collection_list:", collection_list)
- $("#collections_holder").html(collection_list)
- $(document).on("click", ".collection_line", collection_click)
- $('#collections_holder').colorbox.resize()
-$ ->
- console.log("inside get_traits_from_collection")
- $(document).on("click", ".collection_line", collection_click)
- $(document).on("click", "#submit", submit_click)
- $(document).on("click", ".trait", trait_click)
- $(document).on("click", "#back_to_collections", back_to_collections)