path: root/wqflask/utility/tools.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/utility/tools.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/utility/tools.py b/wqflask/utility/tools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 283b0408..00000000
--- a/wqflask/utility/tools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-# Tools/paths finder resolves external paths from settings and/or environment
-# variables
-import os
-import sys
-import json
-import socket
-from pathlib import Path
-from wqflask import app
-# Use the standard logger here to avoid a circular dependency
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def app_set(command_id, value):
- """Set application wide value"""
- app.config.setdefault(command_id, value)
- return value
-def get_setting(command_id, guess=None):
- """Resolve a setting from the environment or the global settings in
- app.config, with valid_path is a function checking whether the
- path points to an expected directory and returns the full path to
- the binary command
- guess = os.environ.get('HOME')+'/pylmm'
- valid_path(get_setting('PYLMM_PATH',guess))
- first tries the environment variable in +id+, next gets the Flask
- app setting for the same +id+ and finally does an educated
- +guess+.
- In all, the environment overrides the others, next is the flask
- setting, then the guess. A valid path to the binary command is
- returned. If none is resolved an exception is thrown.
- Note that we do not use the system path. This is on purpose
- because it will mess up controlled (reproducible) deployment. The
- proper way is to either use the GNU Guix defaults as listed in
- etc/default_settings.py or override them yourself by creating a
- different settings.py file (or setting the environment).
- """
- def value(command):
- if command:
- # sys.stderr.write("Found "+command+"\n")
- app_set(command_id, command)
- return command
- else:
- return app.config.get(command_id)
- # ---- Check whether environment exists
- # print("Looking for "+command_id+"\n")
- command = value(os.environ.get(command_id))
- if command is None or command == "":
- # ---- Check whether setting exists in app
- command = value(app.config.get(command_id))
- if command is None:
- command = value(guess)
- if command is None or command == "":
- # print command
- raise Exception(
- command_id + ' setting unknown or faulty (update default_settings.py?).')
- # print("Set "+command_id+"="+str(command))
- return command
-def get_setting_bool(id):
- v = get_setting(id)
- if v not in [0, False, 'False', 'FALSE', None]:
- return True
- return False
-def get_setting_int(id):
- v = get_setting(id)
- if isinstance(v, str):
- return int(v)
- if v is None:
- return 0
- return v
-def valid_bin(bin):
- if os.path.islink(bin) or valid_file(bin):
- return bin
- return None
-def valid_file(fn):
- if os.path.isfile(fn):
- return fn
- return None
-def valid_path(dir):
- if os.path.isdir(dir):
- return dir
- return None
-def js_path(module=None):
- """
- Find the JS module in the two paths
- """
- try_gn = get_setting("JS_GN_PATH") + "/" + module
- if valid_path(try_gn):
- return try_gn
- try_guix = get_setting("JS_GUIX_PATH") + "/" + module
- if valid_path(try_guix):
- return try_guix
- raise "No JS path found for " + module + \
- " (if not in Guix check JS_GN_PATH)"
-def reaper_command(guess=None):
- return get_setting("REAPER_COMMAND", guess)
-def gemma_command(guess=None):
- return assert_bin(get_setting("GEMMA_COMMAND", guess))
-def gemma_wrapper_command(guess=None):
- return assert_bin(get_setting("GEMMA_WRAPPER_COMMAND", guess))
-def plink_command(guess=None):
- return assert_bin(get_setting("PLINK_COMMAND", guess))
-def flat_file_exists(subdir):
- base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES")
- return valid_path(base + "/" + subdir)
-def flat_files(subdir=None):
- base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES")
- if subdir:
- return assert_dir(base + "/" + subdir)
- return assert_dir(base)
-def assert_bin(fn):
- if not valid_bin(fn):
- raise Exception("ERROR: can not find binary " + fn)
- return fn
-def assert_dir(the_dir):
- if not valid_path(the_dir):
- raise FileNotFoundError(f"ERROR: can not find directory '{the_dir}'")
- return the_dir
-def assert_writable_dir(dir):
- try:
- fn = os.path.join(dir, "test.txt")
- fh = open(fn, 'w')
- fh.write("I am writing this text to the file\n")
- fh.close()
- os.remove(fn)
- except IOError:
- raise Exception('Unable to write test.txt to directory ' + dir)
- return dir
-def assert_file(fn):
- if not valid_file(fn):
- raise FileNotFoundError(f"Unable to find file '{fn}'")
- return fn
-def mk_dir(dir):
- if not valid_path(dir):
- os.makedirs(dir)
- return assert_dir(dir)
-def locate(name, subdir=None):
- """
- Locate a static flat file in the GENENETWORK_FILES environment.
- This function throws an error when the file is not found.
- """
- base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES")
- if subdir:
- base = base + "/" + subdir
- if valid_path(base):
- lookfor = base + "/" + name
- if valid_file(lookfor):
- return lookfor
- else:
- raise Exception("Can not locate " + lookfor)
- if subdir:
- sys.stderr.write(subdir)
- raise Exception("Can not locate " + name + " in " + base)
-def locate_phewas(name, subdir=None):
- return locate(name, '/phewas/' + subdir)
-def locate_ignore_error(name, subdir=None):
- """
- Locate a static flat file in the GENENETWORK_FILES environment.
- This function does not throw an error when the file is not found
- but returns None.
- """
- base = get_setting("GENENETWORK_FILES")
- if subdir:
- base = base + "/" + subdir
- if valid_path(base):
- lookfor = base + "/" + name
- if valid_file(lookfor):
- return lookfor
- return None
-def tempdir():
- """
- Get UNIX TMPDIR by default
- """
- return valid_path(get_setting("TMPDIR", "/tmp"))
-BLUE = '\033[94m'
-GREEN = '\033[92m'
-BOLD = '\033[1m'
-ENDC = '\033[0m'
-def show_settings():
- from utility.tools import LOG_LEVEL
- print(("Set global log level to " + BLUE + LOG_LEVEL + ENDC),
- file=sys.stderr)
- log_level = getattr(logging, LOG_LEVEL.upper())
- logging.basicConfig(level=log_level)
- logger.info(BLUE + "Mr. Mojo Risin 2" + ENDC)
- keylist = list(app.config.keys())
- print("runserver.py: ****** Webserver configuration - k,v pairs from app.config ******",
- file=sys.stderr)
- keylist.sort()
- for k in keylist:
- try:
- print(("%s: %s%s%s%s" % (k, BLUE, BOLD, get_setting(k), ENDC)),
- file=sys.stderr)
- except:
- print(("%s: %s%s%s%s" % (k, GREEN, BOLD, app.config[k], ENDC)),
- file=sys.stderr)
-def gn_version_repo_info(root_dir):
- """retrieve the branch name and abbreviated commit hash."""
- try:
- from git import Repo
- repo = Repo(root_dir)
- return f"{repo.head.ref.name}-{repo.head.commit.hexsha[0:9]}"
- except:
- return ""
-def gn_version():
- """Compute and return the version of the application."""
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- basedir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.parent
- with open(Path(basedir, "etc", "VERSION"), encoding="utf8") as version_file:
- version_contents = version_file.read().strip()
- base_version = f"{hostname}:{basedir.name}:{version_contents}"
- repo_info = gn_version_repo_info(basedir)
- return f"{base_version}-{repo_info}" if bool(repo_info) else base_version
-# Cached values
-GN_VERSION = gn_version()
-HOME = get_setting('HOME')
-SERVER_PORT = get_setting('SERVER_PORT')
-GN2_BASE_URL = get_setting('GN2_BASE_URL')
-GN2_BRANCH_URL = get_setting('GN2_BRANCH_URL')
-GN_SERVER_URL = get_setting('GN_SERVER_URL')
-GN_PROXY_URL = get_setting('GN_PROXY_URL')
-GN3_LOCAL_URL = get_setting('GN3_LOCAL_URL')
-SERVER_PORT = get_setting_int('SERVER_PORT')
-SQL_URI = get_setting('SQL_URI')
-LOG_LEVEL = get_setting('LOG_LEVEL')
-LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = get_setting_int('LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG')
-LOG_SQL = get_setting_bool('LOG_SQL')
-LOG_SQL_ALCHEMY = get_setting_bool('LOG_SQL_ALCHEMY')
-LOG_BENCH = get_setting_bool('LOG_BENCH')
-LOG_FORMAT = "%(message)s" # not yet in use
-USE_REDIS = get_setting_bool('USE_REDIS')
-REDIS_URL = get_setting('REDIS_URL')
-USE_GN_SERVER = get_setting_bool('USE_GN_SERVER')
-JS_GUIX_PATH = get_setting('JS_GUIX_PATH')
-JS_GN_PATH = get_setting('JS_GN_PATH')
-# assert_dir(JS_GN_PATH)
- GITHUB_AUTH_URL = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=" + \
- GITHUB_API_URL = get_setting('GITHUB_API_URL')
- ORCID_AUTH_URL = "https://orcid.org/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&scope=/authenticate&show_login=true&client_id=" + \
- ORCID_CLIENT_ID + "&client_secret=" + ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET + \
- "&redirect_uri=" + GN2_BRANCH_URL + "n/login/orcid_oauth2"
-REAPER_COMMAND = app_set("REAPER_COMMAND", reaper_command())
-GEMMA_COMMAND = app_set("GEMMA_COMMAND", gemma_command())
-assert(GEMMA_COMMAND is not None)
-PLINK_COMMAND = app_set("PLINK_COMMAND", plink_command())
-GEMMA_WRAPPER_COMMAND = gemma_wrapper_command()
-TEMPDIR = tempdir() # defaults to UNIX TMPDIR
-# ---- Handle specific JS modules
-JS_GUIX_PATH = get_setting("JS_GUIX_PATH")
-assert_dir(JS_GUIX_PATH + '/cytoscape-panzoom')
-CSS_PATH = JS_GUIX_PATH # The CSS is bundled together with the JS
-# assert_dir(JS_PATH)
- "JS_TWITTER_POST_FETCHER_PATH", js_path("javascript-twitter-post-fetcher"))
-assert_file(JS_TWITTER_POST_FETCHER_PATH + "/js/twitterFetcher_min.js")
-JS_CYTOSCAPE_PATH = get_setting("JS_CYTOSCAPE_PATH", js_path("cytoscape"))
-assert_file(JS_CYTOSCAPE_PATH + '/cytoscape.min.js')
-# assert_file(PHEWAS_FILES+"/auwerx/PheWAS_pval_EMMA_norm.RData")