path: root/wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html
diff options
authorzsloan2020-12-01 23:18:04 -0600
committerGitHub2020-12-01 23:18:04 -0600
commit83d1dc24e2d527463e6aa7fd79c30e8242a5a312 (patch)
tree1123667118fd29457405b6a37fd8ea48e349910f /wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html
parent3a9c4bf295d0d2b4aafda0d816c5052bebd2f94a (diff)
parentd2db01fd8e69afdc6c21b4be529674fffe62b830 (diff)
Merge pull request #482 from zsloan/feature/corr_table_changes
Feature/corr table changes
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html
index bc0b592c..6419b185 100644
--- a/wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html
+++ b/wqflask/wqflask/templates/correlation_page.html
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
{% block title %}Correlation Results{% endblock %}
{% block css %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('css', filename='DataTables/css/jquery.dataTables.css') }}" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/new/css/show_trait.css" />
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+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/new/css/trait_list.css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/new/css/show_trait.css" />
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="container" style="min-width: 1250px;">
@@ -112,10 +114,38 @@
{% endif %}
- <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;">
- <b>Show/Hide Columns:</b>
+ <div class="show-hide-container">
+ <b>Show/Hide Columns:</b>
+ <br>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="1">Index</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="2">Record</button>
+ {% if target_dataset.type == 'ProbeSet' %}
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="3">Symbol</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="4">Description</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="5">Location</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="6">Mean</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="7">High P</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="8">Peak Location</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="9">Effect Size</button>
+ {% elif target_dataset.type == 'Publish' %}
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="3">Abbreviation</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="4">Description</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="5">Authors</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="6">Year</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="7">Sample {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="8">N</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="9">Sample p({% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %})</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="10">High P</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="11">Peak Location</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="12">Effect Size</button>
+ {% else %}
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="3">Location</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="4">Sample {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="5">N</button>
+ <button class="toggle-vis" data-column="6">Sample p({% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %})</button>
+ {% endif %}
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+ <div style="width: 100%; {% if target_dataset.type == "ProbeSet" %}min-width: 1700px;{% elif target_dataset.type == "Publish" %}min-width: 1600px;{% else %}width: 650px;{% endif %}">
<table id="trait_table" class="table-hover table-striped cell-border" style="float: left;">
@@ -127,77 +157,7 @@
- {% for trait in correlation_results %}
- <tr>
- <td><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="searchResult" class="checkbox trait_checkbox" style="padding-right: 0px;" VALUE="{{ data_hmac('{}:{}'.format(trait.name, trait.dataset.name)) }}"></td>
- <td data-export="{{ loop.index }}" style="padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 4px; align: right;">{{ loop.index }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.name }}">
- <a href="{{ url_for('show_trait_page',
- trait_id = trait.name,
- dataset = trait.dataset.name
- )}}">
- {{ trait.name }}
- </a>
- </td>
- {% if target_dataset.type == 'ProbeSet' %}
- <td data-export="{{ trait.symbol }}">{{ trait.symbol }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.description_display }}">{{ trait.description_display }}</TD>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.location_repr }}" style="white-space: nowrap;">{{ trait.location_repr }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3f' % trait.mean|float }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3f' % trait.mean|float }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.sample_r) }}"" align="right"><a target="_blank" href="corr_scatter_plot?dataset_1={% if dataset.name == 'Temp' %}Temp_{{ dataset.group.name }}{% else %}{{ dataset.name }}{% endif %}&dataset_2={% if trait.dataset.name == 'Temp' %}Temp_{{ trait.dataset.group.name }}{% else %}{{ trait.dataset.name }}{% endif %}&trait_1={{ this_trait.name }}&trait_2={{ trait.name }}">{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.sample_r) }}</a></td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.num_overlap }}" align="right">{{ trait.num_overlap }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.sample_p) }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.sample_p) }}</td>
- {% if trait.lit_corr == "" or trait.lit_corr == 0.000 %}
- <td data-export="--" align="right">--</td>
- {% else %}
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.lit_corr) }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.lit_corr) }}</td>
- {% endif %}
- {% if trait.tissue_corr == "" or trait.tissue_corr == 0.000 %}
- <td data-export="--" align="right">--</td>
- <td data-export="--" align="right">--</td>
- {% else %}
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.tissue_corr) }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.tissue_corr) }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.tissue_pvalue) }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.tissue_pvalue) }}</td>
- {% endif %}
- <td data-export={% if trait.LRS_score_repr != "N/A" %}"{{ '%0.1f' % trait.LRS_score_repr|float }}"{% else %}"N/A"{% endif %} align="right">{% if trait.LRS_score_repr != "N/A" %}{{ '%0.1f' % trait.LRS_score_repr|float }}{% else %}N/A{% endif %}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.LRS_location_repr }}" align="right">{{ trait.LRS_location_repr }}</td>
- <td data-export={% if trait.additive != "" %}"{{ '%0.3f' % trait.additive|float }}"{% else %}"N/A"{% endif %} align="right">{% if trait.additive != "" %}{{ '%0.3f' % trait.additive|float }}{% else %}N/A{% endif %}</td>
- {% elif target_dataset.type == "Publish" %}
- {% if trait.abbreviation %}
- <td title="{{ trait.abbreviation }}" data-export="{{ trait.abbreviation }}">{% if trait.abbreviation|length > 20 %}{{ trait.abbreviation[:20] }}...{% else %}{{ trait.abbreviation }}{% endif %}</td>
- {% else %}
- <td data-export="N/A">N/A</td>
- {% endif %}
- <td data-export="{{ trait.description_display }}">{% if trait.description_display|length > 70 %}{{ trait.description_display[:70] }}...{% else %}{{ trait.description_display }}{% endif %}</td>
- {% if trait.authors %}
- {% set authors_list = trait.authors.split(',') %}
- <td data-export="{{ trait.authors }}">{% if authors_list|length > 6 %}{{ authors_list[:6]|join(', ') }}, et al.{% else %}{{ trait.authors }}{% endif %}</td>
- {% else %}
- <td data-export="N/A">N/A</td>
- {% endif %}
- <td data-export="{{ trait.pubmed_text }}">
- {% if trait.pubmed_text != "N/A" %}
- <a href="{{ trait.pubmed_link }}">
- {{ trait.pubmed_text }}
- </a>
- {% else %}
- {{ trait.pubmed_text }}
- {% endif %}
- </td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.sample_r) }}"" align="right"><a target="_blank" href="corr_scatter_plot?dataset_1={% if dataset.name == 'Temp' %}Temp_{{ dataset.group.name }}{% else %}{{ dataset.name }}{% endif %}&dataset_2={{ trait.dataset.name }}&trait_1={{ this_trait.name }}&trait_2={{ trait.name }}">{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.sample_r) }}</a></td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.num_overlap }}" align="right">{{ trait.num_overlap }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.sample_p) }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.sample_p) }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.LRS_score_repr }}" align="right">{{ trait.LRS_score_repr }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.LRS_location_repr }}" align="right">{{ trait.LRS_location_repr }}</td>
- <td data-export={% if trait.additive != "" %}"{{ '%0.3f' % trait.additive|float }}"{% else %}"N/A"{% endif %} align="right">{% if trait.additive != "" %}{{ '%0.3f' % trait.additive|float }}{% else %}N/A{% endif %}</td>
- {% elif target_dataset.type == "Geno" %}
- <td data-export="{{ trait.location_repr }}" align="right">{{ trait.location_repr }}</TD>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.sample_r) }}"" align="right"><a target="_blank" href="corr_scatter_plot?dataset_1={% if dataset.name == 'Temp' %}Temp_{{ dataset.group.name }}{% else %}{{ dataset.name }}{% endif %}&dataset_2={{ trait.dataset.name }}&trait_1={{ this_trait.name }}&trait_2={{ trait.name }}">{{ '%0.3f'|format(trait.sample_r) }}</a></td>
- <td data-export="{{ trait.num_overlap }}" align="right">{{ trait.num_overlap }}</td>
- <td data-export="{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.sample_p) }}" align="right">{{ '%0.3e'|format(trait.sample_p) }}</td>
- {% endif %}
- </tr>
- {% endfor %}
+ <td colspan="100%" align="center"><br><b><font size="15">Loading...</font></b><br></td>
@@ -215,6 +175,8 @@
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<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var table_json = {{ json_results | safe }}
@@ -329,16 +291,7 @@
console.time("Creating table");
- {% if target_dataset.type == "ProbeSet" %}
table_conf = {
- "drawCallback": function( settings ) {
- $('#trait_table tr').click(function(event) {
- if (event.target.type !== 'checkbox') {
- $(':checkbox', this).trigger('click');
- }
- });
- $('.trait_checkbox:checkbox').on("change", change_buttons);
- },
buttons: [
extend: 'columnsToggle',
@@ -352,136 +305,295 @@
postfixButtons: [ 'colvisRestore' ]
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+ 'data': null,
+ 'width': "25px",
+ 'orderDataType': "dom-checkbox",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"],
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ return '<input type="checkbox" name="searchResult" class="checkbox trait_checkbox" value="' + data.hmac + '">'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Index",
+ 'type': "natural",
+ 'width': "30px",
+ 'data': "index"
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Record",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'data': null,
+ 'width': "60px",
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ return '<a target="_blank" href="/show_trait?trait_id=' + data.trait_id + '&dataset=' + data.dataset + '">' + data.trait_id + '</a>'
+ }
+ }{% if target_dataset.type == 'ProbeSet' %},
+ {
+ 'title': "Symbol",
+ 'type': "natural",
+ 'width': "120px",
+ 'data': "symbol"
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Description",
+ 'type': "natural",
+ 'data': null,
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ try {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(data.description))
+ } catch(err){
+ return escape(data.description)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Location",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "125px",
+ 'data': "location"
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Mean",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "mean",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Sample {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "sample_r",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "N",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "num_overlap",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Sample p({% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %})",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "65px",
+ 'data': "sample_p",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Lit {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "lit_corr",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Tissue {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "tissue_corr",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Tissue p({% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %})",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "tissue_pvalue",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "High P<a href=\"http://gn1.genenetwork.org/glossary.html#LRS\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: white;\">&nbsp;<i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'data': "lrs_score",
+ 'width': "60px",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Peak Location",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "125px",
+ 'data': "lrs_location"
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Effect Size<a href=\"http://gn1.genenetwork.org/glossary.html#A\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: white;\">&nbsp;<i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'data': "additive",
+ 'width': "85px",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ }{% elif target_dataset.type == 'Publish' %},
+ {
+ 'title': "Abbreviation",
+ 'type': "natural",
+ 'width': "200px",
+ 'data': null,
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ try {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(data.abbreviation_display))
+ } catch(err){
+ return data.abbreviation_display
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Description",
+ 'type': "natural",
+ 'data': null,
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ try {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(data.description))
+ } catch(err){
+ return data.description
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Authors",
+ 'type': "natural",
+ 'width': "400px",
+ 'data': null,
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ try {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(data.authors_display))
+ } catch(err){
+ return data.authors_display
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Year",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'data': null,
+ 'width': "80px",
+ 'render': function(data, type, row, meta) {
+ if (data.pubmed_id != "N/A"){
+ return '<a href="' + data.pubmed_link + '">' + data.pubmed_text + '</a>'
+ } else {
+ return data.pubmed_text
+ }
+ },
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Sample {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "sample_r",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "N",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "num_overlap",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Sample p({% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %})",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "65px",
+ 'data': "sample_p",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "High P<a href=\"http://gn1.genenetwork.org/glossary.html#LRS\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: white;\">&nbsp;<i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'data': "lrs_score",
+ 'width': "60px",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Peak Location",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "125px",
+ 'data': "lrs_location"
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Effect Size<a href=\"http://gn1.genenetwork.org/glossary.html#A\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: white;\">&nbsp;<i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a>",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'data': "additive",
+ 'width': "85px",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ }{% elif target_dataset.type == 'Geno' %},
+ {
+ 'title': "Location",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "120px",
+ 'data': "location"
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Sample {% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %}",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "sample_r",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "N",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "40px",
+ 'data': "num_overlap",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ },
+ {
+ 'title': "Sample p({% if corr_method == 'pearson' %}r{% else %}rho{% endif %})",
+ 'type': "natural-minus-na",
+ 'width': "65px",
+ 'data': "sample_p",
+ 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"]
+ }{% endif %}
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- }
- ],
- "columnDefs": [
- { "targets": 0, "orderable": false }
- ],
- "columns": [
- { "type": "natural" },
- { "type": "natural" },
- { "type": "natural" },
- { "type": "natural" },
- { "orderDataType": "dom-innertext", 'orderSequence': [ "desc", "asc"] },
- { "type": "natural-minus-na" },
- { "type": "scientific" }
- ],
- "order": [[6, "asc" ]],
- "sDom": "Btir",
- "autoWidth": false,
- "bDeferRender": true,
- "scrollY": "800px",
- "scrollCollapse": false
- }
- {% endif %}
+ trait_table = $('#trait_table').DataTable(table_conf);
- the_table = $('#trait_table').DataTable(table_conf);
+ trait_table.on( 'order.dt search.dt draw.dt', function () {
+ trait_table.column(1, {search:'applied', order:'applied'}).nodes().each( function (cell, i) {
+ cell.innerHTML = i+1;
+ } );
+ } ).draw();
console.timeEnd("Creating table");
+ $('.toggle-vis').on('click', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // Get the column API object
+ var column = trait_table.column( $(this).attr('data-column') );
+ // Toggle the visibility
+ column.visible( ! column.visible() );
+ if (column.visible()){
+ $(this).removeClass("active");
+ } else {
+ $(this).addClass("active");
+ }
+ } );
+ $('#redraw').on('click', function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ trait_table.columns().visible( true );
+ $('.toggle-vis.active').removeClass('active');
+ });
submit_special = function(url) {
$("#correlation_form").attr("action", url);
return $("#correlation_form").submit();
@@ -498,7 +610,7 @@
$("#select_traits").click(function() {
- the_table.draw();
+ trait_table.draw();