path: root/wqflask/scripts
diff options
authorArun Isaac2023-12-29 18:55:37 +0000
committerArun Isaac2023-12-29 19:01:46 +0000
commit204a308be0f741726b9a620d88fbc22b22124c81 (patch)
treeb3cf66906674020b530c844c2bb4982c8a0e2d39 /wqflask/scripts
parent83062c75442160427b50420161bfcae2c5c34c84 (diff)
Namespace all modules under gn2.
We move all modules under a gn2 directory. This is important for "correct" packaging and deployment as a Guix service.
Diffstat (limited to 'wqflask/scripts')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/wqflask/scripts/__init__.py b/wqflask/scripts/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/wqflask/scripts/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/wqflask/scripts/corr_compute.py b/wqflask/scripts/corr_compute.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c3ad54..00000000
--- a/wqflask/scripts/corr_compute.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-"""Compute the correlations."""
-import sys
-import json
-import pickle
-import pathlib
-import datetime
-from flask import g
-from wqflask import app
-from wqflask.user_session import UserSession
-from wqflask.correlation.show_corr_results import set_template_vars
-from wqflask.correlation.correlation_gn3_api import compute_correlation
-class UserSessionSimulator():
- def __init__(self, user_id):
- self._user_id = user_id
- @property
- def user_id(self):
- return self._user_id
-error_types = {
- "WrongCorrelationType": "Wrong Correlation Type",
- "CalledProcessError": "Called Process Error"
-def e_time():
- return datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
-def compute(form):
- import subprocess
- try:
- correlation_results = compute_correlation(form, compute_all=True)
- except Exception as exc:
- return {
- "error-type": error_types[type(exc).__name__],
- "error-message": exc.args[0]
- }
- return set_template_vars(form, correlation_results)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) < ARGS_COUNT:
- print(f"{e_time()}: You need to pass the file with the picked form",
- file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- if len(sys.argv) > ARGS_COUNT:
- print(f"{e_time()}: Unknown arguments {sys.argv[ARGS_COUNT:]}",
- file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- filepath = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1])
- if not filepath.exists():
- print(f"File not found '{filepath}'", file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(2)
- with open(filepath, "rb") as pfile:
- form = pickle.Unpickler(pfile).load()
- with app.app_context():
- g.user_session = UserSessionSimulator(sys.argv[2])
- results = compute(form)
- print(json.dumps(results), file=sys.stdout)
- if "error-type" in results:
- print(
- f"{results['error-type']}: {results['error-message']}",
- file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(3)
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/wqflask/scripts/parse_corr_html_results_to_csv.py b/wqflask/scripts/parse_corr_html_results_to_csv.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 464eb2ca..00000000
--- a/wqflask/scripts/parse_corr_html_results_to_csv.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-import csv
-import sys
-import json
-from pathlib import Path
-from functools import reduce, partial
-from typing import Any, Union, Sequence, Optional
-from argparse import Action, Namespace, ArgumentError, ArgumentParser
-from lxml import etree
-def thread(value, *functions):
- return reduce(lambda result, func: func(result), functions, value)
-def parse_file(filename: Path):
- with open(filename, encoding="utf-8") as inpfl:
- raw_html = inpfl.read()
- return etree.HTML(raw_html)
-def first_row_headers(table):
- return tuple(
- " ".join(text.strip() for text in cell.xpath(".//child::text()"))
- for cell in table.xpath("./tbody/tr[1]/td"))
-def results_table(tables):
- found = tuple(filter(
- lambda table: (
- first_row_headers(table)[0:4] ==
- ("Index", "Record ID", "Symbol", "Description")),
- tables))
- return found[0]
-def table_contents(table):
- return tuple(
- tuple(" ".join(text.strip() for text in cell.xpath(".//child::text()"))
- for cell in row)
- for row in table.xpath("./tbody/tr"))
-def to_dicts(contents):
- frow = contents[0]
- return tuple(dict(zip(frow, row)) for row in contents[1:])
-def write_csv(
- input_file: Path, output_dir: Union[bool, Path],
- contents: Sequence[dict]) -> Sequence[Sequence[str]]:
- def __write__(stream):
- writer = csv.DictWriter(
- stream, fieldnames=list(contents[0].keys()),
- dialect=csv.unix_dialect)
- writer.writeheader()
- writer.writerows(contents)
- if not bool(output_dir):
- return __write__(sys.stdout)
- output_file = output_dir.joinpath(
- f"{input_file.stem}__results.csv")
- with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file:
- return __write__(out_file)
-def output_stream():
- if not to_output_file:
- return sys.stdout
- output_file = input_file.parent.joinpath(
- f"{input_file.stem}.csv")
- with open(output_file) as out_file:
- yield out_file
-class FileCheck(Action):
- """Action class to check existence of a given file path."""
- def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
- "Initialise the FileCheck action class"
- super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
- def __call__(# pylint: disable=[signature-differs]
- self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace,
- values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None],
- option_string: Optional[str] = "") -> None:
- """Check existence of a given file path and set it, or raise an
- exception."""
- the_path = str(values or "")
- the_file = Path(the_path).absolute().resolve()
- if not the_file.is_file():
- raise ArgumentError(
- self,
- f"The file '{values}' does not exist or is a folder/directory.")
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, the_file)
-class DirectoryCheck(Action):
- """Action class to check the existence of a particular directory"""
- def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
- """Init `DirectoryCheck` action object."""
- super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
- def __call__(
- self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace,
- values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None],
- option_string: Optional[str] = "") -> None:
- the_dir = Path(str(values or "")).absolute().resolve()
- if not the_dir.is_dir():
- raise ArgumentError(
- self, f"The directory '{the_dir}' does not exist!")
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, the_dir)
-def gn1_parser(subparsers) -> None:
- parser = subparsers.add_parser("gn1")
- parser.add_argument(
- "inputfile", help="The HTML file to parse", action=FileCheck)
- parser.add_argument(
- "--outputdir", help="Path to output directory", action=DirectoryCheck,
- default=False)
- parser.set_defaults(
- func=lambda args: thread(
- args.inputfile,
- parse_file,
- lambda tree: tree.xpath("//table"),
- results_table,
- table_contents,
- to_dicts,
- partial(write_csv, args.inputfile, args.outputdir)))
-def tablejson_script(scripts):
- for script in scripts:
- script_content = thread(
- script.xpath('.//child::text()'),
- lambda val: "".join(val).strip())
- if script_content.find("var tableJson") >= 0:
- return json.loads(thread(
- script_content,
- lambda val: val[len("var tableJson = "):].strip()))
- continue
- return None
-def gn2_parser(subparsers) -> None:
- parser = subparsers.add_parser("gn2")
- parser.add_argument(
- "inputfile", help="The HTML file to parse", action=FileCheck)
- parser.add_argument(
- "--outputdir", help="Path to output directory", action=DirectoryCheck,
- default=False)
- parser.set_defaults(
- func=lambda args: thread(
- args.inputfile,
- parse_file,
- lambda tree: tree.xpath("//script"),
- tablejson_script,
- partial(write_csv, args.inputfile, args.outputdir)
- ))
-def parse_cli_args():
- parser = ArgumentParser(
- "parse_corr_html_results_to_csv",
- description = "Parse correlation results from the given HTML file.")
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
- title="subcommands", description="Valid subcommands",
- help="additional help")
- gn1_parser(subparsers)
- gn2_parser(subparsers)
- return parser, parser.parse_args()
-def run():
- parser, args = parse_cli_args()
- try:
- args.func(args)
- except AttributeError as _attr_err:
- parser.print_help()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- run()
diff --git a/wqflask/scripts/profile_corrs.py b/wqflask/scripts/profile_corrs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a42e2935..00000000
--- a/wqflask/scripts/profile_corrs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import io
-import sys
-import pstats
-import cProfile
-from flask import g, request
-from utility.startup_config import app_config
-from wqflask import app
-from wqflask.user_session import UserSession
-from wqflask.correlation.correlation_gn3_api import compute_correlation
-def sample_vals():
- return '{"C57BL/6J":"10.835","DBA/2J":"11.142","B6D2F1":"11.126","D2B6F1":"11.143","BXD1":"10.811","BXD2":"11.503","BXD5":"10.766","BXD6":"10.986","BXD8":"11.050","BXD9":"10.822","BXD11":"10.670","BXD12":"10.946","BXD13":"10.890","BXD14":"x","BXD15":"10.884","BXD16":"11.222","BXD18":"x","BXD19":"10.968","BXD20":"10.962","BXD21":"10.906","BXD22":"11.080","BXD23":"11.046","BXD24":"11.146","BXD24a":"x","BXD25":"x","BXD27":"11.078","BXD28":"11.034","BXD29":"10.808","BXD30":"x","BXD31":"11.087","BXD32":"11.029","BXD33":"10.662","BXD34":"11.482","BXD35":"x","BXD36":"x","BXD37":"x","BXD38":"10.836","BXD39":"10.926","BXD40":"10.638","BXD41":"x","BXD42":"10.974","BXD43":"10.828","BXD44":"10.900","BXD45":"11.358","BXD48":"11.042","BXD48a":"10.975","BXD49":"x","BXD50":"11.228","BXD51":"11.126","BXD52":"x","BXD53":"x","BXD54":"x","BXD55":"11.580","BXD56":"x","BXD59":"x","BXD60":"10.829","BXD61":"11.152","BXD62":"11.156","BXD63":"10.942","BXD64":"10.506","BXD65":"11.126","BXD65a":"11.272","BXD65b":"11.157","BXD66":"11.071","BXD67":"11.080","BXD68":"10.997","BXD69":"11.096","BXD70":"11.152","BXD71":"x","BXD72":"x","BXD73":"11.262","BXD73a":"11.444","BXD73b":"x","BXD74":"10.974","BXD75":"11.150","BXD76":"10.920","BXD77":"10.928","BXD78":"x","BXD79":"11.371","BXD81":"x","BXD83":"10.946","BXD84":"11.181","BXD85":"10.992","BXD86":"10.770","BXD87":"11.200","BXD88":"x","BXD89":"10.930","BXD90":"11.183","BXD91":"x","BXD93":"11.056","BXD94":"10.737","BXD95":"x","BXD98":"10.986","BXD99":"10.892","BXD100":"x","BXD101":"x","BXD102":"x","BXD104":"x","BXD105":"x","BXD106":"x","BXD107":"x","BXD108":"x","BXD109":"x","BXD110":"x","BXD111":"x","BXD112":"x","BXD113":"x","BXD114":"x","BXD115":"x","BXD116":"x","BXD117":"x","BXD119":"x","BXD120":"x","BXD121":"x","BXD122":"x","BXD123":"x","BXD124":"x","BXD125":"x","BXD126":"x","BXD127":"x","BXD128":"x","BXD128a":"x","BXD130":"x","BXD131":"x","BXD132":"x","BXD133":"x","BXD134":"x","BXD135":"x","BXD136":"x","BXD137":"x","BXD138":"x","BXD139":"x","BXD141":"x","BXD142":"x","BXD144":"x","BXD145":"x","BXD146":"x","BXD147":"x","BXD148":"x","BXD149":"x","BXD150":"x","BXD151":"x","BXD152":"x","BXD153":"x","BXD154":"x","BXD155":"x","BXD156":"x","BXD157":"x","BXD160":"x","BXD161":"x","BXD162":"x","BXD165":"x","BXD168":"x","BXD169":"x","BXD170":"x","BXD171":"x","BXD172":"x","BXD173":"x","BXD174":"x","BXD175":"x","BXD176":"x","BXD177":"x","BXD178":"x","BXD180":"x","BXD181":"x","BXD183":"x","BXD184":"x","BXD186":"x","BXD187":"x","BXD188":"x","BXD189":"x","BXD190":"x","BXD191":"x","BXD192":"x","BXD193":"x","BXD194":"x","BXD195":"x","BXD196":"x","BXD197":"x","BXD198":"x","BXD199":"x","BXD200":"x","BXD201":"x","BXD202":"x","BXD203":"x","BXD204":"x","BXD205":"x","BXD206":"x","BXD207":"x","BXD208":"x","BXD209":"x","BXD210":"x","BXD211":"x","BXD212":"x","BXD213":"x","BXD214":"x","BXD215":"x","BXD216":"x","BXD217":"x","BXD218":"x","BXD219":"x","BXD220":"x"}'
-def simulated_form(corr_type: str = "sample"):
- assert corr_type in ("sample", "tissue", "lit")
- return {
- "dataset": "HC_M2_0606_P",
- "trait_id": "1435464_at",
- "corr_dataset": "HC_M2_0606_P",
- "corr_sample_method": "pearson",
- "corr_return_results": "100",
- "corr_samples_group": "samples_primary",
- "sample_vals": sample_vals(),
- "corr_type": corr_type,
- "corr_sample_method": "pearson",
- "location_type": "gene",
- "corr_return_results": "20000"
- }
-def profile_corrs():
- "Profile tho correlations"
- profiler = cProfile.Profile()
- profiler.enable()
- correlation_results = compute_correlation(request.form, compute_all=True)
- profiler.disable()
- return profiler
-def dump_stats(profiler):
- iostr = io.StringIO()
- sort_by = pstats.SortKey.CUMULATIVE
- ps = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=iostr).sort_stats(sort_by)
- ps.print_stats()
- cli_args = sys.argv
- if len(cli_args) > 1:
- with open(cli_args[1], "w+", encoding="utf-8") as output_file:
- print(iostr.getvalue(), file=output_file)
- return 0
- print(iostr.getvalue())
- return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- def main():
- "Entry point for profiler script"
- return dump_stats(profile_corrs())
- app_config()
- with app.app_context():
- with app.test_request_context("/corr_compute", data=simulated_form()):
- g.user_session = UserSession()
- main()
diff --git a/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py b/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b44a6db7..00000000
--- a/wqflask/scripts/run_external.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-Run jobs in external processes.
-import os
-import sys
-import shlex
-import argparse
-import traceback
-import subprocess
-from uuid import UUID
-from time import sleep
-from datetime import datetime
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
-# import psutil
-from redis import Redis
-import jobs.jobs as jobs
-def print_help(args, parser):
- print(parser.format_help())
-def UUID4(val):
- return UUID(val)
-def redis_connection(parsed_url):
- return Redis.from_url(
- f"redis://{parsed_url.netloc}{parsed_url.path}", decode_responses=True)
-def update_status(redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID, value: str):
- "Update the job's status."
- redis_conn.hset(jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key="status", value=value)
-def __update_stdout_stderr__(
- redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID, bytes_read: bytes, stream: str):
- job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- job = job.maybe({}, lambda x: x)
- redis_conn.hset(
- jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key=stream,
- value=(job.get(stream, "") + bytes_read.decode("utf-8")))
-def set_stdout(redis_conn: Redis, job_id:UUID, bytes_read: bytes):
- """Set the stdout value for the given job."""
- job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- job = job.maybe({}, lambda x: x)
- redis_conn.hset(
- jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key="stdout",
- value=bytes_read.decode("utf-8"))
-def update_stdout(redis_conn: Redis, job_id:UUID, bytes_read: bytes):
- """Update the stdout value for the given job."""
- __update_stdout_stderr__(redis_conn, job_id, bytes_read, "stdout")
-def update_stderr(redis_conn: Redis, job_id:UUID, bytes_read: bytes):
- """Update the stderr value for the given job."""
- __update_stdout_stderr__(redis_conn, job_id, bytes_read, "stderr")
-def set_meta(redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID, meta_key: str, meta_val: str):
- job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- redis_conn.hset(jobs.job_namespace(job_id), key=meta_key, value=meta_val)
-def run_job(redis_conn: Redis, job_id: UUID):
- """Run the job in an external process."""
- print(f"THE ARGUMENTS TO RUN_JOB:\n\tConnection: {redis_conn}\n\tJob ID: {job_id}\n")
- the_job = jobs.job(redis_conn, job_id)
- if the_job.is_nothing():
- raise jobs.NoSuchJob(job_id)
- with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
- stdout_file = f"{tmpdir}/{job_id}.stdout"
- stderr_file = f"{tmpdir}/{job_id}.stderr"
- with open(stdout_file, "w+b") as outfl, open(stderr_file, "w+b") as errfl:
- with subprocess.Popen(
- jobs.command(the_job), stdout=outfl,
- stderr=errfl) as process:
- while process.poll() is None:
- update_status(redis_conn, job_id, "running")
- update_stdout(redis_conn, job_id, outfl.read1())
- sleep(1)
- update_status(redis_conn, job_id, "completed")
- with open(stdout_file, "rb") as outfl, open(stderr_file, "rb") as errfl:
- set_stdout(redis_conn, job_id, outfl.read())
- update_stderr(redis_conn, job_id, errfl.read())
- os.remove(stdout_file)
- os.remove(stderr_file)
- returncode = process.returncode
- set_meta(redis_conn, job_id, "completion-status",
- ("success" if returncode == 0 else "error"))
- set_meta(redis_conn, job_id, "return-code", returncode)
- return process.returncode
-def run_job_parser(parent_parser):
- parser = parent_parser.add_parser(
- "run-job",
- help="run job with given id")
- parser.add_argument(
- "job_id", type=UUID4, help="A string representing a UUID4 value.")
- parser.set_defaults(
- run=lambda conn, args, parser: run_job(conn, args.job_id))
-def add_subparsers(parent_parser, *subparser_fns):
- sub_parsers = parent_parser.add_subparsers(
- title="subcommands", description="valid subcommands", required=True)
- for parser_fn in subparser_fns:
- parser_fn(sub_parsers)
- pass
- return parent_parser
-def parse_cli_args():
- parser = add_subparsers(argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__.strip()), run_job_parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- "--redis-uri", required=True,
- help=(
- "URI to use to connect to job management db."
- "The URI should be of the form "
- "'<scheme>://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<path>'"),
- type=urlparse)
- return parser, parser.parse_args()
-def launch_manager():
- parser, args = parse_cli_args()
- with redis_connection(args.redis_uri) as conn:
- try:
- return args.run(conn, args, parser)
- except Exception as nsj:
- prev_msg = (
- conn.hget(f"{jobs.JOBS_NAMESPACE}:manager", key="stderr") or "")
- if bool(prev_msg):
- prev_msg = f"{prev_msg}\n"
- notfoundmsg = (
- f"{prev_msg}"
- f"{datetime.now().isoformat()}: {type(nsj).__name__}: {traceback.format_exc()}")
- conn.hset(
- f"{jobs.JOBS_NAMESPACE}:manager",
- key="stderr",
- value=notfoundmsg)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- def run():
- sys.exit(launch_manager())
- run()