path: root/gn2/wqflask/metadata_edits.py
diff options
authorAlexander_Kabui2024-01-02 13:21:07 +0300
committerAlexander_Kabui2024-01-02 13:21:07 +0300
commit70c4201b332e0e2c0d958428086512f291469b87 (patch)
treeaea4fac8782c110fc233c589c3f0f7bd34bada6c /gn2/wqflask/metadata_edits.py
parent5092eb42f062b1695c4e39619f0bd74a876cfac2 (diff)
parent965ce5114d585624d5edb082c710b83d83a3be40 (diff)
merge changes
Diffstat (limited to 'gn2/wqflask/metadata_edits.py')
1 files changed, 973 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gn2/wqflask/metadata_edits.py b/gn2/wqflask/metadata_edits.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9514b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn2/wqflask/metadata_edits.py
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+import re
+import datetime
+import json
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from functools import reduce
+from collections import namedtuple
+from itertools import groupby
+from typing import Dict, Optional
+import difflib
+import redis
+from flask import Blueprint
+from flask import Response
+from flask import current_app
+from flask import flash
+from flask import g
+from flask import redirect
+from flask import render_template
+from flask import request
+from flask import url_for
+from gn2.utility.json import CustomJSONEncoder
+from gn2.wqflask.database import database_connection
+from gn2.wqflask.decorators import login_required
+from gn2.wqflask.decorators import required_access
+from gn2.wqflask.decorators import edit_admins_access_required
+from gn2.wqflask.oauth2 import client
+from gn2.wqflask.oauth2 import session
+from gn2.wqflask.oauth2.request_utils import flash_error, process_error
+from gn3.authentication import AdminRole
+from gn3.authentication import get_highest_user_access_role
+from gn3.csvcmp import create_dirs_if_not_exists
+from gn3.csvcmp import csv_diff
+from gn3.csvcmp import extract_invalid_csv_headers
+from gn3.csvcmp import remove_insignificant_edits
+from gn3.db import diff_from_dict
+from gn3.db.datasets import (
+ retrieve_sample_list,
+ retrieve_mrna_group_name,
+ retrieve_phenotype_group_name)
+from gn3.db.metadata_audit import (
+ create_metadata_audit,
+ fetch_probeset_metadata_audit_by_trait_name,
+ fetch_phenotype_metadata_audit_by_dataset_id)
+from gn3.db.probesets import (
+ update_probeset as _update_probeset,
+ fetch_probeset_metadata_by_name)
+from gn3.db.phenotypes import (
+ fetch_trait,
+ fetch_metadata,
+ update_publication,
+ update_cross_reference,
+ fetch_publication_by_id,
+ fetch_publication_by_pubmed_id,
+ update_phenotype as _update_phenotype)
+from gn3.db.sample_data import (
+ delete_sample_data,
+ insert_sample_data,
+ update_sample_data,
+ get_pheno_sample_data,
+ get_pheno_csv_sample_data,
+ get_mrna_sample_data,
+ get_mrna_csv_sample_data)
+metadata_edit = Blueprint("metadata_edit", __name__)
+def _get_diffs(diff_dir: str, redis_conn: redis.Redis):
+ """Get all the diff details."""
+ def __get_file_metadata(file_name: str) -> Dict:
+ author, resource_id, time_stamp, *_ = file_name.split(".")
+ try:
+ author = json.loads(redis_conn.hget("users", author)).get(
+ "full_name"
+ )
+ except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+ author = author
+ return {
+ "resource_id": resource_id,
+ "file_name": file_name,
+ "author": author,
+ "time_stamp": time_stamp
+ }
+ def __get_diff__(diff_dir: str, diff_file_name: str) -> dict:
+ """Get the contents of the diff at `filepath`."""
+ with open(Path(diff_dir, diff_file_name), encoding="utf8") as dfile:
+ return json.loads(dfile.read().strip())
+ return tuple({
+ "filepath": Path(diff_dir, dname).absolute(),
+ "meta": __get_file_metadata(file_name=dname),
+ "diff": __get_diff__(diff_dir, dname)
+ } for dname in os.listdir(diff_dir))
+def edit_phenotype(conn, name, dataset_id):
+ publish_xref = fetch_trait(conn, dataset_id=dataset_id, trait_name=name)
+ return {
+ "publish_xref": publish_xref,
+ "phenotype": fetch_metadata(conn, publish_xref["phenotype_id"]),
+ "publication": fetch_publication_by_id(conn, publish_xref["publication_id"])
+ }
+@login_required(pagename="phenotype edit")
+ ("group:resource:view-resource", "group:resource:edit-resource"))
+def display_phenotype_metadata(dataset_id: str, name: str):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ _d = edit_phenotype(conn=conn, name=name, dataset_id=dataset_id)
+ group_name = retrieve_phenotype_group_name(conn, dataset_id)
+ sample_list = retrieve_sample_list(group_name)
+ sample_data = []
+ if len(sample_list) < 2000:
+ sample_data = get_pheno_sample_data(conn, name, _d["publish_xref"]["phenotype_id"])
+ return render_template(
+ "edit_phenotype.html",
+ sample_list = sample_list,
+ sample_data = sample_data,
+ publish_xref=_d.get("publish_xref"),
+ phenotype=_d.get("phenotype"),
+ publication=_d.get("publication"),
+ dataset_id=dataset_id,
+ name=name,
+ resource_id=request.args.get("resource-id"),
+ version=get_setting("GN_VERSION"),
+ dataset_name=request.args["dataset_name"])
+ ("group:resource:view-resource", "group:resource:edit-resource"))
+def display_probeset_metadata(name: str):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ _d = {"probeset": fetch_probeset_metadata_by_name(conn, name)}
+ dataset_name=request.args["dataset_name"]
+ group_name = retrieve_mrna_group_name(conn, _d["probeset"]["id_"], dataset_name)
+ sample_list = retrieve_sample_list(group_name)
+ sample_data = get_mrna_sample_data(conn, _d["probeset"]["id_"], dataset_name)
+ return render_template(
+ "edit_probeset.html",
+ diff=_d.get("diff"),
+ probeset=_d.get("probeset"),
+ probeset_id=_d["probeset"]["id_"],
+ name=name,
+ resource_id=request.args.get("resource-id"),
+ version=get_setting("GN_VERSION"),
+ dataset_name=request.args["dataset_name"],
+ sample_list=sample_list,
+ sample_data=sample_data
+ )
+@metadata_edit.route("/<dataset_id>/traits/<name>", methods=("POST",))
+@login_required(pagename="phenotype update")
+ ("group:resource:view-resource", "group:resource:edit-resource"))
+def update_phenotype(dataset_id: str, name: str):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ data_ = request.form.to_dict()
+ TMPDIR = current_app.config.get("TMPDIR")
+ author = session.session_info()["user"]["user_id"]
+ phenotype_id = str(data_.get("phenotype-id"))
+ if not (file_ := request.files.get("file")) and data_.get('edited') == "false":
+ flash("No sample-data has been uploaded", "warning")
+ else:
+ create_dirs_if_not_exists(
+ [
+ SAMPLE_DATADIR := os.path.join(TMPDIR, "sample-data"),
+ DIFF_DATADIR := os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATADIR, "diffs"),
+ UPLOAD_DATADIR := os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATADIR, "updated"),
+ ]
+ )
+ current_time = str(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
+ _file_name = (
+ f"{author}.{request.args.get('resource-id')}." f"{current_time}"
+ )
+ diff_data = {}
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ group_name = retrieve_phenotype_group_name(conn, dataset_id)
+ sample_list = retrieve_sample_list(group_name)
+ headers = ["Strain Name", "Value", "SE", "Count"]
+ base_csv = get_pheno_csv_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ trait_name=name,
+ group_id=dataset_id,
+ sample_list=sample_list,
+ )
+ if not (file_) and data_.get('edited') == "true":
+ delta_csv = create_delta_csv(base_csv, data_, sample_list)
+ diff_data = remove_insignificant_edits(
+ diff_data=csv_diff(
+ base_csv=base_csv,
+ delta_csv=delta_csv,
+ tmp_dir=TMPDIR,
+ ),
+ epsilon=0.001,
+ )
+ else:
+ diff_data = remove_insignificant_edits(
+ diff_data=csv_diff(
+ base_csv=base_csv,
+ delta_csv=(delta_csv := file_.read().decode()),
+ tmp_dir=TMPDIR,
+ ),
+ epsilon=0.001,
+ )
+ invalid_headers = extract_invalid_csv_headers(
+ allowed_headers=headers, csv_text=delta_csv
+ )
+ if invalid_headers:
+ flash(
+ "You have invalid headers: "
+ f"""{', '.join(invalid_headers)}. Valid headers """
+ f"""are: {', '.join(headers)}""",
+ "warning",
+ )
+ return redirect(
+ f"/datasets/{dataset_id}/traits/{name}"
+ f"?resource-id={request.args.get('resource-id')}"
+ f"&dataset_name={request.args['dataset_name']}"
+ )
+ # Edge case where the csv file has not been edited!
+ if not any(diff_data.values()):
+ flash(
+ "You have not modified the csv file you downloaded!", "warning"
+ )
+ return redirect(
+ f"/datasets/{dataset_id}/traits/{name}"
+ f"?resource-id={request.args.get('resource-id')}"
+ f"&dataset_name={request.args['dataset_name']}"
+ )
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(UPLOAD_DATADIR, f"{_file_name}.csv"), "w"
+ ) as f_:
+ f_.write(base_csv)
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(UPLOAD_DATADIR, f"{_file_name}.delta.csv"), "w"
+ ) as f_:
+ f_.write(delta_csv)
+ with open(os.path.join(DIFF_DATADIR, f"{_file_name}.json"), "w") as f:
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "trait_name": str(name),
+ "phenotype_id": str(phenotype_id),
+ "dataset_id": dataset_id,
+ "dataset_name": request.args["dataset_name"],
+ "resource_id": request.args.get("resource-id"),
+ "author": author,
+ "timestamp": (
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ f.write(json.dumps(diff_data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder))
+ url = url_for("metadata_edit.list_diffs")
+ flash(f"Sample-data has been successfully uploaded. \
+View the diffs <a href='{url}' target='_blank'>here</a>", "success")
+ # Run updates:
+ phenotype_ = {
+ "pre_pub_description": data_.get("pre-pub-desc"),
+ "post_pub_description": data_.get("post-pub-desc"),
+ "original_description": data_.get("orig-desc"),
+ "units": data_.get("units"),
+ "pre_pub_abbreviation": data_.get("pre-pub-abbrev"),
+ "post_pub_abbreviation": data_.get("post-pub-abbrev"),
+ "lab_code": data_.get("labcode"),
+ "submitter": data_.get("submitter"),
+ "owner": data_.get("owner"),
+ "authorized_users": data_.get("authorized-users"),
+ }
+ updated_phenotypes = ""
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ updated_phenotypes = _update_phenotype(
+ conn, {"id_": data_["phenotype-id"], **{
+ key: value for key,value in phenotype_.items()
+ if value is not None}})
+ diff_data = {}
+ if updated_phenotypes:
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "Phenotype": diff_from_dict(
+ old={
+ k: data_.get(f"old_{k}")
+ for k, v in phenotype_.items()
+ if v is not None
+ },
+ new=phenotype_,
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ def __parse_int__(val) -> Optional[int]:
+ """Safe parser for integers"""
+ try:
+ return int(val, base=10)
+ except ValueError as _verr:
+ return None
+ except TypeError as _terr:
+ # trying to convert None
+ return None
+ publication_ = {
+ key: val for key, val in {
+ "pubmed_id": __parse_int__(data_.get("pubmed-id")),
+ "abstract": data_.get("abstract"),
+ "authors": data_.get("authors"),
+ "title": data_.get("title"),
+ "journal": data_.get("journal"),
+ "volume": data_.get("volume"),
+ "pages": data_.get("pages"),
+ "month": data_.get("month"),
+ "year": data_.get("year"),
+ }.items() if val is not None
+ }
+ updated_publications = ""
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ existing_publication = (# fetch publication
+ data_.get("pubmed-id") and # only if `pubmed-id` exists
+ fetch_publication_by_pubmed_id(conn, data_["pubmed-id"]))
+ if existing_publication:
+ update_cross_reference(conn,
+ dataset_id,
+ name,
+ {"publication_id": existing_publication['id_']})
+ else:
+ updated_publications = update_publication(
+ conn, {"id_": data_["old_id_"], **publication_})
+ conn.commit()
+ if updated_publications:
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "Publication": diff_from_dict(
+ old={
+ k: data_.get(f"old_{k}")
+ for k, v in publication_.items()
+ if v is not None
+ },
+ new=publication_,
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ if diff_data:
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "phenotype_id": str(phenotype_id),
+ "dataset_id": dataset_id,
+ "trait_name": name,
+ "resource_id": request.args.get("resource-id"),
+ "author": author,
+ "timestamp": (
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ create_metadata_audit(conn, {
+ "dataset_id": dataset_id,
+ "editor": author,
+ "json_data": json.dumps(diff_data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder)})
+ flash(f"Diff-data: \n{diff_data}\nhas been uploaded", "success")
+ return redirect(
+ f"/datasets/{dataset_id}/traits/{name}"
+ f"?resource-id={request.args.get('resource-id')}"
+ f"&dataset_name={request.args['dataset_name']}"
+ )
+@metadata_edit.route("/traits/<name>", methods=("POST",))
+ ("group:resource:view-resource", "group:resource:edit-resource"),
+ dataset_key="dataset_id", trait_key="name")
+def update_probeset(name: str):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ data_ = request.form.to_dict()
+ TMPDIR = current_app.config.get("TMPDIR")
+ author = session.session_info()["user"]["user_id"]
+ probeset_id=str(data_.get("id"))
+ trait_name = str(data_.get("probeset_name"))
+ dataset_name = str(data_.get("dataset_name"))
+ if not (file_ := request.files.get("file")) and data_.get('edited') == "false":
+ flash("No sample-data has been uploaded", "warning")
+ else:
+ create_dirs_if_not_exists(
+ [
+ SAMPLE_DATADIR := os.path.join(TMPDIR, "sample-data"),
+ DIFF_DATADIR := os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATADIR, "diffs"),
+ UPLOAD_DATADIR := os.path.join(SAMPLE_DATADIR, "updated"),
+ ]
+ )
+ current_time = str(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
+ _file_name = (
+ f"{author}.{request.args.get('resource-id')}." f"{current_time}"
+ )
+ diff_data = {}
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ group_name = retrieve_mrna_group_name(conn, probeset_id, dataset_name)
+ sample_list = retrieve_sample_list(group_name)
+ headers = ["Strain Name", "Value", "SE", "Count"]
+ base_csv = get_mrna_csv_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ probeset_id=probeset_id,
+ dataset_name=dataset_name,
+ sample_list=retrieve_sample_list(group_name)
+ )
+ if not (file_) and data_.get('edited') == "true":
+ delta_csv = create_delta_csv(base_csv, data_, sample_list)
+ diff_data = remove_insignificant_edits(
+ diff_data=csv_diff(
+ base_csv=base_csv,
+ delta_csv=delta_csv,
+ tmp_dir=TMPDIR,
+ ),
+ epsilon=0.001,
+ )
+ else:
+ diff_data = remove_insignificant_edits(
+ diff_data=csv_diff(
+ base_csv=base_csv,
+ delta_csv=(delta_csv := file_.read().decode()),
+ tmp_dir=TMPDIR,
+ ),
+ epsilon=0.001,
+ )
+ invalid_headers = extract_invalid_csv_headers(
+ allowed_headers=headers, csv_text=delta_csv
+ )
+ if invalid_headers:
+ flash(
+ "You have invalid headers: "
+ f"""{', '.join(invalid_headers)}. Valid headers """
+ f"""are: {', '.join(headers)}""",
+ "warning",
+ )
+ return redirect(
+ f"/datasets/{dataset_id}/traits/{name}"
+ f"?resource-id={request.args.get('resource-id')}"
+ f"&dataset_name={request.args['dataset_name']}"
+ )
+ # Edge case where the csv file has not been edited!
+ if not any(diff_data.values()):
+ flash(
+ "You have not modified the csv file you downloaded!", "warning"
+ )
+ return redirect(
+ f"/datasets/{dataset_id}/traits/{name}"
+ f"?resource-id={request.args.get('resource-id')}"
+ f"&dataset_name={request.args['dataset_name']}"
+ )
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(UPLOAD_DATADIR, f"{_file_name}.csv"), "w"
+ ) as f_:
+ f_.write(base_csv)
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(UPLOAD_DATADIR, f"{_file_name}.delta.csv"), "w"
+ ) as f_:
+ f_.write(delta_csv)
+ with open(os.path.join(DIFF_DATADIR, f"{_file_name}.json"), "w") as f:
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "trait_name": str(trait_name),
+ "probeset_id": str(probeset_id),
+ "dataset_name": dataset_name,
+ "resource_id": request.args.get("resource-id"),
+ "author": author,
+ "timestamp": (
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ f.write(json.dumps(diff_data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder))
+ url = url_for("metadata_edit.list_diffs")
+ flash(f"Sample-data has been successfully uploaded. \
+View the diffs <a href='{url}' target='_blank'>here</a>", "success")
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ data_ = request.form.to_dict()
+ probeset_ = {
+ "id_": data_.get("id"),
+ "symbol": data_.get("symbol"),
+ "description": data_.get("description"),
+ "probe_target_description": data_.get("probe_target_description"),
+ "chr_": data_.get("chr"),
+ "mb": data_.get("mb"),
+ "alias": data_.get("alias"),
+ "geneid": data_.get("geneid"),
+ "homologeneid": data_.get("homologeneid"),
+ "unigeneid": data_.get("unigeneid"),
+ "omim": data_.get("OMIM"),
+ "refseq_transcriptid": data_.get("refseq_transcriptid"),
+ "blatseq": data_.get("blatseq"),
+ "targetseq": data_.get("targetseq"),
+ "strand_probe": data_.get("Strand_Probe"),
+ "probe_set_target_region": data_.get("probe_set_target_region"),
+ "probe_set_specificity": data_.get("probe_set_specificity"),
+ "probe_set_blat_score": data_.get("probe_set_blat_score"),
+ "probe_set_blat_mb_start": data_.get("probe_set_blat_mb_start"),
+ "probe_set_blat_mb_end": data_.get("probe_set_blat_mb_end"),
+ "probe_set_strand": data_.get("probe_set_strand"),
+ "probe_set_note_by_rw": data_.get("probe_set_note_by_rw"),
+ "flag": data_.get("flag"),
+ }
+ diff_data = {}
+ author = (
+ (g.user_session.record.get(b"user_id") or b"").decode("utf-8")
+ or g.user_session.record.get("user_id")
+ or ""
+ )
+ updated_probesets = ""
+ updated_probesets = _update_probeset(
+ conn, probeset_id, {"id_": data_["id"], **{
+ key: value for key,value in probeset_.items()
+ if value is not None}})
+ if updated_probesets:
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "Probeset": diff_from_dict(
+ old={
+ k: data_.get(f"old_{k}")
+ for k, v in probeset_.items()
+ if v is not None
+ },
+ new=probeset_,
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ if diff_data:
+ diff_data.update({"probeset_name": data_.get("probeset_name")})
+ diff_data.update({"author": author})
+ diff_data.update({"resource_id": request.args.get("resource-id")})
+ diff_data.update(
+ {
+ "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ create_metadata_audit(conn, {
+ "dataset_id": data_["id"],
+ "editor": author,
+ "json_data": json.dumps(diff_data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder)})
+ edited_values = {k: v for (k, v) in diff_data['Probeset'].items()
+ if k not in {"id_", "timestamp", "author"}}
+ changes = []
+ for k in edited_values.keys():
+ changes.append(f"<b><span data-message-id='{k}'></span></b>")
+ message = f"You successfully updated the following entries \
+ at {diff_data['timestamp']}: {', '.join(changes)}"
+ flash(f"You successfully edited: {message}", "success")
+ else:
+ flash("No edits were made!", "warning")
+ return redirect(
+ f"/datasets/traits/{name}"
+ f"?resource-id={request.args.get('resource-id')}"
+ f"&dataset_name={request.args['dataset_id']}"
+ )
+def get_pheno_sample_data_as_csv(name: int, group_id: int):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ group_name = retrieve_phenotype_group_name(conn, group_id)
+ return Response(
+ get_pheno_csv_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ trait_name=name,
+ group_id=group_id,
+ sample_list=retrieve_sample_list(group_name)
+ ),
+ mimetype="text/csv",
+ headers={
+ "Content-disposition": f"attachment; \
+ },
+ )
+def get_mrna_sample_data_as_csv(probeset_id: int, dataset_name: str):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ csv_data = get_mrna_csv_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ probeset_id=str(probeset_id),
+ dataset_name=str(dataset_name),
+ sample_list=retrieve_sample_list(
+ retrieve_mrna_group_name(conn, probeset_id, dataset_name))
+ )
+ return Response(
+ get_mrna_csv_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ probeset_id=str(probeset_id),
+ dataset_name=str(dataset_name),
+ sample_list=retrieve_sample_list(
+ retrieve_mrna_group_name(conn, probeset_id, dataset_name))
+ ),
+ mimetype="text/csv",
+ headers={
+ "Content-disposition": f"attachment; \
+ },
+ )
+@login_required(pagename="Sample Data Diffs")
+def list_diffs():
+ files = _get_diffs(
+ diff_dir=f"{current_app.config.get('TMPDIR')}/sample-data/diffs",
+ redis_conn=redis.from_url(current_app.config["REDIS_URL"],
+ decode_responses=True))
+ def __filter_authorised__(diffs, auth_details):
+ """Retain only those diffs that the current user has edit access to."""
+ return list({
+ diff["filepath"]: diff for diff in diffs
+ for auth in auth_details
+ if (diff["diff"]["dataset_name"] == auth["dataset_name"]
+ and
+ diff["diff"]["trait_name"] == auth["trait_name"]) }.values())
+ def __organise_diffs__(acc, item):
+ if item["filepath"].name.endswith(".rejected"):
+ return {**acc, "rejected": acc["rejected"] + [item]}
+ if item["filepath"].name.endswith(".approved"):
+ return {**acc, "approved": acc["approved"] + [item]}
+ return {**acc, "waiting": acc["waiting"] + [item]}
+ accessible_diffs = client.post(
+ "auth/data/authorisation",
+ json={
+ "traits": [
+ f"{meta['diff']['dataset_name']}::{meta['diff']['trait_name']}"
+ for meta in files
+ ]
+ }
+ ).map(
+ lambda lst: [
+ auth_item for auth_item in lst
+ if (("group:resource:edit-resource" in auth_item["privileges"])
+ or
+ ("system:resources:edit-all" in auth_item["privileges"]))]
+ ).map(
+ lambda alst: __filter_authorised__(files, alst)
+ ).map(lambda diffs: reduce(__organise_diffs__,
+ diffs,
+ {"approved": [], "rejected": [], "waiting": []}))
+ def __handle_error__(error):
+ flash_error(process_error(error))
+ return render_template(
+ "display_files.html", approved=[], rejected=[], waiting=[])
+ def __success__(org_diffs):
+ return render_template(
+ "display_files.html",
+ approved=sorted(
+ org_diffs["approved"],
+ reverse=True,
+ key=lambda d: d["meta"]["time_stamp"]),
+ rejected=sorted(
+ org_diffs["rejected"],
+ reverse=True,
+ key=lambda d: d["meta"]["time_stamp"]),
+ waiting=sorted(
+ org_diffs["waiting"],
+ reverse=True,
+ key=lambda d: d["meta"]["time_stamp"]))
+ return accessible_diffs.either(__handle_error__, __success__)
+@login_required(pagename="diff display")
+def show_diff(name):
+ TMPDIR = current_app.config.get("TMPDIR")
+ with open(
+ os.path.join(f"{TMPDIR}/sample-data/diffs", name), "r"
+ ) as myfile:
+ content = myfile.read()
+ content = json.loads(content)
+ for data in content.get("Modifications"):
+ data["Diff"] = "\n".join(
+ difflib.ndiff([data.get("Original")], [data.get("Current")])
+ )
+ return render_template("display_diffs.html", diff=content)
+def show_history(dataset_id: str = "", name: str = ""):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ diff_data_ = None
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ json_data = None
+ if dataset_id: # This is a published phenotype
+ json_data = fetch_phenotype_metadata_audit_by_dataset_id(
+ conn, dataset_id)
+ else: # This is a probeset
+ json_data = fetch_probeset_metadata_audit_by_trait_name(
+ conn, name)
+ Edit = namedtuple("Edit", ["field", "old", "new", "diff"])
+ Diff = namedtuple("Diff", ["author", "diff", "timestamp"])
+ diff_data = []
+ for data in json_data:
+ json_ = data["json_data"]
+ timestamp = json_.get("timestamp")
+ author = json_.get("author")
+ for key, value in json_.items():
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ for field, data_ in value.items():
+ diff_data.append(
+ Diff(
+ author=author,
+ diff=Edit(
+ field,
+ data_.get("old") or "",
+ data_.get("new") or "",
+ "\n".join(difflib.ndiff(
+ [str(data_.get("old")) or ""],
+ [str(data_.get("new")) or ""],
+ ))),
+ timestamp=timestamp))
+ if len(diff_data) > 0:
+ diff_data_ = groupby(
+ (diff for diff in diff_data if (
+ diff.diff.diff.startswith("-") or
+ diff.diff.diff.startswith("+"))),
+ lambda x: x.timestamp)
+ return render_template(
+ "edit_history.html",
+ diff={key: set(val) for key,val in diff_data_},
+ version=get_setting("GN_VERSION"),
+ )
+def __authorised_p__(dataset_name, trait_name):
+ """Check whether the user is authorised to edit the trait."""
+ def __error__(error):
+ flash_error(process_error(error))
+ return False
+ def __success__(auth_details):
+ key = f"{dataset_name}::{trait_name}"
+ dets = auth_details.get(key)
+ if not bool(dets):
+ return False
+ return (("group:resource:edit-resource" in dets["privileges"])
+ or
+ ("system:resources:edit-all" in dets["privileges"]))
+ return client.post(
+ "auth/data/authorisation",
+ json={"traits": [f"{dataset_name}::{trait_name}"]}
+ ).map(
+ lambda adets: {
+ f"{dets['dataset_name']}::{dets['trait_name']}": dets
+ for dets in adets
+ }
+ ).either(__error__, __success__)
+@login_required(pagename="sample data rejection")
+ ("group:resource:view-resource", "group:resource:edit-resource"),
+ trait_key="trait_name")
+def reject_data(resource_id: str, file_name: str):
+ diffs_page = redirect(url_for("metadata_edit.list_diffs"))
+ TMPDIR = current_app.config.get("TMPDIR")
+ sampledir = Path(TMPDIR, "sample-data/diffs")
+ samplefile = Path(sampledir, file_name)
+ if not samplefile.exists():
+ flash("No such diffs file!", "alert-danger")
+ return diffs_page
+ with open(samplefile, "r") as sfile:
+ sample_data = json.loads(sfile.read())
+ if not __authorised_p__(sample_data["dataset_name"],
+ sample_data["trait_name"]):
+ flash("You are not authorised to edit that trait."
+ "alert-danger")
+ return diffs_page
+ samplefile.rename(Path(sampledir, f"{file_name}.rejected"))
+ flash(f"{file_name} has been rejected!", "alert-success")
+ return diffs_page
+@login_required(pagename="Sample Data Approval")
+ ("group:resource:view-resource", "group:resource:edit-resource"),
+ trait_key="trait_name")
+def approve_data(resource_id: str, file_name: str):
+ from gn2.utility.tools import get_setting
+ sample_data = {file_name: str}
+ TMPDIR = current_app.config.get("TMPDIR")
+ diffpath = Path(TMPDIR, "sample-data/diffs", file_name)
+ if not diffpath.exists():
+ flash(f"Could not find diff with the name '{diffpath.name}'",
+ "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for("metadata_edit.list_diffs"))
+ n_deletions = 0
+ n_insertions = 0
+ with (open(diffpath, "r") as myfile,
+ database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn):
+ sample_data = json.load(myfile)
+ if not __authorised_p__(sample_data["dataset_name"],
+ sample_data["trait_name"]):
+ flash("You are not authorised to edit that trait.", "alert-danger")
+ return redirect(url_for("metadata_edit.list_diffs"))
+ # Define the trait_info that is passed into the update functions, by data type
+ if sample_data.get("probeset_id"): # if trait is ProbeSet
+ trait_info = {
+ 'probeset_id': int(sample_data.get("probeset_id")),
+ 'dataset_name': sample_data.get("dataset_name")
+ }
+ else: # if trait is Publish
+ trait_info = {
+ 'trait_name': sample_data.get("trait_name"),
+ 'phenotype_id': int(sample_data.get("phenotype_id"))
+ }
+ for modification in (
+ modifications := [d for d in sample_data.get("Modifications")]):
+ if modification.get("Current"):
+ update_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ original_data=modification.get("Original"),
+ updated_data=modification.get("Current"),
+ csv_header=sample_data.get(
+ "Columns", "Strain Name,Value,SE,Count"
+ ),
+ trait_info=trait_info
+ )
+ # Deletions
+ for data in [d for d in sample_data.get("Deletions")]:
+ __deletions = delete_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ data=data,
+ csv_header=sample_data.get(
+ "Columns", "Strain Name,Value,SE,Count"
+ ),
+ trait_info=trait_info
+ )
+ if __deletions:
+ n_deletions += 1
+ # Remove any data that already exists from sample_data deletes
+ else:
+ sample_data.get("Deletions").remove(data)
+ ## Insertions
+ for data in [d for d in sample_data.get("Additions")]:
+ __insertions = insert_sample_data(
+ conn=conn,
+ data=data,
+ csv_header=sample_data.get(
+ "Columns", "Strain Name,Value,SE,Count"
+ ),
+ trait_info=trait_info
+ )
+ if __insertions:
+ n_insertions += 1
+ else:
+ sample_data.get("Additions").remove(data)
+ if any(
+ [
+ sample_data.get("Additions"),
+ sample_data.get("Modifications"),
+ sample_data.get("Deletions"),
+ ]
+ ):
+ with database_connection(get_setting("SQL_URI")) as conn:
+ if sample_data.get("dataset_id"): # if phenotype
+ create_metadata_audit(conn, {
+ "dataset_id": sample_data.get("dataset_id"),
+ "editor": sample_data.get("author"),
+ "json_data": json.dumps(sample_data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder)
+ })
+ else:
+ create_metadata_audit(conn, {
+ "dataset_id": sample_data.get("probeset_id"),
+ "editor": sample_data.get("author"),
+ "json_data": json.dumps(sample_data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder)
+ })
+ # Once data is approved, rename it!
+ os.rename(
+ os.path.join(f"{TMPDIR}/sample-data/diffs", file_name),
+ os.path.join(
+ f"{TMPDIR}/sample-data/diffs", f"{file_name}.approved"
+ ),
+ )
+ if n_deletions:
+ flash(f"# Deletions: {n_deletions}", "success")
+ if n_insertions:
+ flash(f"# Additions: {len(n_insertions)}", "success")
+ if len(modifications):
+ flash(f"# Modifications: {len(modifications)}", "success")
+ else: # Edge case where you need to automatically reject the file
+ os.rename(
+ os.path.join(f"{TMPDIR}/sample-data/diffs", file_name),
+ os.path.join(
+ f"{TMPDIR}/sample-data/diffs", f"{file_name}.rejected"
+ ),
+ )
+ flash(
+ (
+ "Automatically rejecting this file since no "
+ "changes could be applied."
+ ),
+ "warning",
+ )
+ return redirect(url_for("metadata_edit.list_diffs"))
+def is_a_number(value: str):
+ """Check whether the string is a number"""
+ return bool(re.search(r"^[0-9]+\.*[0-9]*$", value))
+def create_delta_csv(base_csv, form_data, sample_list):
+ base_csv_lines = base_csv.split("\n")
+ delta_csv_lines = [base_csv_lines[0]]
+ for line in base_csv_lines[1:]:
+ sample = {}
+ sample['name'], sample['value'], sample['error'], sample['n_cases'] = line.split(",")
+ for key in form_data:
+ if sample['name'] in key:
+ new_line_items = [sample['name']]
+ for field in ["value", "error", "n_cases"]:
+ the_value = form_data.get(f"{field}:{sample['name']}")
+ if the_value:
+ if is_a_number(the_value) or the_value.lower() == "x":
+ new_line_items.append(the_value)
+ continue
+ new_line_items.append(sample[field])
+ delta_csv_lines.append(",".join(new_line_items))
+ break
+ else:
+ delta_csv_lines.append(line)
+ return "\n".join(delta_csv_lines)