path: root/gn2/wqflask/correlation/rust_correlation.py
diff options
authorAlexander_Kabui2024-01-02 13:21:07 +0300
committerAlexander_Kabui2024-01-02 13:21:07 +0300
commit70c4201b332e0e2c0d958428086512f291469b87 (patch)
treeaea4fac8782c110fc233c589c3f0f7bd34bada6c /gn2/wqflask/correlation/rust_correlation.py
parent5092eb42f062b1695c4e39619f0bd74a876cfac2 (diff)
parent965ce5114d585624d5edb082c710b83d83a3be40 (diff)
merge changes
Diffstat (limited to 'gn2/wqflask/correlation/rust_correlation.py')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gn2/wqflask/correlation/rust_correlation.py b/gn2/wqflask/correlation/rust_correlation.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0dcbcb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gn2/wqflask/correlation/rust_correlation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+"""module contains integration code for rust-gn3"""
+import json
+from functools import reduce
+from gn2.utility.tools import SQL_URI
+from gn2.utility.db_tools import mescape
+from gn2.utility.db_tools import create_in_clause
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.correlation_functions\
+ import get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.correlation_gn3_api import create_target_this_trait
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.correlation_gn3_api import lit_for_trait_list
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.correlation_gn3_api import do_lit_correlation
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.pre_computes import fetch_text_file
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.pre_computes import read_text_file
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.pre_computes import write_db_to_textfile
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.pre_computes import read_trait_metadata
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.pre_computes import cache_trait_metadata
+from gn3.computations.correlations import compute_all_lit_correlation
+from gn3.computations.rust_correlation import run_correlation
+from gn3.computations.rust_correlation import get_sample_corr_data
+from gn3.computations.rust_correlation import parse_tissue_corr_data
+from gn3.db_utils import database_connection
+from gn2.wqflask.correlation.exceptions import WrongCorrelationType
+def query_probes_metadata(dataset, trait_list):
+ """query traits metadata in bulk for probeset"""
+ if not bool(trait_list) or dataset.type != "ProbeSet":
+ return []
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ query = """
+ SELECT ProbeSet.Name,ProbeSet.Chr,ProbeSet.Mb,
+ ProbeSet.Symbol,ProbeSetXRef.mean,
+ CONCAT_WS('; ', ProbeSet.description, ProbeSet.Probe_Target_Description) AS description,
+ ProbeSetXRef.additive,ProbeSetXRef.LRS,Geno.Chr, Geno.Mb
+ FROM ProbeSet INNER JOIN ProbeSetXRef
+ ON ProbeSet.Id=ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId
+ ON ProbeSetXRef.Locus = Geno.Name
+ INNER JOIN Species
+ ON Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id
+ WHERE ProbeSet.Name in ({}) AND
+ Species.Name = %s AND
+ ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId IN (
+ SELECT ProbeSetFreeze.Id
+ FROM ProbeSetFreeze WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.Name = %s)
+ """.format(", ".join(["%s"] * len(trait_list)))
+ cursor.execute(query,
+ (tuple(trait_list) +
+ (dataset.group.species,) + (dataset.name,))
+ )
+ return cursor.fetchall()
+def get_metadata(dataset, traits):
+ """Retrieve the metadata"""
+ def __location__(probe_chr, probe_mb):
+ if probe_mb:
+ return f"Chr{probe_chr}: {probe_mb:.6f}"
+ return f"Chr{probe_chr}: ???"
+ cached_metadata = read_trait_metadata(dataset.name)
+ to_fetch_metadata = list(
+ set(traits).difference(list(cached_metadata.keys())))
+ if to_fetch_metadata:
+ results = {**({trait_name: {
+ "name": trait_name,
+ "view": True,
+ "symbol": symbol,
+ "dataset": dataset.name,
+ "dataset_name": dataset.shortname,
+ "mean": mean,
+ "description": description,
+ "additive": additive,
+ "lrs_score": f"{lrs:3.1f}" if lrs else "",
+ "location": __location__(probe_chr, probe_mb),
+ "chr": probe_chr,
+ "mb": probe_mb,
+ "lrs_location": f'Chr{chr_score}: {mb:{".6f" if mb else ""}}',
+ "lrs_chr": chr_score,
+ "lrs_mb": mb
+ } for trait_name, probe_chr, probe_mb, symbol, mean, description,
+ additive, lrs, chr_score, mb
+ in query_probes_metadata(dataset, to_fetch_metadata)}), **cached_metadata}
+ cache_trait_metadata(dataset.name, results)
+ return results
+ return cached_metadata
+def chunk_dataset(dataset, steps, name):
+ results = []
+ query = """
+ SELECT ProbeSetXRef.DataId,ProbeSet.Name
+ FROM ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSetFreeze
+ WHERE ProbeSetFreeze.Name = '{}' AND
+ ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = ProbeSetFreeze.Id AND
+ ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId = ProbeSet.Id
+ """.format(name)
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor() as curr:
+ curr.execute(query)
+ traits_name_dict = dict(curr.fetchall())
+ for i in range(0, len(dataset), steps):
+ matrix = list(dataset[i:i + steps])
+ results.append([traits_name_dict[matrix[0][0]]] + [str(value)
+ for (trait_name, strain, value) in matrix])
+ return results
+def compute_top_n_sample(start_vars, dataset, trait_list):
+ """check if dataset is of type probeset"""
+ if dataset.type.lower() != "probeset":
+ return {}
+ def __fetch_sample_ids__(samples_vals, samples_group):
+ sample_data = get_sample_corr_data(
+ sample_type=samples_group,
+ sample_data=json.loads(samples_vals),
+ dataset_samples=dataset.group.all_samples_ordered())
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor() as curr:
+ curr.execute(
+ """
+ SELECT Strain.Name, Strain.Id FROM Strain, Species
+ WHERE Strain.Name IN {}
+ and Strain.SpeciesId=Species.Id
+ and Species.name = '{}'
+ """.format(create_in_clause(list(sample_data.keys())),
+ *mescape(dataset.group.species)))
+ return (sample_data, dict(curr.fetchall()))
+ (sample_data, sample_ids) = __fetch_sample_ids__(
+ start_vars["sample_vals"], start_vars["corr_samples_group"])
+ if len(trait_list) == 0:
+ return {}
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor() as curr:
+ # fetching strain data in bulk
+ query = (
+ "SELECT * from ProbeSetData "
+ f"WHERE StrainID IN ({', '.join(['%s'] * len(sample_ids))}) "
+ "AND Id IN ("
+ " SELECT ProbeSetXRef.DataId "
+ " FROM (ProbeSet, ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSetFreeze) "
+ " WHERE ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = ProbeSetFreeze.Id "
+ " AND ProbeSetFreeze.Name = %s "
+ " AND ProbeSet.Name "
+ f" IN ({', '.join(['%s'] * len(trait_list))}) "
+ " AND ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId"
+ ")")
+ curr.execute(
+ query,
+ tuple(sample_ids.values()) + (dataset.name,) + tuple(trait_list))
+ corr_data = chunk_dataset(
+ list(curr.fetchall()), len(sample_ids.values()), dataset.name)
+ return run_correlation(
+ corr_data, list(sample_data.values()), "pearson", ",")
+def compute_top_n_lit(corr_results, target_dataset, this_trait) -> dict:
+ if not __datasets_compatible_p__(this_trait.dataset, target_dataset, "lit"):
+ return {}
+ (this_trait_geneid, geneid_dict, species) = do_lit_correlation(
+ this_trait, target_dataset)
+ geneid_dict = {trait_name: geneid for (trait_name, geneid)
+ in geneid_dict.items() if
+ corr_results.get(trait_name)}
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ return reduce(
+ lambda acc, corr: {**acc, **corr},
+ compute_all_lit_correlation(
+ conn=conn, trait_lists=list(geneid_dict.items()),
+ species=species, gene_id=this_trait_geneid),
+ {})
+ return {}
+def compute_top_n_tissue(target_dataset, this_trait, traits, method):
+ # refactor lots of rpt
+ if not __datasets_compatible_p__(this_trait.dataset, target_dataset, "tissue"):
+ return {}
+ trait_symbol_dict = dict({
+ trait_name: symbol
+ for (trait_name, symbol)
+ in target_dataset.retrieve_genes("Symbol").items()
+ if traits.get(trait_name)})
+ corr_result_tissue_vals_dict = get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values(
+ symbol_list=list(trait_symbol_dict.values()))
+ data = parse_tissue_corr_data(symbol_name=this_trait.symbol,
+ symbol_dict=get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values(
+ symbol_list=[this_trait.symbol]),
+ dataset_symbols=trait_symbol_dict,
+ dataset_vals=corr_result_tissue_vals_dict)
+ if data and data[0]:
+ return run_correlation(
+ data[1], data[0], method, ",", "tissue")
+ return {}
+def merge_results(dict_a: dict, dict_b: dict, dict_c: dict) -> list[dict]:
+ """code to merge diff corr into individual dicts
+ a"""
+ def __merge__(trait_name, trait_corrs):
+ return {
+ trait_name: {
+ **trait_corrs,
+ **dict_b.get(trait_name, {}),
+ **dict_c.get(trait_name, {})
+ }
+ }
+ return [__merge__(tname, tcorrs) for tname, tcorrs in dict_a.items()]
+def __compute_sample_corr__(
+ start_vars: dict, corr_type: str, method: str, n_top: int,
+ target_trait_info: tuple):
+ """Compute the sample correlations"""
+ (this_dataset, this_trait, target_dataset, sample_data) = target_trait_info
+ if this_dataset.group.f1list != None:
+ this_dataset.group.samplelist += this_dataset.group.f1list
+ if this_dataset.group.parlist != None:
+ this_dataset.group.samplelist += this_dataset.group.parlist
+ sample_data = get_sample_corr_data(
+ sample_type=start_vars["corr_samples_group"],
+ sample_data=json.loads(start_vars["sample_vals"]),
+ dataset_samples=this_dataset.group.all_samples_ordered())
+ if not bool(sample_data):
+ return {}
+ if target_dataset.type == "ProbeSet" and start_vars.get("use_cache") == "true":
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ file_path = fetch_text_file(target_dataset.name, conn)
+ if file_path:
+ (sample_vals, target_data) = read_text_file(
+ sample_data, file_path)
+ return run_correlation(target_data, sample_vals,
+ method, ",", corr_type, n_top)
+ write_db_to_textfile(target_dataset.name, conn)
+ file_path = fetch_text_file(target_dataset.name, conn)
+ if file_path:
+ (sample_vals, target_data) = read_text_file(
+ sample_data, file_path)
+ return run_correlation(target_data, sample_vals,
+ method, ",", corr_type, n_top)
+ target_dataset.get_trait_data(list(sample_data.keys()))
+ def __merge_key_and_values__(rows, current):
+ wo_nones = [value for value in current[1]]
+ if len(wo_nones) > 0:
+ return rows + [[current[0]] + wo_nones]
+ return rows
+ target_data = reduce(
+ __merge_key_and_values__, target_dataset.trait_data.items(), [])
+ if len(target_data) == 0:
+ return {}
+ return run_correlation(
+ target_data, list(sample_data.values()), method, ",", corr_type,
+ n_top)
+def __datasets_compatible_p__(trait_dataset, target_dataset, corr_method):
+ return not (
+ corr_method in ("tissue", "Tissue r", "Literature r", "lit")
+ and (trait_dataset.type == "ProbeSet" and
+ target_dataset.type in ("Publish", "Geno")))
+def __compute_tissue_corr__(
+ start_vars: dict, corr_type: str, method: str, n_top: int,
+ target_trait_info: tuple):
+ """Compute the tissue correlations"""
+ (this_dataset, this_trait, target_dataset, sample_data) = target_trait_info
+ if not __datasets_compatible_p__(this_dataset, target_dataset, corr_type):
+ raise WrongCorrelationType(this_trait, target_dataset, corr_type)
+ trait_symbol_dict = target_dataset.retrieve_genes("Symbol")
+ corr_result_tissue_vals_dict = get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values(
+ symbol_list=list(trait_symbol_dict.values()))
+ data = parse_tissue_corr_data(
+ symbol_name=this_trait.symbol,
+ symbol_dict=get_trait_symbol_and_tissue_values(
+ symbol_list=[this_trait.symbol]),
+ dataset_symbols=trait_symbol_dict,
+ dataset_vals=corr_result_tissue_vals_dict)
+ if data:
+ return run_correlation(data[1], data[0], method, ",", "tissue")
+ return {}
+def __compute_lit_corr__(
+ start_vars: dict, corr_type: str, method: str, n_top: int,
+ target_trait_info: tuple):
+ """Compute the literature correlations"""
+ (this_dataset, this_trait, target_dataset, sample_data) = target_trait_info
+ if not __datasets_compatible_p__(this_dataset, target_dataset, corr_type):
+ raise WrongCorrelationType(this_trait, target_dataset, corr_type)
+ target_dataset_type = target_dataset.type
+ this_dataset_type = this_dataset.type
+ (this_trait_geneid, geneid_dict, species) = do_lit_correlation(
+ this_trait, target_dataset)
+ with database_connection(SQL_URI) as conn:
+ return reduce(
+ lambda acc, lit: {**acc, **lit},
+ compute_all_lit_correlation(
+ conn=conn, trait_lists=list(geneid_dict.items()),
+ species=species, gene_id=this_trait_geneid)[:n_top],
+ {})
+ return {}
+def compute_correlation_rust(
+ start_vars: dict, corr_type: str, method: str = "pearson",
+ n_top: int = 500, should_compute_all: bool = False):
+ """function to compute correlation"""
+ target_trait_info = create_target_this_trait(start_vars)
+ (this_dataset, this_trait, target_dataset, sample_data) = (
+ target_trait_info)
+ if not __datasets_compatible_p__(this_dataset, target_dataset, corr_type):
+ raise WrongCorrelationType(this_trait, target_dataset, corr_type)
+ # Replace this with `match ...` once we hit Python 3.10
+ corr_type_fns = {
+ "sample": __compute_sample_corr__,
+ "tissue": __compute_tissue_corr__,
+ "lit": __compute_lit_corr__
+ }
+ results = corr_type_fns[corr_type](
+ start_vars, corr_type, method, n_top, target_trait_info)
+ # END: Replace this with `match ...` once we hit Python 3.10
+ top_a = top_b = {}
+ if should_compute_all:
+ if corr_type == "sample":
+ if this_dataset.type == "ProbeSet":
+ top_a = compute_top_n_tissue(
+ target_dataset, this_trait, results, method)
+ top_b = compute_top_n_lit(results, target_dataset, this_trait)
+ else:
+ pass
+ elif corr_type == "lit":
+ # currently fails for lit
+ top_a = compute_top_n_sample(
+ start_vars, target_dataset, list(results.keys()))
+ top_b = compute_top_n_tissue(
+ target_dataset, this_trait, results, method)
+ else:
+ top_a = compute_top_n_sample(
+ start_vars, target_dataset, list(results.keys()))
+ return {
+ "correlation_results": merge_results(
+ results, top_a, top_b),
+ "this_trait": this_trait.name,
+ "target_dataset": start_vars['corr_dataset'],
+ "traits_metadata": get_metadata(target_dataset, list(results.keys())),
+ "return_results": n_top
+ }