path: root/prescheme-nim-local
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1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prescheme-nim-local/prescheme-nim-transpilers-FOSDEM-2025-talk.org b/prescheme-nim-local/prescheme-nim-transpilers-FOSDEM-2025-talk.org
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+++ b/prescheme-nim-local/prescheme-nim-transpilers-FOSDEM-2025-talk.org
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+#+TITLE: Small Headed Programming
+#+AUTHOR: Pjotr Prins
+# 15-20 min
+# Images: C-c C-x C-v
+# org-tree-slide-mode C-< and C->
+* Reality
+> Small headed programming: languages that fit in the brain
+Does not have to be a *small* language per se.
+Fits are:
+- Many LISPs
+- Zig
+- C
+No fits are:
+- Python
+- Rust
+- C++
+* What do I really want out of any language?
+- I want to express myself quickly and get results fast
+- I want decent error messages
+- I want to be able to drop in a REPL and debug
+- I want my code to be recognizable and readable after two years
+- I want the experience to be really fast at compile time
+- I would like compile type checking *when* I want it
+- I want few dependencies (wait?)
+* Thoughts on garbage collectors (GC)
+- Faster development, less mistakes
+- GC is a great invention - what is not to like?
+- Start/stop the world issues - threading and RT - e.g. games
+- Hurts when crossing language boundaries, i.e. bindings
+- Some languages suffer more than others, but it is never trivial
+* Rust does not have GC
+- That means you always have to deal with memory.
+* Two Years Ago
+- Everyone needs two languages: one for quick coding and one for performance
+- My 1st choice is to program in Guile and Zig (instead of Python and C)
+I went looking for convenience + a performance option
+Guile+Zig exploration:
+* Zig
+- Zig is a minimalistic new language
+- unapologetically focused on performance
+- blazingly fast compiler
+- it may even replace C++ in places
+- Zig uses the C-ABI, has NO GC, so it is ideal for binding against other languages
+- Suffers from the semi-colon
+* Zig bootstrap
+- Compilers need to be bootstrapped (from C)
+- At some point they become self-hosting
+- Zig created a bootstrap in WASM - cool
+- But a binary blob does not sit well with the likes of Debian
+- Been an issue for years now and prevents deploying our toolstacks
+* Zig in Guix
+- Zig recently got bootstrapped from C source in Guix - it builds the WASM blob!
+- GNU Guix now Supports the latest stable verion!
+- Debian could copy that.
+When languages get popular enough, someone will create a bootstrap
+path. Even when it is hard.
+* Why not Zig now?
+- We target HPC - need to create deployments
+- Getting permission to run compiler tool stacks etc. can be painful
+- Similarly for low-end (RISC-V) systems
+- But C compilers are *always* there!!
+* Enter C-transpiling
+- C-transpilers w.o. GC, e.g. Nim, prescheme and Chicken (ref counter)
+- We want no GC because of linking against guile, python, etc.
+- Will compile C on any target system (ideally optimized!)
+- Can distribute both original code and transpiled code (if it looks nice enough)
+- Actually, nice output is important
+* Prescheme example
+Call C function to convert float to string:
+void gcvt(float value, int ndigits, char *buf);
+#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
+ (define (gcvt v ndigits buf)
+ ((external "gcvt" (=> (float integer (^ char)) unit ) )
+ v ndigits buf))
+ (let ((target (make-string 20))
+ (f 1.2))
+ (gcvt f 4 target))
+Translates to
+ char *target_2X = (char *)calloc( 1, 1 + 20);
+ gcvt(1.2, 4, target_2X);
+ ps_write_string(target_2X, out_0X);
+SIMDe is a free software header-only library which provides fast, portable implementations of SIMD intrinsics for platforms which aren’t natively supported by the API in question.
+For example, with SIMDe you can use SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1 and 4.2, AVX, AVX2, and many AVX-512 intrinsics on ARM, POWER, WebAssembly, or almost any platform with a C compiler. That includes, of course, x86 CPUs which don’t support the ISA extension in question (e.g., calling AVX-512F functions on a CPU which doesn’t natively support them).
+* Prescheme simde (Lisp)
+#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
+ (define (simde-loadu ds)
+ ((external "simde_mm256_loadu_pd" (=> ((^ float)) m256d))
+ ds ))
+ (let ((a (make-vector 4 1.1))
+ (b (make-vector 4 1.1))
+ (c (make-vector 4 1.1)))
+ (vector-set! a 0 2.2)
+ (vector-set! a 1 2.2)
+ (vector-set! a 2 4.2)
+ (vector-set! a 3 5.2)
+ (vector-set! b 0 1.1)
+ (vector-set! b 1 2.1)
+ (vector-set! b 2 3.1)
+ (vector-set! b 3 4.1)
+ (let* ((evens (simde-loadu a))
+ (odds (simde-loadu b))
+ (result (simde-storeu a (simde-sub-pd evens odds))))
+ (vector-for-each (lambda (i val)
+ (gcvt val 4 target)
+ (write-string target out)
+ (newline out)
+ )
+ result 4)
+* Prescheme simde (C)
+ #include <simde/x86/avx512.h>
+ simde__m256d avx_7X;
+ simde__m256d odds_6X;
+ simde__m256d evens_5X;
+ // malloc and initialize a_3X and b_4X as array of floats
+ evens_5X = simde_mm256_loadu_pd(a_3X);
+ odds_6X = simde_mm256_loadu_pd(b_4X);
+ avx_7X = simde_mm256_sub_pd(evens_5X, odds_6X);
+ simde_mm256_storeu_pd(a_3X, avx_7X);
+* Prescheme
+- Writes C beautifully from readable Lisp
+- Prescheme writes C files
+- Even C macros are written without loss
+- Strings and vectors use malloc/free
+- We can use Lisp macros to free on scope exit
+- Currently needs a hack to allow for opaque pointers
+* Nim example
+#+BEGIN_SRC python
+ var evens = [1.0, 2.1, 3.2, 4.3]
+ var odds = [0.0, 1.1, 2.1, 3.3]
+ var regs1 = mm256_loadu_pd(evens[0].addr)
+ var regs2 = mm256_loadu_pd(odds[0].addr)
+ var result = mm256_sub_pd(regs1,regs2)
+ echo cast[array[4, float64]](result)
+* Nim transpiled to C
+ regs1__simd_124 = _mm256_loadu_pd(((void*) ((&l1__simd_122[(((NI) 0))- 0]))));
+ regs2__simd_125 = _mm256_loadu_pd(((void*) ((&l2__simd_123[(((NI) 0))- 0]))));
+ result__simd_126 = _mm256_sub_pd(regs1__simd_124, regs2__simd_125);
+ nimZeroMem((void*)T3_, sizeof(tyArray__nHXaesL0DJZHyVS07ARPRA));
+ LOC4.source = result__simd_126;
+ T3_[0] = dollar___simd_192(LOC4.dest);
+ echoBinSafe(T3_, 1);
+* Nim
+- Writes C from readable Nim
+- C macros are written without loss
+- Strings and vectors use reference counting
+- C files are written to a user cache in $HOME
+- Generated C code has boiler plate, is verbose, and is not really meant for humans
+* Chicken Scheme transpiler to C
+- GC free C transpiler was inspired by recent re-aliving prescheme!
+* TODO Zig transpiler
+- Zig can actually generate C
+- `zig build-obj -ofmt=c -lc main.zig`
+- So with bootstrap this is worth looking into
+* Conclusion
+- prescheme is light, hackable and just generates light-weight C output
+- Amazing mapping to low level
+- Nim is cool too - but more involved and transpiled C is less easy to digest by humans
+- Nim and Chicken have reference counting - prescheme is mapped - and macros can simplify management
+- Think you Andrew Whatson and NLNet!