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2 files changed, 206 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/bin/pangemma b/bin/pangemma
index 399ed6f..e962ee5 100755
--- a/bin/pangemma
+++ b/bin/pangemma
@@ -8,6 +8,193 @@ exec guile --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
(srfi srfi-9)
(srfi srfi-9 gnu))
+(define-record-type <nothing>
+ (make-nothing)
+ %nothing?)
+(define (print-nothing nothing port)
+ (display "#<nothing>" port))
+(set-record-type-printer! <nothing> print-nothing)
+(define nothing (make-nothing))
+(define (nothing? x) (eq? x nothing))
+(define-record-type <contradiction>
+ (make-contradiction details)
+ contradiction?
+ (details contradiction-details))
+(define (print-contradiction contradiction port)
+ (format port "#<contradiction ~a>"
+ (contradiction-details contradiction)))
+(set-record-type-printer! <contradiction> print-contradiction)
+(define contradiction (make-contradiction nothing))
+(define-record-type <relations>
+ (%make-relations name parent children)
+ relations?
+ (name relations-name)
+ (parent relations-parent)
+ (children relations-children set-relations-children!))
+(define (print-relations relations port)
+ (match relations
+ (($ <relations> name parent children)
+ (format port "#<relations ~a ↑ ~a ↓ ~a>"
+ name parent children))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <relations> print-relations)
+(define current-parent (make-parameter #f))
+(define (make-relations name)
+ (%make-relations name (current-parent) '()))
+(define (add-child! parent child)
+ (when parent
+ (set-relations-children! parent (cons child (relations-children parent)))))
+(define-record-type <cell>
+ (%make-cell relations neighbors content strongest
+ equivalent? merge find-strongest handle-contradiction)
+ cell?
+ (relations cell-relations)
+ (neighbors cell-neighbors set-cell-neighbors!)
+ (content cell-content set-cell-content!)
+ (strongest cell-strongest set-cell-strongest!)
+ ;; Dispatch table:
+ (equivalent? cell-equivalent?)
+ (merge cell-merge)
+ (find-strongest cell-find-strongest)
+ (handle-contradiction cell-handle-contradiction))
+(define (print-cell cell port)
+ (match cell
+ (($ <cell> ($ <relations> name) _ _ strongest)
+ (display "#<cell " port)
+ (display name port)
+ (display " " port)
+ (display strongest port)
+ (display ">" port))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <cell> print-cell)
+(define-record-type <propagator>
+ (%make-propagator relations inputs outputs activate)
+ propagator?
+ (relations propagator-relations)
+ (inputs propagator-inputs)
+ (outputs propagator-outputs)
+ (activate propagator-activate))
+(define (print-propagator propagator port)
+ (match propagator
+ (($ <propagator> ($ <relations> name) inputs outputs)
+ (display "#<propagator " port)
+ (display name port)
+ (display " " port)
+ (display inputs port)
+ (display " -> " port)
+ (display outputs port)
+ (display ">" port))))
+(set-record-type-printer! <propagator> print-propagator)
+(define default-equivalent? equal?)
+;; But what about partial information???
+(define (default-merge old new) new)
+(define (default-find-strongest content) content)
+(define (default-handle-contradiction cell) (values))
+(define* (make-cell name #:key
+ (equivalent? default-equivalent?)
+ (merge default-merge)
+ (find-strongest default-find-strongest)
+ (handle-contradiction default-handle-contradiction))
+ (let ((cell (%make-cell (make-relations name) '() nothing nothing
+ equivalent? merge find-strongest
+ handle-contradiction)))
+ (add-child! (current-parent) cell)
+ cell))
+(define (cell-name cell)
+ (relations-name (cell-relations cell)))
+(define (add-cell-neighbor! cell neighbor)
+ (set-cell-neighbors! cell (lset-adjoin eq? (cell-neighbors cell) neighbor)))
+(define (add-cell-content! cell new)
+ (match cell
+ (($ <cell> _ neighbors content strongest equivalent? merge
+ find-strongest handle-contradiction)
+ (let ((content* (merge content new)))
+ (set-cell-content! cell content*)
+ (let ((strongest* (find-strongest content*)))
+ (cond
+ ;; New strongest value is equivalent to the old one. No need
+ ;; to alert propagators.
+ ((equivalent? strongest strongest*)
+ (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*))
+ ;; Uh oh, a contradiction! Call handler.
+ ((contradiction? strongest*)
+ (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*)
+ (handle-contradiction cell))
+ ;; Strongest value has changed. Alert the propagators!
+ (else
+ (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*)
+ (for-each alert-propagator! neighbors))))))))
+(define (alert-propagator! propagator)
+ (queue-task! (propagator-activate propagator)))
+(define (make-propagator name inputs outputs activate)
+ (let ((propagator (%make-propagator (make-relations name)
+ inputs outputs activate)))
+ (add-child! (current-parent) propagator)
+ (for-each (lambda (cell)
+ (add-cell-neighbor! cell propagator))
+ inputs)
+ (alert-propagator! propagator)
+ propagator))
+(define (unusable-value? x)
+ (or (nothing? x) (contradiction? x)))
+(define (primitive-propagator name f)
+ (match-lambda*
+ ((inputs ... output)
+ (define (activate)
+ (let ((args (map cell-strongest inputs)))
+ (unless (any unusable-value? args)
+ (add-cell-content! output (apply f args)))))
+ (make-propagator name inputs (list output) activate))))
+(define (compound-propagator name inputs outputs build)
+ (let ((built? #f))
+ (define (maybe-build)
+ (unless (or built?
+ (and (not (null? inputs))
+ (every unusable-value? (map cell-strongest inputs))))
+ (parameterize ((current-parent (propagator-relations propagator)))
+ (build)
+ (set! built? #t))))
+ (define propagator (make-propagator name inputs outputs maybe-build))
+ propagator))
+(define (constraint-propagator name cells build)
+ (compound-propagator name cells cells build))
+(define (run)
+ (begin
+ (display "START")
+ (define a (make-cell "a"))
+ (define b (make-cell "b"))
+ (define c (make-cell "c"))
+ (define d (make-cell "d"))
+ (define output (make-cell "none"))
+ (add-cell-content! a 1)
+ (define (activate) #f)
+ (define p (primitive-propagator 'test activate))
+ (display "END")
+ ))
(define (main args)
(let* [
(option-spec '( (version (single-char #\v) (value #f))
@@ -21,8 +208,11 @@ exec guile --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
(display "pangemma version 0.01\n")
(if help-wanted
- (format #t "pangemma
+ (begin
+ (format #t "pangemma
Usage: pangemma [options...] filename(s)
-v --version Display version
-h --help Display this help
+ (exit)))
+ (run)))
diff --git a/doc/code/pangemma.md b/doc/code/pangemma.md
index fe86f3f..a5e969b 100644
--- a/doc/code/pangemma.md
+++ b/doc/code/pangemma.md
@@ -90,5 +90,18 @@ Let's start with default GEMMA behaviour and create the first cells to get to ex
We'll break down to inspecting cell levels after. The genofile cells contain a file name (string).
When the file gets read we will capture the state in a file and carry the file name of the new file forward.
-In this setup cells simply represent file names (for state). This allows us to simply read and write files in the C code.
+In this setup cells simply represent file names (for state).
+This allows us to simply read and write files in the C code.
Later, when we wire up new propagators we may carry state in memory. The whole point of using this approach is that we really don't have to care!
+Our first simple implementation of the cell will simply contain a string referring to a file.
+Cells can be work in progress and incrementally improved.
+## Create propagators
+A propagator contains a list of inputs and an output cell. So we wire up the graph by adding inputs to propagators.
+Every propagator has state (too). I.e. it may be idle, computing and done.
+## The runner
+The runner visits the list of propagators and checks wether the inputs are complete and whether they have changed. On change computation has to happen updating the output cell.