path: root/gn/packages/python.scm
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-01-30Gunicorn with inotifypjotrp
2017-12-20Fixed Rpy2Pjotr Prins
2017-12-18Fixes against guix latestPjotr Prins
2017-12-18Disable tests for RPy2Pjotr Prins
2017-11-09Added python-gunicornpjotrp
2017-10-25Updated GEMMA git•••Added python-rpy2 since it got dropped from main pjotrp
2017-09-21python-rserve addedpjotrp
2017-08-24Moved python2-pil into PIL1 namespacepjotrp
2017-07-16Guix moved zip to compressionpjotrp
2017-05-17Dropping duplicate packagespjotrp
2017-05-16Align with latest guixPjotr Prins
2017-05-14Updating guixPjotr Prins
2017-03-04python2-numarray: the build system for python no longer works automatically, ...pjotrp
2017-03-04genenetwork: adding phewaspjotrp
2017-02-26Added comments on guix viability•••- removed r-wcna and r-preprocesscore as they are in Guix now pjotrp
2017-02-24Speedtest-cli: addedpjotrp
2016-09-30Reverted to pil (pillow is not 100% compatible)pjotrp
2016-08-14python2-pil: freetype include file movedpjotrp
2016-08-14GN2: reintroducing python2-pilpjotrp
2016-08-13python-pil: replace with pillowPjotr Prins
2016-04-10remove remarkspjotrp
2016-03-30Small fixes and removed package now in main linepjotrp
2016-03-09Small fixedPjotr Prins
2016-03-05Guix paths to the toolspjotrp
2016-03-04python-mysqlclient: propagate the shared libpjotrp
2016-02-25Fix python-piddlepjotrp
2016-02-25Add older version of python-pilpjotrp
2016-02-13Add python-parallelpjotrp
2016-02-13More packagespjotrp
2016-02-13Settled on the GN version of htmlgenpjotrp
2016-02-13Started on python2-htmlgenpjotrp
2016-02-13GN2: adding packagespjotrp
2016-01-23Started on gn1 package•••Added python2-numarray 1.5.2 pjotrp
2015-12-11Take out failing gdbm dependencywrk
2015-09-18Tests pass for jsonldPjotr Prins
2015-09-18CWL worksPjotr Prins
2015-09-18python2Pjotr Prins
2015-09-18Moving to python2Pjotr Prins
2015-09-18cwl tools buildPjotr Prins
2015-09-18Adding python-avroPjotr Prins
2015-09-18Moving to python.scmPjotr Prins
2015-09-18python-rdflib already in guixPjotr Prins
2015-09-18Adding python packagesPjotr Prins