path: root/transform
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'transform')
7 files changed, 1114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/transform/schema-dump.scm b/transform/schema-dump.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7f8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/schema-dump.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+(define-module (transform schema)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (transform sql)
+ #:use-module (transform triples)
+ #:use-module (transform strings)
+ #:use-module (transform table))
+(define (table-fields db table)
+ (format #t "* ~a~%" table)
+ (match (sql-find db
+ (select-query ((TableComments Comment))
+ (TableComments)
+ (format #f "WHERE TableName = '~a'" table)))
+ ((("Comment" . comment))
+ (format #t "~a~%" comment)))
+ (sql-for-each (lambda (row)
+ (match row
+ ((("TableField" . table-field)
+ ("Foreign_Key" . foreign-key)
+ ("Annotation" . annotation))
+ (format #t "** ~a~%" (substring table-field (1+ (string-length table))))
+ (unless (string-null? foreign-key)
+ (format #t "Foreign key to ~a~%" foreign-key))
+ (unless (string-null? annotation)
+ (display annotation)
+ (newline)))))
+ db
+ (select-query ((TableFieldAnnotation TableField)
+ (TableFieldAnnotation Foreign_Key)
+ (TableFieldAnnotation Annotation))
+ (TableFieldAnnotation)
+ (format #f "WHERE TableField LIKE '~a.%'" table)))
+ (newline))
+(define (get-tables-from-comments db)
+ (sql-map (match-lambda
+ ((("TableName" . table)) table))
+ db
+ (select-query ((TableComments TableName))
+ (TableComments))))
+(define (schema-annotations db)
+ (call-with-target-database
+ (lambda (db)
+ (for-each (cut table-fields db <>)
+ (get-tables-from-comments db)))))
+(define (tables db)
+ "Return list of all tables in DB. Each element of the returned list
+is a <table> object."
+ (map (lambda (table)
+ (set-table-columns table
+ (sql-map (lambda (row)
+ (make-column (assoc-ref row "Field")
+ (assoc-ref row "Type")))
+ db
+ (format #f "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ~a" (table-name table)))))
+ (sql-map (lambda (row)
+ (make-table (assoc-ref row "table_name")
+ ;; FIXME: This is probably correct only for
+ ;; MyISAM tables.
+ (assoc-ref row "data_length")
+ #f))
+ db
+ (select-query ((information_schema.tables table_name)
+ (information_schema.tables data_length))
+ (information_schema.tables)
+ (format #f "WHERE table_schema = '~a'"
+ (assq-ref %connection-settings 'sql-database))))))
+(define (schema db)
+ (let ((tables (tables db)))
+ (for-each (lambda (table)
+ (let ((table-id (string->identifier
+ "table"
+ ;; We downcase table names in
+ ;; identifiers. So, we distinguish
+ ;; between the user and User tables.
+ (if (string=? (table-name table) "User")
+ "user2"
+ (table-name table)))))
+ (triple table-id 'rdf:type 'gn:sqlTable)
+ (triple table-id 'gn:name (table-name table))
+ (triple table-id 'gn:hasSize (table-size table))
+ (for-each (lambda (column)
+ (let ((column-id (column-id (table-name table)
+ (column-name column))))
+ (triple column-id 'rdf:type 'gn:sqlTableField)
+ (triple column-id 'gn:name (column-name column))
+ (triple column-id 'gn:sqlFieldType (column-type column))
+ (triple table-id 'gn:hasField column-id)))
+ (table-columns table))))
+ tables)))
+(define* (data-table db table-name data-field
+ #:optional (default-directory ""))
+ (let ((directory (string-append default-directory "/" table-name))
+ (port #f)
+ (current-strain-id #f))
+ (unless (file-exists? directory)
+ (mkdir directory))
+ (sql-for-each (match-lambda
+ (((_ . strain-id)
+ (_ . value))
+ ;; Close file if new strain.
+ (when (and port
+ (not (= current-strain-id strain-id)))
+ (close-port port)
+ (set! port #f))
+ ;; If no file is open, open new file.
+ (unless port
+ (set! current-strain-id strain-id)
+ (let ((filename (string-append directory
+ "/" (number->string strain-id))))
+ (display filename (current-error-port))
+ (newline (current-error-port))
+ (set! port (open-output-file filename))))
+ (display value port)
+ (newline port)))
+ db
+ (format #f "SELECT StrainId, ~a FROM ~a ORDER BY StrainId"
+ data-field table-name))
+ (close-port port)))
diff --git a/transform/special-forms.scm b/transform/special-forms.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b69337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/special-forms.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+(define-module (transform special-forms)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (transform sql)
+ #:use-module (transform table)
+ #:use-module (transform triples)
+ #:export (translate-forms
+ collect-forms
+ collect-keys
+ field->key
+ field->assoc-ref
+ collect-fields
+ find-clause
+ remove-namespace
+ column-id
+ id
+ syntax-let
+ blank-node
+ map-alist
+ with-documentation
+ define-transformer))
+(define (key->assoc-ref alist x)
+ "Recursively translate (key k) forms in source X to (assoc-ref ALIST
+k) forms."
+ (translate-forms 'key
+ ;; (syntax-rules (key)
+ ;; ((key k) (assoc-ref alist k)))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x (key)
+ ((key k) #`(assoc-ref #,alist 'k))))
+ x))
+(define (alist-delete* alist keys)
+ "Delete entries from ALIST whose key is equal (in the sense of
+equal?) to any in KEYS, a list."
+ (remove (match-lambda
+ ((key . value)
+ (member key keys))
+ (x (error "malformed alist element" x)))
+ alist))
+(define (translate-forms from translator x)
+ "Recursively pass (FROM ...) forms in source X to TRANSLATOR, and
+replace them with the return value."
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ;; Handle translation base case.
+ ((head tail ...) (eq? (syntax->datum #'head)
+ from)
+ (translator x))
+ ;; Recurse.
+ ((head tail ...)
+ (cons (translate-forms from translator #'head)
+ (map (cut translate-forms from translator <>)
+ #'(tail ...))))
+ ;; Handle leaf base case.
+ (leaf #'leaf)))
+(define (collect-forms target x)
+ "Recursively collect (TARGET ...) forms in source X and return them
+as a list."
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ;; Handle collection base case.
+ ((head tail ...) (eq? (syntax->datum #'head)
+ target)
+ (list x))
+ ;; Recurse.
+ ((head tail ...)
+ (append (collect-forms target #'head)
+ (append-map (cut collect-forms target <>) #'(tail ...))))
+ ;; Handle leaf base case.
+ (leaf (list))))
+(define (collect-keys x)
+ "Recursively collect (key k) forms from source X and return as a
+list of all K."
+ (map (syntax-rules (key)
+ ((key k) 'k))
+ (collect-forms 'key x)))
+(define-syntax map-alist
+ (lambda (x)
+ "Transform (aka map) ALIST, an association list, into another
+association list. The returned association list may contain multiple
+associations for the same key. equal? is used in all association list
+key comparisons.
+(map-alist alist
+ (verb key expression) ...
+ (else=> proc))
+VERB must be one of set, filter-set, multiset and remove.
+For the set VERB, KEY is set to the result of evaluating
+EXPRESSION. Multiple set verbs on the same key will result in multiple
+associations for that key.
+For the filter-set VERB, KEY is set to the result of evaluating
+EXPRESSION only if that result is not #f.
+For the multiset VERB, EXPRESSION must return a list and KEY is
+associated multiple times once with each element of the returned list.
+For the remove VERB, KEY is discarded.
+EXPRESSIONs must reference elements of ALIST using (key k) forms where
+K is the key to be referenced from ALIST. K must not be quoted. That
+is, if K is the symbol 'bar, it must be referenced as (key bar), not
+as (key 'bar).
+The else=> clause is optional.
+If the else=> clause is present, PROC is passed all pairs of ALIST
+that are not set by an earlier (verb key expression) action. PROC must
+return #f or a pair to replace its input pair. If PROC returns #f,
+that pair is discarded.
+If the else=> clause is absent, all unset pairs are discarded.
+(map-alist '((\"foo\" . 1)
+ (bar . 2)
+ (foobar . 5)
+ (fubar . 3))
+ (set spam (1+ (key \"foo\")))
+ (set ham (* 2 (key bar)))
+ (set eggs (* 3 (key bar)))
+ (set aal (+ (key \"foo\")
+ (key bar)))
+ (multiset vel (iota (* 2 (key bar))))
+ (remove foobar)
+ (else=> (match-lambda
+ ((key . value)
+ (cons key (expt 2 value))))))
+=> ((spam . 2) (ham . 4) (eggs . 6) (aal . 3)
+ (vel . 0) (vel . 1) (vel . 2) (vel . 3) (fubar . 8))"
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ alist actions ...)
+ ;; TODO: Check that all actions are valid.
+ #`(let ((evaluated-alist alist))
+ (append (remove (match-lambda
+ ;; Filter out results of filter-set actions.
+ ((key . #f)
+ (member key '#,(filter-map (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action (filter-set)
+ ((filter-set key expression) #'key)
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(actions ...))))
+ (_ #f))
+ ;; Do set and filter-set.
+ `#,(filter-map (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action (set filter-set)
+ ((set key expression)
+ #`(key . ,#,(key->assoc-ref #'evaluated-alist #'expression)))
+ ((filter-set key expression)
+ #`(key . ,#,(key->assoc-ref #'evaluated-alist #'expression)))
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(actions ...)))
+ ;; Do multiset.
+ #,@(filter-map (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action (multiset)
+ ((multiset key expression)
+ #`(map (cut cons 'key <>)
+ #,(key->assoc-ref #'evaluated-alist #'expression)))
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(actions ...))
+ ;; Apply else=> procedure on unspecified keys. If
+ ;; no else=> procedure is specified, delete
+ ;; unspecified keys.
+ (filter-map #,(or (any (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action (else=>)
+ ((else=> proc) #'proc)
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(actions ...))
+ #'(const #f))
+ ;; The unspecified part of the input
+ ;; alist
+ (alist-delete* evaluated-alist
+ (list
+ ;; Keys that were referenced
+ #,@(append-map (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action ()
+ ((_ key expression)
+ (collect-keys #'expression))
+ (_ '())))
+ #'(actions ...))
+ ;; Keys that were deleted
+ #,@(filter-map (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action (remove)
+ ((remove key) #''key)
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(actions ...))
+ ;; Keys that were set
+ #,@(filter-map (lambda (action)
+ (syntax-case action ()
+ ((_ key expression) #''key)
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(actions ...)))))))))))
+(eval-when (expand load )
+ (define (field->datum x)
+ (translate-forms
+ 'field
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x (field)
+ ((field (query alias))
+ #`(format #f "~a" (syntax->datum #'alias)))
+ ((field table column)
+ #`(format #f "~a(~a)"
+ (syntax->datum #'table)
+ (syntax->datum #'column)))
+ ((field table column alias)
+ #`(format #f "~a(~a)"
+ (syntax->datum #'table)
+ (syntax->datum #'alias)))))
+ x))
+ (define (field->key x)
+ (translate-forms 'field
+ (lambda (x)
+ #`(key #,(symbol->string
+ (syntax->datum
+ ((syntax-rules (field)
+ ((field (query alias)) alias)
+ ((field table column) column)
+ ((field table column alias) alias))
+ x)))))
+ x))
+ (define (field->assoc-ref alist x)
+ "Recursively translate field references in source X to (assoc-ref
+ALIST field-name) forms."
+ (translate-forms 'field
+ (lambda (x)
+ #`(assoc-ref #,alist
+ #,(symbol->string
+ (syntax->datum
+ ((syntax-rules (field)
+ ((field (query alias)) alias)
+ ((field table column) column)
+ ((field table column alias) alias))
+ x)))))
+ x))
+ (define (collect-fields x)
+ (map (syntax-rules (field)
+ ((field reference ...)
+ (reference ...)))
+ (collect-forms 'field x)))
+ (define (find-clause clauses key)
+ "Find (KEY ...) clause among CLAUSES, a list of syntax forms."
+ (find (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((clause-key _ ...)
+ (eq? (syntax->datum #'clause-key)
+ key))))
+ clauses))
+ (define (remove-namespace str)
+ "Remove RDF namespace prefix from STR."
+ (substring str (1+ (string-index str #\:))))
+ (define (column-id table-name column-name)
+ (string->identifier
+ "field" (string-append
+ ;; We downcase table names in identifiers. So, we
+ ;; distinguish between the user and User tables.
+ (if (string=? table-name "User")
+ "user2" table-name)
+ "__" column-name)))
+ (define (id table predicate)
+ (symbol->string
+ (string->identifier
+ "transform"
+ (string-append
+ table "_" (remove-namespace (symbol->string predicate)))))))
+(define-syntax blank-node
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ "Allow having set and multiset within the context of a blank-node"
+ [(_ (op predicate object) ...)
+ (let [(node (string-join
+ (filter-map (match-lambda
+ ((pred . obj)
+ (match obj
+ ((and (? string? obj)
+ (? string-null? obj))
+ #f)
+ ((? symbol? obj)
+ (format #f "~a ~a" pred (symbol->string obj)))
+ (_
+ (format #f "~a ~s" pred obj)))))
+ (map-alist '()
+ (op predicate object) ...))
+ " ; "))]
+ (if (string-null? node)
+ ""
+ (format #f "[ ~a ]" node)))]))
+(define-syntax syntax-let
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ "Like match-let, but for syntax.
+(syntax-let ((pattern literals expression))
+ body ...)
+(syntax-case expression ()
+ (pattern literals
+ body ...))
+literals is optional. So,
+(syntax-let ((pattern expression))
+ body ...)
+(syntax-case expression ()
+ (pattern
+ body ...))
+ ((_ () body ...)
+ (begin body ...))
+ ((_ ((pattern expression)
+ bindings ...)
+ body ...)
+ (syntax-case expression ()
+ (pattern
+ (syntax-let (bindings ...)
+ body ...))))
+ ((_ ((pattern literals expression)
+ bindings ...)
+ body ...)
+ (syntax-case expression literals
+ (pattern
+ (syntax-let (bindings ...)
+ body ...))))))
+(define-syntax define-transformer
+ (lambda (x)
+ "Define FUNCTION-NAME, a function that transforms a view of the database.
+define-transformer consists of three order-agnostic clauses---tables,
+schema-triples and triples---in the form shown below.
+(define-transformer function-name
+ (tables (table ...) raw-forms ...)
+ (schema-triples
+ (subject predicate object) ...)
+ (triples subject
+ (verb predicate object) ...))
+The tables clause specifies the database tables to be joined to
+construct the view to be transformed. TABLE must be either of the form
+RAW-CONDITION). TABLE-NAME must, obviously, be the name of the
+table. JOIN-OPERATOR must be one of join, left-join and
+inner-join. RAW-CONDITION should be the join condition as a raw
+string. This is usually something like
+\"USING (SpeciesId)\". RAW-FORMS are expressions that must evaluate to
+strings to be appended to the SQL query.
+The schema-triples clause specifies the list of triples to be written
+once when the transform starts.
+The triples clause specifies the triples to be transformed once for each
+row in the view. All triples have a common SUBJECT. The (verb
+predicate object) clauses are described below.
+VERB must either be set or multiset. For the set VERB, a single triple
+result of evaluating OBJECT. For the multiset VERB, OBJECT must
+evaluate to a list, and a triple (SUBJECT PREDICATE
+of that list.
+The SUBJECT and OBJECT expressions in the triples clause must
+reference database fields using a (field TABLE COLUMN) clause where
+TABLE and COLUMN refer to the table and column of the field being
+referenced. Database fields can also be referenced using (field TABLE
+COLUMN ALIAS) where ALIAS is an alias for that column in the SQL
+query. Specification of ALIAS is indeed a leak in the abstraction, and
+must be remedied."
+ (syntax-case x (tables schema-triples triples)
+ ((_ name clauses ...)
+ (syntax-let (((tables (primary-table other-tables ...) tables-raw ...) (tables)
+ (find-clause #'(clauses ...) 'tables))
+ (schema-triples-clause (or (find-clause #'(clauses ...) 'schema-triples)
+ #'(schema-triples)))
+ ((triples subject predicate-clauses ...) (triples)
+ (find-clause #'(clauses ...) 'triples)))
+ #`(define* (name db #:key
+ (metadata? #f)
+ (data? #t)
+ (documentation? #f))
+ (when metadata?
+ #,@(let ((table (symbol->string (syntax->datum #'primary-table)))
+ (subject-type (any (lambda (predicate)
+ (syntax-case predicate (rdf:type)
+ ((_ rdf:type type) #'type)
+ (_ #f)))
+ #'(predicate-clauses ...))))
+ (map (lambda (predicate-clause)
+ (syntax-case predicate-clause ()
+ ((_ predicate _)
+ ;; Dump metadata about the transform itself.
+ #`(begin
+ (scm->triples
+ (map-alist '()
+ (set rdf:type 'gn-id:transform)
+ (set gn-term:createsPredicate 'predicate)
+ (filter-set gn-term:forSubjectType #,subject-type)
+ (multiset gn-term:dependsOn
+ '#,(map (lambda (field)
+ (match (syntax->datum field)
+ ((table-name column-name _ ...)
+ (datum->syntax
+ x (column-id (symbol->string table-name)
+ (symbol->string column-name))))
+ (((query alias))
+ (datum->syntax
+ x (column-id query (symbol->string alias))))))
+ (collect-fields predicate-clause))))
+ #,(id table (syntax->datum #'predicate)))
+ ;; Automatically create domain triples
+ ;; for predicates.
+ (when #,subject-type
+ (triple 'predicate 'rdfs:domain #,subject-type))))
+ (_ (error "Invalid predicate clause:" predicate-clause))))
+ #'(predicate-clauses ...))))
+ (when documentation?
+ (format #t "~%## '~a'~%~%" (syntax->datum #'name))
+ #,(syntax-case #'schema-triples-clause (schema-triples)
+ ((schema-triples (triple-subject triple-predicate triple-object) ...)
+ #`(begin
+ (when (not (list 'triple-subject ...))
+ (format #t "## Schema Triples:~%~%```text~%")
+ (for-each (lambda (s p o)
+ (format #t "~a -> ~a -> ~a~%" s p o))
+ (list 'triple-subject ...)
+ (list 'triple-predicate ...)
+ (list 'triple-object ...))
+ (format #t "```"))))
+ (_ (error "Invalid schema triples clause:" #'schema-triples-clause)))
+ (format #t "## Generated Triples:
+The following SQL query was executed:
+The above query results to triples that have the form:
+ (select-query #,(collect-fields #'(subject predicate-clauses ...))
+ (primary-table other-tables ...)
+ tables-raw ...))
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((predicate . object)
+ (format #t "~a -> ~a -> ~a ~%"
+ (if (symbol? #,(field->datum #'subject))
+ (symbol->string #,(field->datum #'subject))
+ #,(field->datum #'subject))
+ predicate
+ (if (symbol? object)
+ (symbol->string object)
+ object))))
+ (map-alist
+ '()
+ #,@(field->datum #'(predicate-clauses ...))))
+ (format #t "```~%Here's an example query:~%~%```sparql~%")
+ (documentation?)
+ (newline)
+ (let* ((result
+ (map-alist (sql-find
+ db
+ (format #f "~a LIMIT 1"
+ (select-query #,(collect-fields #'(subject predicate-clauses ...))
+ (primary-table other-tables ...)
+ tables-raw ...)))
+ #,@(field->key #'(predicate-clauses ...))))
+ (first-n (list-head result
+ (let ((n
+ (min 4 (truncate
+ (+ (exact-integer-sqrt (length result)) 1)))))
+ (if (< n 3)
+ (length result)
+ n)))))
+ (format #t "SELECT * WHERE { ~%")
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((predicate . object)
+ (match object
+ ((or (? symbol? object)
+ (? (lambda (el) (string-match "^\\[ .* \\]$" el)) object))
+ (format #t " ?s ~a ~a .~%" predicate object))
+ ((and (? string? object)
+ (? (lambda (el) (not (string-null? el))) object))
+ (format #t " ?s ~a \"~a\" .~%" predicate object))
+ (_ ""))))
+ first-n)
+ (format #t " ?s ?p ?o .~%}~%```~%"))
+ (format #t "~%Expected Result:~%~%```rdf~%")
+ (sql-for-each (lambda (row)
+ (scm->triples
+ (map-alist row #,@(field->key #'(predicate-clauses ...)))
+ #,(field->assoc-ref #'row #'subject)
+ (lambda (s p o)
+ (triple s p o))))
+ db
+ (format #f "~a LIMIT 1"
+ (select-query #,(collect-fields #'(subject predicate-clauses ...))
+ (primary-table other-tables ...)
+ tables-raw ...)))
+ (format #t "```~%~%"))
+ (when data?
+ #,(syntax-case #'schema-triples-clause (schema-triples)
+ ((schema-triples (triple-subject triple-predicate triple-object) ...)
+ #`(for-each triple
+ (list 'triple-subject ...)
+ (list 'triple-predicate ...)
+ (list 'triple-object ...)))
+ (_ (error "Invalid schema triples clause:" #'schema-triples-clause)))
+ (sql-for-each (lambda (row)
+ (scm->triples
+ (map-alist row #,@(field->key #'(predicate-clauses ...)))
+ #,(field->assoc-ref #'row #'subject)))
+ db
+ (select-query #,(collect-fields #'(subject predicate-clauses ...))
+ (primary-table other-tables ...)
+ tables-raw ...)))
+ )))
+ (_ (error "Invalid define-transformer syntax:" (syntax->datum x))))))
+(define (get-keyword-value args keyword default)
+ (let ((kv (memq keyword args)))
+ (if (and kv (>= (length kv) 2))
+ (cadr kv)
+ default)))
+(define-syntax with-documentation
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ (key value) ...)
+ (let* ((alist `((key . ,value) ...))
+ (name (assoc-ref alist 'name))
+ (connection (assoc-ref alist 'connection))
+ (table-metadata? (assoc-ref alist 'table-metadata?))
+ (prefixes (assoc-ref alist 'prefixes))
+ (inputs (assoc-ref alist 'inputs))
+ (outputs (assoc-ref alist 'outputs))
+ (rdf-path (get-keyword-value outputs #:rdf ""))
+ (doc-path (get-keyword-value outputs #:documentation "")))
+ (call-with-target-database
+ connection
+ (lambda (db)
+ (with-output-to-file ;
+ doc-path
+ (lambda ()
+ (format #t "# ~a" name)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (proc db
+ #:metadata? #f
+ #:data? #f
+ #:documentation?
+ (lambda () (for-each
+ (match-lambda
+ ((k v)
+ (begin
+ (prefix k v #f))))
+ prefixes))))
+ inputs))
+ #:encoding "UTF-8")
+ ;; Dumping the actual data
+ (with-output-to-file
+ rdf-path
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; Add the prefixes
+ (for-each
+ (match-lambda
+ ((k v)
+ (begin
+ (prefix k v))))
+ prefixes)
+ (newline)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (proc)
+ (proc db #:metadata? table-metadata?))
+ inputs))
+ #:encoding "UTF-8")))))))
diff --git a/transform/sql.scm b/transform/sql.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8962c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/sql.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+;;; Database helpers
+;;; Most of these functions should have been a part of
+;;; guile-dbi. Never too late to contribute upstream!
+(define-module (transform sql)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (dbi dbi)
+ #:export (select-query
+ call-with-database
+ call-with-target-database
+ sql-exec
+ sql-fold
+ sql-map
+ sql-for-each
+ sql-find))
+;; A half-baked macro to make SQL SELECT queries a bit more
+;; S-expression friendly
+(define-syntax select-query
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ fields tables raw-forms ...)
+ #`(string-append "SELECT "
+ #,(syntax-case #'fields (distinct)
+ ((distinct _ ...)
+ (_ ""))
+ #,(string-join (filter-map (match-lambda
+ ('distinct #f)
+ (((query alias))
+ (format #f "~a AS ~a" query alias))
+ ((table column)
+ (format #f "~a.~a" table column))
+ ((table column alias)
+ (format #f "~a.~a AS ~a" table column alias))
+ (field-spec
+ (error "Invalid field specification" field-spec)))
+ (syntax->datum #'fields))
+ ", ")
+ " FROM "
+ #,(string-join (map (match-lambda
+ ((join table condition)
+ (format #f "~a ~a ~a"
+ (case join
+ ((join) "JOIN")
+ ((left-join) "LEFT JOIN")
+ ((inner-join) "INNER JOIN")
+ (else (error "Invalid join operator" join)))
+ table condition))
+ ((? symbol? table)
+ (symbol->string table))
+ (table-spec
+ (error "Invalid table specification" table-spec)))
+ (syntax->datum #'tables))
+ " ")
+ #,(syntax-case #'(raw-forms ...) ()
+ (() "")
+ (_ " "))
+ raw-forms ...))
+ (_ (error "Invalid SQL select query" (syntax->datum x))))))
+(define (call-with-database backend connection-string proc)
+ (let ((db #f))
+ (dynamic-wind (lambda ()
+ (set! db (dbi-open backend connection-string)))
+ (cut proc db)
+ (cut dbi-close db))))
+(define (database-check-status db)
+ (match (dbi-get_status db)
+ ((code . str)
+ (unless (zero? code)
+ (error str)))))
+(define (sql-exec db statement)
+ (dbi-query db statement)
+ (database-check-status db))
+(define (sql-fold proc init db statement)
+ (sql-exec db statement)
+ (let loop ((result init))
+ (let ((row (dbi-get_row db)))
+ (if row
+ (loop (proc row result))
+ result))))
+(define (sql-map proc db statement)
+ (sql-fold (lambda (row result)
+ (cons (proc row) result))
+ (list) db statement))
+(define (sql-for-each proc db statement)
+ (sql-fold (lambda (row _)
+ (proc row))
+ #f db statement))
+(define (sql-find db statement)
+ (sql-exec db statement)
+ (dbi-get_row db))
+(define (call-with-target-database connection-settings proc)
+ (call-with-database "mysql" (string-join
+ (list (assq-ref connection-settings 'sql-username)
+ (assq-ref connection-settings 'sql-password)
+ (assq-ref connection-settings 'sql-database)
+ "tcp"
+ (assq-ref connection-settings 'sql-host)
+ (number->string
+ (assq-ref connection-settings 'sql-port)))
+ ":")
+ proc))
diff --git a/transform/string-similarity.scm b/transform/string-similarity.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c715856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/string-similarity.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(define-module (transform string-similarity)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:export (jaccard-string-similar?))
+(define (trigrams str)
+ "Return all trigrams in STR."
+ (if (< (string-length str) 3)
+ '()
+ (map (lambda (start)
+ (substring str start (+ start 3)))
+ (iota (- (string-length str) 2)))))
+(define (jaccard-index set1 set2)
+ "Return the Jaccard similarity coefficient between lists SET1 and
+SET2. Similarity between null sets is defined to be 0."
+ (if (and (null? set1)
+ (null? set2))
+ 0
+ (let ((length-of-intersection (length (lset-intersection equal? set1 set2))))
+ (exact->inexact
+ (/ length-of-intersection
+ (- (+ (length set1) (length set2))
+ length-of-intersection))))))
+(define (jaccard-string-similarity str1 str2)
+ "Return the trigram similarity between strings STR1 and STR2 as
+defined by the Jaccard index."
+ (jaccard-index (trigrams (string-downcase str1))
+ (trigrams (string-downcase str2))))
+(define (jaccard-string-similar? str1 str2)
+ "Return #t if STR1 and STR2 have a trigram similarity greater than
+0.8. Else, return #f. The Jaccard index is used as the similarity
+ (let ((similarity-threshold 0.8))
+ (> (jaccard-string-similarity str1 str2)
+ similarity-threshold)))
diff --git a/transform/strings.scm b/transform/strings.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f828f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/strings.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(define-module (transform strings)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 string-fun)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
+ #:export (string-blank?
+ time-unix->string
+ string-blank?
+ string-split-substring
+ delete-substrings
+ replace-substrings
+ sanitize-rdf-string
+ snake->lower-camel
+ string-capitalize-first))
+(define (time-unix->string seconds . maybe-format)
+ "Given an integer saying the number of seconds since the Unix
+epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00), SECONDS, format it as a human readable
+date and time-string, possible using the MAYBE-FORMAT."
+ (letrec ([time-unix->time-utc
+ (lambda (seconds)
+ (add-duration
+ (date->time-utc (make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
+ (make-time time-duration 0 seconds)))])
+ (apply date->string
+ (time-utc->date (time-unix->time-utc seconds))
+ maybe-format)))
+(define (string-blank? str)
+ "Return non-#f if STR consists only of whitespace characters."
+ (string-every char-set:whitespace str))
+(define (string-split-substring str substr)
+ "Split the string @var{str} into a list of substrings delimited by the
+substring @var{substr}."
+ (define substrlen (string-length substr))
+ (define strlen (string-length str))
+ (define (loop index start)
+ (cond
+ ((>= start strlen) (list ""))
+ ((not index) (list (substring str start)))
+ (else
+ (cons (substring str start index)
+ (let ((new-start (+ index substrlen)))
+ (loop (string-contains str substr new-start)
+ new-start))))))
+ (cond
+ ((string-contains str substr) => (lambda (idx) (loop idx 0)))
+ (else (list str))))
+(define (delete-substrings str . substrings)
+ "Delete SUBSTRINGS, a list of strings, from STR."
+ (fold (lambda (substring result)
+ (string-replace-substring result substring ""))
+ str
+ substrings))
+(define (replace-substrings str replacement-alist)
+ "Replace substrings in STR according to REPLACEMENT-ALIST, an
+association list mapping substrings to their replacements."
+ (fold (match-lambda*
+ (((substring . replacement) str)
+ (string-replace-substring str substring replacement)))
+ str
+ replacement-alist))
+(define (sanitize-rdf-string str)
+ (replace-substrings
+ (string-trim-both str)
+ '(("\r" . "\\r")
+ ("\n" . "\\n")
+ ("\"" . "'")
+ ("\v" . "")
+ ("\xad" . "")
+ ("\x28" . "")
+ ("\x29" . "")
+ ("\xa0" . " ")
+ ("\x02" . "")
+ ("\x01" . ""))))
+(define (snake->lower-camel str)
+ (let ((char-list (string->list str)))
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (put-char port (char-downcase (string-ref str 0)))
+ (map (lambda (char previous-char)
+ (unless (char=? char #\_)
+ (put-char port (if (char=? previous-char #\_)
+ (char-upcase char)
+ char))))
+ (drop char-list 1)
+ char-list)))))
+(define (string-capitalize-first string)
+ (string-titlecase
+ (string-downcase string) 0 1))
diff --git a/transform/table.scm b/transform/table.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6254d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/table.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(define-module (transform table)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ #:export (make-table
+ table-name
+ table-size
+ table-columns
+ set-table-columns
+ make-column
+ column-name
+ column-type
+ column-transformed?))
+(define-immutable-record-type <table>
+ (make-table name size columns)
+ table?
+ (name table-name)
+ (size table-size)
+ (columns table-columns set-table-columns))
+(define-immutable-record-type <column>
+ (column-constructor name type transformed?)
+ column?
+ (name column-name)
+ (type column-type)
+ (transformed? column-transformed?))
+(define* (make-column name type #:optional transformed?)
+ (column-constructor name type transformed?))
diff --git a/transform/triples.scm b/transform/triples.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a64c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transform/triples.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+(define-module (transform triples)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (transform strings)
+ #:export (ontology
+ string->identifier
+ prefix
+ triple
+ scm->triples
+ annotate-field
+ string->binomial-name))
+(define (annotate-field field schema)
+ (let ([schema (cond ((symbol? schema)
+ (symbol->string schema))
+ ((string? schema) schema)
+ (else
+ (error "Use a string/symbol")))]
+ [string-field (if (number? field) (number->string field) field)])
+ (if (or (and (string? string-field) (string-null? string-field))
+ (eq? string-field #f))
+ ""
+ (string->symbol
+ (format #f "~s~a" string-field schema)))))
+(define* (string->identifier prefix str
+ #:optional #:key
+ (ontology "gn:")
+ (separator "_")
+ (proc string-downcase))
+ "Convert STR to a turtle identifier after replacing illegal
+characters with an underscore and prefixing with gn:PREFIX."
+ (if (or (and (string? str) (string-null? str))
+ (eq? str #f))
+ ""
+ (string->symbol
+ (string-append ontology prefix separator
+ (string-delete
+ (lambda (c)
+ (eq? c #\)))
+ (string-map (lambda (c)
+ (case c
+ ((#\/ #\< #\> #\+ #\( #\space #\@) #\_)
+ (else c)))
+ (proc
+ (string-trim-right str #\.))))))))
+(define* (prefix prefix iri #:optional (ttl? #t))
+ (format #t
+ (if ttl?
+ "@prefix ~a ~a .~%"
+ "PREFIX ~a ~a ~%")
+ prefix iri))
+(define (ontology prefix value)
+ (if (and (string? value) (string-null? value))
+ ""
+ (string->symbol
+ `,(format #f "~a~a" prefix value))))
+(define (triple subject predicate object)
+ (unless (or (string? subject)
+ (symbol? subject))
+ (error "Triple subject not a string or symbol:"
+ (list subject predicate object)))
+ (unless (or (string? predicate)
+ (symbol? predicate))
+ (error "Triple predicate not a string or symbol:"
+ (list subject predicate object)))
+ (unless (or (string? object)
+ (symbol? object)
+ (number? object))
+ (error "Triple object not a string, symbol or number:"
+ (list subject predicate object)))
+ (let ([pattern (match object
+ ((or (? symbol? object)
+ (? (lambda (el) (string-match "^\\[ .* \\]$" el)) object))
+ "~a ~a ~a .~%")
+ (_ "~a ~a \"~a\" .~%"))])
+ (format #t pattern subject predicate
+ (if (symbol? object) (symbol->string object) object))))
+(define* (scm->triples alist id
+ #:optional
+ (fn triple))
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((predicate . object)
+ (when (cond
+ ((string? object)
+ (not (string-blank? object)))
+ (else object))
+ (fn id predicate object))))
+ alist))
+(define (string->binomial-name name)
+ (let ((binomial?
+ (string-match
+ "\\\(.+\\)"
+ name)))
+ (string->identifier
+ ""
+ (if binomial?
+ (regexp-substitute/global
+ #f "[^[:space:]A-Za-z0-9:]"
+ (match:substring binomial?)
+ 'pre "" 'post)
+ name)
+ #:separator ""
+ #:proc string-capitalize-first)))