(define-module (transform schema) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (transform sql) #:use-module (transform triples) #:use-module (transform strings) #:use-module (transform table) #:export (table-fields get-tables-from-comments schema-annotations tables schema data-table)) (define (table-fields db table) (format #t "* ~a~%" table) (match (sql-find db (select-query ((TableComments Comment)) (TableComments) (format #f "WHERE TableName = '~a'" table))) ((("Comment" . comment)) (format #t "~a~%" comment))) (sql-for-each (lambda (row) (match row ((("TableField" . table-field) ("Foreign_Key" . foreign-key) ("Annotation" . annotation)) (format #t "** ~a~%" (substring table-field (1+ (string-length table)))) (unless (string-null? foreign-key) (format #t "Foreign key to ~a~%" foreign-key)) (unless (string-null? annotation) (display annotation) (newline))))) db (select-query ((TableFieldAnnotation TableField) (TableFieldAnnotation Foreign_Key) (TableFieldAnnotation Annotation)) (TableFieldAnnotation) (format #f "WHERE TableField LIKE '~a.%'" table))) (newline)) (define (get-tables-from-comments db) (sql-map (match-lambda ((("TableName" . table)) table)) db (select-query ((TableComments TableName)) (TableComments)))) (define (schema-annotations db) (call-with-target-database (lambda (db) (for-each (cut table-fields db <>) (get-tables-from-comments db))))) (define (tables connection-settings db) "Return list of all tables in DB. Each element of the returned list is a <table> object." (map (lambda (table) (set-table-columns table (sql-map (lambda (row) (make-column (assoc-ref row "Field") (assoc-ref row "Type"))) db (format #f "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ~a" (table-name table))))) (sql-map (lambda (row) (make-table (assoc-ref row "table_name") ;; FIXME: This is probably correct only for ;; MyISAM tables. (assoc-ref row "data_length") #f)) db (select-query ((information_schema.tables table_name) (information_schema.tables data_length)) (information_schema.tables) (format #f "WHERE table_schema = '~a'" (assq-ref connection-settings 'sql-database)))))) (define (schema db) (let ((tables (tables db))) (for-each (lambda (table) (let ((table-id (string->identifier "table" ;; We downcase table names in ;; identifiers. So, we distinguish ;; between the user and User tables. (if (string=? (table-name table) "User") "user2" (table-name table))))) (triple table-id 'rdf:type 'gn:sqlTable) (triple table-id 'gn:name (table-name table)) (triple table-id 'gn:hasSize (table-size table)) (for-each (lambda (column) (let ((column-id (column-id (table-name table) (column-name column)))) (triple column-id 'rdf:type 'gn:sqlTableField) (triple column-id 'gn:name (column-name column)) (triple column-id 'gn:sqlFieldType (column-type column)) (triple table-id 'gn:hasField column-id))) (table-columns table)))) tables))) (define* (data-table db table-name data-field #:optional (default-directory "")) (let ((directory (string-append default-directory "/" table-name)) (port #f) (current-strain-id #f)) (unless (file-exists? directory) (mkdir directory)) (sql-for-each (match-lambda (((_ . strain-id) (_ . value)) ;; Close file if new strain. (when (and port (not (= current-strain-id strain-id))) (close-port port) (set! port #f)) ;; If no file is open, open new file. (unless port (set! current-strain-id strain-id) (let ((filename (string-append directory "/" (number->string strain-id)))) (display filename (current-error-port)) (newline (current-error-port)) (set! port (open-output-file filename)))) (display value port) (newline port))) db (format #f "SELECT StrainId, ~a FROM ~a ORDER BY StrainId" data-field table-name)) (close-port port)))