(define-module (web view view)
  #:use-module (json)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
  #:use-module (ice-9 iconv)
  #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
  #:use-module (ice-9 string-fun)
  #:use-module (sxml simple)
  #:use-module (web sxml)
  #:use-module (web view markdown)
  #:use-module (web view brand msk)
  #:use-module (web view brand aging)
  #:use-module (web templates genenetwork)

  #:export (view-brand))

(define (view-aging)
  (aging-html #:info
		,(markdown-github->sxml "genenetwork/gn-docs/general/brand/aging/home.md")
              (h2 "Explore GeneNetwork2 for aging (GN4AGING)")
              (p "Find all " (strong "genes") " that have a hit for")
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=gene&terms=aging")) "aging"))
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=gene&terms=alzheimer")) "alzheimer's")))
              (p "Find all " (strong "phenotypes") " that have a hit for")
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=phenotype&terms=aging")) "aging"))
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=phenotype&terms=alzheimer")) "alzheimer's"))
              (p "Note that you can use the powerful search at the top of the results page!
Search terms can be "
                 (a (@ (href "https://issues.genenetwork.org/topics/xapian-search-queries")) "added") ". In the results click on any item to (re)run the relevant GWA or QTL mapping")
              (h2 "Contact")
              (p "We host private and public datasets. If you are interested in exploring data on GeneNetwork, or to add your own
data to benefit from the power of integrated datasets, please contact:")
              (a (@ (href "https://davidashbrook.wordpress.com/")) "David Ashbrook")
              " | "
              (a (@ (href "https://uthsc.edu/genetics/faculty-staff.php")) "Rob W Williams")
              " | "
              (a (@ (href "https://thebird.nl")) "Pjotr Prins")
              (img (@ (src "/static/images/CMOR.jpg") (width "1000"))))))

(define* (view-brand path)
  (match path
    ("aging" (view-aging))
    ("gnqa" (default-gn-template
                   "GeneNetwork Question and Answer System"))
    ( _ (msk-html #:info
	      ,(markdown-github->sxml "genenetwork/gn-docs/general/brand/msk/home.md")
              (h2 "Explore GeneNetwork for MSK (GN4MSK)")
              (p "Find all genes that have a hit for")
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=gene&terms=bone")) "bone"))
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=gene&terms=skelet")) "skeleton"))
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=gene&terms=muscle")) "muscle")))
              (p "Find all phenotypes that have a hit for")
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=phenotype&terms=bone")) "bone"))
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=phenotype&terms=skelet")) "skeleton"))
               (li (a (@ (href "https://genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=phenotype&terms=muscle")) "muscle"))
              (p "Note that you can use the powerful search at the top of the results page!
Search terms can be "
                 (a (@ (href "https://issues.genenetwork.org/topics/xapian-search-queries")) "added") ". In the results click on any item to (re)run the relevant GWA or QTL mapping")
              (h2 "Contact")
              (p "We host private and public datasets. If you are interested in exploring data on GeneNetwork, or to add your own
data to benefit from the power of integrated datasets, please contact:")
              (a (@ (href "https://med.virginia.edu/cphg/charles-r-farber/")) "Charles Farber")
              " | "
              (a (@ (href "https://medschool.cuanschutz.edu/orthopedics/research/labs/ackert-bicknell-lab")) "Cheryl Ackert-Bicknell")
              " | "
              (a (@ (href "https://uthsc.edu/genetics/faculty-staff.php")) "Rob W Williams")
              " | "
              (a (@ (href "https://thebird.nl")) "Pjotr Prins")
              (img (@ (src "/static/images/CMOR.jpg") (width "1000"))))