path: root/topics/deploy
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
14 daysLocation of small databasePjotr Prins
2025-01-06Use python-requests-2.28 with openconnect-sso for UTHSC VPN.Arun Isaac
2024-09-11Add note on paths for deployment.Frederick Muriuki Muriithi
2024-08-27Document configuring nginx on host for deployment.Frederick Muriuki Muriithi
2024-06-28Machine roomPjotr Prins
2024-06-25Implement UTHSC VPN TLS certificate override in G-expression.Arun Isaac
2024-06-24VPN: more on certificatesPjotr Prins
2024-06-24VPN comment on certificatesPjotr Prins
2024-06-23Genecup development environmentPjotr Prins
2024-06-21genecup: updated information - now running as a containerPjotr Prins
2024-06-03precomputePjotr Prins
2024-05-03Machines: add hwaddrPjotr Prins
2024-04-15deployment: Logging with Flask and GUnicornFrederick Muriuki Muriithi
2024-04-09UT VPN: Add note on older setupPjotr Prins
2024-04-01Tasks Pjotr and JuliaPjotr Prins
2024-02-27Work on new servicePjotr Prins
2024-02-24Working on installationPjotr Prins
2024-02-20Mariadb setupPjotr Prins
2024-02-20Starting mariadbPjotr Prins
2024-02-20Started on fallbackPjotr Prins
2023-12-03Rename/movePjotr Prins