path: root/topics/lmms
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diff --git a/topics/lmms/gemma/permutations.gmi b/topics/lmms/gemma/permutations.gmi
index d923bf8..a3968fe 100644
--- a/topics/lmms/gemma/permutations.gmi
+++ b/topics/lmms/gemma/permutations.gmi
@@ -502,27 +502,68 @@ First we run GEMMA just without LOCO using default settings that GN uses
./bin/ BXD_pheno_Dave.csv --json BXD.geno.json > BXD_pheno_matched.txt
Wrote GEMMA pheno 237 from 237 with genometypes (rows) and 24 collections (cols)!
gemma -gk -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -n 5
-gemma -lmm 9 -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -k output/result.cXX.txt -n
+gemma -lmm 9 -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -k output/result.cXX.txt -n 5
-If that works we can move to a full LOCO
+So far the output is correct.
+=> 4.123063165904243
+Try with gemma-wrapper
+./bin/gemma-wrapper --json -- -gk -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -n 5 -a BXD.8_snps.txt > K.json
+cp output/bab43175329bd14d485e582b7ad890cf0ec28915.cXX.txt /tmp
+Works, but the following failed without the -n switch:
+./bin/gemma-wrapper --debug --verbose --force --json --lmdb --input K.json -- -g BXD.geno.txt -a BXD.8_snps.txt -lmm 9 -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -n 5
+and worked with. That is logical, if you see output like
+19 rs30886715 46903165 0 X Y 0.536 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e-05 1.000000e+00
+19 rs6376540 46905638 0 X Y 0.536 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e-05 1.000000e+00
+19 rs50610897 47412184 0 X Y 0.538 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e-05 1.000000e+00
+It means the phenotype column that was parsed has empty values. In this case the BXD strain names. GEMMA should show a meaningful error.
+Now that works we can move to a full LOCO
./bin/gemma-wrapper --loco --json -- -gk -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -n 5 -a BXD.8_snps.txt > K.json
-./bin/gemma-wrapper --debug --verbose --force --loco --json --lmdb --input K.json -- -g BXD.geno.txt -a test/data/input/BXD_snps.txt -lmm 9 -maf 0.05 -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt
+./bin/gemma-wrapper --debug --verbose --force --loco --json --lmdb --input K.json -- -g BXD.geno.txt -a test/data/input/BXD_snps.txt -lmm 9 -maf 0.05 -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -n 5
+and we get
+When we converted BXD.geno to its BIMBAM BXD.geno.txt we also got a BXD.geno.json file which contains a list of the individuals/genometypes that were used in the genotype file.
+Now we reduce the traits file to something GEMMA can use for permutations - adding the trait number and output BXD_pheno_Dave.csv.json
-# Convert the traits file to something GEMMA can use - adding the trait number and output BXD_pheno_Dave.csv.json
./bin/ BXD_pheno_Dave.csv --json BXD.geno.json -n 5 > BXD_pheno_matched-5.txt
-If you inspect the JSON file you should see
+The matched file should be identical to the earlier BXD_pheno_matched.txt file. Meanwhile, if you inspect the JSON file you should see
jq < BXD_pheno_Dave.csv.json
- "samples-column": 4,
+ "samples-column": 5,
"trait": "21529",
"samples-reduced": {
"BXD1": 1919.450806,
@@ -530,13 +571,15 @@ jq < BXD_pheno_Dave.csv.json
"BXD102": 1745.671997,
+So far we are OK!
At this point we have a reduced sample set, a BIMBAM file and a phenotype file GEMMA can use!
-./bin/gemma-wrapper --loco --json --input BXD_pheno_Dave.csv.json -- -gk -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -n 5 -a BXD.8_snps.txt > K.json
+./bin/gemma-wrapper --loco --json --input BXD_pheno_Dave.csv.json -- -gk -g BXD.geno.txt -p BXD_pheno_matched.txt -a BXD.8_snps.txt -n 5 > K.json
-Note that at this step we actually do not create a reduced GRM. That happens in the next mapping stage.
+Note that at this step we actually create a full GRM. Reducing happens in the next mapping stage.
./bin/gemma-wrapper --debug --verbose --force --loco --json --lmdb --input K.json -- -g BXD.geno.txt -a test/data/input/BXD_snps.txt -lmm 9 -maf 0.05
@@ -545,15 +588,29 @@ Note that at this step we actually do not create a reduced GRM. That happens in
Note the use of '-n' switch. We should change that.
-./bin/ /tmp/test/8599834ee474b9da9ff39cc4954d662518a6b5c8.mdb
+./bin/ /tmp/test/8599834ee474b9da9ff39cc4954d662518a6b5c8.mdb --sort
-Look for rs3718618 at 69216071 and I am currently getting the wrong result and it is not clear why that is:
+Look for rs3718618 at 69216071 and I am currently getting the wrong result for trait 21529 and it is not clear why that is:
+When running GEMMA on we get a peak for LOCO at that position for rs3718618. I note that the non-LOCO version at 4.1 vs 4.5 for LOCO has a higher peak. We should compute the significance for both!
+Now, when I run the non-LOCO version by hand I get
+=> 4.123063165904243
## Dealing with epoch
@@ -571,6 +628,7 @@ We have two or more possible solutions to deal with hierarchy in the population.
* [ ] Fix non-use of MAF in GN for non-LOCO
* [ ] Fix running of -p switch when assoc cache exists (bug)
+* [ ] Compare significance for non-LOCO
Quantile-Based Permutation Thresholds for Quantitative Trait Loci Hotspots