path: root/issues/database-long-query-after-innodb-migration.gmi
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1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/issues/database-long-query-after-innodb-migration.gmi b/issues/database-long-query-after-innodb-migration.gmi
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/issues/database-long-query-after-innodb-migration.gmi
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+# slow text search query
+A slow query turned out to do a join on latin1 and utf8 columns. That was
+very slow!
+The query contains
+WHERE (((Phenotype.Post_publication_description
+LIKE "%liver%" OR Phenotype.Pre_publication_description LIKE "%liver%" OR
+Phenotype.Pre_publication_abbreviation LIKE "%liver%" OR
+Phenotype.Post_publication_abbreviation LIKE "%liver%" OR
+Phenotype.Lab_code LIKE "%liver%" OR Publication.PubMed_ID LIKE "%liver%"
+OR Publication.Abstract LIKE "%liver%" OR Publication.Title LIKE "%liver%"
+OR Publication.Authors LIKE "%liver%" OR PublishXRef.Id LIKE "%liver%") ))
+Below page describes the issue. Essentially an index won't help and
+mariadb will scan the whole file for every query. Not good.
+This is a typical candidate for FULLTEXT searches where we do a multi
+match against the larger fields, e.g.
+ Add a full text index on the columns that you need:
+ ALTER TABLE table ADD FULLTEXT INDEX index_table_on_x_y_z (x, y, z);
+ Then query those columns:
+ SELECT * FROM table WHERE MATCH(x,y,z) AGAINST("text")
+I think we can try creating a fulltext for index for Abstract, Title
+and Authors - since these are longer strings.
+Again, I note we are doing this the wrong way. We'll unify xapian -
+have you seen how fast that is? But Arun and I need more time to get
+the menu search in place.
+So, let's try some things.
+ALTER TABLE Publication ADD FULLTEXT INDEX index_table (Title, Abstract, Authors);
+SELECT * FROM Publication WHERE MATCH(Title, Abstract, Authors) AGAINST("diabetes");
+renders 23 rows in 0.001 seconds. The combined is still slow, so let's check the Phenotype table too. It has
+not sure why we need most of these, but let's create an index
+ALTER TABLE Phenotype ADD FULLTEXT INDEX index_table (Post_publication_description,Pre_publication_description,Pre_publication_abbreviation,Post_publication_abbreviation,Lab_code);
+SELECT * FROM Phenotype WHERE MATCH(Post_publication_description,Pre_publication_description,Pre_publication_abbreviation,Post_publication_abbreviation,Lab_code) AGAINST("liver");
+and that is fast too. Let's combine these. Still slow (darn!). So it must be on the joins.
+ INNER JOIN InbredSet ON InbredSet.'SpeciesId' =
+ Species.'Id'
+ INNER JOIN PublishXRef ON PublishXRef.'InbredSetId' =
+ InbredSet.'Id'
+ INNER JOIN PublishFreeze ON PublishFreeze.'InbredSetId' =
+ InbredSet.'Id'
+ INNER JOIN Publication ON Publication.'Id' =
+ PublishXRef.'PublicationId'
+ INNER JOIN Phenotype ON Phenotype.'Id' =
+ PublishXRef.'PhenotypeId'
+ LEFT JOIN Geno ON PublishXRef.Locus = Geno.Name AND
+ Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id
+when I remove the final left join the query is fast. That means we can focus on Geno and PublishXRef tables.
+First for some reason Geno was still latin1:
+After that the search is fast.
+A nice search now:
+SELECT PublishXRef.Id,
+ CAST(Phenotype.'Pre_publication_description' AS BINARY),
+ CAST(Phenotype.'Post_publication_description' AS BINARY),
+ Publication.'Authors',
+ Publication.'Year',
+ Publication.'PubMed_ID',
+ PublishXRef.'mean',
+ PublishXRef.'LRS',
+ PublishXRef.'additive',
+ PublishXRef.'Locus',
+ InbredSet.'InbredSetCode',
+ Geno.'Chr',
+ Geno.'Mb'
+ FROM Species
+ INNER JOIN InbredSet ON InbredSet.'SpeciesId' =
+ Species.'Id'
+ INNER JOIN PublishXRef ON PublishXRef.'InbredSetId' =
+ InbredSet.'Id'
+ INNER JOIN PublishFreeze ON PublishFreeze.'InbredSetId' =
+ InbredSet.'Id'
+ INNER JOIN Publication ON Publication.'Id' =
+ PublishXRef.'PublicationId'
+ INNER JOIN Phenotype ON Phenotype.'Id' =
+ PublishXRef.'PhenotypeId'
+ LEFT JOIN Geno ON PublishXRef.Locus = Geno.Name AND
+ Geno.SpeciesId = Species.Id
+ WHERE (((
+ MATCH(Post_publication_description,Pre_publication_description,Pre_publication_abbreviation,Post_publication_abbreviat
+ion,Lab_code) AGAINST("liver")
+ OR Publication.PubMed_ID LIKE "%liver%"
+ OR MATCH(Title, Abstract, Authors) AGAINST("liver")
+ OR PublishXRef.Id LIKE "%liver%") ))
+ and PublishXRef.InbredSetId = 1
+ and PublishXRef.PhenotypeId = Phenotype.Id
+ and PublishXRef.PublicationId = Publication.Id
+ and PublishFreeze.Id = 1
+ ORDER BY PublishXRef.Id