path: root/issues
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authorPjotr Prins2021-12-28 13:27:30 +0100
committerPjotr Prins2021-12-28 13:27:30 +0100
commit5bf33d5f8e808949e9bfa06fce2cb280a3f5a418 (patch)
treea9bcd16439d87c34cc4c944ee5d8d35820d2bdca /issues
parent39af4b498376a837131d6cb3478ba610eb6f36b8 (diff)
mariadb to innodb notes
Diffstat (limited to 'issues')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/issues/database-not-responding.gmi b/issues/database-not-responding.gmi
index 58cfba3..cdb0ee9 100644
--- a/issues/database-not-responding.gmi
+++ b/issues/database-not-responding.gmi
@@ -168,135 +168,3 @@ some ideas here
we are still using MyISAM for these tables: a switch to InnoDB may help.
-## Notes from Trello:
-In an earlier track I wrote how to deal with Fulltext fields
-pjotrp 16 Oct 2019 at 10:47
-To list fulltext info for one table do:
-select group_concat(distinct column_name) from information_schema.STATISTICS where table_schema = 'db_webqtl' and table_name = 'Probeset' and index_type = 'FULLTEXT';
- FULLTEXT KEY `SEARCH_GENE_IDX` (`Symbol`,`alias`),
- FULLTEXT KEY `SEARCH_FULL_IDX` (`Name`,`description`,`Symbol`,`alias`,`GenbankId`,`UniGeneId`,`Probe_Target_Description`),
- FULLTEXT KEY `RefSeq_FULL_IDX` (`RefSeq_TranscriptId`)
-To see all:
-root@tux02:/var/lib/mysql/db_webqtl# for x in ls -1 *.MYD|sed -e 's,\.MYD,,' ; do echo $x ; mysql -u webqtlout -pwebqtlout db_webqtl -e "select group_concat(distinct column_name) from information_schema.STATISTICS where table_schema = 'db_webqtl' and table_name = '$x' and index_type = 'FULLTEXT'" ; done
-So we have to fix only
-REPAIR TABLE pubmedsearch QUICK;
-Note that GN1 search only appears to use ProbeSet. Reindexing takes
-about 10 minutes on Tux02.
-After updating to ProbeSet to innodb the following query failed
-SELECT distinct ProbeSet.Name as TNAME, 0 as thistable, ProbeSetXRef.Mean as TMEAN, ProbeSetXRef.LRS as TLRS, ProbeSetXRef.PVALUE as TPVALUE, ProbeSet.Chr_num as TCHR_NUM, ProbeSet.Mb as TMB, ProbeSet.Symbol as TSYMBOL, ProbeSet.name_num as TNAME_NUM FROM ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSet WHERE ((MATCH (ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.description, ProbeSet.symbol, alias, GenbankId, UniGeneId, Probe_Target_Description) AGAINST ('shh' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) or (MATCH (ProbeSet.symbol) AGAINST ('"Hx" "ShhNC" "9530036O11Rik" "Dsh" "Hhg1" "Hxl3" "M100081"' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) and ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId and ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = 112 ORDER BY ProbeSet.symbol ASC;
-ERROR 1191 (HY000): Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
-The shorter version works
-SELECT distinct ProbeSet.Name as TNAME, 0 as thistable, ProbeSetXRef.Mean as TMEAN, ProbeSetXRef.LRS as TLRS, ProbeSetXRef.PVALUE as TPVALUE, ProbeSet.Chr_num as TCHR_NUM, ProbeSet.Mb as TMB, ProbeSet.Symbol as TSYMBOL, ProbeSet.name_num as TNAME_NUM FROM ProbeSetXRef, ProbeSet WHERE ((MATCH (ProbeSet.Name, ProbeSet.description, ProbeSet.symbol, alias, GenbankId, UniGeneId, Probe_Target_Description) AGAINST ('"Shh" "ShhNC" "9530036O11Rik" "Dsh" "Hhg1"' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) and ProbeSet.Id = ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetId and ProbeSetXRef.ProbeSetFreezeId = 112;
-when you remove any column in the MATCH statement we get this
-error. Which kinda makes sense I suppose. We need to add an index
-for the single ProbeSet.symbol match. Create it with
-CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ft_ProbeSet_Symbol ON ProbeSet(Symbol);
-Now we have
-FULLTEXT KEY `SEARCH_GENE_IDX` (`Symbol`,`alias`),
-FULLTEXT KEY `SEARCH_FULL_IDX` (`Name`,`description`,`Symbol`,`alias`,`GenbankId`,`UniGeneId`,`Probe_Target_Description`),
-FULLTEXT KEY `RefSeq_FULL_IDX` (`RefSeq_TranscriptId`),
-FULLTEXT KEY `ft_ProbeSet_Symbol` (`Symbol`)
-and the query works.
-pjotrp 16 Oct 2019 at 09:24 (edited)
-Full text search is the least straightforward, see
-Now for ProbeSet - one of the critical locked tables we need this.
-pjotrp 15 Oct 2019 at 16:38 (edited)
-time mysqlcheck -c -u webqtlout -pwebqtlout db_webqtl
-warning : 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
-status : OK
-real 16m52.567s
-## Convert to InnoDB
-The largest tables are
-1.6G Aug 27 2019 Probe.MYD
-2.1G Aug 27 2019 LCorrRamin3.MYD
-2.1G Dec 4 22:15 ProbeSetXRef.MYD
-2.3G Dec 18 14:56 ProbeSet.MYD
-2.6G Aug 27 2019 ProbeSE.MYD
-7.1G Nov 2 05:07 ProbeSetSE.MYD
-8.3G Aug 28 2019 SnpPattern.MYD
- 11G Aug 27 2019 ProbeData.MYD
- 11G May 22 2020 GenoData.MYD
- 11G Aug 27 2019 SnpAll.MYD
- 63G Dec 4 22:15 ProbeSetData.MYD
-On Penguin2 we are already runing ProbeSetData as
-238G Jul 10 2020 ProbeSetData.ibd
-which is pretty massive! It includes the index, which is 180G, so the difference is not that great. Also we should try a 4kb page size. Also make sure to enable innodb_file_per_table.