path: root/issues/gemma
diff options
authorPjotr Prins2022-03-12 14:39:18 +0100
committerPjotr Prins2022-03-12 14:39:18 +0100
commit2853fd10c1de29221d87b101e49c0fee7d61f520 (patch)
tree0e2b6301c7c0e2150cd2cec5555ae810561d2095 /issues/gemma
parent403bb5b1e546944ad561e27562337aef154b5836 (diff)
issue: gemma: is decent for running the LMM
Diffstat (limited to 'issues/gemma')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/issues/gemma/HS-Rat-crashes-gemma.gmi b/issues/gemma/HS-Rat-crashes-gemma.gmi
index 6d8f5c8..5d0171a 100644
--- a/issues/gemma/HS-Rat-crashes-gemma.gmi
+++ b/issues/gemma/HS-Rat-crashes-gemma.gmi
@@ -93,6 +93,31 @@ Next run lmm with
/usr/bin/time -v gemma -loco 1 -lmm 9 -g HSNIH-Palmer_true_geno.txt -p PHENO_2+FcfQiTVSC7FmmbsatUPg.txt -a HSNIH-Palmer_true_snps.txt -k output/result.cXX.txt
+GEMMA 0.98.5-pre1 (2021-08-14) by Xiang Zhou, Pjotr Prins and team (C) 2012-2021
+Reading Files ...
+## number of total individuals = 6147
+## number of analyzed individuals = 1306
+## number of covariates = 1
+## number of phenotypes = 1
+## leave one chromosome out (LOCO) = 1
+## number of total SNPs/var = 134918
+## number of SNPS for K = 121094
+## number of SNPS for GWAS = 13824
+## number of analyzed SNPs = 132628
+Start Eigen-Decomposition...
+pve estimate =0.161934
+se(pve) =0.0355033
+================================================== 100%
+**** INFO: Done.
+ Command being timed: "gemma -loco 1 -lmm 9 -g HSNIH-Palmer_true_geno.txt -p PHENO_2+FcfQiTVSC7FmmbsatUPg.txt -a HSNIH-Palmer_true_snps.txt -k output/result.cXX.txt"
+ User time (seconds): 225.04
+ System time (seconds): 110.63
+ Percent of CPU this job got: 214%
+ Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 2:36.55
+ Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 523876
+Running the LMM takes only 2.5 minutes and uses less than 1GB RAM.
Now the goal is to try and crash the server before setting overcommit.